Misaki Sato


New Member
Misaki Sato

Dobutsu 2.jpg

General Info

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Romantic Preference: Heteroromantic

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Date of Birth: December 22
Blood Type: AB



Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5' 6" / 167 cm
Weight: 125 lbs / 56 kg
Complexion: Pale


Likes: Reading, Being Praised, Playing Piano, People with a Sense of Humor, Lounging Around, etc.
Dislikes: Carrying out Pointless Tasks, Letting Others Down, Solitude, Complicating Things, Rejection, etc.
Strengths: Skilled Fighter, Calm, Kind, Good Hearing, etc.
Weaknesses: Improvident, Can't Say No, Prone to Suggestion, Blindly Trusts Others, etc.


Misaki is generally quiet, calm, laid back and nonchalant, however her straight-forward attitude can lead her to say the wrong things to upset others. This thoughtlessness of hers also brings her to be prone to suggestion and heedless. Although Misaki can be careless and indelicate, she can also be pretty nice and friendly when getting to know her. After accepting her messed up sense of humor, of course.

Misaki isn't very approachable, but she could easily make friends if she were to show interest in someone. She can be a good friend to those she deems worth the effort.

Although Misaki is a bit lazy, when she cares for something, she'll get it done. Surprisingly, once she stops lounging around and applies herself, you can tell that there's some brain in that head of hers. Strangely, Misaki is one of those people who can't say no to others. Refusing a request isn't something she does, unless she has a good reason.

Misaki has a weak spot for praise. Although it's odd, she would show loyalty and blindly trust someone just for a little bit of it. She would seize any opportunity to please or hang around anyone who praises her. Many say it changes her personality, saying clingy would go a bit too far, but she is definitely a bit more caring and cheery around the people she trusts.

Misaki doesn't necessarily see fighting as a bad thing, for she was taught that conflict is the key to learning and growing as a person. However, she took this lesson a bit too literal by thinking that physically fighting can also fix problems. She is almost never the one to initiate fights, but she never says no to one either. Although she herself says indelicate things to people, Misaki isn't dumb enough to stand by when someone is being bothered or getting bullied. Misaki isn't exactly the hero type of character, but she's not a bystander either.

Everyone has their different ideas about living life to the fullest. For some it's trying their best everyday to better themselves. Or exploring the world, having fun. For Misaki, it's lounging around all day and receiving praise.

Theme Song:




Katsuo Sato - Father - Alive

Ayame Himura - Mother - N/A

Relationship Status: Single

Dobutsu Academy

Class Color: Yellow

Species: Komori (Bat-Person)

Preferred Chi: Wind
Preferred Weapon(s): Short blades / Chain Scythe



Misaki was a bastard of a gold-digger, Ayame Himura, and an unheard-of musician, Katsuo Sato. Ayame was married to a rich surgeon, however once he discovered that Misaki was the result of an affair, he immediately kicked them out to the curb. The nine years that Misaki was in that mansion, she was home-schooled and taught to play multiple instruments. Although she was free to roam the confinements of the mansion, she quickly grew bored of this lifestyle, making her happy when they left. She never grew any real attachment to her father who was never home, so she didn’t really care whether or not she’d ever see him again. The mother and daughter were poor, with no other family to turn to, leading Ayame to work multiple jobs. After a few weeks, Misaki's mother realized she couldn't support the both of them, and so Plan B was set into motion. They traveled a long way to the diverse city of Kodai, and Ayame inconsiderately left the nine year old with her biological father. Without his consent; just a note. Misaki's father could barely feed one mouth with low-paying gigs; now he had two to feed. Katsuo’s kind heart was the only thing that kept him from taking her to an orphanage. Despite the fact that he was “kind”, he was a heart breaker, always switching between girls.

Both Misaki and her father had to take some time to adjust to their new lifestyles.

Katsuo was not fit to be a parent. Thankfully, Misaki didn’t ask for much, nor did she ask many questions about her mother. However, whenever her father would bring the occasional girl home, Misaki’s awkward conversation skills and questions would sometimes scare them away. This caused Katsuo to stop bringing them to their small apartment as often.

Misaki was enrolled into a public school, instead of being home schooled. It only took a week before all of the children in her class were all over her. Although she was relatively calm for a child, she was very prone to suggestion and improvident. Due to this, Misaki would often find herself getting in trouble at school. However, her grades were surprisingly good for a trouble making child. Her father would always praise her whenever she’d bring a test home with an 100 on it. Misaki, not being used to this, got weird whenever she got a pat on the head.

As the years passed, the relationship between Misaki and her laid back father stayed about the same. Although Misaki's father wasn't exactly the best role model, she looked up to him and always enjoyed receiving kindness from him. She was always proud of her father for some reason, despite the fact that he was kind of a loser. 

Sooner or later, Misaki fell in with the wrong crowd at school. She herself didn't exactly become a delinquent, however she was surrounded by them. The most trouble she'd cause would usually include getting into a fight for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. And she wasn't the type of person to refuse a fight.

Due to living in the bad part of the neighborhood, it wasn't long before Misaki had to learn how to handle a pocket knife on the streets. She learned how to defend herself effectively, and only got better the older she got. However, she was no master, she was sloppy in fact.
Misaki's life was nice and comfortable in her eyes; up to this day, she would still consider her childhood normal.

At fourteen, it was brought to Misaki's attention that she was pretty thoughtless and indelicate. For once she tried to do something to better herself. Although Misaki was kind of lazy, it didn't take much effort to think a bit more about others. She even took the time to work multiple part-time jobs to help her father with money problems.

About a year passed and Misaki improved upon much. As she looked into high schools, she came across Dobutsu Academy. She enrolled in hope of learning how to harness her chi effectively. Mainly to receive praise from her father once she succeeded…. Her father let her go, as long as she tried to shut that big mouth of hers the best she could.
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I appreciate all the effort that went into this! No worry about the theme song, it was just another platform of me getting to know the role-players. Everything looks good, accepted. Now because the character sheet is running just slightly behind, you're going to be on a late boat. So, all that really means is that you're going to meet up with all the other characters, who are now on the shore and making their way to the academy. Zero, the instructor, will be waiting briefly to address any extra students.

Seeing as Zero's class of first years, out of the other two instructors, was the first to arrive; chances are Misaki is just riding on one of the other two classes' boats (they're like yah okay just hop on here and we'll take you). So, in your post I would probably include your character's reasoning for why she missed the first boat, and then have her greet Zero (on shore) who is awaiting the extras! You can post as soon as you want. If you have any other questions, please PM me! <3

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