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Fandom MHA:Future[CS]



Ready to set the world on fire?
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Alignment: pro hero, ua student, villain, etc

Hero/Villain name:
Appearance: [remove if you have a picture]

Name: Asami Fukushima (Uraraka)
Age: 15
Gender: Trans Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: pro hero, ua student, villain, etc: ua student

Her Quirk is "Reaper Wings". A pair of dark blue wings sprout from her back and every one of their feathers will kill the first person they touch besides her provided they either were a cause of death or potential cause of a loss of life or directly benefitted from a loss of life within the last five minutes. The causal chain of causing death mustn't be too long, but for instance being too slow leaving a train leading to someone else running into traffic because they are late would count. More importantly being a cause of a loss of life doesn't discriminate from human life to animal life or even plant life, so killing a flower by stepping on it would make someone vulnerable to her quirk for five minutes. The more she uses this power the blurrier and less picky the feathers become, but at some point they'll stop being able to discriminate her from others and thus will also kill her on contact if she use the ability too much.
Hero/Villain name: Angel of Darkness
Personality: kindly, fun-loving and naive.
History: Born to a family where no one had a quirk she had lost hope of getting one until one fatefilled night she had finally unlocked it she was a late blomer with her quirk only getting hers at 4 when the rest had got theirs at birth when she showed it to her mom and dad her parents were very angry leaving her to fend for herself in the woods she was found by the now all grown up Ochaco Uraraka doing her best as a single mom of 2 felling bad for her she took her in and raised her to be the best she can. Now she is in UA working her ass off

Other: she actually came out to Uraraka when she was 12
Name: Yuki Asuka
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: gray sexual
Alignment: ua student (can be changed if need be)

Quirk owl with visible snowy owl mutations. Such as eyesight,hearing wings, tail feathers and from the knees down legs as well as feet of a snowy owl.

Her quirk allows her to individually manipulate a few of her feathers to harden and increase there size so that she can moved the injured if need be or can also be used for attack or defence. Careful around her owl talons as the are sharp and powerful .

She is mostly immune to the cold.
She is weak against water and fire as the water can keep her from being airborne and fire can destroy her feathers.

She is some how related to Hawks

Hero/Villain name: Nightstalker?
Appearance: I do not own these images.
Her mutation
Personality: Yuki is an easy going person most of the time laid back, kind, caring and friendly but she does have a mildly twisted side to her as she loves the thrill of the hunt and has no problem messing with her opponents most likely due to her quirk.
Yuki was born with her quirk due to both of her parents having similar quirks to her own. Her mother had a barn owl quirk and her father had a great horned owl quirk. Thanks to her parents she has had extensive training with her so that she would not have issues with it later on.

Yuki comes from a moderately wealth family who helps with the rescue and rehabilitation of birds of pray.

Other: if there is anything missing or need to be changed let me know.
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Name: Akira Sakurai
Alias: Spectreia
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: U.A. Student

Quirk: Inner Spirit - With this quirk Akira is able to release the spirit that lives within his body. There are two places in which he is able of summoning his spirit through; his chest and his head for the spirit must have a connection to either mind or soul in order to take form. In order to release it, Akira must either place two fingers over his heart for a chest summon or two fingers to his temple for a head summon. Depending on which location he decides to summon it from the spirit has different attributes. If summoned via his chest, it is more passionate and reckless, following the desires of Akira's heart. This allows the spirit to act in an offensive manner and dish out more damage, but also results in it taking more damage when it does get hit. When summoned via his head, it is more careful and tactful, taking on a more defensive stance thus results in the spirit being a tank and able of taking more hits but in return dealing less damage. When the spirit has been summoned, Akira enters a coma-like state as his conscious is placed into the spirit itself although he doesn't entirely have control over what it does. In this state his body is prone to attack and thus must be protected. The only way to revert him back to normal is for the spirit to return to his body. This can happen in two different ways; it can naturally return to him or when its taken too much damage it will be forced to retreat back to his body. However, even though his body is open to attacks, Akira will not feel the damage until the spirit has returned thus making it difficult to tell the state of his wellbeing. It is also possible to prevent the spirit from returning as well. If it is unable to return, Akira runs the risk of dying within 4 hours of entering said state. The spirit's style of fighting mimics that of a ghost though it is typically visible to all around unless it activates invisibility, which it can only do in short spurts as form of dodging oncoming damage (more so in defensive form than offensive). It does have its own limitations on how long it can use certain abilities and thus it can take physical damage despite it being a spirit. During the night, it becomes stronger and moves can be used longer than usual. Akira is capable of controlling how his inner spirit fights, but it sometimes has a mind of its own and will act against his will. This is something he seeks to work on. His quirk also causes a great toll on his mentality given the spirit can influence him.

Personality: While not being an overly talkative boy, Akira actually does not mind with others around him though he finds himself more of a listener than a speaker. He tends to be a quiet boy who keeps to himself and have rather introverted qualities, though he is the kind of guy that is willing to listen to other peoples problems and offer them comfort in subtle ways. As such this makes him approachable despite the quirk he possesses. However, he does try to avoid others. Despite being able to listen to people for extended periods of times, Akira does struggle with picking up on the emotions of others unless they are blatantly obvious. He often needs to directly be told otherwise he may overlook it. This leads him to not being the most observant of people but still he does his best. He does have a tendency to he a bit aloof at times when he gets lost in his own mind. He also has a calm, yet mysterious presence to him which gives off mixed vibes. Even in the worst situations, he remains calm and it is rare to see him worked up. The one time his demeanor does seem to change the most is when faced with a battle. When needing to activate his quirk he tends to be a bit twisted though he claims it is due to having a dark sense of humor and not anything else. As such, he will activate his quirk by making a finger gun and "shooting" the spirit out of him. This hints that his usual self is a mask for a darker one that lies underneath. At times he does have a tendency to say bold things that he usually wouldn't say otherwise but he never notices it. Akira does truly struggle with what his real personality is to an extent and it is a result of his quirk. The spirit itself does influence him from time to time causing him to make decisions that he might not usually make. Even so, the changes are usually minor and brief. It is true that his usual demeanor is a mask of sorts though. It isn't often that Akira makes it known he struggles with his own confidence or his intelligence, though at times they do become present because of the spirit's influence. He tends to repress his own feelings and act as if he is alright. As such he doesn't show much emotion in his expressions unless others really push for it. Overall though, Akira can almost be classified as painfully average with a couple strange quirks to his nature. He isn't one to speak much of himself thus making him a mystery to those around him.

Backstory: Akira was a born into a rather average life. Neither of his parents were overly exceptional people and worked everyday jobs. It was a quiet life he found himself in for the first few years of his life, but that average, normal childhood would come to an end when the area he lived in became the battleground between a group of heroes and villains. That cozy life quickly came to an end when his family's apartment building was part of the fight's collateral damage and to protect him, his mother gave her life. Being raised by a struggling, single father, Akira always struggled to come to terms with life. The concepts of heroes and villains were often skewed because of his experiences and when his quirk developed, those thoughts only became worse. In a sense, he walked a gray area between the two, finding neither all too appealing nor righteous like they claimed. However, one girl would change his mind and influence him to the side of heroics, even if he didn't feel too at home among them. Her influence at least gave him a goal, which was something he always lacked. She convinced him that even someone with a quirk like his could make change and she promised to make him see that heroes were good people as long as he agreed to become one with her. It was that trust that pulled him along and it was only strengthen when one day she vanished without a word. He holds his promise and has continued to push himself forward in hopes that her end of things will somehow still play out. Part of him believes the others around him will make her dreams come true.

Other: None

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