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Realistic or Modern Medieval Fantasy Forbidden Romance occ

Name: Violet Vaux
Nickname: Vi
Age: 22
family: non that she knows of
appearence: long, thick, curly, black hair that never stays in place, bright jasmine eyes, a angled jawline, an hourclass figure that Mistress Fiona hates, cat-like eyes, black ears and tale, cat neko, petite nose, 5'7 & 149 Lbs (Mistress doesn't want her to look fat)
personality: sweet, skitish, over-protective of her fellow nekos, shy, stand-offish
likes: sweets, being cuddled, running, making her mistress proud, obeying instructions, structure
dislikes: change, being punished, sour 'treats' (drugs [will be explained in rp]), dogs, slow people
fears: whips, knives, people, heights
abilities: she has amazing climbing skills and can run very fast
style: she's always thought dresses would be pretty, but mistress makes her wear a shapeless flour sack with no shoes
sexuality: hetrosexual
backstory: she doesn't remember anything before Mistress. Mistress is her life. Without Mistress Violet doesn't think she can function correctly. She's seen what Mistress has done to the others, but she still thinks of Fiona as a motherly figure.
Name: Sienna Cartfield
Nickname: C-c
age: 23
family: they all died in the line of duty.
appearence: she has short, cropped blond hair and bright sky-blue eyes. She is very muscular and 6'3. She has a lengthy figure and doesn't fuss about her appearence. Her face is heartshaped and she has a long, narrow nose.
personality: fiercely loyal to the resistance, strong, kind, trusting
likes: fighting, excercising, helping people, saving lives
dislikes: witches, lycans, vampires, pretty much any race non-human/neko
abilites: extreme leadership skills
fears: losing someone she loves, dying in the line of duty
style: mainly camo to blend in, but also lots of blacks and blues
sexuality: Homosexual
Backstory: her family has been in the resistance ever since it formed right after the war. Once her family died they took her in, raising her to be the great warrior she is today.
I'm very sorry that this took so long!
Amelia Jackson
Amelia only remembers one other person, her mother, who died of sickness when Amelia was nine.
Personality Strengths;
Curious – When it comes to new ideas, Emi isn't interested in brooding – she wants to go out and experience things, and doesn't hesitate to step out of her comfort zone to do so. Emi is imaginative and open-minded, seeing all things as part of a big, mysterious puzzle called life.
Observant – Emi believes that there are no irrelevant actions, that every shift in sentiment, every move and every idea is part of something bigger. To satisfy her curiosity, Emi tries to notice all of these things, and to never miss a moment.
Energetic and Enthusiastic – As she observe, forming new connections and ideas, Emi won’t hold her tongue – she's excited about her findings, and share them with anyone who’ll listen. This infectious enthusiasm has the dual benefit of giving Emi a chance to make more social connections, and of giving her a new source of information and experience, as she fits her new friends’ opinions into their existing ideas.
Excellent Communicator – It’s a good thing that Emi has such strong people skills, or she'd never express these ideas. Emi enjoys both small talk and deep, meaningful conversations, which are just two sides of the same coin for her, and is adept at steering conversations towards her desired subjects in ways that feel completely natural and unforced.
Knows How to Relax – It’s not all “nature of the cosmos” discussions with Emi – she knows that sometimes, nothing is as important as simply having fun and experiencing life’s joys. That Intuitive trait lets Emi know that it’s time to shake things up, and these wild bursts of enthusiastic energy can surprise even her closest friends.
Very Popular and Friendly – All this adaptability and spontaneity comes together to form a person who is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, empathetic disposition. Emi gets along with pretty much everyone, and her circles of friends stretch far and wide.
Personality weaknesses;
Poor Practical Skills – When it comes to conceiving ideas and starting projects, especially involving other people, Emi has exceptional talent. Unfortunately her skills with upkeep, administration, and follow-through on those projects struggles. Without more hands-on people to help push day-to-day things along, Emi's ideas are likely to remain just that – ideas.
Finds it Difficult to Focus – Emi is a natural explorer of interpersonal connections and philosophy, but this backfires when what needs to be done is that TPS report sitting right in front of them. It’s hard for Emi to maintain interest as tasks drift towards routine, administrative matters, and away from broader concepts.
Overthink Things – Emi doesn't take things at face value – she looks for underlying motives in even the simplest things. It’s not uncommon for Emi to lose a bit of sleep asking herself why someone did what they did, what it might mean, and what to do about it.
Gets Stressed Easily – All this overthinking isn’t just for her own benefit – Emi, especially if Turbulent, is very sensitive, and cares deeply about others’ feelings. A consequence of her popularity is that others often look to them for guidance and help, which takes time, and it’s easy to see why Emi sometimes get overwhelmed, especially when she can’t say yes to every request.
Highly Emotional – While emotional expression is healthy and natural, with Emi even viewing it as a core part of her identity, it can come out strongly enough to cause problems for her. Particularly when under stress, criticism or conflict, Emi could experience emotional bursts that are counter-productive at best.
Independent to a Fault – Emi loathes being micromanaged and restrained by heavy-handed rules – she wants to be seen as a highly independent master of her own fate, even a possessor of an altruistic wisdom that goes beyond draconian law. The challenge for Emi is that she lives in a world of checks and balances, a pill she is not happy to swallow.
The outdoors
Making friends
Her mistress
Spicy food
Being alone
Enclosed spaces​
Amelia is a very skilled artist.​
She is extremely flexible, very thin and easily bendable.​
Enclosed spaces​
Amelia mostly wears sweaters and loose-fitting clothes, things such as baggy shirts or large jeans. Though she'll wear whatever her mistress tells her to wear.​
Amelia was born into enslavement. However, no one really knew she existed until she was nine, just after her mother died. See, her mother was a slave as well, however she had kept Amelia hidden in her early years. Her mother didn't want Amelia to know this life, and did everything she could to keep her safe and as free as she could. Amelia was snuck scraps and old clothes, things that her mother would steal on the side. Her mother was a thief, and knew that if she was caught, she'd be in very serious trouble.​
When Amelia was nine, her mother was struck with a painful illness, and died not too long after. With no where else to go, nobody else to turn to, Amelia had ventured off on her own and was found by her current mistress. She's worked as a slave ever since, and has told no one about her mother or her origins.

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