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Name: Red X

Unknown, but seems to be in his late teens, early twenties.

Super Villain


Mentor: None

Main Power: Constant energy. Red X`s main ability emit`s powerful energy that can be harnessed through other means. This power ties into his suit. He has little control over it, and it still learning exactly how to stop emitting energy.

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style: Red X`s suit uses the energy he emits, and becomes a weapons system. With the suit on, he has incredibly heightened strength, speed, and reflexes. It also has a variety of gadgets for use in and out of battle, including:

-X shaped shurikens.

-Energy blades that grow from his hands (second pic), also shaped like Xs

-Releasing energy through his palms to shock and stun opponents, or add force to his physical attacks.

Otherwise, Red X has a very polished and graceful fighting style, being incredibly proficient in martial arts and being incredibly fit.

Travelpower: Red X`s suit has a teleportation function, but is very power dependent, and he`ll only use it when he needs to get somewhere.

Personality: Red X has a very joking personality, always looking for `fun`and constantly doing what seems interesting. He`s a genius, having invented his suit himself, and lives by the motto `look out for number one`. By the way he acts, most people would suspect he takes nothing seriously, but is in truth a calculating mastermind.

With the use of his power, he has decided on a whim to see if he can play the role of the villain, and will stop at nothing to have his `fun`.


Lil’ Red

Alexandra Wolfebane






Doesn’t have a costume. Just wears her bright red hoody.

Main Power:


Secondary Power:

Enhanced senses/reflexes

[Not super, just enhanced]

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style:





Caring, Self sacrificing, Friendly, Childish, Awnry.


Don’t feel like doing this. lulz
Name: Grimm



Appearance: (just with modern clothes)

Mentor: N/A

Main Power:
Explosive blood (and startlingly quick regeneration)

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style:
Trained, but remains undisciplined. Very difficult to predict.


Unstable at best; Grimm doesn't want to gain anything, he just wants to wreak havoc and watch things burn.

Grimm was a test tube baby; one of many used in an experimental "super soldier" program. Shortly before adulthood, Grimm was ready for the field; but the introduction of the exobytes into his system pushed his conscious mind over the edge into a sea of madness; and in a fit of rage, he tore apart the entire complex he was housed in with his new-found powers. Grimm remembers little, or nothing from before the exobytes consciously, but it doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest.
good to go, but if you have no mentor, you will be a dull razor. not a master of your ability. but your approved.
Name: neroh krsi (kr-see)

Age: 18

Allegiance: neutral


Mentor: none

Main Power: electremaster (the complete control of electricity)

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style: any conductable metal that he can pickup but he likes


Travelpower: a magical little pink horse that can warp space

Personality: kiro was born into a middle class family in metropolis. His mother was a assistant to a rich family and his father was a steal worker, He has a little sister names skyla krsi. Kiro grew up like a normal child going to school playing with friends and messing with his little sister. When he turned ten his father enrolled him in karate to help him deal with school bullies, he excelled in his class and injoyed the activity.q

Kiro was exposed to the exobytes when he was running to karate class. Shortly after his exposore to the exobytes he could control electricity. By accident he blacked out his neighborhood for a hour. The next day neroh tried to treat the event as a dream but when he went to school metal started to react to him that day he went home early claiming to be sick.

When he got him he went on the internet and found that many other events like his where happening that night neroh desided that he would try and hide his powers to the best of his ability but train himself to control it in the forest he use to play in with he sister
Approved but I think this RP is quite inactive mate, still feel free to RP in it ^^

Secret ID: Alice Dunne

Alias: Livewire

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Allegiance: Hero

Powers: She has an experimental power cell fused to her spine. The cell allows her to amplify the electricity in the human nervous system to create and control electric currents. The cell also came with an electric canon which can be hooked up and used to blast stuff with.

Personality: Alice is surprisingly upbeat. She's enthusiastic, energetic, and a bit childish. It could be from her lack of a real childhood. She's having all the fun now that she was never able to have as a kid.

Appearance: Alice has long, dark brown hair, a slightly tan complexion, possibly from a Latin decent, brown eyes, average height, and a metal device stuck to her spine. (see pic)

Travelpower: She 'borrowed' a zooped up motorcycle from her father's company.

History: Alice was born with an extraordinary mutation. Her body is a human power generator. Everyone has electricity in their body, but Alice seems to be charged and ready to fry 24/7. Her powers were very difficult to control. Her parents kept her locked up in a rubber walled room just to keep her and everyone around her safe. But they couldn't shelter such a secret forever; soon enough, word got out.

A mad scientist got wind of it, and decided that he wanted her for a test subject of a new weapon he was trying to develop. He hired a couple guns to take out Alice's parents, then had her kidnapped and brought to him. He kept her stowed away in a cell much like her's at home. She was drugged up and sedated most of the time so that he could come, take blood sample, experiment, and leave as he pleased. This was how Alice spent her next three years. Alice was 16 before the weapon was finally done. It was a power absorption cell, which would take in her extra power and save it until she needed it. The cell was surgically fused to her spine. But the moment he scientists attached the canon, Alice began to wake up. She didn't know how to use the power cell, but it seemed to work well enough. It already had enough power stored in it to blast the doctor and escape, which she did.

Alice wandered out into the city, dazed and confused. She was a safety hazard, blasting away at anything that startled her. Alice was later found by the mad scientist's assistant, who had seen the damage on the news. He knew that his boss was making a weapon, but he had no idea it had been for an innocent teenage girl. He felt great guilt over taking part in the production of the power cell, and took Alice in with promise of helping her. There was no way to remove the cell; and even if they did, Alice would have to return to her imprisonment within a rubber cell. But he COULD teach her how to use the power cell properly.

Over the next few years, Alice learned to use her powers for good. She became an enthusiastic superhero.

(I wasn't sure if this was okay to post or not, so I'll just post a link and let Carl decide =P)
Approved and the links are ok to post mate, as long as it's censored and such it's appropriate for this site. ^^

Btw, I like your sheet alot, nicely done ^^
You can post in it, I'll try to become active in it again

I'll pick up wherever you start I guess, I'll just say I did a timeskip for my char :D
Let's just say Artemis and Butler got pwnt by the Danger Room,and Holly went back to Haven,shall we? NEW CHARACTER!

Name: Alexander Squires

Alias: None,often known as "The Kid",though.

Age: Nine (That's right,NINE!)

Gender: Male

Allignment: Whoever can entertain him...He's just a kid!

Powers: Reality Warper (He can make reality do unrealistic things...Nothing has to make sense in his presence)

Personality: He always seeks fun. Anything he does can eventually be found to have the desire to be enterained at it's roots. Despite his troubled past,he always seems chipper. Attributed as a coping mechanism. Newfoundland accent

Appearance: He's about 4'8",fair skin,and brown hair and eyes. Wears a strpied green and gray shirt,and denim jeans. Missing a couple of teeth (they'll grow back-they were baby teeth)

Mentor: None;he doesn't have the attention span to be taught. He just makes whatever he wants happen.

Travel Power: He's a reality warper;he can make ANYTHING happen...So long as he finds it amusing,or makes fun possible.

Background: Alexander was raised in St.John's,Newfoundland. At the age of two,he was taken away by the authorities when it was discovered his parents were unfit to take care of him (Insane mother-Crazy Cat Lady sort of crazy,and an unemployed father),and was taken to an orphanage. He was quickly adopted by a Newfie family in Metropolis,and was given a great life;little responsibility,games to play,good friends,and a loving family.

However,that all changed when he turned nine. The exobytes commandered a section of his brain,and caused Alexander's frontal lobe to produce abnormal levels of a previously unheard of energy. He found that whenever he got bored,something nearby happened to entertain him,and due to his gaming lifestyle,it usually taken the form of a giant mech or small war. His adoptive family was frightened,and had him sent off to an isolation facility ruin by the military.

Now,Alexander spends his time making the impossible happen in a cell,observed by doctors,guarded by ridiculously heavily armed soldiers,and the odd Super.
Name: the shadow

Age: 20

Allegiance: superhero (urban ninja kind of hero)

Mentor: none

Main Power: quick speed and kicking ass

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style: weapon is two katanas fighting style is the Liu Fist

Travel power: method of transportation is either running or jumping from building to building

Personality: lives a life of blood shed and a second chance is hardly ever given

History: when he was a little boy he lived in a bad neighborhood his parents were robbed then one they his parents were killed he had enough he took responsibilities into his own hand

(Let's pretend my other characters never existed,eh?)

Domonic Maddox

Alias: The Architect

Age,gender: 31,male

Allignment: Chaotic Neutral (Self-serving)

Mentor: None;no experienced Super exists with his powers,so he's a fresh facet.

Primary Power: Mass Transfer. On touch,Maddox can transfer mass to himself,one kilogram per second. It's condensed,then stored in his body. He lacks super strength,so he needs to plow off mass frequently. He can "spend" mass to create anything he desires,from air to breathe to a giant war machine,although the latter will take quite some time,due to it's mass requirements.

Combat: He knows little about combat. If he can,he'll make drones to fight for him,or,in a pinch,make a weapon for his personal use,usually a gun of some sort.

Travel Power: None. He often gets around on what he makes.

Personality: Maddox is an interesting man. He enjoys the thrill of creation,reshaping,and seeing his art take life. Towards others,he regards them with the demeanour that one would expect from a mad artist; happy,but unnervingly so,and always eyeing others like they were some sort of sculpture.

History: Before the exobytes came,Domonic was a sculptor. He made a great number of statuettes,which possessed incredible quality and detail. However,since the artistic community deemed his work "uninspired and unoriginal",he had to make a living in a job he hates; Accounting. After the exobytes came and changed his life,Maddox saw the opprotunity and seized it;he quit his job,and made a living by covertly stealing money from bank vaults,in such small sums that it would be barely noticed. In fact,he only stole what ammounted to a little over what he made as an accountant,and only on paydays.

Appearance: Mugshot. Ignore the ACU harness he's wearing. Body type,and outfit. It's a suit. He's average height.
Name: Frisk

Age: 27

Allegiance: Supervillain


He's tall, on the scrawny side with bad posture. He has a reddish-blonde, flat f(h)aux hawk, kinda like ( [x] ) but a little longer on the hawk, also flat, not up... flat. He has a tanned complexion, light brown eyes and a little stubble. Good lookin'(for Kagu).

He wears clothes that cover up his skin, except his face, and wear gloves that are easy to get on and off, in case he needs to use his powers.

Mentor: None

Main Power: 'Touch-N-Go'

He can detect superpowers in others and can also, through skin-to-skin contact, turn a super's powers off and on. He cannot turn his own powers off and on though and has to constantly deal with the consequences of them. He must keep covered up to avoid touching an ally and when other supers are near, his sensing power give him a sinking feeling in his stomach, which causes him to lash out at, and in the presence of, other supers.

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style: A pistol

Travel power: None


He tends to act immature and often has a short fuse, especially when dealing with other supers. Because of his detection power, he despises all supers and prefers to work alone, but he admires Lex Luthor and, as a result, hold more contempt for heroes than villains. He follows Luthor blindly with complete faith in him and not a clue that he is only a tool to him.While he is generally a grumpy gus, he is also mischievously playful at times, usually as a distraction tactic since he has little to no combat experience aside from knowing how to pull a trigger.


Basically, he was born with powers and he works for Lex Luthor.
Name: Fallen (Real Name: Jacob Ryak)


Anti-hero (But possible to turn into Superhero)

Appearance: As seen in image but with black leather trench coat and t-shirt.

View attachment 1174

Talia al Ghul

Main Power: Lightening (With enough effort, able to summon thunderstorms from the sky to strike his enemies, imbue his blades with electricity damage, or throw wave's of electricity at his foes.) WARNING: Must be under the sky to have effect. Possible near a window, but not strong enough to summon one from inside a building.

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style:
Enhanced Strength, Master of Martial Arts & Dual Katanas

Flight with wings

Personality: Feels cut off because he thinks he's a monster, but tries to see the good in things. He's approachable if he's in the mood for it, sometimes a romantic, doesn't mind teamwork if it's needed, tries to help in his own way, does not like the idea of not killing certain criminal scrum (like the Joker, Luther, Darkseid, etc.) He's devoted to his friends, though only if they appeal to him in a certain way, and when he gives his word on something, he'll risk death to see it through.

History: At the age of 19,Jacob was originally a student in an acting school, and dreamt of working on a Broadway stage. But those dreams were dashed when he heard about his parents being killed in one of the Joker's prank schemes, while his sister was subjugated to laughing gas and didn't stop till she gave her last breath. He vowed revenged and went of a rampage in Gotham, raiding possible leads. Eventually he crossed paths with the Batman in a Cadmus Lab, where Jacob was easily subdued and talked out of his mission. Security came quickly and opened fire on the both of them. Batman escaped, but Jacob took a few bullets and was exposed to a certain chemical the lab was using in an attempt to clone Hawkman. After some time in a cell, his wings came to be. Jacob was imprisoned for a year there as they put him through torturous tests, until the League of Shadows conducted a raid to take what research they could. Talia al Ghul saw Jacob in his state, took pity on him and set him free. After the escape, Talia saw potential in Jacob, and asked her father if he could study under the league. He refused permission, but he allowed him to study under Talia herself, so long as they kept it secret from others. After two years of training, he returned to Metropolis to pay his respects to his family, when the exobytes scattered around the globe, and he suddenly gain a new power. The power of thunder. He then spent another year in Talia's shadow, harnessing and honing his powers, until Ras al Ghul commanded him to find and kill the Joker, and in exchange, Ras with devote whatever he will to giving Jacob back his normal life. Now Jacob has a new mission, and he wont let up easily. The Fallen has come to claim the Joker's soul, and he wont spare anyone who stands in his way.

I saw Andrew on recently but he must not have seen this.

So I'll approve you.

Sorry about the wait.

And seeing as they're big parts of your character's backstory, Batman (and Nightwing) are played by Andrew, and the Joker is played by Esme.

I'm not sure if you wanted to interact with them, but just in case, I thought I'd let you know.
Name : Jack Lumens

Age : 16

Allegiance : Vigilante

Appearance : Tall, lanky, Jet black hair with one white streak in it, going up the middle

Mentor : None.

Main Power : Psychokinesis

Weapon Skill/Fighti ng Style: None really, but he can tear a person apart, atom by atom if he wants to.

Travelpower: Flight (He can fly by levitating himself, and "throwing" himself.

Personality: He is a weird person, and uses his powers whenever it benefits him. He is an average teen, aside from the ability to shape things with his mind. He once got caught stealing from a gas station, and when the cashier pulled a gun on him, he forced the man to put the gun to his own head and pull the trigger. Okay, so he's slightly sadistic. What do you expect? He has the power to demolish cities with his mind, and turn invisible. He's also a little pervy, as he bent light around himself (turning him invisible) and simply sat in the girls locker room at his school. See? An average teen.

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