Midori Fuunakoun

F o o l i s h n e s s

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[SIZE= 36px]Midori Fuunakoun[/SIZE]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab'] [/FONT]


[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Name: [/FONT][FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Midori Fuunako[/FONT][FONT= 'Josefin Slab']un[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Age: Nineteen[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Gender: Female[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Height: 5'7[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Weight: 128[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Nationality: Japanese[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Personality: Midori could be classified under the goody-two-shoes and stiff label rather well. She doesn't seem to show much emotion other than irritation and mild annoyance most of the time. This even showing in her natural resting face which usually makes people afraid of her due to her glaring daggers into their soul (unintentionally, of course, >o>). It is also rare for her to actually express anxiety and panic.[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']She is also almost cruelly honest as she is very blunt with her words and doesn't sugarcoat or mince them up, even if it would bring more negativity to her name. Midori also has an odd sense of humor, usually throwing most people off - not like it is dark or anything but, she seems to enjoy dreadfully awful puns. [/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']As with a deck that requires waiting a while to have your monsters slowly gaining attack and defense from a low base stat, she is rather patient when it comes to things as shown by her lack of panic when it comes to high-pressure situations. She also seems to be almost naively forgiving as she gets over things that bother her rather easily, even if the person never actually says sorry or apologizes.[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']This being said she is hard to deal with when Midori hears of something troubling her friends or at least the people she counts as friends. Instantly turning into this excessively protective older sister... which is really pissed off.[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']One of Midori's odd traits, 'one of these things are not like the other' is her superstitious nature, believing that everything ahs a purpose and that everything should go your way if you try to keep to your horoscopes and her Fortune Girl deck will accurately tell you what will happen today.[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']    [/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']Extra:[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']-Uses two decks: Fortune Girl and Fortune Fairy[/FONT]

[FONT= 'Josefin Slab']- Fortune Girl is never used in an actual duel, it is used for fortunetelling[/FONT].

- She cut her hair over the summer.

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