Miné Maro 



Miné Maro 

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 140

Academy: Espirit Academy

Year: Second year

Spirit Power: 

Water manipulation - The ability to control water in all of its forms. The wielder is able to shape water in any way that they please, giving them ample control over the environment. They can freeze water or turn it to vapor in a single whim. Their power is unrivaled when it comes to combat along any surface of water. Unfortunately, they will struggle in dryer areas. Additionally more experienced users are capable of collecting water from vapor in the surrounding area so they are not completely useless. Of course, the sort of attacks that they can pull of are not nearly as grand as they would be at sea. If there is enough vapor in the environment, they can forge blast of water strong enough to stagger an opponent. A specialty of Miné would have to be the ability to create mist. Once you take one of your opponents senses away victory becomes that much easier. Water is of course the worlds most ample element, it is even persistent in the human body. While she cannot manipulate the bodies of others, she can sense their presence if they are near her. 

Eye Color: White

Hair Color: Black


Miné's hair is quite unkempt, its texture similar to a broom due to her over exposure to vapor and humidity. Her skin is also quite pale, to the point where she is nearly see-through. Due to this there is a stark contrast when you look at her, her long and unkempt dark black hair stands out like a sore thumb. Her figure is lanky, with a few sparse curves, she has narrow wrists to the point where she nearly looks malnourished. Despite this, the women is always barring a soft, yet expressionless smile upon her features. A bandage will typically wrap around her head and obscure her eyes. Behind that bandage, you would find cold white eyes nearly as null as her smile. Typically she will adorn herself with black robes of varying lengths.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationships: None 

Likes: The Rain beating against her skin, Avians of any sort, Vegetation, specifically roses.

Dislikes: Hatred of any sort, Senseless violence, most forms of authority.

Strengths: Intelligent, Kind, Perceptive

Weaknesses: Starry-eyed idealist, Pacifistic, Hesitant 


 Every life on this world is valuable and deserving of respect. That ideology is the easiest way to encapsulate her as a person. 

At the core she is a simple person who is generally accepting of most people that come her way. Every person deserves a chance, even the most crude person could prove to be a pleasant companion given enough time. Miné goes about life with a very forgiving attitude, every single person deserves a second chance, no matter who they are. Third chances however, are beyond even her level of empathy. It is a mistake to assume that her  kind and forgiving nature means that she can be easily manipulated. Miné is great at picking up on exactly what kind of person someone is, even if they do not flat out show it. Trying to fool her will usually just end very poorly for the other party. 

 Her biggest joy in life is fine cuisine,  she likes to spend his money at expensive places, trying food from all corners of the world. The quickest way to earn her companionship is to buy her something that is pleasant to the taste buds. She naturally enjoys the company of other people, and she will go out of her way to make friends with strangers. The more friends and connections you make the easier it is to succeed at any avenue you come across. 

She is also a modest person, it is hard for her to accept any kind of compliment. That makes her very prone to being embarrassed and acting awkwardly when she is given any sort of praise. She is also quite intelligent, although she is by no means a genius. She can come up with very simple plans to conquer simple problems.  She is quite humble and he does not confuse herself with a real and true strategist. She is simply a person who has always liked picking apart puzzles. 

She also has a certain kindness, always helping others out if they need it. She will put the concerns of others over her own whenever it comes down to it. For example,  she could not resist the urge to help a small animal whom is in trouble, often finding solidarity with nature itself. Life is a valuable thing to her, and she will always avoid killing at all cost. She is not completely naive however, she understands that sometimes murder is really the only thing you can do. If one life is a threat to many others, then she will put the concerns of the many over that of the few. So far, she has not had to come to that point.


The village of Kepli was a small fishing village hidden within the continent of royalty. They did little more than provide the main city with fish for them to enjoy. They were not inventors or philosophers, or anything of the sort. In fact, the education level for the village was staggeringly low. Finding someone who could even read was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Miné was an orphan who was discovered abandoned in the woods bordering the village by several huntsmen. She was wrapped in a blanket and left on the soil hidden against a tree. The hunters were empathetic, which was why they brought the girl back to the village, in which she would later know as her home.

Miné did not have parents of the traditional sort, instead there were many that had cared for her and nursed her. She often went from one home to another making many companions as she had done so. When she was old enough, the village head had taught her how to fish, and the librarian had taught her how to read. Surprisingly, the girl had a knack for fishing. Even on the shores of the village she had caught more fish than most of the experienced fishermen. Eventually she was taken on fishing boats to hunt in the deeper parts of the lake. There had come a time where she fell overboard  and nearly drowned. That was when she first discovered her ability to manipulate water, which had saved her life.

Between fishing trips and learning new things at the library, the girl had started to hone her abilities with water, bolstering her Spirit Powers gradually. The first thing she learned how to do was walk on water, a neat trick that had greatly helped her when it had come to the many fishing expeditions. As she got better, she had learned how to pull a fish straight from the water, without the use of a rod! That took a lot of the fun out of it, which is why she had ceased doing it after awhile. Fishing was a fun game, and doing such a thing was no different than cheating.

Their quiet little village had went without trouble for awhile, until a hoard of monsters mysteriously had begun appearing on their borders. Shortly afterwards a group of men showed up claiming that they would protect them for a small fee. Obviously the deal was sketchy, but the village elder had no other option but to agree. Whenever they had failed to pay the fee on time, stretches of their land would be destroyed by strange monsters. Eventually Miné had grown tired of the ideal, hence why she forged a mask and stormed their headquarters. With her spiritual energy she easily wiped the floor with the majority of the bandits and held a spear of ice to the leaders throat. "Leave me and my village alone, or I will be forced to end you." The girl threatened, and the man had agreed.

A week later, she had awoken and the village was being burned to the ground. The mercenary had returned with more men and set fire to their humble village. She fought as hard as she could but was overwhelmed. Miné was captured and brought back alive to the mercenaries headquarters. The very same man she threatened had looked at her with a smug expression evident upon his features. Shortly afterward, a strange liquid was doused upon her face which had resolved in a scream from her. The liquid had quickly ate away at her vision, and shortly after she passed out from the pain.

When she had awoken her vision was destroyed. Obviously distraught the women had wandered around the villages forest aimlessly for weeks on end. The visitors of the forest had called her the spirit of Kepli, believing her to be a ghost. Officials from Espirit academy had come to the site to investigate such allegations, and when they did they had discovered her. After a brief analysis they discovered that she was quite a capable combatant and her spiritual energy was suburb. They had offered her a place at their school, which she had humbly accepted. At a place as advanced as that she should easily be able to improve her powers and track down the man that destroyed her village.
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Okay, so everyones joining Esprit Academy lol even when Souldew is the main plot line xD

Water control also happens to be very powerful, just note how to keep that in check (probably easily since shes a pacifist).

Good character, anyways lol.

Accepted! :)

Okay, so everyones joining Esprit Academy lol even when Souldew is the main plot line xD

Water control also happens to be very powerful, just note how to keep that in check (probably easily since shes a pacifist).

Good character, anyways lol.

Accepted! :)


Oh I didnt look at everyone's character so I assumed they would be the one needing people. And yeah I'll make sure I'll do that :D
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