[Megalopolis]Helena Labelle-Duval


Junior Member
Helena Labelle-Duval



Name: Helena Duval

Age: Nineteen

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Appearance: Helena's vanity is apparent in every aspect of her appearance, her demeanor reeking of narcissism and self-admiration. She stands proudly at a height of 5'6 and struts at a -false- height of 5'7 in the best of stilettos. She bares not a single blemish on her skin and has a slender yet shapely figure. As shown in her modeling portfolio, both her hair color and length change rather frequently; but, she currently sports long black hair that lays just slightly above her lower back-with equally as long bangs parted to their respected sides-. Despite -many- rumors, Helena doesn't "taint her face" with the many oil and chemical mixtures known as 'make-up', surely someone with such unflawed beauty has nothing to make-up for.

Character Skills:

Major Skill:

Helena has an extremely flirtatious-nature towards both genders, often getting what she wants by leading on those around her. It manages to stump some for words, provoke the more sensual-sides of others and even dismiss anger when she is caught in a lie.

Minor Skill:

Helena's appearance often allows others to feel safe-enough to confide into her, despite hardly knowing her. It makes her seem trust-worthy, allowing her to keep a rather vast list of blackmail.

Character Flaws:

  • Helena is a pathological liar; she often gets so caught up in her lying, that she begins to believe the false-truths are reality.
  • Helena is inconsiderate; she does understand your character's feelings, but probably doesn't care about them.
  • Helena is impatient; she doesn't like waiting for, well, anything.
  • Helena is not trustworthy; if you tell Helena a secret, expect to hear it back from someone-else.




Type: Mental, External

Metahuman Theme: Illusionist

Helena has the ability to cast visual-illusions that modify various aspects of her appearance. Her modified image will display in mirrors, videos and even to the naked eye of everyone except for herself. Even though the illusionary aspects are non-existent; when touched they will still act/behave like real matter.

This ability can functionally specifically as well; modifying the way a select person or person(s) see her; while still keeping the same visual for everyone else.



Helena was born deep within the slums of Megapolis, the seventh child to her parents. Growing up she had very little due to her parents lack of both motivation and wealth. It wasn’t uncommon to lose the bare essentials in her household such as; running water, air conditioning/heating or even electricity. Despite this rather -dire- situation, Helena braved through life with a smile on her face.

She attended school with dreams and aspirations, like any child; despite the bullying she suffered as result of her appearance. Her parents were by no means ‘fair’, and lacked redeeming visual qualities just as they did intellectual, unfortunately, Helena was no different.

Her appearance consisted of; tangled dirty blonde hair that had appeared to been of cut with a household knife, a large gap between her yellow-tinted teeth and rugged clothes that bared many patches, holes and blemishes of dirt.

One day, after facing a plethora of harassment from her classmates; Helena had stormed home in tear-- to be continued.

  • Helena was born into a poor family of unwated traits.
  • Helena discovers her power at an early age of eight.
  • Helena is placed into the system, at the age of ten, due to a lack of care from her parents. [Where she briefly meets Holly, who at the time is fourteen]
  • Helena modifies her appearance with her ability to ensure adoption.
  • Helena is adopted into a rich family, at the age of fourteen.
  • At the age of eighteen, Helena parts from her rich family to puruse "greater things" and steals all of their money.
  • Helena changes name and appearance.
  • Helena ponders on what success really is "Surely it can not be held it the palm of my hands." ; and begins to seek fame.
  • Using a portion of the money Helena funds a small company known as " Le'Vioun " ; becoming a large-share holder.
  • Helena beings modeling/acting for said company in order to boost her publicity.



Motivation: To gain massive publicity and have her name well-known throughout Megalopolis.

Profession: Currently works as an Actor/Model for a small company known as Le'Vioun.

Interests and Hobbies: Modeling and Acting.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Crossing/uncrossing legs, toying with various objects around her, gesturing when frustrated.

Personality: Crafty, Detached, Disloyal, Envious, Fixated, Manipulative, Possessive and Narcissistic.

Opinions: "When you die.. what you did, good or bad, is not really important; the only thing that matters, is if you did something." - Helena

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Valium said:
Helena is the jealous-type; adopted into a successful family, Helena has had everything handed to her since child-birth. When she sees others receiving something -that she doesn't have-, it begins to make her want it.
Valium said:
Helena was born deep within the slums of Megapolis, the seventh child to her parents. Growing up she had very little due to her parents lack of both motivation and wealth.
Not sure if you see this, but I enjoy going through everyone's CS and I saw this discrepancy.
@Elle Joyner[/URL] ]

[*]Helena modifies her appearance with her ability to ensure adoption.

[*]Helena is adopted into a rich family, at the age of fourteen.

[*]At the age of eighteen, Helena parts from her rich family to puruse "greater things" and steals all of their money.

[*]Helena changes name and appearance.

[*]Helena ponders on what success really is "Surely it can not be held it the palm of my hands." ; and begins to seek fame.

[*]Using a portion of the money Helena funds a small company known as " Le'Vioun " ; becoming a large-share holder.

[*]Helena beings modeling/acting for said company in order to boost her publicity.

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