Mikado Maxwell


Three Thousand Club

Mikado Maxwell




Mikado Maxwell












2nd Year


Eye Color:



Hair Color:




Long and free-flowing, the best you'll get is a little brushing to smack down stray hairs.


Any other details about the face:

Other than her glasses and the striking red eyes behind them she appears to be a normal young girl.






Small, thin, and rather frail


Other physical marks:

There is a rather subtle mark at the nape of her neck that reads 005



Mikado is a rather hyperactive individual, however this usually manifests itself in her devotion to whatever cause she has set forth for herself. Once she delves into a task she tunes out the world around her and will become exceptionally irate towards those that disturb her work. To that end her treatment towards others can vary between outright ignoring them to intermittent displays of affection. When she isn't head-first into some sort of task she is cheerful and rather outgoing. She is more than willing to walk up to random strangers and strike up a conversation even if she generally isn't very good at it. Truth matters a lot to her as she believes it to be the founding principle of science. As such she will rarely lie and freely blurt out secrets as she believes knowledge is meant to be shared. Her tendency for truth-telling combined with her overall lack of social skills often results in her unintentionally hurting others. The sole exception to this belief is unfinished work. She believes giving out false information is equally as bad as stifling information and as such will be extremely secretive about her projects until they are finished. Overall the single best word to describe Mikado could be driven. No matter what happens she never loses her drive to push forward.



Mikado is what you might call a 'test-tube baby'. She is the result of an illegal experiment that sought to augment humans and pave the way forward for humanity's next evolutionary step. The combined efforts of magic and science yielded results in the form of many young children, Mikado being one of them. The children were subjected to an endless barrage of tests as the researchers tried to perfect what they had created. It was during this time that her abilities were brought forth. While not flashy her capabilities drew the attention of the researchers and they soon began putting her through rigorous study and more intellectual tests to see just how far she could go. Despite the harsh trials she was subjected to she remained cheerful. She took great joy in learning about the world and while they were harsh and clinical the researchers treated her well enough. Her time in the facility would not last as after only a few short years the authorities discovered what was going on and raided the facility. Mikado and the other children were taken to a government facility to undergo treatment while the authorities figured out what to do with them. Given the nature of their origins several experts in the fields of magic and science were brought in to help determine how best to deal with the children. One such individual was a scientist and inventor by the name of Tommas Maxwell. He worked along side the other experts and evaluated each of the children, determining what they were capable of and what should be done. During this time he acquired a special fondness for Mikado as her unique capabilities resonated quite well with his own.


After a few months the man formally requested to adopt the girl. Although wary of letting the children go so freely they eventually relented to the man's request, deeming the girl's abilities safe enough and the man responsible enough. To commemorate the occasion Mikado was bestowed her name, up until this point she had always been called by her designation as the researchers saw no need to give the children actual names. The girl was overjoyed and settled in quickly in her new home and new life. Her new father was quick to put her to work as he taught her about life beyond the walls of secret facilities and endless tests. Even so her own interests ultimately drove her into the realm of science as she begun helping her father with his experiments and inventions. In an attempt to ensure she had a more normal life her father enrolled her in school. This ultimately proved rather futile as her intellect and personality clashed heavily with the staff and faculty of her school and she was soon bouncing from one school to the next. Nearing his whit's end her father stumbled across a rather unique academy located on fairly remote island. The academy seemed tailored to dealing with more unique students and the thought of Mikado being able to go to a school that fit her needs ultimately led him to enroll her. A short while later Mikado found herself at Orion Academy, an uncertain future awaiting her.


Magical Abilities:

While many of the children at the facility did manifest magical abilities Mikado was not one of them.


Other Skills:


Eidetic Memory:

Mikado has the rather unique trait known as Eidetic Memory, or photographic memory. As soon as she sees or learns of something she can perfectly recall the memory no matter how long ago it was.


Supreme Intellect:

Mikado is extraordinarily smart, had she been born a normal child she'd be labeled a prodigy of some sort. As such she is capable of absorbing and understanding new information exceptionally quickly as well as figuring out ways of utilizing said information to achieve her goals. She is also capable of compartmentalizing tasks giving her an unnatural level of multi-tasking.



Mikado can make use of both of her hands equally. As well she has rather nimble fingers allowing her to work quickly and efficiently.





Mikado is extremely driven in whatever task she has set for herself. No matter how difficult or how long it may take she devotes herself 100% towards accomplishing her goal.



A life of endless trials as forged a steel will. Even if things seem bleak or hopeless she remains strong and undaunted.



Due to her rather unusual life she is absolutely infatuated with discovering new things. She loves interacting with people, learning who and what they are as well as exploring the world around her.




Physically Weak:

All of Mikado's time and energy goes into her intellectual pursuits, as such she has very little time for anything physical. The most exercise she gets is toiling around on the various machines she creates.



While her drive can be a strength it very quickly goes too far and she often finds herself driven to near fanatical levels to uncover some hidden truth or succeed in some experiment. She freely tunes out the world around her and will lash out angrily at those who disturb her when she is overly focused on her work.


Eidetic Memory:

Her photographic memory is one of her most powerful and useful attributes, but it can also be her most harmful one as well. She is incapable of choosing what memories she retains and as such she can recall in perfect detail every bad or hurtful thing that has ever happened to her since the very day she was born. While normally these memories are restrained deep within her subconscious they can wreak havoc on her if she is forced to recall them.


Poor Eyesight:

Her glasses are all but mandatory for her to see. Without them she is pretty much blind and can only see a mass of blurry lights.




Physical Violence:

As she is rather weak and frail as well as knowledgeable on human anatomy she is afraid of the amount of damage physical blows can cause to her.


Romantic Comedies:

She watched one of those once. Never again.


Having her Laptop Stolen:

Her laptop was a gift from her adoptive father and she cherishes it above all else. The prospect of losing it is extremely distressing for her.



Whenever her glasses are unwillingly removed from her face she breaks down and cries. However, as soon as they are returned to her she returns to normal.


Prized possessions

Mikado's most prized possession is her laptop. She carries the device around with her everywhere she goes and is extraordinarily protective about it.



Mikado's hobbies involve programing, inventing, building, experimenting, and basically anything that has to deal with science.
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Yea she seems pretty fine in my books. Really i'm just wondering if you can pull off the smart character, since people try it and fail in the process, generally resulting to things being pulled out of nowhere and so fourth. Really i'm rooting for you though!

Accepted unless another staff member says something. 

Mikado Maxwell



Mikado Maxwell












2nd Year


Eye Color:



Hair Color:




Long and free-flowing, the best you'll get is a little brushing to smack down stray hairs.


Any other details about the face:

Other than her glasses and the striking red eyes behind them she appears to be a normal young girl.






Small, thin, and rather frail


Other physical marks:

There is a rather subtle mark at the nape of her neck that reads 005



Mikado is a rather hyperactive individual, however this usually manifests itself in her devotion to whatever cause she has set forth for herself. Once she delves into a task she tunes out the world around her and will become exceptionally irate towards those that disturb her work. To that end her treatment towards others can vary between outright ignoring them to intermittent displays of affection. When she isn't head-first into some sort of task she is cheerful and rather outgoing. She is more than willing to walk up to random strangers and strike up a conversation even if she generally isn't very good at it. Truth matters a lot to her as she believes it to be the founding principle of science. As such she will rarely lie and freely blurt out secrets as she believes knowledge is meant to be shared. Her tendency for truth-telling combined with her overall lack of social skills often results in her unintentionally hurting others. The sole exception to this belief is unfinished work. She believes giving out false information is equally as bad as stifling information and as such will be extremely secretive about her projects until they are finished. Overall the single best word to describe Mikado could be driven. No matter what happens she never loses her drive to push forward.



Mikado is what you might call a 'test-tube baby'. She is the result of an illegal experiment that sought to augment humans and pave the way forward for humanity's next evolutionary step. The combined efforts of magic and science yielded results in the form of many young children, Mikado being one of them. The children were subjected to an endless barrage of tests as the researchers tried to perfect what they had created. It was during this time that her abilities were brought forth. While not flashy her capabilities drew the attention of the researchers and they soon began putting her through rigorous study and more intellectual tests to see just how far she could go. Despite the harsh trials she was subjected to she remained cheerful. She took great joy in learning about the world and while they were harsh and clinical the researchers treated her well enough. Her time in the facility would not last as after only a few short years the authorities discovered what was going on and raided the facility. Mikado and the other children were taken to a government facility to undergo treatment while the authorities figured out what to do with them. Given the nature of their origins several experts in the fields of magic and science were brought in to help determine how best to deal with the children. One such individual was a scientist and inventor by the name of Tommas Maxwell. He worked along side the other experts and evaluated each of the children, determining what they were capable of and what should be done. During this time he acquired a special fondness for Mikado as her unique capabilities resonated quite well with his own.


After a few months the man formally requested to adopt the girl. Although wary of letting the children go so freely they eventually relented to the man's request, deeming the girl's abilities safe enough and the man responsible enough. To commemorate the occasion Mikado was bestowed her name, up until this point she had always been called by her designation as the researchers saw no need to give the children actual names. The girl was overjoyed and settled in quickly in her new home and new life. Her new father was quick to put her to work as he taught her about life beyond the walls of secret facilities and endless tests. Even so her own interests ultimately drove her into the realm of science as she begun helping her father with his experiments and inventions. In an attempt to ensure she had a more normal life her father enrolled her in school. This ultimately proved rather futile as her intellect and personality clashed heavily with the staff and faculty of her school and she was soon bouncing from one school to the next. Nearing his whit's end her father stumbled across a rather unique academy located on fairly remote island. The academy seemed tailored to dealing with more unique students and the thought of Mikado being able to go to a school that fit her needs ultimately led him to enroll her. A short while later Mikado found herself at Orion Academy, an uncertain future awaiting her.


Magical Abilities:

While many of the children at the facility did manifest magical abilities Mikado was not one of them.


Other Skills:


Eidetic Memory:

Mikado has the rather unique trait known as Eidetic Memory, or photographic memory. As soon as she sees or learns of something she can perfectly recall the memory no matter how long ago it was.


Supreme Intellect:

Mikado is extraordinarily smart, had she been born a normal child she'd be labeled a prodigy of some sort. As such she is capable of absorbing and understanding new information exceptionally quickly as well as figuring out ways of utilizing said information to achieve her goals. She is also capable of compartmentalizing tasks giving her an unnatural level of multi-tasking.



Mikado can make use of both of her hands equally. As well she has rather nimble fingers allowing her to work quickly and efficiently.





Mikado is extremely driven in whatever task she has set for herself. No matter how difficult or how long it may take she devotes herself 100% towards accomplishing her goal.



A life of endless trials as forged a steel will. Even if things seem bleak or hopeless she remains strong and undaunted.



Due to her rather unusual life she is absolutely infatuated with discovering new things. She loves interacting with people, learning who and what they are as well as exploring the world around her.




Physically Weak:

All of Mikado's time and energy goes into her intellectual pursuits, as such she has very little time for anything physical. The most exercise she gets is toiling around on the various machines she creates.



While her drive can be a strength it very quickly goes too far and she often finds herself driven to near fanatical levels to uncover some hidden truth or succeed in some experiment. She freely tunes out the world around her and will lash out angrily at those who disturb her when she is overly focused on her work.


Eidetic Memory:

Her photographic memory is one of her most powerful and useful attributes, but it can also be her most harmful one as well. She is incapable of choosing what memories she retains and as such she can recall in perfect detail every bad or hurtful thing that has ever happened to her since the very day she was born. While normally these memories are restrained deep within her subconscious they can wreak havoc on her if she is forced to recall them.


Poor Eyesight:

Her glasses are all but mandatory for her to see. Without them she is pretty much blind and can only see a mass of blurry lights.




Physical Violence:

As she is rather weak and frail as well as knowledgeable on human anatomy she is afraid of the amount of damage physical blows can cause to her.


Romantic Comedies:

She watched one of those once. Never again.


Having her Laptop Stolen:

Her laptop was a gift from her adoptive father and she cherishes it above all else. The prospect of losing it is extremely distressing for her.



Whenever her glasses are unwillingly removed from her face she breaks down and cries. However, as soon as they are returned to her she returns to normal.


Prized possessions

Mikado's most prized possession is her laptop. She carries the device around with her everywhere she goes and is extraordinarily protective about it.



Mikado's hobbies involve programing, inventing, building, experimenting, and basically anything that has to deal with science.

I love her! There is juuust one thing though. How relevant  is the facility going to be in your opinion. If you have a canon or further developments for it planned you should pm me and @Ballerina about it so we can go over it. Other then that, looks great!
I love her! There is juuust one thing though. How relevant  is the facility going to be in your opinion. If you have a canon or further developments for it planned you should pm me and @Ballerina about it so we can go over it. Other then that, looks great!

I never actually planned for that to play any real part. Just part of her backstory really. Although I did leave it open as there are other kids with various abilities so that might be able to be made into something,
Ok I'm just making sure she wont suddenly gain superpowers b/c of her super secret backstory. So with that put to rest you have my seal of approval! 

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