Millennium City: Nova - A Small Gamble


I'll do what I can.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • Millennium City sure seemed to be full of more and more surprises lately. Between a four-eyed freak going on a massacring rampage, a set of seemingly-unrelated kidnappings, a house that could bend the rules of space and time, and even the local mafia going setting up an ambush, it appeared that one could get an entire lifetime's worth of action in just one day. And that wasn't even considering the sheer size and technological advances of this world- nor its inhabitants. Ranging from people who looked like they came straight from futuristic depictions to medieval warriors and everyone between, most of them didn't seem to mind the towering skyscrapers within downtown Millennium.

    But alas, it certainly had its downsides, too. Because of the huge influx of folks within this world, it was pretty much a given that some of them wouldn't exactly be as lucky- or rich, more specifically- as others. As a result, even though the city certainly seemed brilliant at first glance, the slums more or less made up for it. There were certainly a larger influx of criminals running amok the further one moved away from the epicenter, going all the way down to the slums where it looked as though it was practically a living dump- nigh-uninhabitable and incapable of forming anything close to the society within downtown.

    At least, so it looked. This also meant that the police weren't exactly willing to enforce the place, since it would likely end up being a waste of time-- get rid of one rat, two more pop up in its place. This had allowed the slums to develop a pseudo-crime organization, ranging from petty gangs to larger mafia groups. These two facts combined made a ripe setup for a market- a black market that would be funded by outlaws who needed guns, and couldn't easily be exposed to the authorities.

    Of course, none of this was running through your mind as you moved throughout the outskirts- after all, you were just a mere newcomer, unfamiliar with the city at all. Rather, you were walking down the cracked, run-down sidewalk before spotting a figure leaning back on the wall. His propped hood hid most of his head, and the gas mask alongside the goggles on his face pretty much covered anything that wasn't covered by the hood. His chest bandolier had some foreign characters- Chinese, for some of the more keen-eyed folks- spray-painted on, and judging by the small electronic devices that lined his belt he wasn't exactly from a primitive era; he was a person from a more futuristic era.


    As you approached him, he turned his head to face you, his expression hidden by the mask and goggles. He quietly observed you for a few moments, looking you up and down, before finally speaking. His voice, a somewhat deep tone, seemed relatively unfiltered despite the mask.

    "Hey, you- I'm guessing you aren't exactly 'familiar' to this city, are you?" He chuckled softly, before continuing.

    "Of course, I'm not a genuine citizen, either- you look just as confused as I was when I got here. 'Course, I'm in a much better position than I was back then, so I have an offer." The masked man turned and jabbed his thumb towards a nearby corner.

    "I have some... 'Wares' that I'm looking to sell. Not exactly stock that the local government would consider legal, though- but that's not the point. I want you to watch over the deal while one of my associates swap it with a client, so that I don't have to babysit this myself. If you can do that..." He tilted his head slightly, pausing for a few moments as though he were considering something.

    "...Maybe I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. Or some spare goodies that I happen to have on me."

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Handsome Jack
Status: Alive and confused about the “legal” goods

Inventory: Hyperion Nemesis

Jack stopped and heard what this “person” had to say, as he talked something that perhaps might be “legal” goods, the corporate megalomaniac crossed his arms, twisted his face to a 45º position and asked to the possible dealer “What type of goods? I mean don’t get me wrong, I have yet done stuff when I was back at my place, shit was funny” Jack started to suspect that the goods may be drugs or anything that the government didn’t allow “If it’s distrubution, then I’m all in, and hope it goes right otherwise I’d have people giving out moonshots to this exact place

I’m in

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
~Shilo Saga~
Interactions: The Hooded Man ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla )

Mentions: Handsome Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie )
Location: Millennium City Slums

Shilo had decided to go for a bit of a stroll and really check out the city, after all, know your enemy right? The city as a whole just gave her an uneasy feeling, but the more she walked toward the outskirts, it felt very similar to some of the slums she'd been in in third world countries where violent gangs had started to rear their heads. The small woman held herself in a different way, her already near perfect posture seemed straighter, her chest was puffed out a bit more, and she had purposefully gotten rid of the small sway in her hips that she naturally had when she walked, giving her an over all more tough look. She was half considering pulling her hair back totally and showing off the scar on the left side of her face to make her look like someone you really didn't want to fuck with, but she didn't want people to see the cloudiness of her left eye and know she was blinded, showing off one of her weaknesses. So, Shilo voted against pulling her hair back, for now.

The raven haired woman turned her head from side to side often as she walked down the street, making sure she was taking in the entire city. It was pretty hard to do so when only half of your vision worked. Shilo, who had walked past many people already, narrowed her eyes a bit when she saw the man leaning against the wall with his hood up, not trusting a someone who would hide their face so completely. She was considering crossing the street when she realized that the other man standing there was Handsome Jack. The assassins eyes trailed across the man's features once more, taking in everything as she gauged his threat level. She read the Chinese characters as she made her way closer to him, taking a stance about 13 inches from him and Jack, before finally meeting the man's gaze when he spoke. "You're not... Where are you from then?" Shilo asked, wondering if he meant that he had come here just like she had, out of no where and with no agency, or was he from another city? She wasn't about to go talking about how she'd magically appeared here unless she knew the other person had as well. The last thing she needed was to be seen as crazy.

Shilo arched an eyebrow at the man's offer, turning her head to look over the cargo before turning her attention back to the hooded male. A secret? Goodies? "Are you saying we have to choose between a secret and goodies? Or do we get both? Do we have to decide as a group," she nodded her head to Handsome Jack and any other group members that may appear after this post is posted. "Or is it on an individual basis where some get to know the secret if they choose to and others get goodies?" Shilo, obviously, didn't much trust the man and also was not someone who did anything without clearing up all ambiguity. She was someone who believed that one must know all aspects of something, clearly, before doing it. At the moment, she was more interested in the reward than she was in the task that got them said reward, after all, she didn't much care about what product they would be protecting but more about how she could get out of the city and back to her team.

Handsome Jack
Status: Alive
Inventory: Hyperion Nemesis

Jack had listen to the question one of the newbies had to make “No, I come from a shit-hole planet called “Pandora”, and why shit-hole you ask? Because it was filled with psychos, vault hunters, bandits and blah blah the corporate jackass had to say for himself “I yet doubt about the goods this person’s talking about, ask me anything about where I come from, but don’t ask what really happened to it” This space business man didn’t like to talk about Pandora (his home planet) but the funny [and tragic] stories about it

Nightwisher Nightwisher

Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City Slums
Condition= Suspicious/Curious

Interaction Seeing the guy with the hood and dark clothes immediately made Delsin suspicious. "If this guy's a dealer or something like that I'm not just gonna let him run around free." Trying to end drug dealing by beating up just one guy was probably a lost cause, but one less dealer off the streets could mean one more life saved. Delsin walked up to the man, following Saga and a guy with a mask. He listened to the conversation trying to pick out drug lingo. The fact that he was talking about some illegal 'Wares,' didn't convince Delsin of anything other than that needed a beatdown. Like the raven haired girl and the professional douchebag shared his sentiments.

The mask and dark clothes made like the type to be dealing with cocaine, meth, and the such. "This guy's appearance just screams DRUG DEALER to me." Delsin looked down at his own clothes and arms. "Then again, I look pretty shady myself, with the tattoo and chain around my wrist." The Conduit decided to not judge based on appearance and focused on the man's words.

"...Maybe I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. Or some spare goodies that I happen to have on me." Delsin perked up at the mention of "goodies." Like a child, Delsin couldn't help be become excited at the prospect of some interesting futuristic gadgets. That is, assuming that the hooded guy in front of him was carrying that kind of merch. "What kind of 'wares' are we talking about here? If they're drugs, we might have a little problem on our hands, capiche?"

Notes Interacting With: Rhysie Rhysie Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Two halves of an ordinary chain
-Two Cinder Missiles

Powers -Enhanced Durability
-Smoke Manipulation:

-Smoke Shot
-Smoke Dash
-Cinder Missile
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Rhysie Rhysie Nightwisher Nightwisher QizPizza QizPizza
Asuka had been in that fight with the mad Nazi scientist Stroheim, whom she briefly sided with before sitting out the fight. She had also been caught up in a tussle with that four-armed alien psycho that she was forced to fight in order to keep as many human lives alive as possible. Then, she had to put with the kidnapper and his bullshit while working with B. Wolf and the others, as in, but not limited to, a few familiar faces like Corvo and the such. Not only that, but she explored a haunted house, where she bumped into the mysterious-looking spirit of Darv, which made her feel uncomfortable around him because of his ghost-like stature. Now, she was going to a place where activities that may not be in the good hands in terms of morality are taking place.

To say that the events the four-year old was involved in painted a new life that was a far cry from her former, normal life would be an understatement. At the point of her initial death, she had never been in so many life-threatening situations at such a fast pace, but surviving them made even her wonder if this was all a dying dream the whole time, or if it was just dumb luck that gave her so much chances to survive that she willingly took. Not only that, but the redhead was now regularly piloting a miniature version of a what could've been scenario that she never took the chance to think about. Now that the events have happened, she was beginning to think of said situations like the ones she was in as normal. Oh, and her legs are now stuck in a sleeping state.

Anyway, Asuka was walking alone, surveying the city as she tried for the umpteenth time to get a complete glimpse of what the city really is. Then, as she was about to look for a park, she spotted what appeared to be Shilo, Handsome Jack, and Delsin Rowe, the latter two from existing video games in our real world, talking to a hooded man about illegal "wares", as well as a little secret of his. She was starting to understand a little more of the English language by the time she did so, so she was able to understand words like "hey", "on", "what", "will", etc., etc., etc. However, she still hasn't learned enough words to at least understand half of what they're talking about, so she remained silent and waited on Shilo to translate to her. Despite it, she was intrigued by what they're talking about, so she wanted to join in.​
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  • ~Shilo Saga~
    Interactions: The Hooded Man ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla )

    Mentions: Handsome Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie )
    Location: Millennium City Slums

    Shilo had decided to go for a bit of a stroll and really check out the city, after all, know your enemy right? The city as a whole just gave her an uneasy feeling, but the more she walked toward the outskirts, it felt very similar to some of the slums she'd been in in third world countries where violent gangs had started to rear their heads. The small woman held herself in a different way, her already near perfect posture seemed straighter, her chest was puffed out a bit more, and she had purposefully gotten rid of the small sway in her hips that she naturally had when she walked, giving her an over all more tough look. She was half considering pulling her hair back totally and showing off the scar on the left side of her face to make her look like someone you really didn't want to fuck with, but she didn't want people to see the cloudiness of her left eye and know she was blinded, showing off one of her weaknesses. So, Shilo voted against pulling her hair back, for now.

    The raven haired woman turned her head from side to side often as she walked down the street, making sure she was taking in the entire city. It was pretty hard to do so when only half of your vision worked. Shilo, who had walked past many people already, narrowed her eyes a bit when she saw the man leaning against the wall with his hood up, not trusting a someone who would hide their face so completely. She was considering crossing the street when she realized that the other man standing there was Handsome Jack. The assassins eyes trailed across the man's features once more, taking in everything as she gauged his threat level. She read the Chinese characters as she made her way closer to him, taking a stance about 13 inches from him and Jack, before finally meeting the man's gaze when he spoke. "You're not... Where are you from then?" Shilo asked, wondering if he meant that he had come here just like she had, out of no where and with no agency, or was he from another city? She wasn't about to go talking about how she'd magically appeared here unless she knew the other person had as well. The last thing she needed was to be seen as crazy.

    As Shilo studied the Chinese characters, she could roughly translate the language to "54 Immortals". It was most likely the name of a faction the man belonged to.

    The aforementioned figure said nothing for a few moments, pausing to listen to Agent Saga, who questioned his origins. At her prodding, he shrugged nonchalantly, as though it weren't really much of a bother.

    "Not from here, like I said- this isn't Singapore. There ain't no other 54 Immortal members here except for me, and trust me- regardless of what you think, there's no 'normal' way out of here- there's certainly no real explanation for how you get into this place, either.

    "One moment you can be almost dead as a door nail, but blink once and you might end up in this city feeling brand new. Didn't believe my first-hand experience until I realized other folks were going through the exact same thing- in fact, I've even heard rumors about the mayor being behind all this. I can't confirm if that's true, though, so don't quote me for whatever cheesy news station airs around here," The Chinese trader noted, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the wall once more. His English was certainly well-rounded, and didn't seem to be too flawed despite his Chinese writings. He also sounded as though he treated the conversation relatively casually, like he wasn't paying too much attention.

    Shilo arched an eyebrow at the man's offer, turning her head to look over the cargo before turning her attention back to the hooded male. A secret? Goodies? "Are you saying we have to choose between a secret and goodies? Or do we get both? Do we have to decide as a group," she nodded her head to Handsome Jack and any other group members that may appear after this post is posted. "Or is it on an individual basis where some get to know the secret if they choose to and others get goodies?" Shilo, obviously, didn't much trust the man and also was not someone who did anything without clearing up all ambiguity. She was someone who believed that one must know all aspects of something, clearly, before doing it. At the moment, she was more interested in the reward than she was in the task that got them said reward, after all, she didn't much care about what product they would be protecting but more about how she could get out of the city and back to her team.

    "I didn't exactly phrase myself very well earlier, did I?" He shrugged, before pulling himself off the wall and standing up straight. He was certainly taller than Agent Saga, but only barely taller than any normal human- maybe around six feet.

    "Let me try again- I'll pay you in cash so long as the deal is complete, and show you the secret I have. If you can make sure the shipment isn't stolen or damaged, then I'll also give some gear I've found around this dump. It's not easy to find usable salvage- but I've always got the good shit." One could tell there were mild hints of satisfaction within his last sentence, as though he pretty much prided himself on the idea that he apparently "had the good shit" or something like that.


    Handsome Jack
    Status: Alive and confused about the “legal” goods
    Inventory: Hyperion Nemesis

    Jack stopped and heard what this “person” had to say, as he talked something that perhaps might be “legal” goods, the corporate megalomaniac crossed his arms, twisted his face to a 45º position and asked to the possible dealer “What type of goods? I mean don’t get me wrong, I have yet done stuff when I was back at my place, shit was funny” Jack started to suspect that the goods may be drugs or anything that the government didn’t allow “If it’s distrubution, then I’m all in, and hope it goes right otherwise I’d have people giving out moonshots to this exact place

    I’m in

    FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

    Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City Slums
    Condition= Suspicious/Curious

    Interaction Seeing the guy with the hood and dark clothes immediately made Delsin suspicious. "If this guy's a dealer or something like that I'm not just gonna let him run around free." Trying to end drug dealing by beating up just one guy was probably a lost cause, but one less dealer off the streets could mean one more life saved. Delsin walked up to the man, following Saga and a guy with a mask. He listened to the conversation trying to pick out drug lingo. The fact that he was talking about some illegal 'Wares,' didn't convince Delsin of anything other than that needed a beatdown. Like the raven haired girl and the professional douchebag shared his sentiments.

    The mask and dark clothes made like the type to be dealing with cocaine, meth, and the such. "This guy's appearance just screams DRUG DEALER to me." Delsin looked down at his own clothes and arms. "Then again, I look pretty shady myself, with the tattoo and chain around my wrist." The Conduit decided to not judge based on appearance and focused on the man's words.

    "...Maybe I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. Or some spare goodies that I happen to have on me." Delsin perked up at the mention of "goodies." Like a child, Delsin couldn't help be become excited at the prospect of some interesting futuristic gadgets. That is, assuming that the hooded guy in front of him was carrying that kind of merch. "What kind of 'wares' are we talking about here? If they're drugs, we might have a little problem on our hands, capiche?"

    Notes Interacting With: Rhysie Rhysie Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

    Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
    Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

    Inventory -Two halves of an ordinary chain
    -Two Cinder Missiles

    Powers -Enhanced Durability
    -Smoke Manipulation:

    -Smoke Shot
    -Smoke Dash
    -Cinder Missile

    At the suggestion that he were a petty drug dealer, the man seemed to smolder a little bit. His mask hid his expression, but judging by the tone of his voice he was most certainly displeased.

    "You dare associate me with the rats around here? Do I look like the guy who gives free handouts to idiots who would just squander them?" His disdain made it clear that he too hated such drug dealers- although probably for different reasons than Delsin.

    "No, I'm not giving out chump change for the junkies. I sell weapon and equipment contraband- In this world, you can't trust anyone but yourself, so that's why I sell that stuff. Not like the government really cares anyways- they're too busy wiping their asses with money to care about folks who get killed like you or me. Having a weapon evens out the odds," He noted, the anger in his voice fading away to be replaced by mere facts- like he knew that for a fact.

    "In the end, the government only looks out for their asses, not yours. My world isn't any better than this hole, they just looked to cover up their precious little secret over getting my people help. That's why the 54 Immortals are important- we built society from the ground up, not the people in suits. They're just there to make you feel like they're 'helping' your lives." He finished, folding his arms once more. This dialogue seemed partially directed towards Shilo, as though it gave her a tiny glimpse into the hellhole that had been his original world.

    "But back on topic. Yes, I'm selling guns. They're probably going to some petty criminal- nothing serious, just business. Again, I'll give you a cut of the profit if the deal goes well- you'll be my insurance in case the roaches try anything stupid, they have a tendency to do that. Either that, or you could simply walk away without anything in hand. Your choice; either way, I don't have time to lounge around." And at this, the mysterious vendor turned and sprinted off. If one watched him closely, he would jump into the air, beginning to thrust away with what seemed to be a miniature jetpack, before vanishing into thin air like he had some kind of camouflage.

    The small alley that the merchant seemed like it beckoned towards you, as though it was your destiny to head in.

    If you followed through with the man's offer, you would notice that the entire place more or less opened up to make a small clearing. There were small crates scattered around, although there was one large box that stood out- likely the container for whatever weapons were going to be sold.


    There were also sets of fire escape ladders lining the nearby apartments- easy ways to get up and get a vantage point of the area. Most of the nearby doors were also loose as though their locks had rusted out a long time ago- One could utilize this to hide within the apartments, as the hallways inside were mostly dark and seemed undisturbed.

    Of course, the group could also decide to simply wait out in the open, maybe to see if someone would arrive and explain what they needed to do- or just carry out the deal altogether.

Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City Slums - Alleyway
Condition= Suspicious/Curious

Interaction "No drugs? Good. But guns, huh? Meh, not much against those or breaking the law. Besides, they're pretty puny in comparison to some of what I've seen so far. Alright, you got yourself a deal, Immortal-man." As the Conduit prepared to offer out a hand, the Immortal-man sprinted off and jetpacked away while activating some sort of invisibility cloak. Rude.

Delsin followed the man into the alley and made it to the clearing. There were many metal cases scattered around the clearing. Whatever weapons this guy was selling, he has a lot of them. Maybe enough to equip a small army, but it'll probably all be confiscated by the end of the month, given how stupid criminals can be. Delsin wasn't really that interested in enabling criminals, but whatever gear and cash that guy had would be worth it. There's no way to buy any spray paint with out a couple of bucks.

He took notice of the various fire escapes around the clearing and climbed up one of them, gaining a vantage point. From the fire escape, he noticed that the little girl with the mech suit had followed them. Somehow, where ever Delsin was, she also came. Good thing that ninja-lady was here, cause translating to using charades was not fun. Still, Delsin waved at the little girl if she happened to see him from down there.

Notes Interacting With: Rhysie Rhysie Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla marc122 marc122 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Two halves of an ordinary chain
-Two Cinder Missiles

Powers -Enhanced Durability
-Smoke Manipulation:
-Smoke Shot
-Smoke Dash​
-Cinder Missile[/B][/B]​
~Shilo Saga~
Interactions: Handsome Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ), The Man ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla ), Asuka ( marc122 marc122 ), and Delsin ( QizPizza QizPizza )

Location: Millennium City Slums
The raven haired woman looked at Handsome Jack with a raised eyebrow, not quite sure why he had offered that information, after all she'd been clearly talking to the other man, the one with the offer. Nonetheless, Shilo gave a nod. "Interesting," she murmured. She would probably ask Jack more questions about that later, as it really did seem intriguing, but right now he wasn't the priority. The assassin looked around at the others that joined her, Handsome Jack, and the other man. She gave a nod to Delsin, one of the first she'd interacted with in the City, and Asuka who she'd been warming up to rather well. Shilo looked down at the girl, explaining the situation at hand, before turning her attention back to the man.

"So, you're from Singapore," Shilo gave a nod. She'd been there a few times, dealing with... a couple of things. The leader of Team 73 narrowed her eyes at the man, as he spoke about getting out of the city, and how they had just appeared here. "How do you know? About not being able to leave?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She needed to get back to her team, she wasn't about to allow herself to be stuck in some unknown area... As than man spoke about "being dead as a door nail" Shilo suddenly looked away, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to remember what was happening before she came to this place... Had Vincent? No... Was this? No...

The woman was pulled from her thoughts as the man continued to speak, listening intently to his proposition. She looked back over to gear he wanted them to move, then back the man. "The good shit huh?" She smirked a bit, giving a nod. As Delsin mentioned drugs, Shilo looked over her shoulder at him, about to open her mouth as she could tell by this man's mere appearance that that was not what he was moving, however, the woman didn't need to say anything as the man was all over that answer. The assassin tilted her head to the side a bit as the man, once again, mentioned 54 Immortals. She gave a bit of a nod at his verbal attack against the government. "Yeah, the government never does shit for its people," she agreed. "What are a few people to their greed. What are a few lies to their grasp at more power." She recited the words that Andrew had muttered so many times to her.

Shilo opened herself to respond, only to have the man run and jet-pack away. "Well...okay then..." she muttered. The raven haired woman stepped into the alley way, looking over the creates. She ignored the smaller ones, walking toward the large one that probably held the weapons they were to sell. She looked over the create, gauging its size, before turning back to check who had followed. "Alright," she said, looking up at Delsin on the roof. She wasn't talking to anyone in particular, but she was trying to think of the best way to move the large create easily without drawing too much attention to themselves. "Hey! What do you see from up there?" Shilo called to Delsin. She waited for an answer before turning to Handsome Jack. "You're used to this kind of shit right, being from a place like you are." Shilo guessed, mostly from the way Handsome Jack looked, there obviously had to be something going on from where he was. "Got any ideas?" She'd already thought of a few, but they'd been given so little information about where to bring it and the best way to move it in a city that they didn't know, there was only so much the assassin could do.

Handsome Jack
Inventory: Hyperion Nemesis

Jack had been listening to what was going on (and yet he could’ve perhaps overheard somethings) and as well answered to one of the questions he was asked “Yes, I am very used to this, not just because I controlled everything from outer space and just watched how people from my home planet just killed one another for a damn twinkie” as yet he tried to answer at the same time he tried to think for any ideas “Well I mean, if we could sneak up on either the doors, windows, or maybe even a roof, that’d be great, but for now, I don’t have anymore ideas, but yet without killing anyone, first off, distract the owner of the crate, then whoever’s stuck on the roof grabs the crate, and then get the hell out and quick. May sound deadly and dangerous, but that’s always how I’ve tactially planned stuff as of yet” Jack’s planning kinda reminded him of when he was inside a “man with a robotic arm”’s head who needed to get a piece of for a proyect within a company called “Atlas” (which was owned by the corporate megalomaniac with a thirst to kill [perhaps] all the vault hunters) No wonder why he had so many ways of killing vault hunters and bandits to begin with, just to “Make Pandora a better place” when in reality, made it much of a shit-hole than it already was

Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Rhysie Rhysie Nightwisher Nightwisher QizPizza QizPizza
Asuka waved “hi” back towards Delsin as she proceeded to walk in the alley and turn towards the crates, then towards the apartment, attempting to see the latter’s details. Then, as she was about to point towards the fire ladders, Shilo translated what was said up to that point to her, so now she understood exactly what the shady trader explained. Since she now knew that she and the others were basically about to perform a crime, she was dubious; the cops were the good guys, and the criminals were the bad ones. Gulping, she was slowly getting uncomfortable as she looked out towards the exit of the alley, then back to the gang. It was too late for her now; she had already dipped into the hands of a criminal. Unless if she wanted to face potential death from those who carry out the illegal operation, she can’t back out anymore.

The little girl in the little giant mech sighed; better to stay where she is and make sure she doesn’t get killed than to try running out with the group giving chase. She then closed her eyes for a short while before repoening them and looking back at the apartment, this time with a determination to find out where she would want to go. She could take the doors, but she doubted that it would support her mech, which seemed large in scale compared to the actual fire escape ladders themselves. She could take the doors, which she found could support everyone including her with the mech on. Finally, she settled on a decision, said decision being through the doors, so the fire escape might not break under pressure and they won’t have to worry about dropping anything to the ground. Asuka then proceeded to say to Shilo with an idea,

“Wir gehen zu den Tüwen durch. (We go through the doors.)”

  • As everyone took off to different locations to watch the weapons deal, each individual would notice something about the scene. Delsin could see that there were four different pathways into the clearing- including the alley they had used- one for each of the four cardinal directions. They were relatively wide for an alley, and could probably fit five people shoulder-to-shoulder at once. Still, it didn't have much cover, much unlike the clearing littered with wooden crates- so if anyone decided to try and enter the clearing, they'd be wide open to attacks.

    Shilo would notice that the weapons crate wasn't exactly huge, but still decent-sized- approximately the size of an average coffin, to be more specific. What was inside it, however, was yet to be discovered. It could hold assault rifles, submachine guns, or shotguns judging by its size; no heavy weaponry, though.

    On a side note, Asuka would observe- or maybe not- that the apartment hallways were pretty tight; she could fit her mech inside it, yes, but it would hinder her movement by a noticeable amount due to the narrowness of the hall. Each hallway could probably fit just one person inside it in terms of width, and meant that it probably wasn't wise for them to bunch up in one doorway.

    Finally, since Jak was relatively late to the party, he would notice a ski-masked figure heading down the opposite alleyway into the clearing. He didn't seem to be armed with anything sans a small pistol hanging at his side. He walked up to the crate, examining it for a moment or two, before looking up and nodding towards the characters loitering around.


    "I guess
    'Blackjack' boss sent you here to help, yes? Maybe boring trade will be fun, then," The dealer stated aloud. His speech was tainted by a heavy Russian accent, and English most certainly wasn't his first language. He glanced over to one of the alleyways- the one he had entered through, in fact- and pointed towards the quartet walking towards the Russian. He said nothing, but only took another sweeping look at everyone before the four stood face-to-face with him, the loot box in between.


    "Alright, I want this done clean and damn quick. Show me the guns and I'll fork over the dough,"
    One of the dark-skinned men ordered. Like all the others, he didn't seem to be armed with anything- no armor, no rifle- at least, so it looked. Regardless, the Russian dealer pulled out a key and inserted it into some obscure position on the box, turning it in and opening the box up. However, none of the trade "guardians" could see it- both Russian and gangsters were blocking the view. Whatever was inside obviously upset the four, though, since they visibly scowled at the Russian and unholstered their revolvers, taking aim at the dealer.

    "You call those pieces of shit 'guns'? They look like motherfucking toys, you set our asses up and you gonna pay for it!"
    The first gangster- who wore only a black cap and a red hoodie- shouted angrily, glaring daggers at the weapons seller, who in turn lifted his hands into the air.

    "I only here to sell, not trick- you speak to my boss about this, I don't know what you're speaking of!"
    The latter replied; despite his Russian accent, it was apparent that he wasn't lying and he was starting to get really nervous.

    "Y'know what? I think we should leave a message for your employer- we can send him your corpse once we're done carving you up!"
    A second gangster- this one wearing a bandana and shades- quipped, venom oozing through his voice. If anything, now was a good time to react. It was up to the group to determine whether or not to approach the situation peacefully or guns blazing, though- the Russian most certainly wasn't going to make a move himself, and the gangsters looked serious about shooting the dealer and leaving him for dead.

~Shilo Saga~
Interactions: Handsome Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ), Asuka ( marc122 marc122 ), Ski Mask ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla ), Group of Thugs
Mentions: Jak ( darkred darkred ) and Delsin ( QizPizza QizPizza )

Location: Millennium City Slums

Shilo looked at Handsome Jack for a few long seconds as she processed his words. "I think we might have to work on over sharing." She told him before turning to look back at the box of weapons. She turned her head to give him her attention once more when he started talking about an actual plan. "We're here to help guard the crate not ruin whatever is going down." The assassin pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest.

The young woman's attention then went to Asuka as she spoke up about her own idea for a plan. The assassin looked into the apartments, noticing how narrow the hallways were and shook her head. "Zu schmal," ("Too narrow"). She answered, wishing she had a better perspective. She hated going into things blind, and because this was such a last second decision, there was no plan, and no knowledge of their surroundings. This was not a good place to be in, at all.

Shilo looked up as Jak entered the alleyway, as well as a man with a ski mask. The black haired woman sighed. This was such a low level operation for what she was used to. Normally people didn't bother with ski masks at her level, as one either wouldn't dare cross you, or they wouldn't live long enough to try. Ski masks didn't help with shit. The assassin perked up when she heard the man's accent. "Privet. Da, my zdes', chtoby pomoch'" ("Hey, yeah we're here to help.")

The leader of Team 73 looked over the Russian man, trying to gauge his level of expertise. She had a feeling that he was significantly lower ranking in whatever kind of gang than the man "Blackjack". Shilo wondered how important this trade deal was and exactly how dangerous it could possibly be to need so many people, strangers in fact, to look over it. She had a pit in her stomach that it wasn't dangerous because of the cargo being sold, but more because of the people they were selling it to. Sure enough, when more people entered the alleyway, Shilo knew that this was a low level trade. Street gangs.

When the Russian man showed the weapons, and the four other men were less than impressed, Shilo's hand immediately curled, her fingertip resting against the trigger on her palm as she readied herself for a fight. "Hey, hey, hey," she said, stepping forward, raising her left hand as she stepped in between the man in the ski mask and the four other men. "You really think leaving him dead is going to send any kind of message?" Shilo asked. "If this dude gave you the wrong shit without telling the tradesmen, you really think his going to give a fuck about if that tradesmen shows up dead?" She lowered her hand to physically show how everyone should calm down.

"Now," Shilo murmured, brushing some loose strands of hair from her face. "Do you wanna talk it out, or are you serious about this getting violent?" She looked back at the Russian, then to Asuka in her mech suit, Handsome Jack, and Jak but kept her gaze off of Delsin on the off chance that this group of four hadn't seen him yet and the allied forces needed a surprise attack. Not only were these men out numbered, they were probably out skilled. Shilo could probably take them all down herself, if given the right opportunity, after all, what was the point of being raised as to be a government weaponized assassin if you couldn't fight off a few thugs? Nonetheless, Shilo looked around at the rest of the group, trying to gauge what they all thought was best by their body language. A fight, or a talk..

Jak kept his hands close to his Blaster but was getting cautious. He had gotten into these messes a little too many times with Daxter around. Just who were these guys and how much power did they hold in this place?

It was none of his business but the four of them were already in it.

Jak eyed Handsome Jack, Asuka, and Delsin.

But they threatened this guy and their body language was giving off that vibe. Perhaps this weapons dealer was more trustworthy then the gang itself, here.

The eco warrior had forced that old thought of working with Krew, the mob boss of Haven City out of his head.

He slipped the red scarf around his mouth.

Rhysie Rhysie marc122 marc122 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred QizPizza QizPizza
Located: Millenium City Slums

Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City Slums - Alleyway
Condition= Mildly Panicking/Prepared to Fight

Interaction From the fire escapes, Delsin saw that the alley split off into four directions, each without much in terms of cover if they were to be ambushed. The Conduit didn't really care though, since he had the high ground and anything short of high explosives would do little to no damage to him. The girl with the mech, Asuka, he believed, squished her mech into one of the doorways leading into the building. In the meanwhile, the Jack-ass and Agent Saga stood by the crates. Delsin took a seat on the railing as he waited for something to happen. This is boring. I would wish that something happens, but right now, I just want to get paid and go get some spray paint. My artistic urges are Just. Getting. Too. Strong. Must. Make. Art.

Delsin's artistic urges were interrupted by the arrival of ski-mask dude. From the opposite direction, Jak walked into the alley, and called out to Delsin. As the man had begun to speak, Delsin wasn't able to respond. The man spoke with an accent instantly recognized as Russian from his time fighting the Akurans. The Russian man was soon met by four guys looking like your standard thugs on the street. Delsin didn't care what they said, until the thugs pulled out guns and pointed them at the Russian guy. The guy with the hoodie and cap began to talk, "You call those pieces of shit 'guns'? They look like motherfucking toys, you set our asses up and you gonna pay for it!"

He was ready to jump down and kick the butts of these guys that thought they were being gangster, but stopped himself. The guy from earlier...Blackjack, was it? Mentioned that they would only get paid if the deal went smoothly. It's not like the situation was very "smooth," right now, but if the Russian guy gets killed, it would be more than likely that Blackjack wouldn't like it very much. "You really think leaving him dead is going to send any kind of message? If this dude gave you the wrong shit without telling the tradesmen, you really think his going to give a fuck about if that tradesmen shows up dead?

Delsin sat where he was and didn't move, looking at Agent Saga. It seemed that the Agent was calm, but she also seemed a bit too eager to lay a beat down of the thugs. Not that he was much different, but since he was already comfortable where he was, he was going to be the calm one. Now...Do you wanna talk it out, or are you serious about this getting violent?" When she said that and looked around, Delsin shot a few silent Smoke bolts in the sky. He then waved his hands and shook his head frantically to signal no. He really hoped that she didn't misinterpret his message to maintain a peaceful situation. Even then, he prepared to attack

Notes Interacting With: Rhysie Rhysie Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla marc122 marc122 darkred darkred

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Two halves of an ordinary chain
-Two Cinder Missiles

Powers -Enhanced Durability
-Smoke Manipulation:
-Smoke Shot​
-Smoke Dash​
-Cinder Missile​


Handsome Jack
Inventory: Hyperion Nemesis
Status: Awaiting for anything that may go wrong

Jack was preparing his gun in the case that anything in the deal may go wrong "Well, that was essentially not one of my plans, but if anything goes downhill, then goodbye negotiations and go up for straight up murder and leave no witnesses, and sure over-sharing may be a thing" said the one known as a corporate I'm uncultured as he stood up near one of the crates and saw the whole ordeal go down, and as he saw someone on the fire escape shooting a silent Smoke bolts, he thought to himself 'For one reason I did things that didn't involve me getting fucked up and killed.... as of yet, good old days' How in the fuck is that bolt gonna keep something from not turning out of hand? Yet again, Handsome Jack was prepared for a [perhaps] deadly stand-off in the given case

Nightwisher Nightwisher QizPizza QizPizza marc122 marc122 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Rhysie Rhysie Nightwisher Nightwisher QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred
When Asuka looked into the tight hallway, she realized how narrow the hallway was, so she saw as though she'd had to go sideways so she wouldn't get stuck. The girl also saw how impractical it would be to fit the cargo through, let alone five consecutive people, just to smuggle it to the other side. She no longer felt as though going through the doors would be an optimal way of getting the...questionable "deal" through, so she crossed the hallway out in her mind. That said, she sighed, looking back towards Shilo with crushed hopes before hesitantly nodding. Vielleicht wären die Gänge beim nächsten Mal nützlich (Maybe next time hallways would be useful), she thought.

Asuka was about to speak when suddenly, the little girl was cut off by someone who sounded familiar; she spun her mech's heels towards him and saw Jak from before. He himself was there with her and Delsin when she, and the group, went to the ice cream parlor to find some clues. It was not fun without the eyepatch-less "pirate" girl indeed; she did not know how to express sign language, but she at least did get better at understanding it. Now, with Agent Saga around, once again, she was now reassured--as usual--that she would be understood. Asuka, thinking of something, thought of saying something in English to her; she could remember the agent saying "hello", which was the closest thing since it was basically a less formal "Guten tag" in, well, that language, to her, so she went ahead and tried saying it.

"...H--Hawwo. (...H--Hello.)"

All of a sudden, she was interrupted by a Russian dealer, a man in a ski mask, who came up to the group and then asked them something about assistance. Then, as she nodded, she was suddenly faced off against a rude group of hostile gangsters whom she did not like at all upon first impression. She did not want to know what they actually said; all she assumed was that they were a threat to both her, the group, the dealer, and, by extension, Blackjack. Her heart steadily sped up, her muscles becoming tense, as she began to breathe more quickly, just as in every other dangerous situation she was put in. She did not know what approach was best, but best assured, she was given a choice to either fight or convince them away.

Asuka obviously didn't speak the gangsters', and almost the entire city's, native tongue so she refrained from speaking at all. She also did not want to fight once again, so all she ended up choosing was sitting out the slowly escalating situation in fear that the group's talk would not work. Shilo, Delsin, and Handsome Jack were threatening to put the gangsters 6 feet underground, but it appeared as though the adversaries are about to shoot anyway. As a result, she thought it was not going to be pretty when the violence does break loose. Especially when everyone several feet away would be alerted as a result.​

  • When the Russian man showed the weapons, and the four other men were less than impressed, Shilo's hand immediately curled, her fingertip resting against the trigger on her palm as she readied herself for a fight. "Hey, hey, hey," she said, stepping forward, raising her left hand as she stepped in between the man in the ski mask and the four other men. "You really think leaving him dead is going to send any kind of message?" Shilo asked. "If this dude gave you the wrong shit without telling the tradesmen, you really think his going to give a fuck about if that tradesmen shows up dead?" She lowered her hand to physically show how everyone should calm down.

    "Now," Shilo murmured, brushing some loose strands of hair from her face. "Do you wanna talk it out, or are you serious about this getting violent?" She looked back at the Russian, then to Asuka in her mech suit, Handsome Jack, and Jak but kept her gaze off of Delsin on the off chance that this group of four hadn't seen him yet and the allied forces needed a surprise attack. Not only were these men out numbered, they were probably out skilled. Shilo could probably take them all down herself, if given the right opportunity, after all, what was the point of being raised as to be a government weaponized assassin if you couldn't fight off a few thugs? Nonetheless, Shilo looked around at the rest of the group, trying to gauge what they all thought was best by their body language. A fight, or a talk..

    Thanks to Shilo's fast thinking, the quartet of gangsters hesitated to pull their triggers. Their body language seemed to tense up a little bit more, as though they realized just what they were doing. None of them moved for a few moments, but finally the "lead" hooded gangster lowered his revolver, gesturing for the others to follow suit. They all did so reluctantly. However, the main perpetrator's scowl remained on his face as he moved back to allow the group to have a look into the weapons cache for themselves if they wished.

    "Listen here, yo- We ordered some weapons to keep on hold for a stickup or keeping guard, not to look like we're dressing up for fucking Halloween!"
    He complained, glowering at the loot within the crate. If you took a look inside, you could understand why the gangsters were so upset.



    There were only two weapons inside- a large cannon connected to a backpack-esque device, reminiscent of a Ghostbuster's Proton Pack, and a heavyweight machine gun with a huge bayonet occupying where one would normally place their hand. Neither of them looked exactly inconspicuous, either, so utilizing either- if they even functioned as weapons- would obviously scream to the public that its wielder was out for trouble.

    "You think we could hold these without breaking our arms? Or maybe make ourselves laughingstocks with these toys? We don't want none of that voodoo shit that's been coming into the city ever since those crazy folks began flooding into Millennium- 'Cause we ain't tinkering with lightning guns, we just want a pistol for each of us!"
    He spat disgustedly, shaking his head and folding his arms.

    "'Cause we can't stick nobody up with that shit, so if that's all your little contractor has then you can tell him no deal!"

~Shilo Saga~
Interactions: Asuka ( marc122 marc122 ) and the Gangsters ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla )
Mentions: Delsin ( QizPizza QizPizza ), Handsome Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ), and Jak ( darkred darkred )

Location: Millennium City Slums

Shilo saw Delsin's smoke bolts and stiffened a bit, trying to read into what the meant. She didn't want this situation to devolve into a fight, but if that's what everyone else wanted, fine. Luckily, the assassin caught sight of the man's hand signals. The raven haired woman lowered her gaze back to the four men in front of her, letting her gaze meet with every single one of theirs individually to connect on some personal level to try and defuse the situation even further. For the most part, Shilo ignored Handsome Jack and Jak. Not because they weren't important to what was going on, but Handsome Jack seemed to be a little more busy with talking than action, so he wasn't a problem, and Jak didn't seem like he was going to act first. Really, that only left Asuka and the Russian to worry about. Really just Asuka as the masked man wasn't about to further drive the nail into the coffin by causing an actual life threatening issue with the gangsters.

"Alles ist in Ordnung, Asuka ... Sie sind einfach unzufrieden mit dem Produkt. Wir werden versuchen, das friedlich herauszufinden. Wenn wir nicht ... einfach niemanden töten können, ist das Letzte, was wir brauchen, die Polizei oder eine Bande gegen uns." ("Everything is fine for now, Asuka... They're just unhappy with the product. We're going to try and figure this out peacefully. If we can't... just don't kill anyone, the last thing we need is the police or some gang against us.") Shilo hadn't taken her gaze off of the thugs once as she spoke to the young German girl. Once she finished, she nodded her head over to the child in the mech suit. "Doesn't speak English, needed to know what was up." She explained, hoping that was enough information to get them to not ask questions, she hadn't lied, but still... German sounded aggressive and the last thing they needed was these people thinking that they were secretly planning a fight of some kind.

Once the gang members had lowered their weapons, Shilo turned her back to look at the weapons in the create. They were definitely not the type of thing she was used to seeing. The small woman picked up the machine gun-ax duo, holding it against her shoulder as she aimed it at the ground, checking the weight at the feeling of the gun. It didn't feel that much heavier than a regular hand held machine gun, and she personally thought the ax looked bad ass. She checked to make sure the gun's safety was on before she flipped the heavy weapon around her body a few times to check how well balanced it was for the blade to be brutalized correctly. The weapon cut through the air, proving that the young woman was not only strong for her size, but skilled with weapons. She set the machine gun back down and looked at the larger gun before turning back to the gang.

"Look, you ordered weapons. These are viable weapons. If you wanted something else you should have specified. If you knew weird weapons were going around because of the influx of whatever... you should have known better to ambiguously ask around for a product you couldn't specifically order." The assassin crossed her arms over her chest, staring down the leader of the four. "Maybe let this be a lesson to you. Be specific." She stepped forward, non-threateningly but still to show that she was demanding the dominant role in the situation. This was not an equal exchange. She was taking the power away from not only the Russian masked man, but the gangsters as well. "Now, are you going to make your mistake the reason we kill your three buddies and send you back to your body with a warning shot through your leg? Or are you going to follow through with the deal that you ordered?"
Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla QizPizza QizPizza Rhysie Rhysie darkred darkred
Asuka was relieved when Shilo stepped up to the gangsters in order to threaten them to the point where they were less willing to kill her and the group just to get the group's stuff. Not only that, but they apparently did not like what was in the cargo, so add that to the ninja girl's threats, and they had completely lost interest. The young pilot then sighed in relief; she no longer had to fight the gangsters just for the sake of preserving their own lives, and the police didn't go after them. However, the girl's own worries remained; she still thought of the police from time to time. That certainly put her in a comfortable position, alright.

Anyway, Asuka understood exactly what Shilo said; everything's fine, but the last thing the group needs is the police chasing them, including her. The "mere" fact that she mentioned the police going after the group being the last thing they would want made her worried. What if said police were keeping an eye on them, and her? And if that happened, what if she were to be no longer seen as a good girl who can do nothing wrong? Either way, this did not spell good news for her for her own foreseeable future.​
Last edited:

Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City Slums - Alleyway
Condition= Mildly Panicking/Prepared to Fight

Interaction Agent Saga seemed to be handling the situation quite well. This in spite of how everyone appeared to have misinterpreted his declaration of not fighting, except her. In hindsight, it might not have been the best idea to be shooting off Smoke Shots to get the message across. Delsin did a bit of an mental facepalm from his stupidity. "My genius has obviously been impaired by the lack of artistic expression I've been encountering. Nazi cyborgs and four-armed aliens? Psh..." As the conversation continued, the ninja lady seemed to be taking control. Great! She was putting them in a position where they were the ones in the wrong. she's threatening them with violence. Is there something with the way she was raised that made her so lowkey aggressive? Potentially, but to hell with it. Delsin was finally bored of just sitting around. The young man thought of some a little "plan" and proceeded to take off his hoodie and unbuttoned his flannel shirt. When he was done, a large part of his chest was exposed for the world to see.

He Smoke Dashed from the fire escapes to the alleyway behind Agent Saga. The Conduit didn't care if his plan worked. He was just sitting on a railing waiting for some form of conflict to start so that he could rain down Cinder Missiles. He had concluded that he would go on down that he can start throwing Cinder Missiles at the gangsters from ground level when the conflict starts. Being a cloud of black smoke and ashes against the night sky would make it hard for the gangsters to notice him until he reformed into a young Native American man dressed in in a denim vest and open shirt. Delsin looked like he could be a gangsters himself, what with his tattoos and naturally casual demeanor. He added to the effect by adding a little strut to his step and holding his head a bit higher than usually, just like all the gangsters and drug dealers he's seen before.

He strolled up to the left Agent Saga with his hands in his pocket and a smug smile slapped onto his face. He used his best gangster speak he could muster as he played his bluff. "Bettah listen to what she 'as to say. Don't want to find out what she'll do to ya if ya try and shoot us up. 'lieve me. I've seen her drop my all my homies like nothin'. Now take the weapons an' pay or...ya'll can feel 'ell on earth." Delsin finished his little act by using his eyebrows to gesture towards the girl to his right and back towards the gangsters. This would either intimidate them into going through with the deal, or start a fight. He would get paid either way, and if they fought, he would be entertained.

Notes Interacting With: Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Two halves of an ordinary chain
-Two Cinder Missiles

Powers -Enhanced Durability
-Smoke Manipulation:

-Smoke Shot
-Smoke Dash​
-Cinder Missile​

Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City Slums - Alleyway
Condition= Mildly Panicking/Prepared to Fight

Interaction Agent Saga seemed to be handling the situation quite well. This in spite of how everyone appeared to have misinterpreted his declaration of not fighting, except her. In hindsight, it might not have been the best idea to be shooting off Smoke Shots to get the message across. Delsin did a bit of an mental facepalm from his stupidity. "My genius has obviously been impaired by the lack of artistic expression I've been encountering. Nazi cyborgs and four-armed aliens? Psh..." As the conversation continued, the ninja lady seemed to be taking control. Great! She was putting them in a position where they were the ones in the wrong. she's threatening them with violence. Is there something with the way she was raised that made her so lowkey aggressive? Potentially, but to hell with it. Delsin was finally bored of just sitting around. The young man thought of some a little "plan" and proceeded to take off his hoodie and unbuttoned his flannel shirt. When he was done, a large part of his chest was exposed for the world to see.

He Smoke Dashed from the fire escapes to the alleyway behind Agent Saga. The Conduit didn't care if his plan worked. He was just sitting on a railing waiting for some form of conflict to start so that he could rain down Cinder Missiles. He had concluded that he would go on down that he can start throwing Cinder Missiles at the gangsters from ground level when the conflict starts. Being a cloud of black smoke and ashes against the night sky would make it hard for the gangsters to notice him until he reformed into a young Native American man dressed in in a denim vest and open shirt. Delsin looked like he could be a gangsters himself, what with his tattoos and naturally casual demeanor. He added to the effect by adding a little strut to his step and holding his head a bit higher than usually, just like all the gangsters and drug dealers he's seen before.

He strolled up to the left Agent Saga with his hands in his pocket and a smug smile slapped onto his face. He used his best gangster speak he could muster as he played his bluff. "Bettah listen to what she 'as to say. Don't want to find out what she'll do to ya if ya try and shoot us up. 'lieve me. I've seen her drop my all my homies like nothin'. Now take the weapons an' pay or...ya'll can feel 'ell on earth." Delsin finished his little act by using his eyebrows to gesture towards the girl to his right and back towards the gangsters. This would either intimidate them into going through with the deal, or start a fight. He would get paid either way, and if they fought, he would be entertained.

Notes Interacting With: Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Two halves of an ordinary chain
-Two Cinder Missiles

Powers -Enhanced Durability
-Smoke Manipulation:

-Smoke Shot
-Smoke Dash​
-Cinder Missile​

Jak finally joined the fray in the back and watched Delsin make his way toward Agent Saga. He stayed back and let Delsin and the others handle the rough parts. If it came to fighting, he'd fight.

QizPizza QizPizza Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla QizPizza QizPizza Rhysie Rhysie darkred darkred


Handsome Jack
Inventory: Hyperion Nemesis

Jack was still watching the gangster ordeal go by, but he yet needed to be safe in the case of a "Well, if a stand-off's gonna be happening, it better happen now" said Jack to himself while having his hand on the holster in which his weapon was located (just in case) and then crossing his arms, for the meanwhile, he decided to step back a bit and have the one's talking continue with whatever needed to be done

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla QizPizza QizPizza Nightwisher Nightwisher darkred darkred


  • ~Shilo Saga~
    Interactions: Asuka ( marc122 marc122 ) and the Gangsters ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla )
    Mentions: Delsin ( QizPizza QizPizza ), Handsome Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ), and Jak ( darkred darkred )

    Location: Millennium City Slums

    Shilo saw Delsin's smoke bolts and stiffened a bit, trying to read into what the meant. She didn't want this situation to devolve into a fight, but if that's what everyone else wanted, fine. Luckily, the assassin caught sight of the man's hand signals. The raven haired woman lowered her gaze back to the four men in front of her, letting her gaze meet with every single one of theirs individually to connect on some personal level to try and defuse the situation even further. For the most part, Shilo ignored Handsome Jack and Jak. Not because they weren't important to what was going on, but Handsome Jack seemed to be a little more busy with talking than action, so he wasn't a problem, and Jak didn't seem like he was going to act first. Really, that only left Asuka and the Russian to worry about. Really just Asuka as the masked man wasn't about to further drive the nail into the coffin by causing an actual life threatening issue with the gangsters.

    "Alles ist in Ordnung, Asuka ... Sie sind einfach unzufrieden mit dem Produkt. Wir werden versuchen, das friedlich herauszufinden. Wenn wir nicht ... einfach niemanden töten können, ist das Letzte, was wir brauchen, die Polizei oder eine Bande gegen uns." ("Everything is fine for now, Asuka... They're just unhappy with the product. We're going to try and figure this out peacefully. If we can't... just don't kill anyone, the last thing we need is the police or some gang against us.") Shilo hadn't taken her gaze off of the thugs once as she spoke to the young German girl. Once she finished, she nodded her head over to the child in the mech suit. "Doesn't speak English, needed to know what was up." She explained, hoping that was enough information to get them to not ask questions, she hadn't lied, but still... German sounded aggressive and the last thing they needed was these people thinking that they were secretly planning a fight of some kind.

    Once the gang members had lowered their weapons, Shilo turned her back to look at the weapons in the create. They were definitely not the type of thing she was used to seeing. The small woman picked up the machine gun-ax duo, holding it against her shoulder as she aimed it at the ground, checking the weight at the feeling of the gun. It didn't feel that much heavier than a regular hand held machine gun, and she personally thought the ax looked bad ass. She checked to make sure the gun's safety was on before she flipped the heavy weapon around her body a few times to check how well balanced it was for the blade to be brutalized correctly. The weapon cut through the air, proving that the young woman was not only strong for her size, but skilled with weapons. She set the machine gun back down and looked at the larger gun before turning back to the gang.

    "Look, you ordered weapons. These are viable weapons. If you wanted something else you should have specified. If you knew weird weapons were going around because of the influx of whatever... you should have known better to ambiguously ask around for a product you couldn't specifically order." The assassin crossed her arms over her chest, staring down the leader of the four. "Maybe let this be a lesson to you. Be specific." She stepped forward, non-threateningly but still to show that she was demanding the dominant role in the situation. This was not an equal exchange. She was taking the power away from not only the Russian masked man, but the gangsters as well. "Now, are you going to make your mistake the reason we kill your three buddies and send you back to your body with a warning shot through your leg? Or are you going to follow through with the deal that you ordered?"

    Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City Slums - Alleyway
    Condition= Mildly Panicking/Prepared to Fight

    Interaction Agent Saga seemed to be handling the situation quite well. This in spite of how everyone appeared to have misinterpreted his declaration of not fighting, except her. In hindsight, it might not have been the best idea to be shooting off Smoke Shots to get the message across. Delsin did a bit of an mental facepalm from his stupidity. "My genius has obviously been impaired by the lack of artistic expression I've been encountering. Nazi cyborgs and four-armed aliens? Psh..." As the conversation continued, the ninja lady seemed to be taking control. Great! She was putting them in a position where they were the ones in the wrong. she's threatening them with violence. Is there something with the way she was raised that made her so lowkey aggressive? Potentially, but to hell with it. Delsin was finally bored of just sitting around. The young man thought of some a little "plan" and proceeded to take off his hoodie and unbuttoned his flannel shirt. When he was done, a large part of his chest was exposed for the world to see.

    He Smoke Dashed from the fire escapes to the alleyway behind Agent Saga. The Conduit didn't care if his plan worked. He was just sitting on a railing waiting for some form of conflict to start so that he could rain down Cinder Missiles. He had concluded that he would go on down that he can start throwing Cinder Missiles at the gangsters from ground level when the conflict starts. Being a cloud of black smoke and ashes against the night sky would make it hard for the gangsters to notice him until he reformed into a young Native American man dressed in in a denim vest and open shirt. Delsin looked like he could be a gangsters himself, what with his tattoos and naturally casual demeanor. He added to the effect by adding a little strut to his step and holding his head a bit higher than usually, just like all the gangsters and drug dealers he's seen before.

    He strolled up to the left Agent Saga with his hands in his pocket and a smug smile slapped onto his face. He used his best gangster speak he could muster as he played his bluff. "Bettah listen to what she 'as to say. Don't want to find out what she'll do to ya if ya try and shoot us up. 'lieve me. I've seen her drop my all my homies like nothin'. Now take the weapons an' pay or...ya'll can feel 'ell on earth." Delsin finished his little act by using his eyebrows to gesture towards the girl to his right and back towards the gangsters. This would either intimidate them into going through with the deal, or start a fight. He would get paid either way, and if they fought, he would be entertained.

    Notes Interacting With: Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

    Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
    Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

    Inventory -Two halves of an ordinary chain
    -Two Cinder Missiles

    Powers -Enhanced Durability
    -Smoke Manipulation:

    -Smoke Shot
    -Smoke Dash​
    -Cinder Missile​

    The natural charm that Shilo possessed, alongside Delsin's bombastic yet intimidating bluff, caused most of the gangster lackies to balk- and in one's case, visibly quiver. The most timid one put a hand on his boss' shoulder, who was completely still and emotionless.

    "Uh, boss? I think we should just take it and go. Maybe we could just, like, do something bigger with it, y'know?" A pause for a few moments. The hooded thug only took one glance at his minion before using his arm to shove him back and off to the side. He scoffed, gesturing for the others to come up and grab the heavyweight weapons.

    "Yeah, fine. We'll take it, but you tell your supervisor we ain't no satisfied customers."
    Within moments the four hoodlums had taken the equipment and were about to head out when eight figures- two from each alleyway- emerged, blocking all four entrances. Six of them appeared to be relatively heavy-duty robots, but the other two- the pair directly blocking the gangsters' exit- were a pair of green "aliens" wearing police uniforms.



    "Well, look what we have here- the
    "Cobras", trying to make a name for themselves. Well, we don't appreciate other fools treading on the Mafia's territory, so we're gonna use you to make an example for anyone who thinks they're wise enough to waltz right in." One hissed, its baritone voice potentially sending shivers down one's spine if they weren't prepared. The head Cobra leader, seemingly unfazed, stepped forwards a few paces. He wielded the machine gun-ax combo, so it wasn't suicidal for him to get closer.

    "You're the clowns I was hearin' about makin' a ruckus around here? Well, ain't nobody gonna sell drugs better than us, so you can sit the fuck down before we make you an example and toss your dead bodies to the cops! See how they like knowin' they have some corrupted fuckers running around their streets!"
    The human snapped backwards. At this, the alien duo let out a laugh- which sounded more like a hiss- before the second extraterrestrial spoke up.

    "Don't you know? We are the police. They'll believe us when we say that we killed you in self-defense. Hell, all we need to do is kill both you and these so-called 'dealers'-" A glance towards Shilo, Delsin, and company- "Unless they wish to pay their due respects to the real people who run these streets." At this, the Cobra turned to shake his head towards them.

    "Don't do it, these fools ain't gonna let go of you if ya side with 'em! Hell, we'll even pay you extra if you help us get rid of these asswipes! Give ya some help if you need it 'round these parts of town, too, if you help us after this!"

    "But is the money really that worth it if you can't spend it? I don't want to sound rude, but the dead don't exactly need cash. If you side with us, we might even give you jobs that'll give you better rewards!" The Mafia-corrupted cop pointed out. It seemed obvious that the 'jobs' mentioned wouldn't exactly be legal, considering the notion that they called themselves the Mafia.

    While the two factions vied for the group's favor, the masked Russian appeared reluctant to fight yet had resigned to such a fate. The misfits could see his hand inching slowly towards his pistol, although it was unlikely that it would do much against his foes- more specifically, the robots. He muttered something about how he "should have stayed in Red Army" in Russian, then fell silent as his hand continued moving closer. However, judging by his body language he was likely to wait until someone else delivered the first strike.

    As for the firepower that the Mafia carried, the robots appeared to have pump-action shotguns, whilst the aliens appeared to wield some type of futuristic pistol that would likely be unfamiliar to a 21st-century civilian. It was hard to tell exactly how powerful the sidearms were- especially because they were obscured by their position on the aliens' sides- so the aliens could either be a major threat or a pitiful joke.


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