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Fantasy Mermaids Of Natheco



~*~ Lost In A world Ill never understand ~*~
welcome to Natheco, a small town on the coast of Ireland, very, very few foreigners know of this town, in fact, very few Irish citizens know of this small town, though there are the few people who know of this small town, and they could tell you stories upon stories about this mystery-shrouded town, most entailing that mermaids live in its waters, and that rumor is in fact true, and they have formed a complex hierarchy civilization over the centuries, illusive, beautiful creatures when in water, and normal people like us when on land, are you one of these beautiful, illusive creatures? or possibly a foreigner? or maybe you are on a hunt to find these illusive beauties. nonetheless, you have either been brought here for some reason or another or have lived here your entire life. what you do here is up to you.


1. No God-modding
2. mermaid hunters may capture mermaids for further observation but cannot kill them
3. please be respectful ooc
4. please be fairly active! (I can understand if real life gets in the way and you cant reply but please try and keep us informed so we can catch you up and make sure we don't kill off your character)
5. mermaids may have certain powers but please be realistic and don't make your character OP
6. please no mary-sues or gary-sues, they are just annoying.
7. please don't fight over royalty spots

Roles (the numbers for how many may fill the roles might fluctuate depending on how many join this rp):

the king:

the queen:

the princess(es) (one or two):
- Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire

the prince(es) (one or two):

Palace staff (unlimited):

Guards (7 or 8):


regular humans (unlimited)

mermaid-hunters (I would say maybe 10? maybe we could do a couple competing groups that are trying to capture mermaids and unlock their secrets):


more may be added as needed-​
Melody just looked around as she wanted to swim as she just took her bag with her as she jumped in the ocean as she smiled' i wonder what i'm gonna find' she thought she didn't like talking to people she was escaping from all the people her aunt was talking to she just smiled as she was exploring under the sea she didn't know why she likes swimming so much Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Twirling and twisting, kendall giggled alongside the cute critters that resided on the ocean floor. Her arms stretched and looped as she danced with colorful fishes of all shapes and sizes. Without warning, the creatures sped off in panic. Confused, she looked around her to see if they were in any danger. There wasn't a hunter nor a predator in sight... except for a girl she didn't notice from before. It was odd, she didn't look familiar in the slightest and she had to know every merfolk in the sea. She swam a little forward, cautious of the newcomer. She tucked a lock of white hair behind her ear, not that it helped a lot as the water swished her unruly long hair everywhere. The princess continued to observe the female from a distance. she moved slightly, causing small dust clouds of sand underneath her. And once again, all of a sudden she was taken aback. her sudden motion made her want to swim away like the fishes did. But she couldn't just leave a confused girl all by her lonesome. Her parents were bound to find out about this anyway. With a deep breath, she spoke. "hello, I'm princess kendall, who are you if I may ask?" the princess asked, her head tilting, sending her hair moving once more with the motion.
Melody just looked at the girl the princess" i uh.... i.... name...... is........ melody" she say as she looked at the girl" i'm a princess like you" she say as she just she could spend a lot of time in the water without drowning for a bit she just was confused why she was talking for some reason she looked farmilar as she swim around her" why do i feel like i know you from somewhere" she say as she just was worried her aunt told her her parents died but she don't know if it was true" i'm 11 how old are you" she say she was kidnapped as a young baby but she didn't know that Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
something felt...odd about this girl...but what... Kendall swam around the girl as well...she had never met this girl anywhere...so why did she seem so familiar "you seem familiar as well, I'm 18" she said in curiosity, though she wondered where her guard riptide was...not that she honestly cared, he was way to overprotective anyways. "what brought you here melody?" she asked and she remembered that the girl stated she was a princess "a princess? really?" she asked, her curiosity growing more and more​
Melody just looked at her as she smiled" auntie uh kidnapped me when i was a baby she's a seawitch" she say as she was scarred i can't transform like you yet i'm half human ma'am" she say as she just looked at the princess" oh i came here to explore i like swimming and exploring ever since i was little i liked swimming i don't know why i just do" she say as she just looked at the girl" i think i may have a family here but i don't know where i just looking for some clues" she say to her Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
The princess understood at once, in fact she had an idea of who this 'sea witch' is "is her name Ursula?" she asked curiously "if so, she is my aunt as well, my mother is the queen of this underwater utopia" she said with a pleasant smile when all of the sudden, a burst of water separated the princess from the newcomer and her personal guard, Riptide, came into view, an upset and worried look on his face which gave way to relief as his bulky arms outstretched towards the princess, puling her fragile body into his and breathing a sigh of relief "thank Azriath you're safe" he said as he released her "Do you realize how worried I was about you Ken'? you could have been killed, and who is this?" he asked and scolded as he gestured to Melody, turning to the newcomer and standing between her and the princess like a shield "oh Riptide puh-lease she's only a child" The albino princess said, rolling her ghostly pale hazel eyes but Riptide only turned "yes, you say that now then it 'come with me onto land and meet my mother' and she leads you right to the sea witch Ursula!" Riptide exclaimed then turned to the newcomer "state your business here, if you are proven to have good intentions, I will allow you to meet with the royal family" he said and waited impatiently for her reply.

Texangamer Texangamer
Melody just fell down as she just looked at the guard" i...... i....... i....... want to meet my mom" she say" usula brings me hell" she say as she just looked at her " i was kiddnaped when i was a baby the seawitch hurts me i'm forced to do her landuary and stuff like i'm a servent" she say as she just worried" please don't hurt me i'm only 11 please" she say" I hate the seawitch you don't know whats it's like to live there" she say as she just saw her hand was shaking as she swam away as she just wanted to meet her parents it wasn't meant to be as she pouted going back to the surface as she just sat on the walk as she pouted scared to go back she was no one she just felt tears going down her face as she was trying to calm down a bit
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Riptides face of aggression softened as the girl spoke of her past but he was blown slightly back when the girl took off and even more surprised that the princess chased after her "wait!" the princess called, following her onto shore, Riptide daring not to follow. The princess sat next to her and put an arm around her shoulder "hey...It's alright...we can take you to my parents, they will help you find your parents" she said with a soft smile, her white hair and milky skin glittering in the sunlight and the princess stood and offered her hand to the girl "what do you say?" she asked, wiping melody's tears

Oliver glided through the water quickly, his arms secure around a small pouch filled with all sorts of artifacts found on the ocean floor. He was on his way back home after a successful search for new items to sell. He had even found an ornate ring, a rarity around this area, and he was brimming with excitement.

This was short lived, however, as Oliver wasn’t paying much attention to where he was swimming, resulting in a collision with a bed of seaweed. Now he was immobilized, tangled up in a seaweed prison of his on making. He struggled within his bonds, unable to do anything but tangle himself further. It was at this point his scales betrayed him, it’s faint glow having grown to one similar to a lightbulb. As Oliver continued to struggle, his scales only glowed brighter.
Melody just looked at her as she just looked back at the castle behind her where Ursula is she just looked up at the princess as she stood up on the walk" I want to but I can't swim that far that deep i'm only human" she say" your pretty unlike me I'm just no one I want a life I get hurt sometimes with scary sea witch" she told her I can hold my breath for a long time but Auntie said mama and papa died but I don't believe her I want to know where they are what I am" she told her as she smiled as she looked at her" your so pretty I can't swim far but I can ride on your back if I'm allowed too I know I'm half human but I can't transform yet" she said Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
"yes, I may be pretty, though not as pretty, or as brave as you" she said then she stepped into the water, offering her hand to melody "are you ready to seek out the truth?" she asked, prepared to dive into the deep waters at any moment, she waited patiently, keeping a watch for Ursula just in case, seeing the coast was clear she nodded "if its what you want, I'll take you down to our kingdom" she said with a kind smile.​
Melody just looked at her as she looked around" yeah i'm ready to know the truth" she said as she grabbed her hand" I'm not that brave I cry in my sleep i'm always afraid" she said as she got in the water as she smiled she loved the water it made her feel calm" yeah that be nice can you take me down to your kingdom" she said as she just splashed her as she was being playful with the princess she just went under the water she was a really good swimmer she was kicking her feet she looked at all the fishes and all the sea animals" whoa" she said Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
The princess moved at a good pace, carefull not to go to fast and harm melody, she was watching a large school of fish when she noticed a bright light coming from a bed of seaweed "melody, stay here, ill be right back" she said, already assuming it was Ollie, and her assumption was correct, she approached slowly, trying not to frighten him from her random approach, straightening her crown, she laughed, her laughter ringing almost like bells as she worked to untangle the struggling merman "you've got to be more careful, are you hurt?" she asked as she freed him and helped him recollect his things, a kind smile on her face as she put the last of his things back into his bag "there, please be more careful next time, what if no-one had found you?" she said, returning to melody then she took the girl down to the palace and brought her to where her mother was sitting casually on her throne.

( Texangamer Texangamer , I'll leave you to decide the king and queens response)


Spice Spice
Texangamer Texangamer
Melody was looking around as she looked at the lady that looked like her as she got hugged by the lady" uh hi I'm Melody" she say as the lady was telling that she was her daughter she looked at her legs turning into a fine as she was surprised" so that makes me a princess and Kendell is my sister" she say laughing as she swim around her so called sister Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
The princess was shocked to hear she had a sister she just looked in disbelief "really?" she asked, smiling a little "this is amazing! we can do so much together! I could do your hair, give you princess lessons! oh this is perfect!" she said, swimming around her excitedly​
Oliver still struggled up to when he heard sudden laughing. The initial shock caused him to flash his scales even brighter before they died away at the realization of who it was. “Oh hello, princess,” he spoke while trying to keep a cool apearance, though his scales failed him. He tried to keep his composure in front the princess. After all, she was royalty. Then Kendall asked if he was alright “Hm? Ah, yeah, I’m alright. Just need to watch where I’m swimming, that’s all.” Once he was completely free, and all his items were stored away again, he looked away, his scales glowing in embarrassment. “Right. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you princess.” And with that, she was gone. Oliver contemplated following after, or wondered if he should continue back home. For now, he just hovered, unsure of what to do.

Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Melody just looked at her big sister than to her mom as she was happy" you do my hair do I have to do princess lessons it just sounds so boring do i have to do the leasons" she says to her sister"I don't know how to be a princess don't they just tell people what to do and that's it" she asked as she was looking at her sister swimming around her as she giggled"I glad I have a sister I'm not alone anymore no more sea witch" she said holding onto her sister" um how are you gonna tell the other merpeople about me the lost princess" she says happily" what if the bad seawitch come look for me I scared Kendell" she said holding on to her sister tears in eyes looking up at her
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With nothing else to do, Oliver swam back to his own home. It was a shipwreck, which he had reburbished to give it a more fancy appeal to it. Inside, the walls held shelves filled with items he’s collected. After admiring the glittering walls, he turned to face a rock that he had to drag to the middle of the room. Oliver pulled off his small bag and, giving it a shake, poured out all of his new little trinkets. Now set up, Oliver leaned in and began his work on his soon to be glistening prizes.

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