Mermaid Princess (small group, accepting)

Mermaids don't exist. They're just fairy tales. So why is it that this stupid town believes in Mermaids?! They talk about some Mermaid Princess, a story that is passed down in this town. All of these crazy people believe in it and some girls try to play it off like they're the reincarnation of this Mermaid Princess. The legend states:

In the dawn of time when she is needed,

Once again she will arise

and free us from Sin.

So how in the world does this relate to me? Why is my grandfather pushing this idea onto me? Does he think I'm this Mermaid Princess?!

Basic Info:

There is a small island off the coast of Florida called Coastopolis, where this rp is taking place, that has a legend dating back to it's discovery about a Mermaid Princess. she was actually just a regular human girl who fell in love with a Merprince and using forbidden magic was able to have her become a Mermaid. It was short lived as a rogue Merpeople tribe moved in and took over and tried to steal her new found powers. She died, but her soul lives on throughout her former family and is passed down from generation to generation.

This rogue tribe of merpeople and sirens are vicious and want to destroy the world and enslaves human kind and they need the Mermaid Princess's power to do so.

Merpeople have unique abilities with water, and can change into their human form when they are dry on land. The Mermaid Princess has the strongest ability with water.

I basically am going to need at least a couple guys, at the most 2 for this rp. ((This is my first time making a sign up sheet so please bear with me >< ))

Roles available: Best friend (Can be human or Mermaid as well, reserved for ArtisticKwittyKat234 ), Human male love interest, and possibly a Merman coming to come and train her in her abilities and what not. If a position is not filled I will cover it.

Sign Up Sheet:







Anything Extra?:

My Character:

Name: Claire Richardson

Age: 17

Species: Human at first, but Mermaid later on

Personality: A firm disbeliever in Mermaids at first, but after moving to the island and what happens to her there is no mistaking that she believes in them now. She is very rash doesn't think before she speaks. She's also very competitive.

Bio: Claire had lived with her mom and dad and little brother all her life until this year when her parents split up. Her mother took her brother, and she was left with her dad moving to his former hometown of Coastopolis (A name Claire really hates). Claire is also a really good swimmer and was the fastest in the region in competition and won so many trophies.

Moving with her father to this 'pathetic' island was embarrassing to her cause everyone knew this place as the Crazy Island who believes in Mermaids. Her grandfather was very against her moving here in the first place, but over time is trying to teach her the history and break it to her gently of who she is.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/2013-03-04-562194.jpeg.0afe9b6e77db931b5c458082ed9481e2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/2013-03-04-562194.jpeg.0afe9b6e77db931b5c458082ed9481e2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anything Extra?: She has an unique Birth Mark on her right ankle, which is the ultimate sign of the Mermaid Princess. When she becomes the Mermaid Princess her look changes as her hair gets longer and a light yellow tail.

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Name- Baylyn Marae Rickerson

Age- 16

Species- Human, but turn mermaid later on.

Personality- Fun, shy when around new people, outgoing. adventurous, nice, silly, Always in her art book, ( sketch book) tomboyish, but girly when she has to be, daring, willing to take chances, doesn't trust easily, but trust her friends with her life but doesn't get to attached, not afraid to defend a friend, or her self, when needed too, very stubborn,caring towards friends and family, artistic.

Bio- Her parents died in a car accident, that she was supposed to be in.She now lives in a orphanage, but goes to school. She meets claire, and the instantly become best friends. claire doesn't know that baylyn, lives in the orphanage. But claire find out. (later in the story ) she doesn't have any friends other than claire. she loves fantasy but doesn't belive in mermaids, at first, Then she finds out that her best friend is the mermaid princess, But she doesn't know if she is a mermaid, of any kind. She draws and is always carring her jornal pencial pouch in a tote bag with little other things.  
looks- (picture.)

Anything extra- She always has these things with her:

1. tote bag with, pencial pouch, sketch book, phone, bathing suit( for when they go swimimg.)

2. her moms locket, blue heart shaped, with tiny little sea shells. and picture of mom inside.

3.her little dog she finds at the orphanage, named, star, short for sea star, a chocolate brown cocker spaniel white underbelly, pink nose, but coller with pearls on it, gender a girl.

Her tail color is and bra, shimmering dark blue, with white shimmering scales, and same for bra, Her hair get really long and curly and blue and white tips and, she has a pearl head band. when she transforms.

Powers-none yet.

questions- When are we going to start?

And tell me if i missed any information, or have any questions, i'd be happy to answer.(:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images.jpg.e1f94e4f84dd9f7daddbf1d922600b69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images.jpg.e1f94e4f84dd9f7daddbf1d922600b69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Amelia Jones

Age: 17

Species: Mermaid

Personality: Quiet towards others and people she doesn't know, but crazy and loud around her closest friends. She's not terribly social, and if around others, she will appear uncomfortable, or awkward around them. She has a short fuse so she can get angry easily, but calm down just as fast. She's overprotective of people close to her, and will fight or do practically anything for close friends she knows she can trust. She isn't at all girly, and tends to not enjoy frilly, pink things, or anything of the sort. Though, she is usually polite with people she doesn't know that well.

Bio: She never knew her parents, but she does have a sister; Harmony Jones. They always stuck together when they were young after being awoken, abandoned on a beach. She has no past memories of anything before that, including any other family she might of possibly had. They learned together how to survive, acquire food, read, and such on their own, never having anybody else they knew to be important in their lives, and are still living together at this point. Though, she doesn't know if Harmony is a mermaid like her, even after all of this time, though she had figured out in her past that Amelia herself was one. They haven't bothered to question it yet to each other. Now they often walk through streets, looking for food, but at the end of each day eventually return to a place with water, no matter if it's a pool or beach.

Looks: ((See Picture))

Anything Extra?: When a mermaid, her tail turns a bright blue-green color, along with great swirls of black. The top is a simple black and strapless, in a way that it wraps around her. Her hair flows out to past her waist, slightly wavy, turning black with blue and green streaks. Her eye whites turn black, and eye color a piercing green.

She also normally wears headphones... No matter if they're around her neck, or she's actually wearing them. It's a comfort to her, somehow, and in mermaid form normally has them still around her neck.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.38100187f0f2c36bbaf1f2084f0120a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.38100187f0f2c36bbaf1f2084f0120a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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