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Fantasy Might, Magic, Prejudice.(closed)

What day was today? It didn't matter. Every day looked the same. Same cloudy sky, same fog on the ground. Only the longest lived Espers remembered the days when the sun was visible. The people of today though, most knew better than to dedicate themselves to such trivial things like the warmth and brightness of a sun. Food had to be gathered and eaten, monsters had to be killed. It didn't matter if someone was a Mercenary or not. That was normal. For everyone.

In the town of Kleith'Shaw, the residents began to crawl out of their homes, their shelters, and their holes. Kleith'Shaw was a Langard town, it had its origins as a Dragonkin clan, but out of necessity, they allowed their services to be open to all others. That was 50 years ago. Now, the only Dragonkin natives left in Kleith'Shaw were the workers of the Church of Bahamut, the good Dragon God. Everyone else was some form of Human, Elf, Dwarf or Halfling.. they were appreciative of their Dragonkin protectors.

In the shelter of Shiberuch, the homeless and unskilled slept in.. it made the place terribly quiet. Stalking the halls of the shelter was a single Paladin of Bahamut; a silver-scaled Dragonkin clad in shining armor with a heavy iron greatsword heaved onto her back. The look in her white eyes, and the scowl across her maw, this Dragonkin Paladin looked ready to kill something.

Entering soon after the Paladin was a curious grey figure clad in a tattered red robe. With each step there was a clink, clank or some other mechanical sound. Hardly stealthy. The Dragonkin turned around at this sound, her eyes narrowing at the golem. She glared into its glowing orange eyes, which soon met hers, as the Paladin spoke.

"You're here rather early, Forge-Clan." Her voice was deep and mellow, but grating to an extent. "It has only been twelve hours since the job was posted."

To this, the glow in the Warforged's eyes dimmed, and its pincerlike jaws opened, as the machine spoke.

"To be early and to be punctual are absolute musts. That has always been a part of my programming. It is a benefit in construction, in Monkhood, and I would wager it is beneficial in Mercenary work, as well." the Warforged's voice was monotone and moderately masculine, accentuated with a metallic ring apparent on hard consonants and vowels. To his remark, the Dragonkin merely shook her head, and with a heavy swish of her armor, she seated herself. "Do not expect your allies to follow the same proceedures as you. There is no telling if anyone else has accepted Father Varen's job. He was.. Rather obscure, in his writings."

"But he has entrusted the details to you?"

"Correct, Forge-clan. Once everyone is here, I will part with them." at this remark, "Forge-clan", the Warforged shook his head and held up a hand in protest..

"You need not address this unit as Forge-clan. I am Unit-701, but most simply call me Fist." as Fist introduced himself, he too sat down, his eyes focused on the door through which he and the Paladin had walked through. His processors recalled the job details that had been given; written in Common.

"For Mercenary Eyes,

To whom it may concern, the Church of Bahumut needs the assistance of anyone that may call themselves armed and dangerous.

Arrive at the Shelter of Shiberuch in Kleith'Shaw, and speak to the Silver-scaled Paladin for further information. A handsome reward is promised."
As Fist processed this vague contract, by his calculations, he was not expecting many others to show up. At the same time, he had no mental logs of Merc work, for Fist was a new face to the field.
"I hate unknowns." Growled out Tyr as he approached Kleith'Shaw's gates, as basic as they were. It was more of a bunch of logs and whatever the hell else they could find that was tough laying around, stacked up and blocking off the approach of most who came here. Sure it would delay bandits an hour or two, but Tyr doubted it could stand another monster assault in it's current condition. He received the contract through one of his couriers that he hired to travel out to different holds and taverns to gather work for him and bring it back to his little den of an outpost that he would visit solely for this reason. Made things easy and helped with finding the best job to help the most people. However out of all the contracts presented, this one felt off. Mostly the wording of "anyone that may call themselves armed and dangerous"and "A handsome reward is promised." It's also the fact that nothing of the objective was stated. However because of the high reward and low entry, he just KNEW that there were going to be newbies targeting this. He also just knew that there will be a very minimal amount of experienced Mercs. that would risk it, and a small team was almost guaranteed.

Tyr wasn't just going to let these guys go in dark and alone, plus the reward wold be nice. Not many to split it with.

He could feel the gravel crunch and roll under his feet as he pushed open the doors of the town and went strait for the Shelter. He had been here before on another job, reason why the wall was constructed in the first place, and he would have gotten he faster too if it wasn't for the poor boy who lost his elderly grandfather on the road to here. As a servant of Wee Jas it was his duty to make sure that his soul passed on safely, so he did. Buried the man by the road and gave a prayer for him, then escorted the boy to the nearest safe haven. Luckily enough this town's church tolerated him and his duties as the last Karuth, mostly because Tyr saved many lives of the villagers, more so than they could have hoped, as per his contract then. Going down the street, even with his deep hood up, man of the towns people recognized him. Most instantly shot up in mood and gave him quick greetings, one little girl even gave him a wild flower. This made Tyr happy, it meant that these people had hope, even if it's just with him. It was that hope that would be needed to truly fight back all demons and monsters and restore true order back to the land.

Once he reached the doors to the shelter, he sighed. When the contract said silver-scaled paladin, he hoped it wasn't the one from the last job here. She was so dead set on having him arrested and burned at a stake, only the townspeople truly held her back from it. Giving a heave he opened the heavy doors and locked eyes with the first person he saw. As did they look at him, for the door was quite loud. The woman he made eye contact with had instant recognition of him, and her already disgruntled look got ugly. He couldn't help but give a light chuckle at his own jinx.

"You." Was all she said, and he could just hear the intent in her voice.

"Greetings, Paladin." Tyr spoke respectfully. It was at this point that he noticed the other man here. Or better yet machine, and an odd one at that. A Warforged, tall and strong by the looks of it, with massive hands and a...monks robe? It was an oddity in and of itself. Many, Many years as a traveling mercenary and this is the first time he came across a monk Warforged.

"Greetings to you too, sir. I believe introductions are in order." Tyr spoke and approached the two.

He made it a little more dramatic than it should have been, for the paladin's sake. His voice was already heavy and low, but combined with his slow approach and armor gave him an aura that he liked. Instilled fear into those that would defy the law or attack the innocent, and commanded respect from those that felt it. It's something he would love to call a skill earned from dealings with all kinds of people, from the most shady to the church itself. His entry ended when he came close to them both, and heard the growl from his side.
Myrrl had both hands up, his shields seized and set aside as he stood at the entrance to the town. Fierce eyes darted from guard to guard as they stood around him, swords drawn with determination regarding the monster who had walked up so calmly, and who had surrendered his equipment for inspection without trouble. His claws would be enough to handle them, so long as he had his armor. The certainty was causing his hunger to rouse, a touch of saliva causing him to lick his chops and swallow. After all, there were heaving chests and veins pulsing with a subtle siren call promising fresh red-

"It's all in order." The Gnoll's ears perked, snapping out of the vague fog that had begun to cloud his mind. The Captain approached, an old and worn letter in hand which he offered back to the hulking brute clad in full plate. The Captain examined the armor carefully before nodding. "You're to go through, but you shall remove your helmet and allow my men to escort you to your destination. This is not up for negotiation."

Myrr raised clawed fingers to work the straps holding his helmet in place, undoing them with a practiced speed. As the metal was removed, the guards shifted uncomfortably. It was an unusual circumstance to be so close to one of these beasts and not have to be fighting to the death, which allowed them to really examine the fearsome appearance of the monster. He tucked the piece of armor under his left arm and walked over to his shields. One was raised over his shoulder to rest on his back as though it were meant to attach there. The man who had been standing watch over the shields went to lift the other, to hand it to the Gnoll only to strain and grunt as he managed to raise it an inch.

The unease increased, for Myrrl raised tit as easily as he had the other, holding it with one hand. However, he continued to offer no struggle, completely placid on the exterior. The guards then moved around him, marching him the short distance to meet with the Paladin and those who had also arrived that day. The aghast expressions of people who had only ever known his kind as a threat to their existence was easy to ignore by now, though the sting would never fade completely.

"Here we are. You keep your head down and avoid trouble and you'll have seen the last of us," the guard to his right stated. Myrrl only approached the door and leaned on it without another word, leaving the men behind him framed in the entrance briefly while he took their advice a little early, ducking his head under the entryway to move through. As a gesture of politeness he shut the door behind him, drawing up to those already gathered without ceremony. As he set his gear down where it would have enough support to avoid breaking anything, he spoke in a gruff voice. "Contract. Warrior. What need?" His limited vocabulary made itself apparent, and he rose then to his full height to regard the others. The non-plussed Paladin, who regarded him with the same amount of love she had demonstrated to Tyr. It was the other two who drew his attention, the man with the mesmerizing eyes and the other man made from- something. Myrrl simply marveled at the fact that he was not a man of flesh.

@DemetrioMachete @LMAOTseTung
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Draco watched as the strange beast opened the door, lower it's head, and walk in. The vampire watched this from the shadows between buildings on the other side of the street.

There was a clank of armour as the soldiers marched away, some still uneasy, but their captain then tried to raise their spirits.

"Alright lads, how about we get a drink before getting back to our stations?" Said what Draco took to be the officer.

The mortals are so odd,
he thought. Jumping with glee at the prospect of some alcohol. Still, maybe that's the only joy they can have right now...

The vampire raised his hands up, and pulled his hood up, deep in thought. This 'handsome reward' gave away that the job was dangerous or important. It most definitely meant that someone would get hurt, which was why Draco was here. If someone was to be killed, he would make sure that if it was an innocent, they would be protected. Or maybe the target wasn't such a good person...either way, people would die, and Draco would make sure that it was the right people.

The faint rays of sunlight still refused to leave, as if to show the vampire how much the sun hated him. But after a little while, finally the light faded until only darkness remained.

Draco immediately felt stronger, and his body buzzed with energy. This was his time, the night. He felt immortal in the dark hours after day.

The vampire unsheathed his sword, but otherwise didn't move. To barge in and swing wildly would be stupid, but few options remained. Unless he could talk his way in...

The vampire walked across the street, and knocked on the door softly, sword still drawn.
Fist eyed the new arrival with the same neutral stare he had given the paladin. The light in his eyes dimmed, as his coronary lens zoomed in on the human. Taken note of was the bizarre pattern within their eyes. Rather than dwell on it, Fist extended its hand; thick and shining, with three jointed fingers.

"This unit is addressed as 701, though you may call me Fist." the Paladin merely shook her head, calmly resting her snout within her armored hands. She had been on her feet all day today.. Wasn't in the mood for levity.

Next came Gnoll, taking in its features and comparing it with Gnoll illustrations within fist's memory banks. Only illustrations, though, for in his seven months of operating time, Fist had never encountered a live Gnoll.

"An oddity indeed..." the Warforged pondered out loud; though in no particular tone. Hed just leave it there. The monk rose up, informing the other two of the situation. "This Paladin of Bahamut is waiting for an ample amount of operatives before she will part with the details of the objective. In the meantime I would advise seating yourselves. The muscle fiber in flesh feet will stiffen uncomfortably if stood on too long."


As Draco knocked upon the door of the shelter, a Dwarf that had just woken up sleepily walked out of his bunk, rubbing the crust out of his eyes. He took up a shovel, leaving a heavy sigh as he moved to go outside and dig ditches. As he left the place, he saw Draco, and eyed him with suspicion.

"Whatcha got yer weapon drawn, fer?" he questioned him, seemingly undaunted by the blade. Dwarves were often brave and stubborn by nature...

"If yer goin in the shelter ye might wanna sheathe it. Paladins might get the wrong idea, mate.." with that, he hobbled off, outside the outskirts of town. If the Dwarf knew Draco's undead nature.. It seemed as though he did not care.

@LMAOTseTung @Rathalosa @Remmock
Draco sighed inside, glad the dwarf did not see him for what he was. That was close. Next time he would have to be careful.

The vampire took the dwarf's advice, and sheathed his sword. It would be a bad idea to go in as if he wanted a fight with a Paladin inside. Draco had no doubt he could defend himself, but he didn't want to start a conflict right now, and have the whole town out looking for him.

The vampire opened the door, and slowly walked in. The room was lit, and Draco had nowhere to hide. They didn't seem to know what he was, the four odd figures in front of him, but if they looked long enough they might find out.

The vampire smiled, trying to act like a mercenary.

"You have work, yeah?," He spoke confidently, though he was anxious inside. "Experienced swordsman, at your service."

Draco took a bow, and waited for a response.
Tyr took the monks hand and matched his grip "Karuth Tyr Scyn, though you may just call me Tyr. Well met Venerable Fist." Tyr gave the monk a short bow and turned towards the paladin, who was currently shaking her head in mist of her current roster. "Well it certainly has been a..." Tyr started at the paladin, but then he had to stop as his hunters instincts kicked in.

He felt it, a monster nearby. At the door.

Flinging towards the entry way, Tyr unhooked the sheath from his belt and got ready for battle, right when the doors opened. He stopped, however, once he saw the eyes of the now identified gnoll. He saw something you would never see in one of its kinds eyes.


Tyr smiled and laughed abit at his own jumpiness when the gnoll spoke and stated his buisness. That's two firsts in one day. "Welcome, friend." Tyr spoke as he put his sheath back on his belt. He then moved out of the gnoll way and pointed back at the paladin. "You want to speak with her about your interests in the mission." He turned around and made his way back around to the monk, who greeted our new personal as well. Fist suggested we sit, and none were in disagreement. Mostly was small talk until dark, then more oddities came about.

Such as a vampire suggesting he wants to take the mission. Sure he couldn't see enough of him or the fact was obvious. It was those same hunter instincts from years of study and experience.

"Welcome, if you wish to inquire of the job, paladin is right there. Don't let her get a good look at you though, she won't be too happy." At that remake the girl audibly growled at him, and he laughed. It was enough, he thought the vampire would catch on with that hint that he knew, and that he should be cautious. Few vampires didn't give into their carnal desires, and he was keen to continue having some that wouldn't.
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Fist merely nodded at Tyr, breaking eye contact with him as he approached the Gnoll, staying about twelve feet away. Warforged by themselves had little issues of personal space, but flesh based organics operated differently, he recalled.

"A strange occurence for a species readily identified as a monster to affiliate themselves with the cultures of civilized people. Strange, and uncommon, but not unheard of. Several scriptures speak of various monster species that do similar things. One famous example is of the Silver Dragon Shi'ok, who took on a human form to live amongst the Langardian people. When the apocalypse arrived, Shi'ok discarded her form and ruthlessly defended her new town and friends with blast after blast of ice breath. If your shields are our ally, you are welcome here, good Gnoll." perhaps a bit long-winded, but it got the point across. The tale was enough to illicit a proud smirk from the paladin, proud to know her lineage had its own heroes. In fact, it got her to rise, observing the incoming operatives.

"Where you are from and what you have done is irrelevant now. As Mercenaries, I hear it is smart for you to withhold your prejudices and fear, for the ones you are staring at right now may end up saving your life." the Paladin spoke.

"A correct assumption." Fist spoke up, his eyes glancing at the vampire. Before he could get into another long-winded tale.. His eyes narrowed their light, as though scanning this Draco.

"...I detect significant signs of Undeath within this individual." Fist claimed, rather deadpan. The Paladin was alarmed by this, and at the word "undeath", she nearly reached for her sword. But then the words she literally just spoke echoed through her mind.. About mercenaries casting aside prejudice. She snorted, allowing Fist to handle the pleasantries.

"Do get comfortable, sir." Fist said to Draco. "When enough people have gathered here, the Paladin of Bahamut will tell us our mission."



"Thank you. I am interested to see what this is about."

Draco found a place to sit, and started thinking. He was lucky that the mercenaries didn't attack, and he could have sworn the paladin reached for her weapon. What had stopped her?

Draco could feel the eyes looking at him. There were few times people could look at a vampire without risking their lives. Or maybe they were looking at him in hate. That would be understandable. Draco too hated other vampires.

There was an odd sort of feeling, like an itch. The vampire frowned before realising what it was. He was hungry for blood, and soon he would have to feed again. Hopefully, nothing bad would happen in the meantime.
An elf was walking briskly through the streets of Kleith'Shaw, paying no attention to the residents who passed him. Despite the poor condition of the place, Osamu Yuu took his steps in stride, marching with great dignity towards his destination. The elven man was dressed in his finest attire, a red robe decorated in an intricate oriental design featuring colorful flowers and dragons. It was made from the most precious of silk. On his hip the man wore a sheathed sword. It was his daitana (katana), and the sword had been in his family for many centuries. Next to it was a smaller sheath of some kind that only appeared about a foot long, but it was difficult to see what it could be from afar. Trailing down the elf's back was a long and luxuriant mane of black hair, kept secure and tight in a single braid.

Osamu was an experienced mercenary, and had been involved in the field for nearly a century. He was proud of his line of work, but deeply resented many of the forlorn people it was meant to benefit. In truth the elf was disgusted by such a place. He was disappointed to see so many of his people. They were living about with humans and halflings as if they were equals. As he began to near the shelter, Osamu reflected on his disdain for such helpless beings. They were worthless to him. He did not understand how one could lay down and accept such a low standard of living. Osamu himself had once been in a similar situation, but instead of living among the dirt he took up the role of a mercenary. He would never live so poor, thought Osamu.

Now the elf stepped into the waiting room. He paused in the doorway, eyeing each mercenary with his narrow brown eyes. He was relieved to find that most of them were humans, an easy match for a powerful elf such as he. The elf knew he would have to play nice with these others mercenaries, but he had no intention of sharing his reward with any of them. After examining each individual, the bard crossed farther into the room. His wooden clogs clicked with each step, creating a small echo. He knew immediately which being was there by the Church of Bahamut, a female dragonkin. Osamu knew well about the church of Bahamut, and how it strove to help the needy. He suspected his reward would likely be divided in some way for them, too. Nevertheless, the elf presented himself to the female with a deep bow. "I have come to answer your request for mercenary power, your honor", he said. The advertisement promised a handsome reward, which was what drew Osamu there.
As the Elf entered the room, Fist and the Paladin turned their heads. The Dragonkin narrowed her eyes, nodding to herself.

"This is enough people." She rose to her feet, walking past Osamu and shutting the door behind him. The details of this mission shouldn't get into the ears of the common folk. They might get panicked...

Meanwhile, Fist scanned the Elf with his eyes, identifying a sword unknown to his databanks, as well as his Elven origin. It neglected to make a remark towards him, as the Paladin began speaking. This was important, so Fist must listen, the golem told itself.

"Normally we need not rely on Mercenary assistance for work like this. As the spawn of Dragons we are the most fit for killing... But these creatures are not normal, and their masters are a dire threat to our safety." She took a deep breath.. As though remembering her manners. She bowed to the mercenaries, ready to introduce herself.

"My name is Ke'el Teh Ress.. if your Draconic tongue is lacking, you may simply call me Glacia. I will be accompanying you on your assignment." she approached them, her expression growing more serious.

"Undead are no threat by themselves, as you should all know. A mere child could destroy a single Walking Dead. In hordes.. They are a great threat. But this batch of Walking Dead.. Theyre a far greater threat than a horde of any size." as though to emphasize her point, her clawed fist clenched.

"These Walking Dead possess intelligence! Unlike any other fledgling zombie, these wield weapons, use magic, and strategize! The Church of Great Bahamut promises a sum of 1000 gold and silver to be distributed amongst the lot of you that destroy the source of these Intelligent Undead. I can only imagine they are Necromancers of the most vile caliber.

Fist had no questions. Glacia had spoken all he felt he needed to know. The enemy type: Undead with Intelligence. The objective: destroy the source. And the pay: 1000 gold coins and 1000 silver coins to be distrubuted amongst the lot of Mercs. Furthermore Glacia would be joining them, it seemed. With armor like that, and such a massive blade.. Surely she was a mighty and experienced combatant.

"I may call myself ready and able, Paladin. When shall we depart?" Fist asked of her, rising to his feet.

Fist's sudden readiness surprised Glacia.. Even for a Warforged she wasn't expecting someone to be immediately ready to face the danger. With a flicker of her forked tongue, she responded.

"Ideally, today."

@Enuky K @Rathalosa @Remmock @LMAOTseTung
Rather than acknowledging Osamu, the female dragonkin gathered the attention of the other mercenaries and began to explain the details of the mission. Osamu was not annoyed to have been ignored, feeling that he did not particularly wish to speak with dragonkin. He was relieved that there would be no more time wasted on waiting, and stood with his back straightened as he absorbed the information regarding their mission. It turned out to be more interesting than he could have guessed. Intelligent undead? He had never heard of such creatures, but if they were his target he was sure he could slay them.

Tracking the disgusting beasts to their source would be a great challenge, thought Osamu. He began to look around at the other mercenaries again. Perhaps he would use their skills for longer than he thought. At last Glacia delivered the most important aspect about the mission: the reward. It was a sizable amount of $1,000 gold coins and $1,000 silver coins. Of course, it was expected that the amount be divided up. This would leave each mercenary with a rather small amount, but it was no matter to Osamu.

"I am prepared to leave at once", Osamu commented upon learning of how soon they were expected to begin. He wondered how the rest of the group would feel about the mission and whether or not they were prepared to leave. He knew how incompetent humans could be.
Draco listened intently, actually interested. He did find the intelligent undead part funny. He was technically undead, and he was intelligent. Maybe there were other vampires involved. If so, all the better.

When the elf stood up and announced he was ready, he looked at Draco and the others in a not so nice way. That sparked a bit of resentment from him. Typical elf, believing themselves better than humans.

Of course Draco stood up and did likewise.

"I don't have anything in my life at the moment, so I'm ready to go anytime."

The vampire spoke truly. Apart from hunt down other vampires, his life had no other purpose.
Tyr cursed as the information from Te'el was relayed to the group. From the sound of it, and the fact that this ego high woman bowed to them made the situation all the more serious. Closing his eyes in brief thought, Tyr's mind ran through everything he knew and the information about the situation. After stroking his chin a few more times, Tyr stood in front of everyone and pulled back his hood that revealed his serious expression.

"Truthfully, Te'el, I have encountered such a creature before. Minor undead can be brought to bearing intelligence with an adept level necromancy spell known simply as "Awaken Undead." The problem here is that this spell can hardly affect an entire horde of undead without an equally large horde of necromancers, and with such intelligence." Tyr began pacing back and forth as he racked his mind. As if a revelation hit him, he held his finger up and after his face of epiphany, conjured one of near dread.

"I have two ideas, so lets hope it is the second," He started holding up one finger, "Firstly, and less likely, it could be a special class of demon. Some reports from the war with them had sightings of a demon that could control and raise the dead soldiers of our side and turn them on us, acting and behaving exactly as they had before, but under the demons command." Raising a second finger he continued.

"Secondly, it could be a small group of lich-class necromancers that possess an artifact that could...amplify the effects of the "Awaken Undead" spell to the level that it is." Looking back to the paladin, Tyr went to a face of neutrality and spoke evenly. "If we break the artifact, just like a web of wires the whole horde that's connected will crumble with the spell, a side effect of the spell. If it is the first, then we may be experiencing a second invasion." Looking off to side for a bit, Tyr returned to his seat. "However, don't take my word as an absolute fact. This theory was built off my experiences as a Karuth and prior knowledge. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I am ready to leave whenever you are." The information was mostly targeted at the paladin, however he felt it would be necessary for the group to know and prepare, or leave if they thought the challenge to be too high. Lich-class necromancers are no joke, having mastered the art of necromancy. He had encountered a few before, but nothing to this scale.
"Were it a band of Liches the lot of us would all be Undead by now." Ke'el tried to reassure the group.. and herself. She knew the nature of monsters.. particularly Undead monsters.

"A Lich is an Undead magician of unspeakable evil and disdain. Most would not waste time toying around with a threat looming nearby. That said, I genuinely so wish to see these perpetrators for myself." Her fists began to clench. "If I cannot arrest them, I will kill them. It is the only way to repay the lost lives of men, women and children that tried to leave." She began to walk for the door, looking back at everybody. Fist nodded, rising from its own seat and following Ke'el.

"This mobile platform is inedible and immune to all organic diseases. Should it be recommended that this unit takes point?" Fist asked the Paladin, and she seemed to think it over.. before turning back to the other Mercs. "Unless anyone else has a better idea.. I do not see why not."

"If everyone is prepared and ready, departure can become effective immediately."Fist said to the others. Turning back to them with his neutral face.. his pincer like jaws snapping together about twice.
Tyr began running through all his gear and wasn't even looking at them as the paladin rushed to reassure the situation, and Tyr saw her point, and made him question his theory. However, it also gave him another angle on this. What if these people weren't the target. Standing up, Tyr checked the straps of his armor once more and headed after the Te'el while everyone else in the room was still mulling over the data, or checking their own respective gears. Standing next to her at the exit along with fist.

"That gives me another idea." Tyr began at the paladin. "What if we are not the target? It would make sense for the liches to gather for something important, and the undead army is there to distract us and keep us away from them." Tyr chuckled alittle, and ran his fingers along one of the scars on his face that he received from a lich on the outskirts of Ryuga few years back." Probably another one of their damn rituals." Tyr smiled and looked at Te'el. "Serving your deity can sure be a bitch sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

If he was going to be in a party with her, then the walls should brake down a bit. In the field there should be absolutely nothing in your mind that questions whether or not you should protect your comrade. That moments hesitation in staying your hand can kill, and it hits hard. Not only is that one man down that can help the whole group, but thats a father or mother gone; a future ruler or hero that changes history. A hole in the mercs heart. Tyr made it his top priority to gain the respect and friendship of the entire group he worked with, if not just to chip a bit of ice off their shoulder and mind.
Ke'el looked over the group.. taking one last deep breath, before she lurched towards the door, and forced it open. There were other agents of Bahamut waiting outside.. something about complaints of a potential Undead in the area. However they were quickly shown their place by Ke'el, who motioned them aside with a wave of her hand.

"Ahra shi shara!" [We're moving out!] she shouted in Draconic. The others nodded and immediately got out of her way, alarm present of their scaly faces. She then turned back to the Mercenaries, her face clearly unwilling for games.

"Follow if you're going." she ordered. Fist merely nodded, following directly behind Ke'el.

@Enuky K @LMAOTseTung @Remmock @Rathalosa
Draco nodded in answer, and started to follow Ke'el. Just in case, he put his hand on the hilt of his sword. Who knows, the Undead could attack them at any moment.

Draco turned to see if the rest of the mercenaries would follow.
The elven man did not immediately click into action to follow after the draconic barking female. Instead, he waited behind, observing the others who followed before him. It seemed everyone would be joining in on the mission. Well, all except one, acknowledged the elf as he crossed his arms and settled his eyes upon the brutish gnoll. He held his head down and was scowling in shame. Osamu raised an eyebrow to this but made no comment as the cowardly Myrrl just stood there; he was waiting for the group to take their leave. After waiting long enough to determine the gnoll was not accompanying them, the elf stepped towards the entrance. Perhaps the gnoll was too frightened of this undead enemy to join.

One less slice of the reward, reflected Osamu. The fewer for him to take care of the better as far as he was concerned.

Osamu waited long enough for the others to leave without him. He had to quicken his pace to catch up to them, but this was no bother to the elf. He was well accustomed to traveling at a rapid pace, and most elves were like this. Nevertheless, Osamu chose to lurk a short distance behind the group. He was paying close attention to the Bahamut worshiper, and periodically scrutinizing their surrounding. He would largely avoid conversing with any of these other races.
The group marched on, outside of the shelter. As she gazed onto the outside world, Ke'el's glare intensified.. it was such a shame that the world was reduced to this state.. but there wasn't much that could be done about it.

"March on," the Paladin commanded.

Fist acknowledged this command, walking just behind Ke'el as he looked back towards the other Mercenaries. Rather than just their looks, Fist scanned over their demeanors, their posture, what attire they wore, the weapons they held.. all of it was so curious to him.

As they moved outside, a load of workers had returned from their shift. Most of them were humans or dwarves, covered in dirt or sweat, most carrying shovels. Ke'el knew what they were doing.. digging trenches to trap Undead, as well as digging pathways and laying pipes for irrigation. The Dragonkin deeply appreciated what they did. She held a clawed hand to her chest, and reached for a coin pouch on her hip. She then tossed it to the person in front of the group.

"Split it amongst yourselves. You've earned it." she told them, as the workers gathered around to count the coin. The paladin only spent so much time catering to the poor, maybe about ten seconds. Afterwards, she started up her march, heading outside Kleith'Shaw and into the Landgardian wilderness...

@Enuky K @Remmock @Rathalosa @LMAOTseTung

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