Men vs Women (Race to 1000)

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NO Number

Everything started getting messed up like this around -58 to -60 ... Should we reset to that again? Or stop and try and figure out the actual total
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the negative number should be going up for the guys. Soooo


((Clearly I have no idea what happened))
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What keeps happening, is we all get hyped to post and end up ninja-ing each other. Then edits either get made or don't. That throws the rest off. Rules on when to post never got set, and that became the biggest problem, among other things. >.<
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WeirdisFun said:
I guess a part of this is my fault ahahah lol
We've all made the same mistakes multiple times throughout, and all had an equal part in it, so don't blame yourself too much for it.
Reason it works in the 'see how high you can count before a MOD gets here' thing is because that's more of a joking, easy to just mess around with thing. Where this is actually a contest, and splitting people into gendered teams rarely ends well, in my experience. People get really passionate about it, and so they get hyped and ninja people and try and cheat to get their way (not so much here, but in other things I've seen), and disputes sometimes get really bitter, as apparently happened earlier on.
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Fun in the beginning, but just kind of fell into disarray quickly.
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I would definitely say it's probably time to stop with this game. ^-^ Good concept, just didn't work out.

Maybe leave it up to @DaughterofAthena if she wants to try it again or not, as she was the one to create the thread. Unless you guys feel differently, which is perfectly fine.
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InsaneEntry said:
I would definitely say it's probably time to stop with this game. ^-^ Good concept, just didn't work out.
Maybe leave it up to @DaughterofAthena if she wants to try it again or not, as she was the one to create the thread. Unless you guys feel differently, which is perfectly fine.
Yup. Time for this to be done, for now.
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