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One x One Meet The Borderliner's (CS)

Zoom Zoom
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    Name: Unit ZH-002

    Nationality: American

    Age (by looks and actual): 21, from build date he is 6 years.

    Gender: Male

    Code name: Zoomer

    Faction: Borderliner

    Species: Humanoid A.I.

    Personality: Zoomer thinks fast and acts fast. He can leap into action in a seconds notice, but may leap too soon. He is spunky in nature and rather naïve.

    Clothing/Looks: He can be seen wearing a vest the majority of the time, but switches between shirts color from time to time. He never covers his arms unless traveling through populated areas. He commonly wears jeans or cargo pants. His robot arms a red plated. They glow at the palms.

    Abilities/Weaponry: He can run at speeds up to 501 mph. He can also focus his speed in certain part of his body so he can speedily through punches and other combat maneuvers. His site can zoom like a camera lens as well. His arms make him stronger than an average human so he s great for lifting debris.

    Bio/Backstory: Zoomer was the first A.I. (named Unit ZH-002) who was given a human brain. He was the result of an ongoing military project to replace human troops. This – of course – ended in a mistake.

    Jenison Kent, one of the scientists, were incredibly power hunger and started tinkering with the rest of A.I. Units. This resulted in advanced thought processes from the units, including Zoomer. He started questioning his programming and became a gentler person. Unfortunately, he was the only A.I. to do so. Unit ZQ-001 (nicknamed Vigil) started an A.I. mutiny. This resulted in the death of many scientists and engineers working on the project – including Jenison – by the order of Vigil. She was creating an A.I. army. Zoomer attempted confronting the entire army by himself (well, he had a little help from the military even though they wanted to blast him), which failed.

    That’s when a team of rogues and ex-criminals found Zoomer in a dark ally, badly injured. They called themselves the Borderliners. They had advanced tech and great strategies and recruited Zoomer almost immediately. Zoomer fought valiantly, but the team’s medic, Daniel ‘Bone-saw’, dealt the final blow. Daniel suicide bombed the entire A.I.’s base to kill Vigil and the other A.I.s.; his efforts were rewarded, and he succeeded. Zoomer mourned his loss, and to make matters worse, the Borderliners were outlawed. Any activity from the former members of the Borderliners would result in incarceration.

    After the Nuclear bombs that the A.I’s planted went off, The Borderliner’s secretly rejoined. They held meeting in pubs at first, which also got rather risky. When Zoomer caught wind of talk of mutant creatures attacking citizens, he decided the Borderliner’s needed to resurface. The Borderliner’s built a secret hanger under a city, where their meeting could be held and Zoomer could live in a real home.
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    Other Characters:
  • Zach_Miko_Target_Plus_Size_Male_Model_2.jpg
    Douglas "Captain Dougal" Sheppard - The leader of the Borderliner's who rather laid back and goofy. Has a high patience threshold and is rather gentle, despite being in the military. He commands his team logically, but cares for each member.

    Lisha "Zero" Jannsada - She's stubborn and unlike Doug, she has a very low patience threshold. Her fierceness allows her to be a deadly enemy to anyone. She's an excellent fighter and is extremely courageous. She’s smart and tactical, and is the engineer of the Borderliner’s. She morns the loss of her friend "Bonesaw" who may have been more than a just a friend.
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