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Realistic or Modern Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne - LORE


Ten Thousand Club
Metahuman: Rebuilding The Hero's Throne

By: D duegxybus & Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Moderated by: IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan & A Common Man A Common Man

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Callinety IC
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Welcome to the lore page of Metahuman: RTHT. Assuming that you are seeing this for the first time, you've come to the right place. All bits of lore must be read before you apply for the roleplay. Remember that the lore is only there to keep things consistent. If you get lost, just remember that there is a table of contents at the first post. Remember, there will be an announcement every time the lore is updated majorly, and you are all expected to read it once it has been updated.

Table Of Contents

1. On Powers
2. Ability Ratings
3. Blackfall
4. Callinety
5. Paraphernalia
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1. On Powers
By: D duegxybus
Powers are an integral part of the society presented in Metahuman: Rebuilding The Hero's Throne. There is history surrounding powers, as they haven't always been there.

Powers were first publicly known in the 1620s as legends. Superhero jobs weren't a thing back in this day, as abilities were typically treated as though they were demonic possessions and were to be cleansed immediately. As a result of this, people were hiding their abilities from public, and often didn't breed to produce powerful abilities.

Almost three hundred years later, in the 1910s, abilities began to come up again. These people with abilities took on the mantle of legends, and began doing super amazing things. It was only now when people began breeding with others with abilities to increase the concentration of powers.

Enter the 1960s, when major storyboarding companies began labeling superhumans as so-called "superheroes" and "vigilantes", romanticizing them and making them idols of the modern era. Society exploded with superhuman activity, with research companies racing to get to the source of them and businesses monopolizing the use of abilities altogether.

The first major understanding of superpowers breached the surface in 1995, where the first ability tiers were devised by GenerXity, a research corporation designed to understand the inner workings of powers. So far, they are the leading edge of all things related to powers.

Power Mechanics As of 1995, the EXTNDPow Research Facilities have devised a way to categorize abilities. While not all abilities fall into any category, and most people don't even know their categories, they still exist.

ENHANCEMENT - A passive power that manifests in the form of enhancing a part of the human physique. These typically manifest at birth. Powers include Enhanced Condition, 100% Muscle Usage, and X-Ray Vision.

PSYCHIC - Psychic powers are powers that involve the mind, are powered by the mind, or affect the mind, and typically manifest by the time the user turns 8 years old. Powers include telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, pathokinesis, and mental influences.

PERSONAL - Personal powers are powers that aren't quite enhancements, but they affect the user in supernatural ways. These typically manifest at 3 years old, or at birth. Powers include Shapeshifting, Regenerative Healing Factor, pheromone manipulation, teleportation and any type of Substance Mimicry.

MANIPULATION - An ability that allows the user to manipulate, e.g., create, shape, and control a certain substance or energies. Possibly the most common type of superpower, these powers offer little to no physical changes, typically manifest at 8 years old, and require the user's conscious control. Examples include, fire manipulation, water manipulation, darkness manipulation, energy manipulation, and light manipulation
  • QUANTUM STATE (Subcategory of Manipulation)- Quantum-state powers are powers that are extremely hard to understand and change reality on a very basic level, sometimes with devastating consequences. Being the rarest of all abilities, these abilities are very powerful, very hard to control, and have extremely heavy recoil. They require a high level of mastery to use in combat at all, and typically require the user to think outside the box. Examples include pathifery, time manipulation, dimensional distorting, pocket dimension manipulation, and remote/coordinate teleportation

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2. Ability Rating
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2. Ability Ratings
By: D duegxybus

Power Ratings
While many users share the same ability, they may be on completely different levels from one another depending on what they are capable of doing with their power. There are five categories in which a power is rated.

Power - Is the amount of destructive potential an ability has. This is typically high in abilities that manipulate volatile elements or simply enhance the user's physical strength.
1-2: Average human: The destructive potential can destroy weak wooden objects, cardboard, thin glass, and drywall.
3-4: Peak Human/Enhanced: The destructive potential can destroy a concrete block, bricks, and sedimentary rocks. Users may be able to kick down a wooden door.
5-6: Enhanced: The user is capable of low to moderate destruction, denting metal, cracking skulls, kicking down metal doors, and damaging light vehicles. They can also lift light to heavy vehicles. Enhanced strength caps at 6.
7-8: Powerful: The user is capable of major destruction, destroying most types of vehicles, full metal structures, concrete buildings, and armored cars.
9-10: Apocalyptic: The user is capable of city-block destruction, able to obliterate an entire city block, along with buildings, heavy armored vehicles, and military-grade technology. All abilities cap at 10
Super Strength is an example of a power with high power. Someone with super strength may have statistics that look like this.


Defense - The amount of protection an ability provides. This is typically high in abilities such as force-field generation, enhanced durability, and high-powered magnetic fields.
1-2: Average human: The user is capable of basic blocking techniques, only bracing themselves for impact and handling about 525 pounds of force at the skull. The user possesses no supernatural defenses.
3-4: Enhanced: The user possesses the defense capabilities of an enhanced human, allowing them to take a beating from blunt weaponry more effectively, as well as rendering things such as tasers nearly obsolete. They are not bulletproof in the slightest. Sharps, blades, and needles have no problem cutting the skin of these types.
5-6: Superb: The user possesses a high defense capability. They are able to get away getting shot with only bruises, or slowing down bullets, as well as taking blunt trauma without any visible effects. Tasers are obsolete, and most forms of weaponry is not fatal. They are slightly resistant to almost most forms of damage.
7-8: Semi-Invulnerability: The user is bulletproof, making most firearms completely obsolete. Blunt trauma won't faze them in the slightest, tasers are useless, and anything weaker than bullets are hopeless. The other alternative is that they are capable of stopping or blocking bullets entirely, making their active defense very hard to breach.
9-10: Nigh-Invulnerable: The user is nearly unharmed by all forms of damage, They are capable of shrugging off artillery shells with no visible signs of damage, and the only thing that seems to be capable of harming them is a nuclear explosion. The alternative is that they are capable of summoning a form of protection that not even light can penetrate, making them completely invulnerable as long as their defense is active.
Force-Field is an example of a power with a high defense. Someone with the power of force-fields may have stats that look something like this.

Recovery - Recovery is the rate of a user's regeneration, or ability to recover from impact. As opposed to defense, which prevents damage, recovery is the rate at which they are capable of recovering from damage. Recovery also extends to healing abilities, powers that can heal others.
1-2: Average human: The user is capable of slowly regenerating over time from wounds or damage, leaving visible scarring. They are capable of soft tissue regeneration, though things like brain cells may be damaged forever. The user's body gets weaker the more of a beating it takes. Burns do not heal well.
3-4: Accelerated: The user is capable of recovering faster from damage. Things that would be fatal or permanently damaging to a normal human would simply be treated like a cut that can heal. Most users of healing abilities fall here. Starting from this level, powers that affect others such as regeneration manipulation or healing are included. The alternative is that the user is capable of fighting despite how damaged their condition is. Burns may still take longer to heal, but can be healed.
5-6: Powerful: The user is capable of recovering rapidly from damage, bone breaks regenerating in hours and other lacerations healing within minutes. The user may also be capable of healing others to a great degree, bringing them back from near death. They can heal major wounds by burning.
7-8: Instantaneous: The regeneration of the user is so powerful that bone breaks heal in minutes, lacerations almost instantly, and they can recover from virtually all types of damage over an extended period of time. Seemingly the only way to kill these users is by decapitation, quartering, carbonizing, or drowning.
9-10: Nigh-Absolute Recovery: The regeneration of this user knows no bounds. They are capable of regenerating from a single cell over the course of many years, and seemingly the only way to kill these users is by trapping them and starving them to death. Even decapitation will not cause them problems, as their head may regenerate a new body or their body will regenerate a new head. Or both. How freaky.
Regenerative Healing Factor is an example of a power that has a high level recovery. Someone with a healing factor may have stats that look like this.

Range - Range is the distance a certain ability can travel, have effect over, or function in. Range is accounting for both maximum distance as well as area covered.
1-2: Average Human: Their ability doesn't extend beyond their fists or legs. They are required to physically beat an opponent to cause damage, and have no ranged attacks.
3-4: Tactile/Short Range: The user is required to touch an opponent to inflict damage, though the damage will take effect even if the opponent leaves the user's touch. The alternative is that the user is capable of throwing an attack about 3 meters (10 feet) in front of them.
5-6: Medium Range: The range of the user's ability is several meters, allowing for attacks at a distance as well as hunting rifle level of attacks that take place from a ways. The alternative is that the user affects a sweeping cone in front of them.
7-8: AoE/Sniper: The range of the user's ability is great that they are capable of affecting people from beyond their eyesight, similar to a sniper. The alternative is that the user's ability is an Area-Of-Affect, allowing for an expanding ring of their ability.
9-10: Ultra: The range of this user's ability knows little limit, as they are capable of affecting targets across entire cities. These abilities are very rare, and typically only apply to enhanced hearing or sight scopes.

Telescopic Vision is an example of a power that has an incredibly long range. Someone with telescopic vision may have the following stats.

Speed - Speed is the movement effect that the user's ability has on the user themselves. The speed does not account for acceleration or agility, as it simply marks the top speed of the user. Teleportation DOES NOT COUNT.
1-2: Average Human: The speed of the user is about 15-20 miles per hour, the same as an average human.
3-4: Peak Human/Enhanced: The speed of the user extends from 35 miles per hour to about 70 miles per hour, or highway speeds.
5-6: Superb: The user's speed reaches the mark of about 110-350 miles per hour, putting them in the category of a very fast human.
7-8: Speedster: The user's speed reaches from 500-4500 miles per hour, putting them in the category of a speedster. Most speed-based abilities fall into this level of speed.
9-10: Nigh-Instantaneous: The user's speed is INCREDIBLY fast, to the point that it exceeds the limitations of living flesh. Usually requiring a quantum-state ability such as time dilation or reality warping, the user is capable of moving from Point A to B in the blink of an eye.
Electrically Enhanced Speed is an example of an ability with a high speed. Someone with electrically enhanced speed may have the following statistics. Notice how speed will almost always affect the power, since more acceleration equates to more force.

Overall Power Rating - The user can be placed into one of four tiers. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Delta. Delta is the highest, and are very restricted, while Alpha is the vast majority of the superhuman population. The tiers are simply to mark the potential of the powers, not their overall mastery. A user generally cannot change their tier once it's set, though most people don't even know which tier they're in until they go for an official examination, which costs a fair amount of money.

  • Alpha Tier - Alpha Tier is the lowest tier. This accounts for about 50% of the superhuman population, with a wide range of users. While they are the lowest tier, they are by far the most common. They possess what are known as "street-level" powers.
  • Beta Tier - Beta Tier is the second lowest tier. This accounts for 40% of the superhuman population, and has a wide range of users. They are still in the "street-level" group, but have slightly more influence over the tides in a battle. A good rule of thumb is that 1 beta-tier equals 2 alpha tiers.
  • Gamma Tier - Gamma Tier is the second strongest tier. This accounts for 9.5% of the superhuman population, and has a medium range of users. They are in the "city-block" group of powers, which gives them quite a bit of influence in a fight. 5 alpha-tiers would equate to one Gamma-Tier.
  • Delta Tier - Delta Tier is the strongest tier. This accounts for 0.5% of the superhuman population, and has a narrow range of users that possess quantum-state abilities. They are in the "district" group of powers, which gives them a huge influence in a fight. About 10 beta-tiers would equate to one delta-tier. However, delta-tiers are under extreme scrutiny, and may have the military on their case should they ever go rogue.
End of "Powers"
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3. Blackfall
Blackfall is a medium sized city of about 60 square miles, and has a population of approximately 900,000 people. The city has a barbed wire fence around the perimeter that roughly falls into the shape of a square, implying that the city is more or less symmetrical in all directions. The city is divided into two triangular districts, Northwest and Southeast.

Northwest is the district where the police station is located. As a result of this, crime rates are slightly lower and the chances of a successful crime are low. This is also where the tall buildings, as the Northwest gets more funding than the Southeast. Another strange phenomenon is that the Northwest has a higher concentration of superpowers, about 0.9% of the population having them. This makes vigilantes slightly obsolete in this area, however it also means the denizens of the Northwest are usually defending themselves on their own abilities.

Northwest Facilities

(1) Airport
(10) Hospitals
(30+) Restaurants
(6) Banks
(2) Police HQ
(15) Skyscrapers
(2000+) Residential Buildings
(???) Windowless Building

Rugged, perpetually plunged into darkness, and sinister, the Southeast has the highest concentration of crime in the United States. Drug trades, to murders, to petty theft, to rape, the Southeast has it all. The police take time to get to crimes here, meaning a criminal can do away with their felony and be on their merry way by the time the police shows up. The concentration of superpowers in this part of the city are 0.01%, making a superpowered human being invaluable, and even more valuable when their ability is something that isn't useless. The Southeast also has very little funding, meaning the facilities are more downtrodden and look as though they haven't been repaired in decades. So, why would anyone live here? Opportunity. Being a vigilante in the Southeast is a very profitable job, as you get recognition, praise, and fan-mail from time to time containing a few hundred dollars for keeping the city safe. Being a vigilante in the Southeast is possibly the only good thing, the light in the darkness, that one can hope to achieve in this part.
Southeast Facilities
(2) Hospitals
(20+) Restaurants
(2) Banks
(1) Police Outpost
(5) Skyscrapers
(500+) Residential Buildings
(???) Windowless Building

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4. Callinety
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4. Callinety
By: Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Callinety is a larger city, at about 178 square miles and around four million citizens. The southern half of the city is more or less enclosed by a large lake that freezes in the winter, making it a popular summer only destination for tourists. The northernmost part of the city is home to most of the business, work facilities, and residential buildings. The city could be compared to a rounded triangle, with the sharpest angle in the south, largest in the northeast, and the last to the northwest. The city has been classified into four sections.

Section One
Section one is the northwest area of Callinety, with the largest Hero Station in the region near the southern center of the section. From here, heroes respond quickly to disasters and crimes through most of the city. There are far fewer police services here, due to the heroes, but there is a far higher concentration of hospitals to deal with the larger amount of casualties and attacks (Raids on the Base). The hero base is a closed building, with no entry without an ID and current job, or ID and current appointment. Ranking tests may be done here.

Section One Facilities
(6) Larger Hospitals
(10) Small Clinics/Emergency Centers
(33) Restaurants
(1) Rob's Discount Everything
(2) Banks
(0) Police HQ
(1) Police Station
(26) Skyscrapers
(1300) Residential Buildings
(1) Hero Base

Section Two
Northeast section of the city, the more residential part of the city with a higher rate of disasters. There is a small hero base sitting alongside a larger pond, and a large laboratory building used for medical research on the other side of the section. The most usual type of housing is small apartments, with many of them being packed very tightly together. There are larger buildings with higher end homes in the south side, but the further north you go the more poverty you will encounter.

Section Two Facilities
(5) Homeless Shelter
(2) Hospitals
(20+) Restaurants
(4) Police Outpost
(2) Skyscrapers
(200+) Residential Apartment Buildings

Section Three
The southeast section of the city, with the city's main park and the most concentrated area of businesses in the city. The park stretches for five square miles and also holds town hall at its center, while the businesses section also holds many residential buildings. This section holds most of the areas commercial zones with the largest collection of sky scrappers around. Most of the city commutes to this section for work, though some live in buildings above the businesses.

Section Three Facilities

(3) Hospitals
(50+) Restaurants
(6) Police stations
(54) Sky scrappers
(2000) Commercial buildings
(300) Residential apartments/homes
(2) Hero agency bases

Section Four
The southwest section of the city. This area of the city is packed with tourism and sight seeing. There are many many hotels, casinos, restaurants, and other excitements. Due to the main entrance to this area of the city being the lake (Tourists cross on boats as an attraction), this part of the city is not as populated in the winter. In the winter it becomes a hotspot for some darker activities such as drugs, street racing, gang violence, and prince's promising money.

Section Four Facilities
(1) Hospital
(100+) Restaurants
(2) Police stations
(23) Hotels
(100) Merchandise Stores
(70+) Permanent Residences
(2) Casinos
(1) Hero Agency

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5. Paraphernalia
6. GenerXity​
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5. Paraphernalia
Paraphernalia refers to any type of item that is crucial to the development and maintenance of superabilities, more commonly known as powers and abilities. These items range from extremely common to nigh-unaccessible. This list can be changed at any time and a notification will be sent out, so remember that the list of items is ever-growing! If you want to submit your own item, send me a PM with the following information.

Name: A name.
Description: Be as detailed as you can. What does it do? What is it made of?
Creator/Owner(s): Who made this? Who owns this?
Accessibility: How can you get your hands on these? How many are there?

Name: Anti-Beam.
Description: The anti-beam is a powerful electromagnetic weapon that shoots out a twisting bolt of a combination of electromagnetic waves that temporarily deactivates parts of cells in the brain, dampening superabilities for up to two hours. These are most effective against enhancements and psychic abilities, while being least effective against manipulation. They barely have any effect on quantum-state abilities. Should the beam pass through the eyes, color vision will be reversed and any optical abilities will be nullified, both for up to fifteen minutes. The anti-beam is mounted on top of a large vehicle, as it is not a hand-held weapon. It takes the shape of a radar dish, but the telltale sign that it is an anti-beam is a plasma blue coil that sits in the center of the pointed part of the dish. Most people cannot identify an anti-beam from a radio dish.
Creator: GenerXity
Accessibility: Accessible to the public, if they pay about 5.5 million dollars to GenerXity. Anyone can access an anti-beam if they can pay for it, since there are no long-lasting effects on powers. The other place to access an anti-beam would be the Black market, which will cost about 4.5 million to 8 million. The black market tampers with the anti-beam, sometimes removing the limiter to allow for more power, however it produces enough recoil to topple whatever vehicle it's mounted on.

Name: Power-Suppressing Cuffs
Description: Blocky handcuffs that contain a blue coil interior that are designed to suppress manipulation, psychic, and personal powers. They have limited effect on quantum-state abilities and have little effect on enhancements. They weigh approximately fifty pounds, making running with them extremely difficult and enough to even bring weaker people to their knees. The handcuffs are incredibly durable, made of a special metal that GenerXity uses to make their giant buildings-H͇̖͕͚̘̯̙e̯̲͞y̛̯̘̲͓.̴̥̼̦̻̪̥̩ R̤̭͇͟ͅ ̻͉W̮͟h̯͈̘̻̼o̹͙ ṯ͞o͉l͏͔d̟̩͖̘̼̼͈͟ ̡͕̹y̴͇͍͖͇o̦͉u̠ ̴͍̖̙͇͚͈̠t̵̥̤̯͖̤͕͍h̗̻̳ͅa͘t͕̼̬̪̬̣ ̙E̱͓̼̠̣͇͡ ͔̩̲̬͎̟̮͜y̝̞͉o̮͎͍̱̼̯͍ú͙̮ ̴̦̺c̶͇̣̥̼͎o͚̝̖͔̫u̻l͠d͈̝̼̼ ̺͇̝̰͈͚̘͠ţ͍al̡̤k̶̤ ̩̰̘ͅI͓͙͓̟ ̮̠̦̬͢a̻͔̝͉͝b̹͉̹̭̝o̯͍̗̩̭u҉͉̬̼̞̳t̩͎̻͟ ̛̲̘̲̩̗̭t̥͜h̴͔̙͖͇̭ͅȩ ͖̝̹͈̘̪b̨̘u̥̘͎̜͖̩̜i̼͡l͘d̲̖̫̻͍̗ḭ̣n̛͇̮̤̠̫̳͙gs͉̙?͍ ̶A͓͈͕̖̗̲

Creator: GenerXity.
Manufacturers: EXTND R&D
Accessibility: These cuffs are only accessible to law enforcement and approved hero agencies. They are handed out to special support officers and anti superhuman suppression teams. These are very rare on the black market, and are extremely coveted pieces of technology that sell for about 18 million dollars, and there are only about thirteen in stock at any one time.

Name: POW Serum
Description: An electric blue serum that, when injected into the brain, boosts the levels of power activity for about 48-72 hours, depending on how fast the metabolism is. They boost manipulation and psychic powers the most, have no effect on quantum-state abilities, and only give slight enhancements and personal effects. However, there is a cost. Adrenal glands are activated and the user may overload their sensory system if they take too much of the drug. When someone without powers takes the drug, the adrenal glands are simply activated. And then they might die.
Manufacturers: EXTND R&D, Black Market Knockoffs
Accessibility: These are similar to street drugs, though much harder to get. About 50 mL (enough for 24 hours) costs nearly $350,000, so people usually buy in much smaller doses. A full dose, enough for 72 hours, costs about 1.2 million dollars. Black market is the main. Black market knockoffs are more common, and these have been known to induce mutations as well as kill at an equal rate.

Name: Quantum Stabilizer
Description: A large cylindrical device with many intricacies and control panels, most notably a center that's full of some ball of plasma or something like that. It lets out a resonating hum that is as long as it is on. It warps space in the sense that it doesn't allow any changes to the environment in an entire building's distance, and extends high enough to cover the tops of the tallest skyscrapers. This blocks quantum-state powers entirely and interferes slightly with manipulation. The most notable users of these are GenerXity in their giant buildings-F̡̭̜̤U̷̯̞̺̬͕C͇͙̥̗͓̖ͅḰ̲̫͎̥ͅI̩͎̭̩N̢̞̥G͎̭͈̤̥ ̴̦ͅS͎̦̰T̮͉̹͕͞OP̘̤͓̣̖͜!̶

Creator: GenerXity
Accessibility: Impossible. They weigh nearly two thousand tons and have to be housed at the bottom of a building to prevent floors from collapsing. They have to be built on the spot and cannot be moved at all.

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