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Fantasy Midnight Cuppa?

LK Marie

A Song In a World of Numbers
"Miss Massaravi, I have your beverages and pastry."

The young woman blushed brightly as she reached out, pushing her empty mug forwards as a fine china plate was set gently in front of her by a strong, golden caramel hand that was forwarded by a thick, creamy Russian accent. On the plate was a beautifully crafted Zefir, spun expertly into the shape of an elegant dragon. The plate was beautifully decorated with berries and homemade syrups of all sorts of flavors and colors, but it was the drink that really impressed the young woman.

Patch was careful to tip the clear, foggy glass mug at a fifteen-degree angle as he poured the espresso to pool at the bottom. A few minutes later as a casual dash of crystal sugar, the young woman had a classic Russian coffee in front of her along with the wonderfully made Zefir. His eyes lifted towards the back bar where his younger sister was washing mugs, her brilliant red hair twisted up in a bun with sparkling pins. "Enjoy," he purred to the flustered woman in front of him, placing a thin black leather tab on the side of the table for when she was ready to pay.

With his jet black hair just barely brushing his shoulders with every step, Patch pushed open the dark mahogany bar block and joined his little sister behind the black counter table, absentmindedly rubbing her back supportively as he leaned down to talk in her ear above the quiet, humble chatter of the Midnight Cafe. His canines scraped over his tongue lightly as he purred in rolling Russian, and he knew by the sharpness and faint burst of pain that it was almost time for him and his clan to find someone. Guilt weighed down on him - he hated his families hunting techniques.

Bellanine stopped washed out the mug she was washing to look up at her adopted brother with her large, ever-young bright green eyes. As with every time she saw her elder brother, she couldn't help but be phased by how unlike they were. His skin was warm and soft like caramel and his eyes were so dark that she wondered if he had pupils at all - so different from her alabaster skin and flaming red hair. They were opposites - and perhaps that was why she got along so well with him. Patch took her place at the sink as she picked up her violin from a stand, moving towards the front of the cafe where she would stand in front of a six-foot wide victorian clock, the edge painted navy blue to blend in with the walls. It read eleven thirty - a half hour after their opening hour.

The Russian vampire watched in amusement as many of the familiar faces in the crowd turned eagerly to watch his little sister as she tuned the instrument expertly. His hands were quick as he placed each mug on a drying rack by their intricate handles, letting the glass fog up from the heat without much of a thought. Almost as if on cue, three tings happened at once. His sister began to play an old Russian lullaby (truth be told, she had been playing for fifty years so it was rather impressive), a man came tot he counter to pay, and the door opened with a soft chime from the bell.

Ah, his favorite customer! Patch smiled to himself as he took the cash from the human in front of him, quickly pulling his final price and handing back a few coins as change. "Have a good night," he wished with his Russian accent before signaling to his sister, who just gave him a cheeky smile as her cheek pressed against the rest of the instrument she played. He shook his head softly before grabbing an order pad and pen, heading for his favorite table for his favorite customer. "Good evening," he purred in his velvety accent with one of his signature stunning smiles. "You look lovely, as always! The usual, or shall we surprise you?"​
There were perks to having an afternoon shift, even though getting out of work at 11:25 PM wasn't all that great. Valorie had begun to visit a local café, one that had been in town as long as any of the residents could remember. They were famous for their Russian dishes and drinks, either for a light meal or simple coffee break. Here she had grown rather close to one of the owners, one that looked to be around her age if that mattered. Which made it not surprise a slipped into the dimly lit building and took her usual seat, a smile gracing her lips as Patch approached. "Surprise me." She responded wearily, trying to conceal her exhaustion and failing rather miserably.

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Patch studied Valorie carefully, noticing the exhaustion behind her eyes and in her posture. The beautiful flower before him seemed to wilt further and further as the nights went along, and he found himself growing more and more concerned for her health. He said nothing about her weariness however as he offered another smile, jotting down her request on his order pad with a black plastic pen. "I know what you need tonight," was all he said before whisking off, his stride as alert and confident as usual.

He came back only a few moments later with a strong cup of Russian Coffee (he had long given up teaching how to pronounce its actual name), and a shallow but wide bowl of Kogel Mogel. It was one of the more popular dishes they served - a custard-like pudding-ish desert with a sweet vanilla twist, although Patch often made it with a lemon twist. He missed lemon. "Here you are,
printsessa," the vampire hummed softly as he called her by the nickname he had given her, placing both items on the table carefully before taking a seat across from her, as he usually did for a few minutes every time she came around.

"Tell me - why so stressed? You come in every time with exhaustion under your eyes." Okay, fine - Patch may have lived in this country for several years, but living in Russia for three hnudred years made it quite awkward to speak english. His words were odd, but in a comforting way.​
Val's eyes lightened slightly as she saw him return with the food, eagerly wrapping her thin hands around the mug as it was brought. Warm enough to be comforting, but not hot enough to burn her lips or hands. Lifting it to her lips and taking a small sip, the familiar strong taste trying to fight back the weariness that she felt, the human sighed and lowered her drink as he asked. Already having been around him enough to work though his broken English an think accent. "My boss..." she began "Is beginning to feel threatened for whatever reason... the man isn't mentally stable as is but its now getting to the point where he works his twelve hours at night rather than the normal time all while piling all his work he can't finish, due to all the medication he is on, onto me." The woman spoke of the man she worked under. She was the secretary of the biggest corporate CEO in the nearby area, and even though business was booming, she wasn't being paid nearly enough for the work she was doing nor getting a recommended amount of sleep. Which was showing quite clearly due to the dark bags beneath her eyes. "Nothing I can do about it I suppose..." She hummed softly before taking a small scoop of the desert with the spoon it had been served with and setting into her mouth, the sour taste of lemon complementing the sweet all too nicely.

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It took Patch a moment to understand the woman in front of him completely through her thick American accent. However, he seemed to get the gist of it as he shook his head in empathy, really quite disapproving her higher ups. "Have you.. ah..." he ducked his head for a moment, black eyes were hidden before he seemed to find the English word he was looking for. "Have you reported him? Don't Americans have laws against such things? Or drug testing?" He leaned forwards on his well-built arms, one hand running through thick, dark hair as he spoke with his friend. The decrescendo of his sisters' music barely registered as she finished her play, and there was polite applause through the cafe before conversation resumed. Instrument back on its stand, Bellanine flounced towards Patch in her pastel mint tulle skirt and plain white shirt to match. "Pax," she smiled happily at her older brother as she greeted him by his Russian name. "Bella," he replied fondly, reaching out as she sat next to him at the table and placing his hand protectively on her head for a moment. "Valorie, I don't know if you have met my little sister yet. This is Bellanine. Bella, Valorie." He let his hand fall from his sisters flaming red head after a moment, but it was very clear to see that two were very close.​
Pausing for a moment to clap softly for the younger girl, Valoire smiled softly once more as she neared. "Nice to meet you." She responded, noticing how close they were while not looking all that similar, before continuing with Patch's question. "He has a line of lawyers ready to defend him on any chargers an the money to hire more if need be. That and most of the things he is one was prescribed legally due to connections he has so there isn't much I can do..." With a faint sight that would turn to a yawn, the young woman would raise the back of her hand to cover her mouth somewhat before returning it to her mug. "I apologize... Haven't been sleeping well as of late...." She murmured with a tired half-smile, taking another sip of the coffee that was still struggling to wake her.

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Noticing the woman's obvious exhaustion, Patch shook his head in disapproval once more and opened his mouth to say something else. However, Bellanine reached out and tugged on her brother's sleeve. Looking at his younger sister, he listened as she said something in her small voice in Russian. Patch's eyes raised to the back counter - one of the employees was helping a customer, but eyeing Patch. And to the vampires horror - Valorie. Unacceptable. Not this one. He did a good job of keeping his expression neutral as he replied in the same tongue, and Bellanine nodded before waving a sweet goodbye to Valorie and flouncing off, taking a few empty mugs along the way.

Patch shook his head fondly as he watched his sister flounce off, although he directed some attention to a napkin that was folded into the leather checkpad on his hand. He was jotting something down as if an order price. "As much as I would love to continue this conversation," he said sincerely, closing the checkpad and placing it on the counter with the note inside, "it seems the staff is getting curious as to why I'm not running back and forth. Enjoy," he said with another smile, standing up and following after his sister.

He hoped she got the message before it was too late, even if it was just a quick scribble of Shh - get out, while you still can.
Tilting her head somewhat as they spoke, she raised her drink to her lips once more to take yet another sip as the man apologized, apparently writing her check as he stood and went to return to working. Nodding and saying a quiet thanks as he left her table, she would grab the leather checkpad expecting to see the bill when there was clearly a napkin with words scribbled upon it instead. It summarized into that she should leave as fast as possible, in what she could assume was a rather hasty and somewhat worried tone. A frown touched her lips, what could be so bad that she needed to leave? Now slightly unnerved, she casted Patch a worried glance as she continued to dine, clearly deciding if she should leave considering most of the other patrons were beginning to exit already.

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Across the cafe, a man who appeared to be around Patches age was heading towards the bar block. He was the Cheif of the Clan, and Patches adopted father - the workers and staff kept their eyes down, respecting his authority. However, there was a practically tangible bitterness in the air as Patches fist gently pushed against the man's chest, his wrist brushing the shirt fabric as he blocked the man by his side. He muttered something in quiet Russian, and his father swelled in bitter anger. The argument continued for several minutes - long enough for the co-owner of the cafe to flounce from the backroom with a captivating smile on her face. Danna was her name, the vampiress who was meant to marry Patch at their parents' will. Her hair was fine blonde, her features diamond-facet perfect as she joined Valorie at the table with a friendly smile. No fangs - those were carefully hidden, as always. "Valorie, right? Well," she glanced over at Patch, seeing her soon-to-be father-in-law keeping his distracted, and grinned in a friendly way once more. "Patch made a special zefir batch for you in the back - I wasn't supposed to tell you, but come on back and let's see how you like it?"​
Valorie was beginning to grow more concerned as Patch was speaking to another man she had seen around the establishment, he not seeming all that pleased. Now seeing that something was most definitely up and not wanting to stick around and figure out what that was, she had been about to stand after laying the normal amount she paid on the table when the other woman sat before her. She appeared too... perfect to be real, something clearly deceptive going on, especially since the lie was painfully obvious as he wouldn't do such a thing. "Oh that's alright..." she responded, her voice wavering slightly as she slipped the cash in the checkpad while removed the napkin in one fluid motion, crumpling it in her hand. "I really must be going..." Val now standing, hopefully being able to make it to the door without much trouble.

But somehow... she doubted that.

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She was wrong. She made it to the door just fine - in fact, Valorie even made it halfway down the street! However, that was the moment everything seemed to be ruined. Shadowy figures dropped from windows, ducked from alleyways, opened doors - and surrounded her, trapping her in her small area. Most were wearing plain black jeans and t-shirts, but a few had what seemed to be genuine victorian era clothing - one female on Valories far right was wearing a corset that sinched her waist almost painfully tight. One thing they all had in common though was their hungry eyes and the long, serpentine fangs beginning to curl over lips. There was the sound of a tiny scratch, and a dark found its way into the side of Valories neck.​
Valoire, as soon as she had gotten through the door, picked up the pace a bit as she began to walk down the dimly lit street. It was at times like this when she hated working so late…but she didn’t have much time to really process what could be happening until figures surround her seemingly from nowhere. Her gaze flicking from each of them fearfully, she saw the fangs the erupted from their mouths and the bloodlust within their eyes. Vampires? They don’t, or at least shouldn’t exist… but the ferocity that they neared her with along with how a few of them were dressed in clothing from all different eras… it was being shoved into her face rather readily. Until the dart came out of nowhere and sank into her neck, the toxin acting fast enough to cause her vision to blur within moments, collapsing to the ground not long after.

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Russian voices erupted around the moment the toxin hit the woman's veins, and several of the vampires were roughly pushed to either side as Patch forced himself through the crowd just in time to catch her body crashing towards the ground. Bellanine rushed forwards as well, tugging on her brothers shoulder with half-panicked words in Russian. She liked Valorie, but her brother was priority here - she didn't want the Clan to punish him. Patch shook his sisters hands off, just in time to see the Clanhead coming forwards. His father looked not a day over twenty, drapped in classic black silks and his hair slicked back. His mother was every bit the ice queen with blackwidow spider chiffons drapped over shapely legs.

Some time passed, and Patch found himself sitting next to a bed and holding two things in his hand. One was a silver bracelet with crosses imbedded with shining black stones - the necklace was a pretty choker, with the same material and design. They weren't burning him - the fingerless leather gloves covering him palms made sure of that. He watched over Valorie as he warned his clan back with silver crosses - he didn't want a single hand on her, not if it meant she would become one of them.​
As the woman slowly woke, she noticed how she was lying on something soft.. a bed now that she though about it for a moment. This managed to comfort her slightly in thinking that the whole ordeal had been a dream caused by her sleep-deprived mind. Certainly it hadn't been real. But as Val finally managed to coax her eyes open somewhat, still feeling extremely groggy, she knew something was wrong based on how Patch was sitting beside her, holding something within his now gloved hands. Groaning slightly, she casted him a glance full of not only confusion but a bit of worry as well. "What on earth..." she asked the man softly. "Is going on?"

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Patch didn't respond right away, instead taking the time to open his hand and use a few fingers to lift up the pieces of jewelry. He held out the pieces on the fingertip of his hand, feeling the metal burn into his skin painfully. "I'll explain everything," he promised as he leaned over, carefully latching the silver bracelet around her wrist, "but you should wear these. I bordered the room in herbs we can't pass, but when they find where I put them, there's nothing to stop my Clan from getting to you." He helped Valorie sit up carefully, knowing the toxin would make her unsteady for a while. Once she was comfortable, he pulled her hair over her shoulder gently and clasped the choker necklace around her throat. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"​
Valoire frowned somewhat as he said that an explanation would come later, but that he had her don silver jewelry and claimed to have bordered the room with herbs that they couldn't past. By now her foggy mind would allow her to recall what had occurred before the dart had hit her neck, the woman's eyes widening slightly as the pieces were put together.

Still struggling to tell if it were real or not, she slowly sat up with the man's help, casting him a thankful (yet confused) look as she then gestured to her throat. "Please, something to drink..." The toxin she had been injected with having not helped with her hydration all that much.

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Patch nodded, standing up and placing his hand on the top of his friends' head protectively. It was one of his most attractive traits, it seemed - he was fiercely protective and loyal to those he loved, platonically or romantically. Then again, he never cared much for romance - he was happy enough marrying the woman his family had promised him. There was really no point, in his eyes, aromantic through and through. "I bring you water," He purred in his thick accent, "If someone knocks on the doorframe, don't say come in. Just keep quiet."

He let his hand move from her throat, walking to a different doorframe on the side of the room. Opening it, he revealed a small private bathroom - he must have brought Valorie into the hotel above the cafe. He removed a cup from plastic wrap and tipped a few pieces of ice from the ice bucket inside before filling it with some water from a plastic bottle next to the mirror. Walking back, Patch raked a hand through his black hair and sat down, carefully handing the cup over to Valorie. "Don't drink too fast - the tranquilizer is still in your system, some."​
As Patch left to go get her the water, Valorie simply remained quiet and tried to think of any means of rationalizing this logically. But this process was interrupted as she swore she heard some type of sound originate from right outside the hotel room's main door, but she couldn't be sure if it was truly existent or if a small bought of paranoia was beginning to set in.

Gladly taking the cup from his hand, she lifted it to her lips and had to try and not drink too fast despite how thirsty she felt. Once she felt somewhat better, she lowered it from her mouth and looked the man in his dark eyes with a wondering and slightly worried expression. "Was it real?" She asked, wanting to see if he would enlighten her on the situation at all or continue to keep her in the metaphorical dark.

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Patch took his time to reply, taking the near-empty cup from Valorie's hand and placing it perhaps a little too gently on the nightstand. Finally, he spoke. "It is all real," he said, glancing at the woman with his midnight-colored eyes. He began to explain everything to her - from how his family had found him as an orphaned baby several hundred years before, took them in as his own. He told her about the illness he had almost perished from, how his parent shad bitten him to save him - and of the thirst that he and his entire clan felt when they went too long without feeding, how it burned like silver against their skin but on their insides.

He went on to explain that his family was forced to take people in secrecy, but he swore they never killed them without them asking. They were bitten and fed from, yes, but given a choice - to die or to live forever as a vampire in the clan. Thankfully, the members only needed a few sips each every two months or so - stretching up to four, if they were lucky. "They chose you because they knew we were getting close," he finally wrapped up after several minutes. "I will do all I can to stop them - you do not deserve to face that choice."​
Valoire fell unnaturally silent, her gaze slightly distant as she tried to process it all. Vampires of all things.... the amount of questions that had begun to surface along with unhealthy amounts of uncertainty and possible fear when she finally took a conscious breath and found her voice. "But..." She began slowly, her volume at a murmur. "Wouldn't that be hurting you as well?" It was clear that being overwhelmed was more than an understatement. Now the silver jewelry and herbs he had mentioned made a bit more sense, although from the previous display, she was sure she had already been partially convinced... but this explanation cemented her belief somewhat.

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