Miranda Hayashi



Name  (full name)|| Miranda Mei Hayashi

Nickname(s) || Randy if you're really close

Age (16-18) || 17

Nationality || Japanese

DOB || Oct 1 1999

Birthplace || Kyoto, Japan

Sexuality || Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Standing at only 5' even and only 110 lbs, Miranda is dwarfed by basically everyone, and occasionally has to shop in the preteen department if the sizes don't go small enough. She's half Japanese, half French. She never leaves her room without a full face of makeup, and has become somewhat of a guru due to the self image issues that come up growing up mixed race in Japan. Her hair is thick and black and comes down to the middle of her back, she is not nearly as good at styling it as she is make up and it's usually left down or in a ballet bun. Her eyes are big and dark dark brown, and almost make her look like a doll, but they're really intense when she's focused. 

She likes wearing mostly grungy, punk style clothing and tried to step as far away from Japanese fashion as she could get because she wanted to fit in her. The longer she's here though, she has started to drift back to the Tokyo fashion just a bit. Generally though, she doesn't buy into the kawaii style, or enjoy anything large or gaudy. She has a bellybutton piercing that she got in secret when she was fifteen and generally keeps hidden so that she doesn't catch shit for it.



Likes || Cats, studio Ghibli films, Overpriced coffee, Sparkly things, cherry red lipstick, Learning secrets

Dislikes ||  Small dogs, hotdogs, gloves, rich people, ketchup

Hobbies || Ballet, staring at the ceiling doing nothing because depression is rough

Fears || Being alone, rejection. She can talk a big talk but has generally terrible self esteem and one of her worst fears is hearing those things she hates about herself coming from someone else.

Any disorders? || Depression that tends to get really bad

Medication || anti-depressants that aren't always sufficient

Bio ||  Miranda has had depression from a very young age, and until recently, has only gotten by day to day by focusing on what she was expected to do. Miranda grew up in Kyoto, Japan, as a half Japanese, half French girl and was teased mercilessly about it. As a child, she grew up constantly obsessed with fitting in and being "pretty" and it resulted in a lot of insecurity issues. As soon as she and her twin brother learned to read early, and starting advancing very quickly, her parents were determined to make their children the best. This was a very common attitude in the Hayashi household. The family was wealthy, but not enough to be considered part of Japans elite, so they lived like they were drowning, and the only thing that could help was more connections, more wealth, more prestige, anything that suited them. It was a desperate scramble towards the top with rarely any progress made, just a nose turned up at anyone below them, to make them seem higher on the ladder than they were.

At 13, she very nearly flunked out of the private school she was sent to, and was promptly sent to live with her mothers sister in America to live out her life as the black sheep of the family while her twin graduated with a high school diploma two years later. 

As it turns out, she was failing all of her classes due to a chemical imbalance in her brain. Fortunately, her aunt and uncle were a bit more understanding about it than her parents and got her on some anti-depressants as she entered the public high school system in America. Her grades went up to at least average, although she didn't start getting A's until last year because the language transition was hard at first.  She absolutely brilliant, and everyone knows it, her lack of success in schooling drives her parents wild with frustration because of it. Yes, our children test at genius levels, yes, one of them flunked out of school. Despite this and the distance though, her parents do still give her just about anything she wants.

/monthly_2016_10/5802600cb5de9_imageproxy(2).jpg.c618e25018bb3c48f9280aa5513812ec.jpgPersonality Traits ||

She's extremely clever but no one expects her to be able to outwit them because she's one of those kids who's always stuck in remedial classes

Not exactly what you would call approachable. She tends to be snappy and waspish at first, and has a lot of trouble bonding to new people

Can handle you at you're worst. Nothing you do can actually phase her all that much. She knows people hit low points that no one talks about. Whether you're her friend or her enemy you can count on her to be there for you


Occupation || 

Grade || 12

Pets/Family Members || 

Casey Hayashi-Twin brother

Camilla Hayashi-Mother

Naoki Hayashi-Father

Regina Thomas-Aunt

Joseph Thomas-Uncle

Anything else you want to tell me or if I forgot it ||



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