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Fantasy Medieval Fantasy Romance IC


-Amazing Horror Queen-
Starter: The world had been in tatters since the war. The war that caused the medieval time to come back. I guess time really does repeat itself. Except this time around the legal slaves were nekos, humans with animal features. The nekos became slaves after all the humans were killed off, since their supposedly as weak as humans, or even weaker because of their submissive nature. But what everyone doesn't know is that all the humans aren't dead. Some survives and their offspring is slowly building a resistance. It may be small, But its definitely tough.

Violet-Neko~Slave-Her mistress's house
Violet smiles as Mistress Fiona pets her. That was the only reward Violet ever got for all the work she did. Today she cleaned the entire upstairs of the huge mansion, and cleaned her cage, which in itself doesn't sound like a hard job, but it was only allowed to be cleaned once a year and she was locked in it overnight and all day when she wasn't doing chores so she didn't have access to the yard where mistress let her do her business, so she had to go in there. It smelled pretty bad by the end of the month. But this was Violet's tenth year here and she was used to the smell. She had been one of mistress's first slaves, so she didn't have to do the stuff the other slaves had to do with mistress's customers. "Slave, go to the store and get a gallon of milk, nonfat and some biscuits for you and the other slave's dinner," Mistress Fiona says, harshly swatting the top of Violets ears. Violet had started to take the beatings as a sign of love that mistress didn't want anyone to see. Mistress made her hide all of her bruises when she left by smearing mud all over herself. Mistress also made Violet wear a sack, since Mistress says Violets ugliness would kill anyone who bothered to look. So she might as well look worse, as its pointless to dress up an ugly slave. Violet was the only one not allowed to wear real clothes, and sometimes she cried because she'd call the other slaves beautiful and her extremely ugly. "Yes Mistress," Violet says, affectionately nuzzling the hand that hit her before going outside, smearing mud on herself, and going to the store. Violet had been brainwashed by mental torture into thinking this was okay, and that her mistress loved her. That was her minds way of protecting her from going absolutely insane.
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Gerwen Schneller

A set of green eyes peeped over the bush hedges that was all over the garden, as he observed the a bit of ways in front of him.
The young man's name was Gerwen Schneller, and he had a mission. Break into the mansion and recover some important intel for the human resistance regarding movement on the Regime's military movement.
Apparently, Gerwen was told that they needed the best on this job; guess he was their best.
Smirking, Gerwen grabbed the goggles that were hanging over his neck and pulled them over his eyes, before pulling up a white bandanna to cover his face. His figure may give him away in the future, but this way at least he could keep incognito for just a bit longer...plus, he didn't want people to immediately recognize his face...besides, better safe then sorry.
Ducking back into the bushes, Gerwen began making his away around the bushes, crouch walking as he went, his firearm dangling behind his back as he went.
Gerwen had to make sure to remain undetected, as to make sure that he wasn't spotted by the guards, or things really would get hairy...
Moments later, Gerwen would reach the side of the mansion. Quickly, glancing side-to-side, he leaped up and grabbed onto the side of the building, before beginning to scale the mansion's side quickly. Didn't take him long before he made it onto the roof, he would quickly scale the slopped side of it, rolling over the plateau of the roof, before sliding down the other side of the roof.
Gerwen stooped right before the edge of the roof, scanning the area below for...were those...cat ears?....Why was she smearing mud on her face?...
Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday
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Violet continues covering her body with the muck, even taking off her sack and covering under it. She then puts it back on. For good measure she rubs wet mud in her hair. She looks in the reflection of a puddle and smiles. She looked horrible, just the way mistress wanted. She stands up and stretches, yawning as her tail flicks this way and that way. She grabs the grocery list Mistress Fiona gave her and starts to leave, before seeing the man standing on the roof. She stands there, baffled. This man looked so... Weird... He looked as if he had no powers.. And he had a big machine thingy. Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Ka, the Neko Slave
Ka was doing his usual tasks for his master, Fiona. Ka was currently cleaning the the guest bedroom in mansion. As he was cleaning he took a few item left from the previous guests and pocketed in a hidden pocket on him. After pocketing the good Ka took a glance outside. He noticed that Violet was heading out, strangely covered in mud as usually. Ka never truly understood why the mistress did that to her but not like Ka could do anything about it. But more strange than her appearance was that she was looking up at something. ...Is there something on the roof... Ka thought to himself deciding to go up to the attic and see for himself.

A few minutes later Ka entered the attic. Ka then headed to a window on the side Viloet was on and opened it up. Ka then looked up to check out if there was some one or something was still up there...
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday

Gerwen Schneller

She was looking up at him...well...hopefully she doesn't give his position away...
Lifting a hand to where his mouth would be, Gerwen made a keep quiet gesture, before glancing over the side of the roof. There was an open window, and the next thing anyone knew, Gerwen had leaped off the roof and swung into that window.
Just as he swung into the bulding he heard another window open, looking to his side, he noticed what seemed to be...another neko? Looking out on the roof.
Not wasting anytime, Gerwen quickly scanned the attic, before crouch running quietly towards some covered furniture and then vaulted over them, quickly disappearing from view...
Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday ChazGhost ChazGhost SheepKing SheepKing
Violet:Neko:Grocery Store
Violet sighs, smiling up at the weird man. Maybe he was one of the psychopaths that paid mistress for us. Well not us exactly, more like almost everyone but her. He was rather handsome though, so I guess psycopaths can be handsome.. Why am I even thinking about this?!? Mistress would kill me if she knew I was thinking about one of her clients in that manner. Violet shakes her head, her ears drooping in shame, as she tries to clear the thoughts from her head, but to no avail. She sighs again, this time in irritation, her tail flicking this way and that way. She slips her sack back on and turns around, heading to the store. As she walks, she accidentally walks straight through the gardening hose, it washing off most of her mud. "SLAVE!! WHY HAVEN'T YOU GONE TO THE STORE AND BEEN BACK YET? AND WHERE THE HELL IS THE MUD I TOLD YOU TO COVER YOURSELF IN BEFORE YOU LEFT?!?," The mistress yells, poking her head out of the door. Violet immediately cowers, replying, "One of your costumers went onto the roof and I was watching him. And I did have mud on me.. I walked through the garden hose accidently.." "DON'T YOU DARE BACK-TALK ME YOU LITTLE BITCH! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Violet obeys, starting to cry softly. "Mistress..." "DON'T MISTRESS ME!" Mistress Fiona starts to kick Violet, punishing her. ChazGhost ChazGhost SheepKing SheepKing Elekta Kount Elekta Kount

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