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Metals that burn (Closed)

Johnny R McAvery

Magic still exist for those willing to see.
Things you need to know about the Pack.

They live in a nice, big, yet old house out in the woods. They have about 200 acres to themselves to run about without having to worry about other humans. The woods have plenty of game for them, a stream, nice big trees to keep them in the shade, and they get to experience all the seasons of the year. Let's say they live in Missouri, case why not. I just choose a random state.

So there is one alpha, Two Betas, and any number of Deltas and any number of Omegas.

Bio Sheets will need to look like this:



Age: (Keep in mind wolves can be ageless, but our pack will all be young, so keep it in real time age, perhaps in there 20s, only exception will be Throne and you'll discover why.)

Human form:

Wolf Form:

Powers (If any):





ame: Nicholas Flemming. Prefers to be called Nick

Rank: Alpha

Age: 22

Human form:

He does NOT have facial hair like this, a little stumble. He has green eyes. He is 6 and half feet tall. He also wears shorts most of the year, is either barefoot or in flip flops and wears T-Shirts with geeky stuff on it. And he is blonde. Like picture Thor's hair Like that.

Wolf Form:

Again has green eyes

Powers (If any): Ice. Not all Elsa like. If he touches something he can freeze it. That's it. No scultping things from nothing.

Personality: Fun to be around. Tends to joke around a lot. Also he keeps his temper at bay, because if he doesn't he breaks stuff by accident, or freezes it.

Interest: Anything related to History, Sci-Fi,Fantasy, Magic the Gathering, all things worthy of Comic Con. Also he is a Marvel. He believes in the old Norse Gods

History: Comes from Norway and is Norwegian. His parents are English teachers. His parents aren't really important for this..... Nick was out for a hunting trip with his best Friend Alric when they saw an elk. Nick grew excited and changed. They were about 13. A year later some lady from the American Wolves came to Nick, told him what was up and took him to America to learn about being a wolf.The lie they told his parents was that he had gotten some kind of scholarship to study History in America.

Extra/other: His room is filled with geek collectibles. He loves spicy food, and doesn't get cold.


Name: Thorne (no last name. Doesn't have one)

Rank: Omega

Age: 70 although he looks to be in his 20s

Human form:

Minus the plugs. Replace them with a row of the ring style earrings. He also has a tongue ring

Wolf Form:

His tail is solid black

Powers (If any): He can make plants grow at will. He can't animate them, but he can make plants grow in minutes. All he needs is the seed or other ways plants reproduce. 

Personality: Quiet He keeps to himself more than anything and only seems to be open to the his pack and his pack only.

Interest: Reptiles and amphibians. His room is full of cages that cover all of the walls except for where his bed is and a small area with a desk and computer.

History: He was rescued by Nick shortly before Nick started the pack. Thorne was kept prisoner by his mother who was a witch and trying to use his energy, or life force, to make herself stronger This is why THorne has green hair He didn't dye it. Being part witch it caused some physical changes to his body.

The pack, other than Nick, doesn't know his past. But he plans on telling them at some point.

Extra/other:He really likes punk rock music. He can often be seen with headphones on. It helps him when he has panic attacks.
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