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Realistic or Modern [MHS] Mental Heath Stationary | Emmelynex Storyboard [Original Idea]


My brain has too many tabs open.

Your story takes place in the year 1906. You are in one of the most remarkable years in the time of America, when Mental Heath Stationary was set across the US borders and inside of the states, especially near Bozeman, Montanna. YOU are here to prove your story, echo out your lives of misfortune to all the students in modern schools today, to prove that you had something to live for and not some filthy trash licking the floors.

You can escape or die within the walls...

Side A / West:
People here have been tested and found out for the mental illnesses. The people have somewhat control over their feelings and anguish towards others, often being able to have extra abilities.

Side B / East:
People here are often seen screaming their way in until their last breath. Oftenly, they have to get medical checks and are not allowed out of their cell, unless they are trusted. They are given monthly medication unless they refuse to take it, which can be solved very quickly. Here, people are also more clear to be raped, or they are killers themself.

It is the year 1906.

Williams owns the Mental Health Stationary.
The Noetic Health Stationary has been reconstituted. MHS is a community based off one of the many asylums in America. Here, noetic people rest inside the building. Predicated off of the famous Rolling Hills Sanitarium, many people that live inside the building fear it’s haunted by the burning corpses that lay underneath the building. In Belgrade, Montana, the astronomical plains, and mountains hover over everyone else. As with this, blue vast welkins along the sunset lone and are great for hikes, and other regaling things such as fishing, hunting, and exploring.

Sorry to ruin your paradise.

This was how the place laid afore the area commenced going corrupt. People all around, including the people from afore, were taken back in, purloined from whatever gangs and families they had engendered, no matter how valued they had transmuted their lives. There is a list of people that is checked off from afore where the parents signed off before the area burned to a crisp. William, now more vexed wants to set his place in the area. Everyone has been taken in from other families, their noetic state altered, screamed their way. Section One Officials [SOO] are now armed with more weaponry. The laundry chute that was clogged with dead bodies from SOO, virtually burned as the smell reeked of the area. This got into the air and waters, making the blue empyreans virtually have a dark hover over the plains. The fog that now roams the areas land is virtually infeasible to visually perceive through.
Poor Homes and Powerhouses have also been polluted the area as well. Children often developed lung cancer or whooping cough. To add to this horrible place, children were also often raped, starved, killed, or strangled. Poor Homes were a shipment for food as they worked simple tasks to get enough money for the factuality before turning over 18, moving into the Hospital itself. But even with the help, the government started to ship less money to William. Not because they didn't realize the horrible conditions, but because the fact the area was ready in debt from rebuilt. Nats, bed bugs, and other spontaneous types of spiders could cause death or severe illness. This could not be easily healed, but at times small herbs such as flowers that were not polluted could help this.

So, there is only one way out. There is only one way to live.

Fight or Die.
Character Information & Rules:

▪ All characters that exceed the height of 6'2 must be approved by me for males, for the sake of not being overpowered.
You are also a child, not a man. [Unless you are.]

▪ All characters that exceed the height of 5'9 must be approved by me for females.
You are also a child, not a woman. [Unless you are.]

▪ All characters that are over the weight of 300 pounds must be approved by me first.
You are a starving inmate, not someone who slacks in the back of the row eating chocolate cake.

▪ All switchblade over 3' or 4' must be approved by me before usage.
You can acquire a switchblade, but you must RP getting it.

▪ All guns must be approved by me beforehand.
Same with this, you can get one by stealing from a guard. Don't suggest it, you will get beat till you bleed out on the floor if caught.

▪ All children under the age of three must be approved by me. Any character over the age of 60+ years must also be approved by me.
I just want to make sure that the age limit isn't going to explode, the chances of you living till you are 60 are rare, yet available.

▪And anything logical not listed below that needs to be approved, please understand I don't want this to be a godmodding train.

Character Sheet:
Character Name:

Character Age:


West or East?:

Disability / Mental Disorder:





Picture / Faceclaim:


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