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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (Fun Chat Thread)

Im gona Try and reply once more i have to get up early tomorrow and well the coming days so will try but might fall asleep i will tell you do ^^

Look at that Face of Inocence and playfullness

dose it look like it can do something big?


...It can slither out of a jail cell and tell the groups other animals where you are, who can in turn tell Perala and Sky, who can in turn tell the rest of the group, who can in turn be completely badass and save you. ^_^
Vala- You kidding? She was his slave. Should be obvious... Baka ^_^

@FlawlezFalcon - He will have beaten and enslaved Vala, a cave wyrm, and some of her kin and half-kin

@Daimao - Obvious. He made Vala a slave. Will also call her a good-for-nothing whore who will never feel the touch of a man other than him.

@Kirito Kei - Again the Vala stuff. Also had a hand in his parent's disappearance

@Macbeth - Not quite sure. Hopefully the Vala stuff will piss him off. Also he is the man who murdered the rest of the family

@Fezzes - The bandits who chased him out were bloodied hounds. Also has an abused female wolf pup

@LeSoraAmari - Guess who killed his parents? Also the man who was raping Kiera was a bloodied hound

@snowy raven - He stole her from her parents and abandoned her... she was supposed to die

@Whisker - Not really sure. Think that he doesn't need more of a reason

@Witchy - Insults her heritage, makes a reference to her family's farm being destroyed

@bourgeoisiemustache - Perhaps that riot that claimed his life was orchestrated..?

@Calibutcher - Guess who murdered his father?

@Yonsisac - Guess who possess the heads of Medusa and Hydra? (Remember your origin setting?)
Hur hur, it just seemed pretty amusing going from uncertain why he would have a grudge against him and then 'Oh yeah, he's also the guy that slaughtered the rest of your family~' :D

And yep, he would also be affected by the Vala situation pretty deeply although he would never admit it..

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