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Mirrors' curse (Closed)

A replacement: a creature similar to a changeling. A human baby is stolen and replaced with something not human.

Willow Wood was cursed 200 years ago by a young woman whom was falsely accused of black magic. She cursed the town as she burned with the Mirror Curse. The evil in the souls of the inhabitants of the cursed ground was doomed to be drained slowly from their birth. It would fester and grow as they did, a mirror, and from it would come Ghouls, which are a sick and distorted reflection of the soul that created it. They lurk in a village under the town cemetery. Every 20 years a child is sacrificed to them to keep peace, but a new family came into power the sacrifices were stopped. In the last 50 years people have stopped believing and the Ghouls rage beneath the town. Revenge, however, came shockingly swift. They stole the founders descendants child and now 16-23 (depending on the age of characters) years later children have begun to disappear and a young man is beginning to realize just how different he is from his family, and the town he lives in.

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