Mikado "Witty Name Here" Saris


Three Thousand Club

Mikado Saris

Villain Name:









Mikado has long blonde hair and piercing green eyes, however her beautiful features are often hindered by her unkempt appearance. She puts absolutely no effort whatsoever into dolling herself up, barely mustering up the will to throw on the bare minimum of clothing required to be presentable. She is perpetually suffering from bedhead and often looks as if she had just woken up.







Mikado has long blonde hair and piercing green eyes, however her beautiful features are often hindered by her unkempt appearance. She puts absolutely no effort whatsoever into dolling herself up, barely mustering up the will to throw on the bare minimum of clothing required to be presentable. She is perpetually suffering from bedhead and often looks as if she had just woken up.


Mikado has the ability to slow time in an area around her. This gives the illusion of having the ability of teleportation or super-human reflexes as she is capable of using this to dodge incoming attacks. Her ultimate usage of this ability is to slow the time of a target's consciousness, inducing a sleep-like state. She almost exclusively uses this ability on those she deems 'cute' and then positions them so that their head is resting on her lap as she gently strokes their hair. No one has ever been able to figure out why she does this.


Mikado has very little that she cares enough about to actually carry around with her. On the rare occasion she ventures from her cave she only takes that which is absolutely necessary. The only material possessions she truly cares for are those at her home, such as her television or computer.


She is exceptionally durable and has almost limitless stamina. In all regards she is in peak fitness and able to perform any act you might expect of a fit human being, even if she doesn't want to bother with it. She is also fairly easy to get along with as she is apathetic to most things that don't interest her.


While being durable she is no more agile or fast than a normal human. Her strength, while superior to a normal human, is still less than what others are capable of. Due to her apathetic nature she tends to not bother with things she deems a hassle, even if they may very well be beneficial to her. She is also far from the brightest bulb in the box.


Mikado is a fan of all things cute, their gender or race is irrelevant.


Mikado is the epitome of laziness as she is unwilling to do anything but the bare minimum required to sustain her lifestyle. Whenever possible she will try to get others to provide for her. When that isn't an option she'll take the easiest alternative available. She will only ever put effort into things she enjoys, such as her games. For things she doesn't care for she'll practically be a zombie just going through the motions until she can escape.


  • Sleeping
  • Playing Games
  • Eating Junk Food
  • Forcing cute girls and boys to use her lap as a pillow


  • Manual Labor
  • Leaving The House
  • Having to put effort into things that aren't her games


Very little is known about Mikado's past. Whenever questioned she just dismissively waves her hand and says it's too much of a hassle to give her backstory. All that is known is that she doesn't seem to have any family and spends her time leeching off others as she indulges her own personal interests. In truth she was born to a fairly normal family. However she was born with a peculiar abnormality. She was far more lethargic and apathetic than her peers and as she grew she demonstrated an unnatural toughness. Eventually her lethargy seemed to expand to time itself as she found herself able to slow the passage of time around her. Her otherwise normal life came to an end when her family were the victims of a villainous plot. Through her own apathy she indirectly aided in her parents death resulting with her being thrown on the streets. After a long and convoluted series of events she eventually found herself in the OOTT.

Villainous Motive

Mikado does only the bare minimum to support her lifestyle and thanks to her abilities has found the easiest way of doing this is by living a life of crime.

Mikado Saris

Villain Name:









Mikado has long blonde hair and piercing green eyes, however her beautiful features are often hindered by her unkempt appearance. She puts absolutely no effort whatsoever into dolling herself up, barely mustering up the will to throw on the bare minimum of clothing required to be presentable. She is perpetually suffering from bedhead and often looks as if she had just woken up.







Mikado has long blonde hair and piercing green eyes, however her beautiful features are often hindered by her unkempt appearance. She puts absolutely no effort whatsoever into dolling herself up, barely mustering up the will to throw on the bare minimum of clothing required to be presentable. She is perpetually suffering from bedhead and often looks as if she had just woken up.


Mikado has the ability to slow time in an area around her. This gives the illusion of having the ability of teleportation or super-human reflexes as she is capable of using this to dodge incoming attacks. Her ultimate usage of this ability is to slow the time of a target's consciousness, inducing a sleep-like state. She almost exclusively uses this ability on those she deems 'cute' and then positions them so that their head is resting on her lap as she gently strokes their hair. No one has ever been able to figure out why she does this.


Mikado has very little that she cares enough about to actually carry around with her. On the rare occasion she ventures from her cave she only takes that which is absolutely necessary. The only material possessions she truly cares for are those at her home, such as her television or computer.


She is exceptionally durable and has almost limitless stamina. In all regards she is in peak fitness and able to perform any act you might expect of a fit human being, even if she doesn't want to bother with it. She is also fairly easy to get along with as she is apathetic to most things that don't interest her.


While being durable she is no more agile or fast than a normal human. Her strength, while superior to a normal human, is still less than what others are capable of. Due to her apathetic nature she tends to not bother with things she deems a hassle, even if they may very well be beneficial to her. She is also far from the brightest bulb in the box.


Mikado is a fan of all things cute, their gender or race is irrelevant.


Mikado is the epitome of laziness as she is unwilling to do anything but the bare minimum required to sustain her lifestyle. Whenever possible she will try to get others to provide for her. When that isn't an option she'll take the easiest alternative available. She will only ever put effort into things she enjoys, such as her games. For things she doesn't care for she'll practically be a zombie just going through the motions until she can escape.


  • Sleeping
  • Playing Games
  • Eating Junk Food
  • Forcing cute girls and boys to use her lap as a pillow


  • Manual Labor
  • Leaving The House
  • Having to put effort into things that aren't her games


Very little is known about Mikado's past. Whenever questioned she just dismissively waves her hand and says it's too much of a hassle to give her backstory. All that is known is that she doesn't seem to have any family and spends her time leeching off others as she indulges her own personal interests. In truth she was born to a fairly normal family. However she was born with a peculiar abnormality. She was far more lethargic and apathetic than her peers and as she grew she demonstrated an unnatural toughness. Eventually her lethargy seemed to expand to time itself as she found herself able to slow the passage of time around her. Her otherwise normal life came to an end when her family were the victims of a villainous plot. Through her own apathy she indirectly aided in her parents death resulting with her being thrown on the streets. After a long and convoluted series of events she eventually found herself in the OOTT.

Villainous Motive

Mikado does only the bare minimum to support her lifestyle and thanks to her abilities has found the easiest way of doing this is by living a life of crime.


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