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Fantasy Medieval RP Character Sheets



Junior Member
This thread is for posting character sheets. As stated in the original thread, message me if you don't wish to be the traitor or if you really do. Otherwise, I will randomly choose one or two sometime along the way just to add some excitement.

I'll post a sample character sheet, but feel free to add or leave out information however you see fit.

The rp setting will take place in the southern kingdom, Alynthi. You can choose to make up another kingdom for your character's background if you wish. World building is definitely welcome and open for you to use your imagination as long as it doesn't go against the original concept.

Abilities can be whatever you'd like your character to have. You could have the power to turn invisible, produce/manipulate fire or ice, or have the power of telepathy. It's completely up to you. I don't mind if there is more than one character with the same power as it could give your character the chance to help the other character grow in their ability and vice versa. However, be mindful that your character has been in hiding and thus hasn't gotten to reach his or her fullest potential so leave room for them to grow.

Another thing, all extra characters (such as the rebels assisting my character's cause and who lead you to the camp, the cook, blacksmith, and so on) are open for you to interact with and rp as you wish. There's no way for me to rp them all, but also it will help the rp to keep rolling.

King Darius is open if anyone would be interested playing his character on the side, otherwise I was planning on doing it myself.



Physical Appearance:


Congratulations! You have been recruited.

One night while asleep you are kidnapped- well, willingly kidnapped.

After decades of unrest, there is talk of King Darius invading the Kingdom of Alynthi after finding evidence surrounding his stepdaughter's disappearance which leads him to suspect it is at fault.

But little does he know that she has fled his tyranny and stirred up a rebellion in hopes of overthrowing him in order to bring peace to the kingdoms.

After much searching, she has stumbled upon those like her who are infused with power that is illegal and punishable by death. In the dead of night, her men kidnap you and she recruits you to aid her cause.

In the weeks to come, you'll be subjected to vigorous training where you'll learn to master your abilities and perhaps even how to wield a bow or sword.

The perks? Freedom from a life spent of hiding and servitude as well as becoming a hero in the land for freeing the people from the king's oppressive rule.

The negative side effects? You will be marked as an enemy of the king and everyone will know that you're a marked (those born with supernatural abilities).

Along the way, you'll make friends and possible enemies, but you'll all be united with a single objective- overthrow the king. However, there may also be a traitor or two within your midst.

This is pretty much a sandbox rp. The setting and plot is set, but it's solely up to you to build your character and decide what direction is best for the character to take as well as the direction of the story. If you wish to play the king or a royal from the southern kingdom, that's fine as well.

The centuries old treaty between the kingdoms of Alynthi and Kestramor is dismantled when King Darius rises to power. Driven by hunger for wealth and power, he oppressed the people of Kestramor through heavy taxation and forced most of them into servitude in order to keep their lands. After depleting Kestramor's resources, he focused his attention on Alynthi which is known for its gold mines and abundant forestry.

Relatively small, the kingdom subjected itself to his enforced rule and cruelty.

A few years into his reign, his wife became ill and he called upon a healer who was said to be a Marked- a person born with supernatural abilities. When the healer failed to save his wife, the king had the woman executed and vowed to destroy all of the Marked.

The Marked that have managed to escape have hidden themselves within the monotony of society, knowing that if they were to be discovered they would be turned over to the king and killed. After years of hiding, it is believed the Marked are nearly extinct. It is not certain what abilities they have, although some are said to be able to change weather patterns, manipulate the elements, and read minds.

The king's stepdaughter also believed the Marked had been wiped out until she discovered her own abilities at the age of six. Fearing for her life, she hid her power from King Darius, but after years of witnessing his cruelty, especially toward those with supernatural abilities like herself, she knew she had to help the people and dethrone the king.
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Name: Sera Albion
Nickname: Called "The White Witch" by some.
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs


Homeostatic Manipulation: Sera can affect the bodily state and function of any living creature she comes into physical contact with. In practice, this makes her an excellent healer: In the blink of an eye, she can repair damage to wounds, cure sickness (provided she knows or can deduce the cause and nature of the illness), ease symptoms, or affect normal bodily processes like digestion, excretory functions, hormone production, immune response, body repair, bleeding, etc. As she has been trained as an herbalist and a doctor from a young age by her uncle, she also has a vast knowledge of medicine and of the human body in general; she is a competent physician with years of practical experience, even without her ability. These traits combined mean, despite her young age, she is a healer of unparalleled skill who can effectively treat even the most far-gone patients that other physicians are incapable of healing, so long as they still cling to life. She has the reputation among many as a miracle worker.

However, there is no one more capable of causing irreparable damage to the body than a person whose trained discipline is to fix it. She can also, in theory, cause enormous damage to the bodies of living things with which she comes into contact using this ability. Causing illness, broken bones, diseases, heart attacks, strokes, organ failure or replicating the effects of deadly poisons are all within her abilities. If she chose, she could cause blindness, deafness, or lifelong paralysis in her subjects, or cause them to feel the effects of any sort of slow, agonizing torture her vast medical expertise could possibly imagine.

Amusingly, she can also replicate the effects of things like alcohol or hallucinogens on the brain and body, even in their absence. Or, immediately eliminate the effects of such substances. A neat party trick.

If Sera does not understand the cause of a problem, she is less effective at healing it, though not necessarily completely helpless. Consequently, the more she studies, learns, and experiences, the more effective her ability becomes.

Sera cannot affect the state or function of her own body; if she is grievously wounded, she cannot heal herself outside of what she can do by standard medical means.

Using this ability strenuously over an extended period of time can cause negative effects to Sera's own health--similar to the effects of overdoing any physically taxing activity; however, with training and consistent use, she can grow accustomed to using it more intensively for a longer time.

Physical Appearance:
Sera1.jpg Sera2.jpg

Backstory: Sera's mother, a woman with similar supernatural abilities to her own, was caught and publicly executed by King Darius before Sera was old enough to form memories of her. Her father apparently left his family well before her birth. She was raised instead by her uncle, a well-respected medicine man with an established presence in a large city within the Northern Kingdom of Kestramor. She assisted him and learned from him from a young age, always with the expectation that she would follow in his and her late mother's footsteps as a doctor.

Her ability manifested when she was a young child. Out of fear for her life, her uncle admonished her harshly when he learned of it, telling her the ability was a horrible curse that she should never, ever use under any circumstances, lest the gods punish her wicked soul for disobedience as they did Sera's mother. She was to rely instead only on his teachings of medicine, and on the books and manuals he gave her. She believed him at first and stuck mostly to natural medicine, believing herself vile and cursed. In her teenage years, however, she experimented with her ability while she thought her uncle was not looking. She learned quickly just how much more she could do with the ability than with standard medicine alone. Patients thought to be all but dead miraculously recovered under her care; incurable diseases vanished mysteriously overnight; gnarled, broken limbs damaged beyond use seemed to recover within weeks as if they'd never been hurt at all.

It was not long before word got out about the mysterious young girl who could seemingly heal any ailment. News eventually reached her uncle that King Darius's men were on their way to investigate the rumors. Panicked and seeing no other choice, he gave his 16 year old niece a fat sack of gold and provisions for a month and told her to run as far away from Kestramor as she could. She has been traveling from place to place ever since, never able to settle down for long before the king's henchmen caught up to her. To this day, she has no idea what became of her uncle, though she fears the worst.


Sera is a woman dedicated to her craft: a doctor, pledged to heal the sick and save lives by any means necessary, no matter who they are or what personal repercussions she might face for doing so. She has a worldly, pragmatic way of looking at things gained from years on the road, traveling all over the continent, running and hiding from King Darius's headhunters who seek to capture and kill Marked individuals such as herself.

She is a very empathetic person--she feels others' emotional pain as if it were her own and seeks to alleviate it in any way she can.

She is incredibly studious, always eager to learn new things, especially as they relate to her discipline. An avid reader.

Never one to panic, she is usually cool, calm, and collected no matter how stressful the situation. She is level-headed, often able to discern a competent plan of action under pressure where others might crack.

She is a non-violent person by nature and appears to others as gentle and caring, if a bit stern and overly-serious; however, beneath the surface, she carries anxiety, cynicism, and deep anger at the state of the world and her place in it. All around her, under the rule of King Darius, death and despair run rampant. No matter how many horrendous illnesses and injuries she treats, there are always more to replace them in short order, people constantly beaten down in one way or another by the mad king's despotic reign. She herself is constantly on the run, in fear for her life if she were caught, a never-ending source of existential terror. She tries not to use her ability to heal unless absolutely necessary so as not to out herself as Marked. She tries to rely instead on standard herbs and procedures of her craft, as her uncle taught her. However, she cannot help but to use it in the worst of cases and never hesitates to do so despite the danger it puts her in.

The world is deeply sick, and Sera fears that not even she is skilled enough to heal it.

Lucienne Amalie Renee Dubois
She goes by Cienna
She can manipulate shadow and light. At the moment, she can only use this ability when she is experiencing extreme emotion. Eventually, she will be able to make herself appear invisible, make clouds to darkness to reduce visibility, etc.

5 feet tall
105 pounds.
Physical Appearance:
Lucienne is is normally regarded as beautiful, though she doesn't give people a chance to realize it. You would think she would be easy to notice, with her black hair and pale white skin, but she has figured out how to make people almost forget she she she exists. She tends to hide her face in her long wavy hair and she moves rather quickly. She also often stays to the shadows and is over-looked due to her small stature, standing at only 5 feet. She normally leaves her hair down in its natural wavy state, though she occasionally will braid it when she is working. She also tends to wear some kind of light makeup, just for appearances.

Lucienne has always been rather fake. She acts very professional around almost everyone, and only when she truly trusts you she may show you her true colors. When around most people, she only speaks when spoken too and acts incredibly responsible. She does everything she is told, never speaks up, and is always incredibly polite. No matter what you do to her, she won't say anything. That is, until she is with her friends. When she is comfortable, she tends to be incredibly emotional since she cannot reveal it anywhere else. She is very extroverted and loves attention at that point. She also becomes very affectionate and humorous, though when working she would never imagine any of that. She also believes everything is her own fault, is incredibly anxious, and barely gets angry. She blames it on herself, though she would never tell anyone that.

Lucienne was born the bastard child of a tailor's wife and a lord, in a small, yet bustling town where everyone knew eachother. Though, in theory, there was no shame in her father having a child with someone other than his wife, he still refused to acknowledge her as his child. Thankfully, her mother's husband was a good man who took her in as his own child after her mother's death, along with his own son, Valentin. Having another man raise his child seemed to bring out the best in her birth father, though that still wasn't great. Throughout her life, he has brought her in and out of his home, made promises that were never fulfilled, and generally just treated her worse then his "real" children. She, and the rest of her family, developed a distaste for nobles, and authority in general due to his actions. She began to resent her birth father, but due to his position of power, she was still forced to see him.

When her half-brother's abilities began appearing, she had to turn to the most educated man she knew, her birth father. Their town wasn't all that informed about the rest of the world, so few knew that humans could posess abilities such as these and a family of tailors certainly didn't have any idea. So, when the lord revealed that he had been helping their mother to hide her own powers, no one had any idea what to do. For awhile, the families worked together to hide Valentin's powers, but when Cienna developed abilities of her own, the siblings knew that something had to change. In an effort to protect their family, they snuck away in the night and haven't had any communication with their family since.

Adrienne Brigette Dubois - Mother - Dead
Lord Tristan Pierre Yves Laurent - Father - 52
Marc Dubois - Step Father - 48
Lady Celeste Andreé Laurent - Step Mother - 41
Valentin Gaspard Dubois - Half Brother - 25
Bernadette Anne Laurent - Half Sister - 13
Sébastien Gael Laurent - Half Brother - 7
Émilie Benoite Laurent - Half Sister - 3


Valentin Gaspard Dubois
His family calls him Val.
He has the ability to turn his skin to metal, which makes him almost impenetrable. When he is using this power, he is also significantly stronger than the average human. However, he has absolutely no clue how to control it.

130 pounds. He is a bit skinnier than the average male, due to a lack of a consistent food source.
Physical Appearance:
Valentin's appearance connects to his personality. He stands at 6'1 and is fairly scrawny. The most muscular part of him is his arms, if that reveals anything. He has a lot of tiny scars all over him, from accidentally stabbing himself all the time. He has icy blue eyes that can become a darker blue depending on the light. He also has large lips and some stubble surrounding them, though he tries to keep himself clean. He is also ridiculously pale, due to his lack of time outside.

Valentin is normally perceived as very intelligent and logical because he is incredibly quiet and observant, but it is quite the opposite. He has intelligence, he just doesn't care enough to use it. He prefers to do the mundane things that he doesn't actually have to think about, so he can spend his time doing other things. He is, however, incredibly caring and playful with those he loves. He enjoys spending time with others, even though he's an introvert. If he believes he has spent enough time with other people, he may just disappear without telling anyone. More things will be added over time, I just don't have much time today.
Up until he was five years old, Valentin had the average life of a tailor's son. He was being trained in his father's trade, just as his family has done for generations. Everything changed when his mother had an affair with the lord, then died in childbirth. He suddenly became responsible for another person's life and though he would never admit it now, he resented his sister for his family breaking up and his mother's death. So, for a large portion of his life, Valentin was somewhat miserable. Eventually, he learned to cope with his new life, but he began to blame something else. Love. He doesn't believe love is real and even if it is, he sees it as temporary. This has caused him great distress, especially because he has never told anyone else about these feelings.

That is, until someone he was making a dress decided to say that his mother had an affair because she didn't love him. He blacked out at this point, but from what he's been told, at that point his powers appeared and he turned from flesh to metal. Using his half-sister's resources, Valentin learned that his mother also had abilities and it was somewhat normal, for lack of better word. They were able to convince his poor client that she was just drunk and the families were working together to hide his abilities, when his sister's surfaced. That night, the siblings decided they were too much of a danger to those around them and they snuck out of town, never to return.
Adrienne Bridgette Dubois - Mother - Dead
Marc Dubois - Father - 48
Lucienne Amalie Renne Dubois - Half Sister - 21
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Abelgard Müller

Abel the Plague Doctor

26 years old



186 lbs

-Cane Sword:

A sword hiding within a sheath disguised as a cane, it could prove a deadly weapon when getting through certain circumstances, but it’s user has barely any experience with sword fighting.

-Bag filled with medical supplies and scrolls

-Experienced medical individual

-Has knowledge on useful medicinal herbs and products

-Little experience using his Cane sword...



Abelgard has a natural affinity to attract the forces of plague and its carriers, as well as animals of death, most commonly Crows and Ravens. The disease aspect of his ability comes in both liquid and gas states... with him only capable of using the Liquid state of his disease. It takes the form of a glowing sickly green, which is highly acidic in nature, and leaves a nasty infected burn upon contact with unprotected skin, having similar but much weaker effect upon against the stronger the material is used for armor/clothing, mostly having little effect against plate armor.

The After-effect of such substance is a disease that causes headaches, pain throughout the body, difficulty breathing, and if not treated within a couple of weeks, would result in a Heart Attack, or even Death. The cost is that the substance occasionally forms upon the skin or clothing of Abelgard unconsciously in order to stop the build-up of the liquid, and could run out if used too much too quickly. The Gas form of the substance can only be used once more training with his ability, which takes a form of a green gas that lingers around the air for a few minutes after turning from a liquid to gas state, its user immune to the affects of the toxins. The gas, while not highly toxic, slightly burns the skin and is much more effective at getting into armor than the liquid, and it particular targets the lungs of an individual, dealing permanent damage if standing in the gas for more than a minute.

The downsides of both states is that they are both as dangerous to the foes as they are to allies, requiring others to be farther away for Pestilence to be used at its fullest extent, as well as the liquid form secreting from his skin and clothing at high amounts stored within his body.

His other side of his ability allows him to control... and if trained enough, interact with creatures often related to disease or death, such as a Rat or Flea, or the Crow and Raven. But often, he accidentally attracts an animal without any thought, and suddenly, he has a small horde of rats running around the floor near his feet.

Physical Appearance:

Abelgard is a strange man when interacting with others, having no social experience to maintain a proper conversation with someone, mostly not understanding certain terms or taking them too seriously. But he had a natural love for science and its improvements, especially in the medical field, often praising on how far it had gone throughout the years. It was an important thing in his life... so he speaks highly of it, mostly thinking of things such as miracles and luck as mere coincidences, and often tries to prove that science is a tool that can solve most situations. Even then, he is a loyal ally to the end, and is naturally caring of a those injured, and often attempts at comedy in troubling times to lighten the mood, mostly ending badly.

The son of a Doctor and a Nurse, his life was surprisingly a quiet one, especially since his natural ability of disease didn’t pop up until later within his life. So he spent his years following the same medical studies his parents had gone through, learning more about the human body and it’s functions... but Abelgard had become more curious more and more he learned about the world around him... the possibilities that could have arisen, and much more. The small city within the territory of Alynthi he lived within was often plagued with disease occasionally every few years. At age 14, and with some constant influencing, his father allowed him to act as a assistant under his wing, allowing him to have a much closer look and understanding of how his father worked, and improve upon his trials.

This went on for years... before reaching the age of 17, finally deciding to explore the world in search of improvements in medicine, after his parents finally reluctantly allowed him to follow his dreams. A few months later, the first signs of his ability from being a Marked popped up during camp within a Forest, in the form of a strange sickly green liquid forming upon the palms of his right hand. This continued on within his life, him learning about the ‘Marked’, and making attempts to hide his ability from the world, going to inhabited areas to release the excess liquid stored within his skin. At 25 years old, he received the only companion that he felt truly understood him, a Raven he named Nevermore, which he spent a year traveling with, the bird being a true ‘Friend’ in the eyes of Abelgard, and in the end, and hopefully, it won’t end any time soon.


Nevermore is a large Raven for its species, at being up to a length of 2.5 feet, and like many other Ravens, it is quite intelligent, capable of solving some basic problems on its own, and usually stays by the side of Abelgard at a distance. Both of them seem to care greatly for each other, like siblings looking out for one another. Nevermore is naturally curious towards new objects and people, inspecting them interact with Abelgard before trying its own luck at touching it / them, and trying out its own little experiments. But at the end of the day, it’s just Nevermore and Abelgard together again, continuing to go on their path of theirs, unless another opportunity presents itself.​
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Scarlett Felis - although she doesn't actually use this name and is unlikely to tell anyone of it, as she prefers to be known as Silver.
N/A please give this cat some nicknames
132 Ibs

Shapeshifting - With the proper training, Silver could learn to replicate the shape of almost any animal she's seen. However, she isn't aware that it can be trained - as far as she's aware, the extent of her ability is to shift into a large feline. As time went by with her relying on this ability the feline traits seemed to bleed into her regular human self, creating physical oddities that make it near impossible for the shapeshifter to blend in among normal humans. These mutations seem to have reached their limit, though, as she hasn't noticed any new feline traits for several years now.

Physical Appearance:
The most notable thing when someone first sees Silver is the obviously non-human aspects to her appearance- a long fluffy tail that often manage to betray how she's feeling, as well as similarly fluffy feline ears. The pupils of her red eyes are usually in cat-like slits, though they dilate in response to certain stimuli, and the eyes themselves reflect light in the dark - a certainly eerie sight.

Her smile bares sharp teeth, easily capable of rending flesh from bone, and it's clear at a glance that the black claws that grace her hands can do the same. Her claws cannot retract and need to be frequently sharpened to keep them deadly.

The girl herself is tall and slender and oddly graceful with it - being much more flexible than the average person and her movements being almost soundless.

It's clear she doesn't fuss over her appearance though - her fluffy waves of silver hair are almost always tangled, and one is likely to find a stick or some leaves caught up in the mess. She often has dirt or blood splattered on her pale skin or clothes, another thing she doesn't pay much attention to. Silver will wear practically anything as long as she can still move well in it, and often rips her clothes on purpose with her claws, with very little regard for modesty.

Silver's family were Marked in a similar way to her, a group of shapeshifters travelling from place to place in hopes of staying ahead of the king's men.
It was a fruitless hope, but Silver wouldn't know anything about that, considering she doesn't remember a bit of it. She doesn't even know her own age, but she was nine when her family was killed and she was left with no memories of her early life. Alone in the woods, a regular human child would have perished but thankfully Silver's ability was already developed.

Using it, the small girl was able to survive by predating on the smaller, weaker animals of the forest, though it took many near missed with starvation for her to develop any skill at hunting, as she was relying more on instinct than anything.
But with the combination of food she killed herself and carrion she scavenged she was able to survive into adulthood - though she was barely recognisable as human at that point, starved of any interaction with her own kind to the point she hardly recognises humans as her own kind - though she hardly interacted with them until her seventeenth year. Travelling a bit further afield from her regular hunting grounds than usual, the shapeshifter had laid eyes on a human for the first time in eight years... and decided it was no different from any other prey the forest could offer her.

She quickly began to enjoy hunting humans over regular prey - when they screamed and begged she could understand what they were saying, despite having a child's vocabulary and being rusty from long years of having no one to talk to besides herself.

But of course, an unidentified creature terrorising locals couldn't go unnoticed and it wasn't long before the village she was lingering around would set out traps - imagine their surprise when they caught, not a beast, but a girl.
Her Marked nature was impossible to deny, even without considering her crimes and when the story starts she was awaiting execution.

Many would be quick to label Silver as a bad person. She completely lacks empathy for others, viewing most humans as little more than prey, same as a mouse or rabbit. And she plays with her food.

They wouldn't be too far off in assuming that - after all, her actions are certainly wrong, but the shapeshifter never had the chance to learn these things. There's a lot of things she doesn't know - numbers, letters, big words... Most of the world is a mystery to the sheltered individual who knows little more than the small area of the woods she'd declared as her territory. She seems boundlessy curious about these new things but when other's attempt to teach her she's quick to dig in her heels to resist.

When around people, the shapeshifter's graceful nature doesn't seem to save her from being clumsy socially- when she makes an attempt to get close to people she can accidentally end up driving them further away, with such gestures as giving them rats and other dead animals and biting them gently as a form of play. She's very touch starved and any shows of physical affection will gain her adoration almost immediately.
Silver is clearly very naive, from how she'll believe almost anything she's told and how easy it is to gain her trust - a few scratches behind the ears or some food and the cat immediately lets down her guard. It's not very difficult to gain her loyalty and as the shifter doesn't seem to understand that she is a mortal, like anyone else, she often has a disregard for her own safety. Though perhaps disregard is not the right word - it's simply another facet to that dreadful naivety, as though the cat girl believes herself invulnerable.
Petra Florence

Notes: Light blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She often wears travel clothing or practical outfits for movement. She is lean and muscular, though her clothing conceals much of her appearance.
Name: Petra Florence
Nickname: Pat
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7’’
Weight: 130 pounds

Earth Magic:
Through manipulation and creation, Petra has the ability to use earth elements to her advantage. Although manipulation of existing elements is a much stronger ability, Petra can also make plants and roots grow from her body. In theory, she could create a turnip-seed and make a turnip-plant grow from her body. Earth Creation Magic takes a lot bigger toll on Petra than manipulating existing elements around her and also reveals her as a Marked.
Through manipulating existing elements, Petra can control existing trees, change the layout of landscapes, increase growth or even control branches and roots. If her focus is on 1-3 roots, the growth is immensely increased. Is the focus on a bigger area, the growth or change will not be as fast - but definitely still lethal should it be used for an offensive purpose. The angrier she gets, the more power she will attempt to use. Note that extensive use will cause her body to be exhausted and eventually not able to use her powers for a certain time.

Petra has a cocky but playful personality. She is always up for a challenge, whether she knows she will win or not. More often than not, she acts on emotion and is easily rattled. She is loud and will often attract attention to herself, whether it is on purpose or not. A trait that often puts her in dangerous and unwanted situations. Some might see her as eccentric, but she is very extroverted and will bust into people’s business with unapologetic curiosity.

Petra grew up on a farm in the outskirts of the Kingdom with her Grandfather and Grandmother. She never knew her parents, nor did her grandparents want to tell her much about them. Petra assumed they had left her at her grandparents house for some important mission. The reality, as she would learn in her later years, was that her parents were Marked. They had tried to protect Petra by leaving her so she would have a chance of survival and a normal life. Up until her 13th year, Petra helped her grandparents around the small farm. They kept easily grown vegetables and a small amount of animals, making Petra quite the green thumb. Since she was mostly around her grandparents, she had little to no limits as to what she did on her own, making her quite the strange child. When her abilities woke during her teens, they started small. She could make crops grow faster and their farm seemed to prosper much sooner than an average span of seeds and vegetables. Her grandparents immediately caught it and kept a closer eye on her.

As her powers continued to grow as the years went by, her grandparents found it impossible to hide the truth about her parents any longer. Fearing for her grandparents life should she be found out, she packed up a bag of necessities one night and left the farm. This was her first adventure past the small village limits, and although it was the first taste of something she would never give up, the freedom was daunting. It took months to get the hang of how to make a living out of her constant travelling. She ditched the heavy bags she had brought with her and decided to only use the necessities. A backpack with actual essentials and a beltpouch was all she wore on her journeys. She would take jobs for one season at a time at inns, bars and in low-risk areas to stay hidden. Although she missed her grandparents a great deal, she was on a new mission.

She would find out what had happened to her parents, and if they were still alive.

Claude Florence
Mother: Hildegarde Florence
Grandfather: Patrick Florence
Grandmother: Emilia Florence


  • Name:



    Lunar Manipulation
    Jayera's powers come from the moon. She uses the energy and the purity of the moon to heal her patients mentally. Whether it be some deep, dark thought that crosses their minds or a curse that was set upon them, or some other ailment, she's able to heal them. She's also able to do the opposite and give people good thoughts, sometimes bad. As far as the physicalities of healing go, the only thing she can do to help is making her patients fall asleep which speeds up the process. In order for her to do any kind of healing, she needs water, and the purer the better. When it comes to herself being hurt, she would need to bathe in the moonlight and sleep for a few hours. She's also an empath, often picking up on the emotions of others with a tendency to absorb them if they seem too overwhelming for that person. She only does this for people she cares about, as doing so for random people would only tire her or become too much to handle.


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Name: Sylvia pace
Nickname:Silv or mistress of illusions

Ability: enhanced stealth - The user possesses incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling them to easily slip in and out of areas undetected. Their abilities in all manners of stealth are so refined they appear as mere illusions to those who have been lucky to spot the user. The users of this ability can move throughout even the most guarded of areas and act in true discretion.

minor abilities that comes with this power is
Enhanced Acrobatics
Predator Instinct
prey instinct

Physical Appearance: her eyes are blue. silvia has mastered the art of grifting so her appearance will chage to fit the role she is in weather is is a bar maide or nobel lady so it will be hard to know who she is unless you know her well.

Personality: sylvia is a kind and caring woman with strong meternal instincts. she will help thoes in need all the time but will always be weary of them incase they betray her. she live like any normal woamn in this time to keep people from knoing what she does. sylvia loves to hunt in her free time to earn money to help care for the orphans that she finds evey now and again but will not over hunt an area. but when you anger her she is very mischivous and will psycologicly mess with you as she hunts you down before she eventualy kills off the person. she is a thrill hunter, enjoys taking out highrisk targets. though most of her targets are from people who wish to higher her to take out the targets in a public way. she will never kill a child no matter the price. but most of the time she is helping the orphans or the elderly make it by. and her personal choice of weapons are twin dul blades. In her home countery she is considered a myth which she takes with pride and will continue to practice her powers until they are almost perfect
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Name: Mordred Bhaltair

Nickname: The Ogre, The Butcher

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 7"5

Weight: 295 lbs

Ability: Inhuman Constitution: Mordred's body does not obey the rules that govern most creatures of flesh. His strength is notably superior to that of a regular person of his size, and his need for food and water is much less than what one would expect. However, the true power of this ability resides in the consitution it offers him. Not only is he considerably more resilient to damage, he regenerates at alarming rates, making him incredibly hard to put down. His body can fight off poisons and diseases with relative ease as well, even those that are magical in origin, albeit with increased difficulty. His stamina also is practically limitless, and even if a fight goes on for long enough for him to be spent, he'll catch his breath at astounding speeds.

A small note that has caught many an opponent unaware is that regeneration does not apply only in the case of direct damage-it restores him to his ideal form, no matter what alterations or impairments have been imposed. Due to the frequency with which he gets hurt, he is also practically immune to physical pain.

Apart from his gifts as a marked, Mordred is also a terrifying warrior, easily superior to most others and on par with those found in tall tales and legends. That is because his power has allowed him to train well above and beyond what would be possible for someone without this ability.

Physical Appearance:

Personality: In more ways than one, Mordred's personality fits his title all too well. He suffers from intense anger issues, lashing out at those around him at even the slightest provocation. He is wrought with cruelty, and derives great satisfaction from seeing his foes driven before him, preferrably by his own hand. He is brave, if only because he feels he does not really have anything to lose. He's arrogant, and won't back down from a challenge unless he absolutely has to.

With all these things to consider, one would rightly assume this to be a humanoid monster that the light abandoned long ago. And, in a sense, they would be right. Without aid, his fractured mind has festered and worsened until only the beast remains. But some others claim that he often shows a more humane side, albeit strained and repressed. Who can say for sure which is true?


Before his first wife died, King Darius's wife gave him a son-Mordred. It was apparent from a very early age that the child was going to be quite the mixed bag. He was of an Imposing size compared to his peers, and seemed to have an almost limitless energy and thirst for life, but also a vicious temper and a rowdy, chaotic attitude, tempered only by the few friends and family that he was close to

Mordred was given a martial upbringing with the intent of being made into a Captain in the King's army, seeing as he didn't really have the patience to learn much about politics or ruling. Instead, he showed an aptitude in strategy and fighting. But no matter how much he tried, no matter what he accomplished, his father was always cold and distant. The child was demoralized by this, wanting desperately to feel like his father accepted and appreciated him.

Then the accident happened. When he was nine years of age, he slipped while climbing, and fell to his death. Or at least, what should've been his death. Instead, the pain subsided quickly. And within hours, all traces of damage were gone. The boy was in shock as he realized what that meant-he was Marked. The very thing he had been taught to hate. Fear prevented him from speaking to his father about this, and he headed on home, burning the bloodied clothes and excusing the delay on having gotten lost.

He did not sleep that night. As he run his fingers over the scars that remained of what was supposed to be a fatal fall, a plan hatched. He could use this power to become the finest warlord in all of the lands. This power was easy to hide, after all-one could excuse his endurance as "Indomitable will", and no one would question as to why a lad his size was that strong. And perhaps, finally, father would be proud.

The next day, after training was over, he found a quiet spot, and began training on his own. He trained well past the point where a normal person would be exhausted, and then some more. Ankles were sprained, tendons were pulled, bruises were had, and the energy spent would have made any man die from exhaustion. And yet, come nightfall he was as good as new.

After several months of this the results were becoming apparent. He was now easily outclassing all of his peers. Pleasingly, the more he strained himself and trained, the more his power "responded". His stamina, his constitution, his strength, all grew. In the years to come he had outclassed even his own teachers, and was widely considered almost on par with many legendary warriors.

Yet his father still remained unsatisfied. In desperation, Mordred went a step beyond-joining groups of headhunters on missions to hunt down other Marked. And he did. He channeled all of his rage, and sadness, and cruelty into the task. Before long, the sight of the massive brute had inspired so much dread into the populace that they began calling him "The Ogre".

But fate still had more in store for him. In one of the hunts, his party stumbled upon a marked, a witch. After a difficult fight they defeated her, but with her dying breath, she channeled all her energy in a final act. Screaming curses at him, she promised him he would be as monstrous on the outside as he was on the inside.

Mordred could combat poisons and diseases with little issue-his gift rejuvenated his body to it's ideal form before long. But whatever she had done was different. Slowly, painfully, he mutated, his features twisted and distorted until he resembled the beast he had taken a moniker from. But the worst damage was the one suffered to his mind. The searing pain and trauma of the mutation damaged him in ways he could not regenerate from.

Frayed, traumatized, and without his few friends or stepsister to lean on, Mordred became increasingly twisted and violent. His mission became less and less about pleasing his father, and more about just seeking to wreak havoc, finding comfort in the only thing he had ever been competent at. He took to wearing a faceplate and heavier armor, in an effort to conceal his new form from the world.

In recent times, however, a piece of information has resurfaced-the kidnappers of his stepsister have been revealed. His father ordered him to go seek her out, and he gladly accepted this mission. Surrounding himself with brigands, knaves, and other lowlives, picked not for their honor or morality but for their capacity for murder, he has set out to find her, butcher her captors, and bring her home. For no matter how warped his mind had become, he had never stoped praying for her safety.
Name: Adelaide Bhaltair
Nickname: Addie
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11
Weight: 139

Ability: Illusion Manipulation

Ability in Detail:
With Illusion Manipulation, Adelaide can alter the perception of reality, effecting her target's senses so that they believe to be hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, or touching something that they are not. At an early age, she would involuntarily exercise the ability especially when she felt threatened, but as time has gone on she has learned how to summon it with a mere thought. Smaller illusions of items or circumstances around her are easier for her to project (like the flames of candles or torches, or the scenery around her).

The illusions are only as vivid as she can bring them to mind. Also, the tangibility of the illusion often wanes when exercised on multiple people at once and as the size of the illusion increases. The durability of a given illusion hinges on her mind's ability to focus.

She is able to force illusions on multiple people at once by projecting a given illusion in one general direction. Although she is unable to cause death, the illusions have the ability to cause madness or other distressing effects depending on the believability and tangibility.

Physical Description:
Adelaide's height is often the first thing people notice. Given to rigorous mental training, she is accustomed to skipping meals which has caused her to become lanky and gaunt. Also, the intensity behind her eyes can be off-putting. Despite these flaws and peculiarities, in the right lighting her well-proportioned features and soft curves could almost be considered becoming.

Raised within the confines of a life spent at the end of a silver spoon, Adelaide's character reflects little of her privileged upbringing. The only royal lesson that was not lost on her was the way one in authority should present one's self: head held high, shoulders back, and never apologetic. Although severe, her forthcoming nature is softened by her compassion for those who suffer and an occasional sarcastic remark. Her independence combined with stubborn pride drives her to take on the world, but the detrimental part is that she believes herself capable of doing just that.

Queen Jocelyn was said to have been the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. Following her first husband's mysterious death, King Darius forced her into marriage and took on the role of a father for her daughter, Adelaide. Although Jocelyn resented Darius for the unhappy union forced upon her, she resigned to her fate with grace and used her position to secretly help the Marked. One day, a priest prophesied that her daughter would be Darius's downfall. Fearing for the child's life, the queen fled with her infant daughter in the dead of night only to be overtaken by the king's guard and forced to return to face his wrath. Darius accused her of infidelity and had her hanged, leaving Adelaide to be reared by him alone.

Years following, she fell into a dark frame of mind as her ability grew intense and often caused migraines that would cause her to stay in bed for days. King Darius grew suspicious of her absence and had her assessed by the castle's physician. When the physician found nothing wrong, the king began bringing suitors around to try to keep her from hiding in her bed chamber.

During an evening walk in the garden, a suitor with ill intentions attempted to force himself upon her. She used her ability to break free from the man, but as she did, she took the opportunity to escape. Stealing the man's horse, she fled the kingdom.

Now, after years of witnessing and being subjected to the king's unjust rule, Adelaide is determined to see his kingdom demolished and to implement peace once again- even if it means sacrificing everything.
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Names: Ichi Foji and San Foji

Nickname: The Twins
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 12.5 stones (175lbs)

Profession: Smithing.

Physical Appearance: Ichi and San's physical features are exactly identical, the only difference a facial tattoo and the way they wear their hair. Both have dark long hair and foreign facial features. They are of average height but are well built thanks to working a forge. Thanks to working a decent profession they have enough food to last winters with little worry, and minor luxuries are a possibility. Their hands are well calloused and their skin is thick.

Ability: Many Bodied
Ichi and San may pretend to be twins, but they are not. They are actually one person with two bodies. The twins can duplicate themselves creating another body identical to the one copying. While he has two bodies, he does only have one "hive mind" that controls them.

While the twins can duplicate more than two it should be noted that neither Ichi or San can merge or dissipate so any duplicate is here till death do they part (RIP Ni)

Ichi and San may seem a tad bit more clumsy than your usual person but that is because imagine moving two bodies at once, it's a muscle that needs to be worked on and even then doing one task is easier that doing two simultaneously.

The twins are trustworthy, honour bound, and value loyalty. Traveling the roads and keeping their word with farms and villages means a lot with getting good business deals and opportunities. While simple and easy going they will spare what they can to those who need it since a good name can be just as valuable as valuables themselves. Ichi and San tend not to converse with each other since it'd be pointless, the only time they do is simply to appear more normal in the eyes of others.

The twins's father was a smith by the name of T'kan Iushi. T'kan decided to travel the world showing his exotic techniques and style. Eventually he came to Kestramor. Along the way his name changed due to the changes in language. He was called and eventually accepted the name Foji since he worked the forge. While in Kestramor he met a woman who caught his eye, Anne Koultier. He settled down out in the woods, thanks to the ready supply of charcoal they forge never went cold. Eventually they had a some children. Ichi, Nami, and Uric

When Ichi was 5 his powers first appeared. Being bored in the woods one day and wishing for a friend to help him climb an apple tree his powers first developed. The twins can't recall what it felt like the first time he did it but all he remembers is passing out from the strain. When he came to, he had two bodies he could control at once. His parents were at first confused and fearful of their child's doppelganger, but after some tests they came to realize that Ichi was a marked. Thanks to their secluded home they were able to convince people that they had twins, Ichi and Ni. The Twins never really attempted his power until much later due to the secrecy and fear instilled by their father.

Every once in a while they hit the roads to sell to farmers or nobles who prefer to live in more secluded areas. One of these times they were jumped by bandits. With no one to assist them and only a minor amount of understanding of self defense things did not go well. Ichi and Ni attempted to defend theirself and were able to fend off the bandits. Unfortunately Ni had been injured in the fight. The wound to the under arm was fatal and hurt more than he could imagine, then the pain was gone... in fact, all the feeling was gone. This was the first time he'd felt the death of a body. Fearful that the bandits may come back and worried of not having the extra hands to deliver goods Ichi began to focus, it felt like trying to go in two directions at once, or one eye in opposite directions. Then it happened he split down the center and their were two. Ichi called the new duplicate San and stripped down Ni to clothe San. They dug a secluded grave but always remembered that day.

The Twins learned how to run the forge and upon turning 19 they headed to Alynthi to hit the trail just like their father. They eventually purchased a smithy to call their home. They lived quiet lives and were able to blend in with no issue, even becoming key members of the community. They still wonder about their family back in Kestramor, but they know the more distance between them the better in the long run.
Assassin by Dropdeadcoheed on DeviantArt

Alessandra Bhaltair

Nickname: Aless / The Wraith

Age: 22

Pronouns: She / Her

Title: Princess Alessandra of Kestramor

Alessandra is the daughter of King Darius's brother Erit, the King's Right hand. Her mother is Elaine Bhaltair, born Lady Elaine Winthren of Venthryl to the southwest - a small territory that was among the first to fall to Darius's campaign.
Height: 5'10

Power: Shadow Magick / Manipulation
Aless can control shadows and any form of darkness. Any absence of light can be weaponized or used to make herself completely invisible. However, that's not all. Aless is one of the Marked capable of creating her own power. Even at the brightest time of day, in a room lit by the blazing sun, Alessandra could summon her own darkness simply by force of will. This is taxing, and can only be done when she has the energy to handle it, but it's an ability that can be devastating.
Strengths: Assassin
When Aless was 16, she hired an assassin to kill her fiancé - a cruel man who'd sexually abused her since the age of 13 - in order to save herself from a lifetime of horror. Afraid that another man of similar ilk would be chosen for her, she convinced that same assassin to train her as he himself had been trained ; to kill. After months of work, he came to her with an offer to join the Assassin's Guild. She's been killing ever since, and has become one of the most notorious assassins in Kestramor. No one knows her name or her true identity, and not a soul suspects that the lovely Princess Alessandra - one of the most sought - after women in the royal court - is actually the deadly Wraith.
Weaknesses: A Terrible Loss, To Lose One's Love
The assassin who trained Alessandra was not only her trainer and companion, but her lover. The two fell for one another over the course of the months he spent meeting her in the shadows of the castle to train her before she was invited into the guild. His name was Rynn. He'd been an assassin ever since his foster mother - the leader of the Assassin's Guild - had found him on the border of Alynthi. She'd known immediately that he was special, as his features were those of the Shadow Fae to the far east of the fallen kingdom. His people were known for their ebony skin and powerful magic, until King Darius ordered that they be exterminated. Thousands fell to his armies before, as if in the dead of a single night, the entire people vanished. Rynn had been smart, silver-tongued, and loyal. He taught Aless to do far more than spill blood. He'd taught her to live and love as loudly as possible, because he understood that nothing was promised. Darius's men caught Rynn at the castle wall the night of Adelaide's disappearance (he'd been guarding the perimeter to secure her escape as a favor to Aless) and blamed her disappearance on the young Fae. He was publicly executed three days later.
Personality: Light In The Darkness
Just because Alessandra has the knowledge and ability to end lives doesn't mean that she necessarily enjoys it. As an assassin, Aless learned to control her emotions and make difficult decisions, but she also learned the power of compassion. Her victims were often abusive partners, rapists, thugs, and sadists. She knows the name of every innocent to ever fall by her blade, and remembers them daily. Alessandra is loyal, intelligent, and hard-working. She's more than willing to lay down her life - or someone else's - for the rebellion and for Adelaide. Her cousin is all she has left, and she will do whatever it takes to protect her. As for others, she can at times have little patience - especially when it comes to arrogant fools or cowards - but give her time and respect and she'll warm up eventually. The most important thing to remember about Alessandra is that she has crossed far more lines than Adelaide ever will, and she'll do it a thousand times again if provoked. Princess or not, Aless is an assassin, and she only has one thing left to lose.
Alessandra grew up in the castle alongside her cousin Adelaide, the two princesses utterly inseparable since Adelaide could walk. Being a few years her elder, Aless has always been protective over her younger cousin, but the two have an astonishing level of trust between them. They respect each other and have sacrificed a lot for one another, and would gladly do so again. Adelaide was one of the only people entrusted with the knowledge that her cousin was The Wraith, and she was happy to guard the secret. After her attack, Adelaide found Aless and begged her and Rynn to help her escape the palace. The two assassins covered Adelaide while she fled, but Rynn was discovered and executed. The death of her lover destroyed Aless, and she couldn't stand the palace or the city without him. She ran away less than a month after Adelaide, using her guild's web of contacts scattered throughout the kingdom to find her cousin. They've been on the run together ever since, slowly building up their forces and training more and more Marked to overthrow Darius. Aless is Adelaide's Right Hand in all things, and helps run the rebellion. She will be overseeing the training of the newcomers.


I realize that I am a bit late, but I hope that it is still possible to join your Marked RP? I've adapted a previous character that was designed for an extremely similar premise and I wanted to double check that she might also be able to fit in this RP. I know her power is fairly strange, but I plan to let it develop at a fairly slow pace.

Name: Cara Blythe
Age: 25
Former Occupation: Noble


Eyes: Green
Hair: Reddish-Gold
Complexion: Fair
Height: 5'7
Since the awakening of her powers, Cara appears as a mixture between human and dragon. In her humanoid guise, she retains the great horns of her dragon form, along with pupil-less eyes, and the right half of her face has been twisted into a devilish grin. A growing number of scales cover her body and limbs; with spikes protruding from her elbows and claws instead of finger nails. Cara possesses both wings and a tail, but keeps these extra limbs hidden as best as possible.
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Cara Blythe is an intelligent and resourceful woman, who was trained in the traditional fine arts and expected to succeed her father’s merchant enterprises. She is well-read, fluent in several languages, and knowledgeable about history, politics and geography. Cara has a gentle demeanor, but is no less determined or resilient than the rest of her family. Her only combat experience comes from playing with swords as a child, and occasionally fencing with her sister for entertainment.

Outside of managing her responsibilities, she spends much of her time painting landscapes and reading about the journeys of accomplished explorers. Despite her love of travel, Cara has always had a poor relationship with horses and most animals in general. They tend to become nervous in her presence; barking, stamping their feet, and snapping in her direction. The few that do not fear her, are those creatures of 'scale and sky,' who upon sensing her true nature will seek out her attention.


Two weeks ago the Blythe’s summer Manor went up in flames as the result of an unexpected dragon attack. Speculation is about, and much of them focus on the missing Blythe daughter. Was she kidnapped? Conspiring with demons? Is she the victim or perpetrator? Her family has placed a bounty for information about either her or the gold dragon’s whereabouts, and mercenaries have been hired to bring the creature down.

*Leaving this very basic to reveal more in the RP itself

House Symbol: A two-headed badger
House Colors: Green, Gold, and Black

Reputation: The House of Blythe is generally well received by their fellow nobles. They maintain the honorable traditions of nobility and are fastidious in all their efforts, but easily amenable to new and progressive ideas. However, not everyone appreciates their willingness to embrace change, and there are a few who grow suspicious towards a family with such ambitious natures.

Family Members:

Father/ Lord Blythe : A serious man with a charismatic air about him. Lord Blythe has a reputation for being an excellent tactician; having participated in past war efforts directly during his youth. However, he is also known to be stubborn, and values winning more than the methods used to achieve it.

Mother/Lady Blythe: A serious woman with a regal air about her. She’s intelligent, cunning, and possesses strong intuition. Lady Blythe has a reputation as being unshakable in court and relentless in protecting her household.

Elaine: The oldest child, and air to the Blythe legacy. She’s confident, bold, skilled at both fencing and riding. Elaine struggles with long term planning, but can easily use charisma to make new allies and convince people to invest in her ideas. She’s a passionate person with a good heart, but also under immense pressure to excel in all her studies. Due to this, she has a short temper and often lashes out angrily or makes hasty decisions.

Elwin: The third child and only son of Cathryn and Carson Blythe, he’s a soldier with the heart of a poet. Elwin struggles with his role in life, bothered greatly by his experiences in the army. He spends the majority of his time drunk at the local taverns to avoid facing his family at home. Loves his siblings and parents, but hates being forced to live up to their expectations.

Maribel: The youngest daughter of the Blythe household. She’s ambitious, cunning, and determined to make a name for herself. She’s also shy and struggles to gain the attention of their parents or potential allies. Maribel possesses the mind of a scientist; she keeps up to date with the latest academic journals, and is especially knowledgeable about plants and medicine. She tends to the family's impressive garden in her spare time. As a result, she also knows a great deal of secrets gained by eavesdropping on conversations from the bushes.

Resources: The Bylthe’s are in possession of a large manor and small mountainside keep known as the Emerald Fortress. They have a large amount of land consisting mostly of forests, with many rivers crossing through their territory. Their fortune was made trading gemstones, precious metals, and copious amounts of iron from the multitude of mines on their land.

Common Trades: Metalworking, Smithing, Gemcutting, Logging, and Mining
Common Traded Goods: Lumber, Fish, Amethysts, Emeralds, and Iron
Common Desired Goods: Grains, Wool, Fabrics and Meat


Elwin - is rumored to spend more time in the taverns than at home.

Elaine - she’s as beautiful as a rose, but just as sharp.

Maribel - is shy and somewhat mysterious to the court.

Cara - enamored with adventurers

A dragon recently attacked the Blythe Manor. One of the daughters is said to have disappeared during the event, and speculation of what happened is spreading like wildfire.


Cara bears the Mark of the Dragon.

Her element is fire: thus she is impervious to heat, resistant to the cold, and can assume the form of a great red & gold beast. She has the ability to breath flames and with great concentration she can manipulate external sources of fire. Her body temperature is unnaturally high, and with practice she might someday be able to focus the heat in order to cause burns through touch. Only while in dragon form can project her thoughts outwards, but in all forms she retains the strange ability to understand the language of animals—though it appears that only a select few are willing to actually talk to her.

Cara’s reluctance to embrace her new-found nature makes it difficult to control her power, and she finds herself struggling to return to human form. As a dragon, she is still learning her limitations and requires much practice to master her new form. As side effects of her awakened nature, Cara finds her personality becoming more draconic the more in tune with the Dragon Mark she becomes.

Her Holiness, Mother Julia
The 44th Mother Superior of the Church of Shaione


Age: 36

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7 (170 cm)

Weight: 129 lbs (58.5 kg)

Ability: None; King Darius' order on the Marked had those with powers within the Church be excommunicated and never seen again. However, Julia has control over the Church of Shaione, including her council of Deacons and the Heavenly Guard, the church's own force that obey the Mother Superior.

Physical Appearance: A tall, slim woman of beautiful complexion, Mother Julia is to mask herself in Shaione's Helm and silky white garments at all times as necessary of Mother Superior. The sun-shaped helm seemingly blinds Julia, but has holes for her to see. Behind it are amethyst-colored eyes and seamless white hair to symbolize purity.

Personality: Mother Julia is a devout believer in the God of Prosperity and Miracles, Shaione, Ruler of the Heavens. As the recently chosen Mother Superior, Julia vies to prove her faith by following the example left by the previous Mother Superior: obeying King Darius' new rule on the heretical Marked. The previous Mother established a new Constriction that stated the Marked to have been chosen by the Goddess of Decay, Iena, and had all churches teach such to their attendees. When not confronted with a Marked individual, Julia is fair and kind, willing to hear out the poorest of the poor's wishes. She strives to help others (save for the heretics of course), constantly reciting the Constrictions in her head.

She doesn't show it, but Julia is concerned on if she will make for a competent Mother Superior like the previous one. For now, she plays it safe and wishes to remain allies with King Darius just as Mother Helena was. Despite her responsibilities of Mother Superior, however, Julia occasionally can't help but wonder if the Marked really are as bad as they say; if King Darius is correct in his judgement, and if the previous Mother was mistaken...

Backstory: Julia Anne-Dixon's earliest memories began in her town's church orphanage. The priests and nuns raised the kids with love that their original parents couldn't show. They taught everyone Shaioniety; how he and the Goddess of Decay, Iena, once loved each other, and how their differing ideas on humanity and the world tore them apart. Even when the old priest passed away, and her friends found new parents, she found company in her prayers to Shaione. At this time, the 43rd Mother Superior, Helena Veze, announced her full support for King Darius. Those outside the Church criticised her actions, believing it to be an act of cowardice and submission. Others defended her choice, claiming that it's to ensure everyone's safety in the Church.

As years went on, Julia became a devout worshiper of Shaione and was initiated as a nun in the same orphanage she grew up in. She'd memorized the 6 Constrictions and happily encouraged the kids to do the same. However, as more time went on, she felt that there was more she could do for Shaione. As the orphans were either adopted or grew old enough to make their own living, Julia took her leave. She ventured from her small town to a large convent constructed at the Mother Superior's order, where she lived for the next several years. By now, Mother Helena established a brand new Constriction, the first since decades past: Should thyself spot a heretic, marked by the Decay Goddess of Iena to depose of righteousness, it is thyself's duty to report to the nearest Heavenly Guard outpost. Julia witnessed many of her peers—Marked—dragged out by the Heavenly Guard, never to be seen again.

She felt uncertainty grip her heart, but her faith to Shaione and the Mother Superior won her over. She shook her head in dismay as the "heretics" were hauled off; she turned her back on the nuns she laughed and prayed with. To her, it wasn't possible for anyone of Shaionity faith to commit sin unless they paid tribute to Iena, and it was Mother Helena's own words that the Marked earned their powers thanks to the Goddess of Decay, wanting to de-evolve humanity by brandishing its habitants with her own powers to destroy society. If the Mother Superior believed so and claimed the new king to be an ally, then so it was.

Days after the raid, Julia eyed one of her peers who was left alone. She was nervously glancing around in free time; during the daily hour of prayer, she lacked focus. Julia only grew concerned; not for her, but for the safety of everyone else. Suspicions became conviction when Julia peeked into the nun's room, where she was using powers only a Marked would have—for the sole purpose of heating tea.

The day after, the Heavenly Guard stormed into her room and dragged the screaming sister out. Julia couldn't bear to watch, despite telling herself it was of faith and righteousness.

Many more years would pass. More refugee Marked were discovered and taken. Most of which thanks to Julia's assistance. Then came a day when one of the Deacons passed of age. As per tradition, all members of the Church were to attend at the Grand Cathedral where the Mother Superior resided on the following day. The purpose of the gathering was to select a replacement. Julia found herself and hundreds of others along the pews, where she saw Mother Helena for the first time in her life, having only heard her name. And, much to her surprise, she and her guards approached the nun. Placing a warm hand on Julia's shoulder, Mother Helena announced that Julia Anne-Dixon was to replace the deceased Deacon, having exposed dozens of heretics as a nun in the convent and around her city.

It felt like a dream; to be recognized by the highest position in the Church and chosen as part of her council. Julia thanked Shaione as the Heavenly Guard helped her move from the convent, leaving her old friends and home in a carriage. As a Deacon, Julia was assigned with overseeing the Church's members and finding whatever Marked remained until their supposed extinction. After that was the usual work: maintenance of the local populace's beliefs, sending people to encourage the 7 Constrictions, and holding charities and events that even the poorest of the poor could attend. It was obvious to the other Deacons and herself that Mother Helena trusted Julia the most.

As such, when Mother Helena died to age, it was expected of her will that assigned Julia as the next Mother Superior. The Heavenly Guard and the Church of Shaione was ready to kneel before Her Holiness. The thought of it spawned her a grateful, yet solemn smile.

Named after the worshiped God of Prosperity and Miracles, Shaionity is the main religion of Kestramor; and thanks to King Darius, also the neighboring kingdom of Alynthi. Followers of Shaione are encouraged to embrace compassion and love, and to show the utmost faith to their God. The Constrictions, made up of 7 laws as of King Darius' rule, is a set of guidelines for followers to show their faith. It's taught that obeying all 7 Constrictions will bestow a reward from Shaione himself, be it fortune or incredible luck in future ventures. But unless you are a member of the Church itself and only a follower, living by them is not mandatory, only recommended. However, over the course of Shaionity's existence, the Constrictions and lessons have changed. Some minor, some major.

The Church of Shaione is a separate power from the monarchy, albeit slightly lesser in their control over everything. With their own caste system and knightly order known as the Heavenly Guard, the Church is able to exert its presence throughout many cities. There are many churches spread across both kingdoms, each led by their own priest/ess and maintained with volunteer work. The head of the Church is known as the Mother Superior, or Her Holiness. As of now, there have been 44 Mother Superiors in Shaionity's history, and each of them serve until death. They have complete control over all churches, priests, the Deacons, and the Heavenly Guard.

The Heavenly Guard is the Church of Shaione's own separate force, meant to protect churches and find and depose of heretics and followers of Iena. They only obey the Mother Superior, who assigns a general to micromanage what Her Holiness lacks the time for. They are recognized by their pearly white armor.

The Deacons are a select group of priests chosen as the Mother Superior's loyal council and advisors. They are handpicked by Her Holiness, and like herself, serve until death. Their age can vary drastically, and the criteria to become a Deacon changes from Mother to Mother. It is considered blasphemy for a Deacon or any of the Heavenly Guard to disobey the Mother Superior's orders, and they can be immediately excommunicated at her word. One of the Deacons in particular is kept secret from the public.
Followers are not enforced to obey the Constrictions, but heavily encouraged. It's heard enough that refusal to obey them makes the person feel unfaithful. If any member of the Church, including the Mother Superior, infringe a Constriction, they can face excommunication. The 7th Constriction was only recently added by the previous Mother Superior.
1. Devote at least one hour of prayer daily.
2. If able to share with someone of lesser fortune without putting thyself on the path of decay, then do so.
3. Lest they are heretical, maintain compassion and fairness to all who thyself meets.
4. Keep thyself clean to avoid influence of the Decay Goddess; wash at least once a week and do not feast on raw flesh or dirt-ridden foods.
5. Keep thyself's focus forward, not at a fellow's body with lust, for that is the path to decay.
6. Keep altars within homes and replenish offerings to Shaione for divine passage to be closer as thyself lives.
7. Should thyself spot a heretic, marked by the Decay Goddess of Iena to depose of righteousness, it is thyself's duty to report to the nearest Heavenly Guard outpost.
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    Zeia Reyes (A.KA. Zee & pronounced Za-ya)

    Sapphiric Striker




    128 IBS (including muscle mass)

    Eye color

    on his right eye


    Eating, sleeping, drinking, stealing (for personal reasons that will be unveiled to those close to him)

    Xan (best friend & Mercenary Partner)​
    Ability & Marking

    Electrokinesis/ lightning manipulation

    Zee's power allows him to control thunder/lightning as well as take on characteristics of static such as glowing blue eyes and sparks emitting from his body. When activated, the air around him is noticeable as if carrying his own gravitation for only a brief second. He is able to increase and decrease the watts whenever whether it's a short burst or long, however, due to his temperament, he cannot use his ability at full capacity because he fears himself unable to properly wield it without losing control as he once did in his rookie days. Since then he's managed to stabilize his power, but his friend Xan believes he can do better if he sets his mind to it. Unfortunately, the outcome has been futile.

    Marking Placement
    Across his face but most see it as a scar and looks much like the one on the second picture​


    Zee is described as a deviant yet charismatic man with enough wit to swindle treasure out of everyone's pocket from under their nose. Though despite his charm, he often portrays himself as a temperamental brute showboating his skills whenever he has the chance. His confidence knows no bounds claiming everything and anything he so desires. Once he finds something intriguing to his benefit, he sees to it to obtain it without backing down. The word "quit" does not exist in his dictionary and thus constantly starts trouble. Though it appears as if he would cause a commotion, is correct, but he's smart enough to know his position and reluctantly resist. Should anyone befriend the fellow, he will be a suitable ally and make their life either an adventure or chaos. Once Zee grows a close bond, he never breaks a promise and becomes a reliable friend with no questions asked.

    When Zee is not inspired to be an agent of mischief, he's napping, filling his stomach, or exploring his environment. A laid-back personality to his usual bold side. Most find this nature approving and catch a softer side to the male. The only person who's ever gotten close to Zee is his best friend and partner in crime, Xan. Together, they are an incredible duo balancing one another in their exciting adventures. Whether it's business or casual, they are never apart with the exception of privacy scandals.

    Since birth, Zeia has known nothing but hardships and silence, unaware that his life has been cursed with a mark that set apart the gifted and blessed. He was told since the first day to hush and keep things short. To be subtle and keep his head down. To remain ignorant among the sheep, strict and forbidden to do as he pleases. One day, he sought to rebel against his parents only for them to price with their deaths. Spared and forced to live on the streets like a street rat stealing here and there until he met a fellow orphan named, Xan Blackwell during his running spree. As he was chased down for swiping food, Xan assisted and hid him into his home base where eventually it too became Zeia's home. Although a run-down building was not ideal to the lad, it was better than sleeping outside with no cover. Introductions and backgrounds were shared realizing they were in a similar boat with no idea as to why gifted with marks are outcasted when they are no different than anybody. Regardless, Zeia denounced his power to which Xan disapproved and wished he could see the brighter side of it. He kept quiet for the time being until he healed. Zeia being heartbroken learned to occupy himself with learning the layout of his kingdom, the nooks, and crannies to his schemes. His scouting skills eventually became useful to him in the upcoming years.

    At the coming age of seventeen, Zeia desired a challenge outside of his crummy home persuading Xan to join him on wild adventures, but Xan refused, finding the idea ridiculous. The outskirt was a place of uncertain doom while they were mere peasants trying to get by which is one of the many reasons the hot head wished to venture further than being a bird caged up in one area. The familiar feeling of his childhood haunting him and yet every part of his being was crying out to see the world. Luckily the traumatic events weren't enough to hold him back, but his decision did not stay as a pleasant one after a heated argument with his companion. After a month of searching for a purpose, Zee eavesdrops on a hush conversation about needing mercenaries with generous pay involved. Of course, this is where his interests bloom, and his wit is put to the test. Zeia ran home to inform Xan of the good news. Xan remained unchanged only this time he felt as though the idea was dangerous and without his consent will be set to motion. As suspected, Zeia left the nest for the meeting where afterward, he gathered materials suited for the job in the dead of night. Assuming he would leave without Xan, he was surprised to catch him ready for their first mission. Xan agreed to the partnership with the condition that he would train to harness his abilities. Despite the contract, Zeia accepted knowing as long as Xan was willing to stand by his side, he would risk it for his family member.

    The first mission didn't go according to plan, but by the stroke of luck, they got a taste of what if felt to carry currency. This lit a fire within the brute to build themselves up to whoever they wish to be where they could venture out further into the world free reign than staying in one place. Zeia's speech often inspires Xan into joining him for a thrill. He reminded the dreamer that he would follow and keep him from trouble so long as he keeps his promise. From that day forward, the gentlemen spread their wings and set out to journey the unknown lands as mercenaries.

    Through their travels, there were trials and errors. Lessons to be learned such as how cruel the world can be when it came to the marked. It was apparent that even in such a deceivingly beautiful land, there can also be flaws much grimmer than one had assumed. Their freedom still restricted as they kept hidden among the crowd.​

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Snowy Owl, Little Lucy, Lucy, Malvy
Former Priest-in-Training, Devout Follower of Shaionity

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5' (152 cm)

Weight: 109 lbs (49 kg)

Ability: Avian Manipulation - Luca can influence any bird in the surrounding area, sending them signals on what he wants them to do. Whether he needs them to peck and bite something to death, use their combined force to grab people off their feet, or create gusts of wind, he decides it all. If the bird is an owl, he can look through its eyes which can be used to scout out places. If he does, the owl's eyes will glow a bright blue, though. The birds can be killed, and if Luca is attacked and loses concentration, the effects on the birds dispel and they fly away.

Physical Appearance: Luca has a relatively small build. He's skinny and short, leaving him susceptible to the cold. As such, he mainly dons layers clothing that cover nearly his whole body. He hides himself in a cloak when in a large group because he feels uncomfortable among crowds. Luca keeps himself cleaner than anyone would expect of a lone boy out on the streets because he especially upkeeps the 4th Constriction to stay clean.

Personality: Luca tries to act serious and dutiful around other people like the priests he studied under. He'll call people if they break one of the Constrictions, even if they're not a believer. Despite him wanting to act all business-like, he is still a child no matter how much he tries to deny it. He's easily embarrassed at skinship with others and falls tempted by mouth-watering foods/sweets. Luca finds socializing in a non-business like manner to be difficult and tends to mask his own embarrassment through harsh words. At all times, he acts cautiously, afraid to make any time-wasting mistakes that troubles himself or others.

Backstory (slightly vague on purpose): Luca was born to a couple of former nobles whose love endured through loss and hardship. Unfortunately for the family, as the years went on, they'd learn that they gave birth to one of the worst children possible in the era of King Darius' rule and anger. A child who was Marked. As for what the current times called them: heretics; criminals; scum who were met with death at the hands of the law. The parents mourned at the prospect of the future with the child. They thought about what the future held for them if they abandoned him... but quickly made up their minds. He was their son, and they would raise him with the utmost love and care they could give, Marked or not.

Young Luca's parents taught him to never willingly use his powers. Having once witnessed academies that trained Marked before King Darius' new rule, the couple applied what little knowledge they remembered to him. At most, he knew how to stop his powers from activating out of his control. Other than that, controlling the birds themselves was a foreign concept. The family lived a peaceful life despite their impoverished state... yet it was all temporary.

Luca doesn't recall much of what happened that day. He was 7 at the time. He was home. His parents were there, sat down and facing knights in pearly white armor; the Heavenly Guard. Then a gap in memory, and he was in their cold, metal arms. His recollection of the following events only gets spottier, as he can only think of a dark room of bricks with few other kids. A nun taught them about Shaionity and the Constrictions. They promised the kids that they would see their parents again if they remained still and disciplined to learn the teachings. He took their word for it and maintained composure, while the other lone children bawled their eyes out.

Barring a few migraines and pitch black, the next thing Luca remembers is being adorned in a white robe and presented to a group of people lined up in chairs. The Deacons. They whispered to each other as knights made sure Luca stayed in place. Then it repeats; the classroom, Shaionity, lesser and lesser kids each time, the Deacons. When he tried to remember his parents' faces and names, he could only recite the Constrictions in his mind. They lied on their promise... but he didn't feel anger towards them. As years went on, Luca was now 11. He stood at the altar of a beautiful cathedral. Beams of sun came through the stained panels. Everyone was talking, but he can only remember gibberish.

A skip in time. Luca was back on the streets once again, now 15 years old. Gone were the ivory pillars and smooth, shining floors. Gone were the dutiful priests and nuns. Now, there was only dirt and sad, sad people; he wasn't used to it.

Did the Church even know of his powers? What plan did the Deacons have in mind? Did he fulfill his purpose only to be abandoned? Whatever the case, Luca knew he had a duty to fulfill: to get back at the enemy. He didn't know how to start, but luckily someone lent a hand. A hand into the brewing rebellion.

-Luca despises all his current nicknames.
-He is a strict follower of the Constrictions, barring the recently added 7th.
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Ability:has the ability to shift into a dragon(9ft tall, 19 ft long) beautiful wings, and colors. Can change colors like a chameleon and essentially turn invisible, more like looking through glass, can't breathe fire, cant swim, can fly very well. Has limits on when she'll shift. if she gets really mad she will shift, or she can control when to shift but not entirely when to shift back. She can comunicate in dragon form by sending telepathic messages and can respond if anyone talks to her that way.

Physical Appearance: long brown hair green eyes, skinny appearance, green t shirt and ankle long jeans, no shoes, those wings on her back. No tail just a small bump. Some small patches of scales on her back and legs and arms. The smaller 'horns' are antenae that feel the air for safety.

Personality:is usually pretty chill, calm, can be enraged at times, is pretty shy.

Other: she is known to be a free spirit with no where to really call home.
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Ashotop Qarmzi

Crimson Warrior from the Children of the Red Sun

42 years old



251 lbs

-Dual steel Sabres:
A pair of curved blades made of steel, to other users, it may have been thought of nothing but another weapon, but to Ashotop, they are tools that can tip the very balance of combat when used correctly. It shows signs of use, a weapon used for years by the man.

-Blessed armor of the Children of the red sun:
A combination of both gold and steel armor and robes that has personally been blessed by the Gods of the Stars themselves, it is an sacred piece of clothing that Ashotop wears throughout his travels in public, only showing his hidden form to that of his closest friends and only son. Decorated in both rare Trinkets and scared letters, Ashotop wears his robes with pride, and it provides a good amount of protection from damage as well.

-Master dual sword user:
His time spent trading the art of using both blades increased each year he spent traveling, learning more and more techniques and become ever better with the blade.

-Quick reaction speeds:
Having his fair share of close quarters combat, his reactions towards melee attacks and even ranged arrows had made him much faster to react to them, and while not on inhuman levels of reactions, it is much higher than the average human reaction speed.

-Agile combatant:
A man must know how to be agile in their armor, too slow and it may cost your life, even with all the armor an individual carried with them. While his movements may carry some grace to them, the robes of his armor doesn’t allow him to move around to his fullest, mostly focusing on not tripping himself than running.

None, although thought to be of the chosen one by the Gods of the Stars, he has no special abilities of any kind, making him but a mere normal mortal. His main upsides come from his large amounts of experience fighting against opponents of every kind, a brave and chivalrous Knight to a unfair fighter who is focusing on survival of the fittest, as well as the trained group of Bounty Hunters he has with him to cover his downsides.

Physical Appearance:

Ashotop is known to his people as a symbol of what a true warrior looks like, a fearless and stalwart master of the duel blade, but yet a humble and caring man who fights for not only glory, but his people as well. He keeps up his personal image as well to the outside world, and making sure to act as what is always shown of him by others view, a tactician, a leader, a father. To strangers, he barely holds any regard to them unless they prove themselves to be a worthy adversary or a true leader that not only others depend on, but is willing to depend on others for help, for no man is without their weaknesses, and being perfect defeats the whole purpose of improving ones self and becoming better with each try. He is also shown as a man who keeps his word, depending on the request of course, but he’ll remember a description or word if it has been said to him, even if it was years after hearing it, but that also means the dying words of his men carry over as well. Ashotop, although not an individual who would outright kill a Marked, he has a certain distrust towards them, especially after the tragic event that had not only cost him the lives of many of his clan, but his wife as well.

To his only son, does the flower truly bloom, for his fatherly self only pops up when near his son. A gentle and caring man, he cares greatly for the young man, even after reaching adulthood, for he is afraid of loosing the only thing that truly matters to him in the world, it wasn’t the glory, it wasn’t the respect of his people, it was to keep his son safe by teaching him of the dangers the world contains, and create the stepping stones to fighting them by allowing Zhanhu to join him on his hunts. While still dangerous, he has much better chances of survival than tackling missions by himself, and gains experience from these quests or bounties as well, Ashotop’s goal of making a man that will take over his group and continue on the family legacy. While tough in the sense of training, and making sure his son is prepared for the role, he knows when enough is enough, and usually tries to lighten the mood during rest... hopefully, his son would be ready to take his role in the future.

Not much is known about the man Ashotop... but Ashotop is willing to reveal some information about his past life... more specifically what caused him to become the bounty Hunter he is now known as today. It was many years ago, when he was still a young man, and a few days after the birth of his son, he was hunting with the other few members of his clan, their time spent hunting rather normal, gaining enough food to feed their clan. But when returning home, instead of seeing the same sight they always had, they had walked into the middle of a massacre, brigands out and about setting fire to the homes, stealing valuables to gain, and slaying the villagers unlucky enough to be in their path, who the cut down with their blades mattered not. Their clan had been invaded, and the guards were busy fighting something else with the town to take down the smaller but still equally dangerous threats, and with limited tools, Ashotop ordered the hunters to help clear a path through the entire village, saving the clan members with each area they gone to, the end was trying to get back home quick enough to get his armor and swords.

But what awaited him there was a picture... burned into the depths of his mind, leaving a ever-lasting image that will constantly remind him of how much someone’s world could come tumbling down. The sight of his wife... laying down upon the floor, the sounds of a baby crying, the son hidden behind a couple of feet away within its crib, his wife covered in wounds caused by sharpened pieces of ice formed to pierce someone, and a figure standing next to them. He had lost his anger right then and there, the details are quite foggy, but what came back to him was the sight of a man now laying upon a pool of blood, a large slash against their chest and a missing right arm, with him holding his son, trying to calm down the crying child. It was from there... he walked away from where he had lived in his entire life, leaving his birthplace as he now wander the lands, hoping to find a new place to restart his life... but instead, found a new call of becoming a bounty Hunter... and he spent years in this profession, unsure of what would happen next.

Companions / Miscellaneous information:

Bounty Hunter team:
Unlike the name, the group is made up of a rather large amount of Veteran clan member and loyal mercenaries within the group, making a total of 20 trained members, including himself and his son. They go after the highest of bounties, risking their lives for the glory and honor of taking down high value targets, and are known for never being distracted from their mission, staying with their goal til the end. The team is made up of:

Ashotop’s son and only form of the Qarmzi family left in the world, Zhanhu is the next generation and the last two Qarmzi members of the world. At the young age of 22, Zhanhu journeys with his father through the known world, his goal of not only making his father proud of his achievements, but also prove himself worthy of his future role inside the group. Often stubborn and sticking with his words unless proven wrong, he is often frustrated of how much it takes to make his Father proud at something, only to see him become the happy man himself after training is over, thinking it of rather a bad way of hiding ‘moral’ support or a lie, and that he doesn’t want to see his son fighting in combat. Wearing light armor and wielding a spear, he makes use of his mobility to try and get the drop on opponents by either attacking them stealthily or fighting dirty by striking weak spots. But his youth and lack of experience hasn’t prepared him for more dangerous threats, even when stronger than most of the men within the group by himself.

A group of mercenaries loyal to Ashotop and him only, they come from even the farthest reaches of the sandy desert, and being with them a powerful piece of weaponry, the flintlock rifle. The Musket men are trained by years of experience using the gunpowder rifles they wield in battle, letting forth ranged projectiles that can even pierce through the strongest of armors, at the cost of shooting far less than a arrow or even crossbow user. They rather fight in long distances or in high altitudes when they have the range advantage, and if caught up in close range combat, forced to rely upon either their muskets as a makeshift club or a one-handed curved blade.

A rather strange duo added to the group, they were a once a soldier of an now gone kingdom, the two of them being twins, and having fled the battle that personably ended their kingdom as well. But now seeking redemption, they join Ashotop as the main damage absorbers, their armor unable to be pierced by any blade, and wield large two handed swords in order to return any strike meant for them to their foes. They are rather slow, even when the armor is not that all constricting and is meant to distribute weight throughout the entire body, but blunt weaponry is much more effect upon them than blades, and armors is not effect upon an opponent who has a certain trick or two within their sleeve.

The head hunters being made up of the bulk of the group, they come from the same tribe as their leader, and fight with two blades while wielding medium armor. While not as skilled or strong as their leader, they still bring with them experience of an veteran, as well as still surpassingly effected weaponry and tactics, as well as effective tracking methods will make them a much better opponent than the usual grunt or guard. A threat to not be underestimated.

A trio of assassins working alongside the team, they come from a even more mysterious tribe of assassins and couriers, working as a sort of individual you trust to carry a message to someone or assassinate a target in the dead of night. But what is known is that for every kill, they leave behind a symbol, a mark of their clan, painted in the blood of the slain target, and are capable of being experts of sneaking into a compound. These three were an gift to Ashotop of a sign of great friendship, giving them three of their experienced assassins to work under his word with the exception of treating them equally like his own clans member. They rather hide in the outside of a building or castle than let out their form to the entire world, their training even popping up when in a casual stroll through town, much rather waiting for the group to return than following them. They are skilled in using not only daggers but also throwing knives against single opponents, their main focus, and attacking like the wind in the air before hiding again into the darkness like shadows.

Children of the Red Sun:

The Children of the Red Sun is a religious clan of folk living within the deserts of the sandy sea. Not much is known about them due to the near-eradication of the clan by a group of brigands beings lead by a Marked leader, but what little known about them is rather enough to most people. They believe in a group of gods, gods who are related to the creation of the entire Universe and the planet they live upon, the God of the Stars, creating the stars and planets made out of pure godly-Essence shaped into a more manageable form. They pray onto the Gods for not only the light of the suns, but protection from the otherworldly creatures of the cosmos that may come to Earth to bring harm, and to them, it was truth for no real news of cosmic creatures from above interacting with the people of the Earth.

But a something rather special about them, is that they have a generations long tree of ‘Blessed’ individuals, birthed under the moonlight of the Blood Moon, the special day they held in regard as gaining a sort of new moon during those 24 hours it takes place, having a week long festival up until the end of the Bloodmoon, reaching its peak on the day itself, where the newest generation of this family may be birthed, no matter how long it takes. This family was held as the chosen ones from the Gods themselves, blessed in certain aspects, such as strength, wisdom, intelligence, or even the powers of the unnatural themselves, those members known as the ‘Marked’. But they haven’t had on for over 200 years, and will possibly not have one ever again, considering they seemingly vanished along with the last rubbles of the Qarmzi family line, until now, when they make their faithful return to the lands.​


  • Name:




    Hand to Hand Combat
    Poisonous Effects
    Chi Blocking
    Knives Specialist

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Leonard Whitlock

~For the merchant, even honesty is a financial speculation~

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 177lbs
Physical Appearance: Leo sports a head of medium length dirty blond hair which are usually slicked back in a half hearted attempt to tame them. Add in a scruffy 5 o'clock shadow and he strikes quite a roguish appearance for a merchant, a fact he tends to wave off light heartedly, claiming it to all be part of his charm. He has developed a penchant for bright colored clothes to attract customers but keeps a number of pockets and pouches filled with various knick knacks about himself. A sturdy coat capable of warding off weather and concealing a few choice pouches completes his ensemble.
Ability: Electromagnetism – Leonard was born with the gift to attract or repel metallic objects which has only grown stronger over the years. Initially he would practice on small objects such as coins, eventually realizing he could even determine their purity based on the ease of manipulation; leading him down the path of a traveling merchant. Ever since throwing his lot with the rebels he has practiced to gain a more precise control than just pushing and pulling but has seen little results; often earning sudden and severe headaches for his efforts.

Personality: Leonard enjoys the hustle and bustle of a busy market or a rowdy tavern where a quick tongue and jovial personality can turn strangers into friends. His mercantile nature makes him a bit of an opportunist with few qualms of pursuing personal gains at the expense of others; though he generally disdains violence. Ordinarily it doesn't take much to draw his interest, fleeting as it may be, marking the blond as curious but whimsical when not bound to a task by oath or profit. Those who know Leo will inadvertently also become aware of his tendency to allow past successes to overinflate his ego.

Background: Coalfell was a minor city like so many across the kingdom, a barely noteworthy port justifying its existence and yet Leonard called it home. His mother worked a local tavern and his father had been a seasonal trader who hadn't stuck around long enough to witness the birth of his son. When the roads dried up in spring the man had left never to return.

As a youth Leonard ran with one of the dozen groups that controlled parts of Coalfell's twisted back alleys. He didn't like working the tavern much; didn't like the stares sailors and travelers too long away from port directed toward his mother. If not for his nature as one of the marked he would have likely grown to be just another swindler, thief or cutthroat. With his budding powers and the hardened resolve to leave it all behind, Leo didn't have to wait long for an opportunity. A few whispered words, an act of betrayal and a blade in the dark, his first kill, was all it took to light up the alleys in a nasty turf war.

While everyone he'd ever known was struggling to survive either the bloody back alley conflict of his own making or the simple harsh reality of life in Coalfell; Leo stowed away on an outbound vessel clutching tightly a large bag of coins still stained by blood. He'd cried then, out of guilt, out of fear and eventually perhaps out of excitement of what was to come... or so he's convinced himself.

Over the next decade Leonard experienced some more setbacks but has continuously managed to spring back and become respectable traveling merchant. He still maintains a few tricks from his younger days, though he does not like to speak of them, and has little qualms employing underhanded tactics when it appears profitable to do so. The Kings agenda against the marked has kept him too paranoid to ever settle down for long and while he'd love to pull that particular thorn from his side, it never seemed like a healthy proposition for a lone merchant. Perhaps with the rumors of the escaped princess things would change? Until they levied a tax on dreaming, he'd continue to do so...
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=Auriel Garner=
Father Auriel, Ol' Garner
The 2nd Deacon of the Shaione Church


Age: 74

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4 (193 cm)

Weight: 212 lbs (96 kg)

Physical Appearance: Auriel stands tall with a white, well-kept beard despite his age. Though his movements and fighting prowess are a shell of his younger days, he makes it a point to look strong to his men and those of faith. When in public, he dons the armor of a Heavenly Watch captain, a relic from his past.

Personality: Auriel is a kind, old man who only wishes to protect the defenseless. Out of the 13 Deacons, he is most well-known and constantly shows himself in public. Everyone in the Heavenly Watch views him with respect, some believing him to be an ideal member of the Church. He is absolutely loyal to the Mother Superior. However, as a Deacon, he is a strict follower of Shaione and the Constrictions. If anyone of faith actively chooses not to follow any of the Constrictions, he believes they deserve a reprimanding. He is especially kind to his dog, Troy.

Backstory: Like many members of the Church, Auriel suffered greatly—both physically and mentally—before finding solace in Shaionity. He volunteered to become a member of the Heavenly Watch, rising through the ranks as he grew older. He remained a competent captain, knighted by Mother Helena herself, for decades. Then, as his muscles grew sagged, and the sword became heavier to wield, he was to retire. A new captain took his place, and Mother Helena initiated Auriel as one of the 12 Deacons (the 13th would arrive later in history).

From there he served dutifully and faithfully. He took in a stray dog, naming him Troy. When Mother Helena eventually passed of age, and the will elected a new Mother Superior, Auriel swore his loyalty to Julia. When the 13th Deacon was introduced to them, he carried doubts, but cast them aside at Mother Julia's command.

As of now, Auriel has been sent with a force of the Heavenly Watch into the southern kingdom of Alynthi. It is there that he is tasked with spreading Shaionity and rooting out the heretical marked to rescue the innocent princess from their filthy grasps.


  • Name:




    Hand to Hand Combat
    Poisonous Effects
    Chi Blocking
    Knives Specialist

Thats honestly really awesome! What is chi blocking, or more like my question is what spicifically can you do with pressure points?
Name: Adrian Tepes1606564206531.png
Nickname: Alucard
136 lbs.


Halfling Vampirism
Whilst not necessary for his survival and highly unpleasant even for himself, Adrian is able to suck the blood of humans to grow stronger and unlock further bloodline abilities, such as transforming into a bat, mist, or a wolf. This also grants him an affinity to the darkness, along with the bane of a weakness to holy and sunlight-based abilities.
While direct exposure to sunlight disables his vampiric abilities, it is far from fatal to him due to his abilities only being halfling in strength. Ultimately, however, if he sucks too much blood and relies too heavily on these abilities to a point where his humanity is lost, Adrian will burn in the sunlight, requiring shelter in the night.

Appearance: Long white hair neatly tied back in a ponytail, with equally neat white robes. Ice cold blue eyes and a pair of small fangs that grow in size upon use of his ability.

Adrian is generally highly reserved, seen studying books more often than fighting or socializing, though that does not mean he is completely anti-social. If approached, Adrian will strike up conversation and carry it on until all parties are satisfied with the discussion. He gives off a gentle, curious, and timid aura with a hint of protectiveness, somewhat like that of a stag.

Currently, Adrian is seeking a reason for himself to have been cursed with the powers he has.
Name: Atlas Rexius

Nickname: blackscale

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 245 Ib

Ability: Dragons blood
Atlas is able to take the form of a black dragon (40 ft tall,with 50 ft long) midnight sky black wings he has been working on his ability in secret and can only take his dragon form for approximately 10 hours he will shift if enraged. he can fly,swim,and breath 2 different types of fire red being the regular and black (happens rarely or when he is enraged.)

Physical Appearance:

Personality: Atlas is a head strong person he gets that part of himself from his father with a caring nature that he gets from his mother both sides of his personality collide on occasion he is very brutal in a fight but Honorable just do not get on his bad side he is none to be very vengeful.

Backstory: Atlas had A regular childhood he had friends a loving father and mother but around the age of 15 he started to feel sick. he would get high fevers his throat was always dry and it felt like his insides were being cooked all the time. when his 16th birth day came he felt better so he celebrated with his family had cake opened his gifts thanked his parents and went to bed. when he woke up he was on his knees in the middle of the village all the houses were burning the people were all dead some were burnt to a crisp others had slashes and claw marks all over there body and there laying right in front of him was his parents. he went to touch his mother and finally saw the blood on his hands he heard a noise to his left shifting his eyes in that direction he sees a little girl crying while trying to get way from him with fear in her eyes. Atlas got up and tried to head in her direction when he got close he reached out to touch her when she said " G-Get Away From M-Me You A-Are A Monster" hurt at hearing her words he left never to look back through the years he has worked to control his power he became a blacksmith using his ability to use fire crafting fine weapons he was able to focus and control his powers living life the best that he can making one weapon at A time.
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Name: Gavril
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4
Weight: 180

Backstory: Raised under one of Darius's elite knight's attentive care, Gavril was trained to follow the footsteps of his father. At the twelve, his father was killed during a mission that uncovered a group of Marked hiding in the forest that surrounded the castle. Orphaned, he took to the streets where he made a living performing mundane tasks for the townsfolk. Having retained the instruction of his father, he eventually entered tourneys and secured a sizeable profit which rivaled the sums of the lords in the land. However, he quickly squandered all of his riches on gambling and debt to the king. Darius offered him a chance to work off his debt by rounding up Marked and wayward sympathizers of the empowered mutants.

After a few years, he grew to become infamous for his skills as a bounty hunter and was recruited by many other prestigious people to work for them as well. His enjoyed his work and believed in it even, but one target proved to be his undoing.


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