Medieval Fantasy (Actual RP)

Tynar hissed as her head slammed onto the rock, and when they released, she stepped back at the trees and watched as the tree grew into an apple tree. "Apples? You're joking right?" Tynar hissed silently, a slight blue flame rising from her nostrils. She smelt the air, and took a step to where he horse had gone.
"Beggar's can't be choosers. Apples are far more appetizing than starving to death."

As he turned back around the dragon had already turned to feast on his horse.

"God damnit you bastard! If you eat my horse i swear to the gods, I will drink ale from your empty skull!!!"

He chased after the damned fiend as it trudged off into the woods.
"Gah!" She gasped, her tail knocking against the tree. "I'd rather be tamed than killed!" She squirmed through the trees as fast as she could,and almost tripped. While running she attempted to whack him with her spiked tail.
He ducked, barely in time after jumping over a log. The tree literally exploded with the force that it was hit.He growled.

"Then stop running! I'm sure there is other stuff to eat that just my horse! I need that!"

As the tail came back around he jumped and latched himself unto it just above the spikes. 
[bedtime unfortunately :( ]
Korzan watched with amusement. The little figure had displayed impressive power, not that it was anything that even remotely caused Korzan fear. However, if things escalated, he'd step in for the dragon. After all, although he was understanding of most races, his first priority was and always will be to his own kind, the dragons.
Tynar couldn't really move the tail as much faster as what it used to be like. "You mean you're going to try and tame me?" She called back aiming for her tail to hit a large tree.
Glancing over his shoulder at Lecticia, Kyro wondered what she could have been truly thinking. He questioned what she was thinking in relation to the fight.

"One demon did that to you?" Kyro asked, with the condescending tone she had grown up with, Kyro never dared to change his personality, he always knew if he changed now, even for the better, he would never be seen the same way again.

"I would have thought you'd learn more from your training with Ultorem", Kyro turned back toward the way he came in, ready to leave yet still waiting for his daughters response.
Jason held on for dear life. "Taming? No, I'm trying to keep you from eating my steed."

Right before the tail smash him in between the tree, the man spread his legs, narrowly missing the tree. Grabbing farther up, he climbed up farther on the dragon.
Korzan had stood by, watching the scene for his own entertainment. However, when the young dragon began destroying the pristine wilderness, he decided it was time for him to step in. As the Dragon King, it was his responsibility to teach the young ones respect for nature and other creatures. After all, once they grew up, they would learn, perhaps in a harsh way, that this world was not only the dragons' domain.

Korzan walked forward out of the trees, surveying the damage. He'd folded his wings in and crouched so as not to intimidate the little humans or the young dragon. Otherwise, he'd end up being almost four times as large as the young one. He spoke in a deep, commanding voice that the younger dragon would surely recognize as that of an older, more experienced dragon. "Halt, young one. There is no need to fight for petty prey, such as that human's steed. A creature of your sustenance will need more than a simple horse to nourish you." Then, speaking to the human, he said in a slightly kinder, yet somehow ominous tone, "Please, release that dragon's tail. I believe that she does not appreciate the contact." He waited for a response.
Katrina knew she had to move and fast...being spared by the king and princess of the vampires was a lucky break that she wasn't going to lose. Putting the amulet around her head and sighing softly as she saw the beautifully carved dragon upon it, she spread her wings and gave them a few flaps. Her body was sore, but she knew flying was her best option to get out of these lands and fast. Taking off into the air, she shot from the forest canopy and gave a powerful flap of her wings to carry her away from the lands. She would be back...but she needed help. And a lot of it...she was determined to rescue her father.

And now, knowing that he was alive, it renewed hope within her that had diminished since his disappearance. She would rescue him...but she knew now, that she had to be patient.
"The demon had fire. I have no other excuses," Leticia spoke, "I am not sorry for having this fight, because if I were I wouldn't have done it, though I am sorry you got into this mess; Please excuse my behavior." Leticia knew that even though her body seemed bad, the demon was in much worse condition. She decided not to fight, and began to curve around the matter. "If you desire, you may put me back into more training. If not I will be studying in the library. Also, may I please fire the maid we've had for 3 years? She still believes she has more power than I or something around those lines."
Tynar skidded to a halt and hissed in a more merciful way at the appearance of the large one. "I'm older than you think.." She spoke dimly. She looked at the human on her tail. "Let go or you will find yourself impaled with my claws...!" Tynar growled. Then looked up. "You are correct about that... I'm fairly hungry, but a horse is what I need! I need it to set me on my way to the city of Angels... Or whatever the kingdom is called. I get rather bored and just travel there..." She puffed, shaking her head.
Korzan laughed at the dragon's response. "Well, you act younger than you think... Age is not merely a number. It should be exemplified by our actions, and your actions here clearly do not befit someone of your age. That is a human being, albeit a powerful one. Threatening him is not wise, and neither is feeding on his steed. You are a dragon, and as such, you have the capability to hunt your own prey." Then, Korzan realized that the young dragon had mentioned the kingdom of the angels. "If you plan to visit, Arcadia, you'll have to have a reason. I talked to the King, and the gods aren't too receptive to travelers right now. However, I could arrange for a visit, if I know why you want to go there."
Tynar kept a straight face as he corrected her. "Then forget it. Everything needs to be planned... And you have to have fun some point in your life!" She groaned, turning away and walked, flopping the human off her tail. "Guess my life isn't so fun after all, will it?" She said again, continuing to walk.
Lucem was impressed with the size of the library. Bookcases that reached the cieling were filled with aged books and rows of records. He immediately began searching for the information he needed, quickly making his way towards the section where the records were kept. He was convenient that everything had been alphabetized and set in chronological order. 'Here it is, Zavean Necrus.' He began reading to himself in silence. "Zavean Necrus was a very well-known and powerful demon in Shadagon. He was known as the childhood friend of the king of Shadagon, helping him rise to his position. After becoming the head of the king's personal guard, he grew popular among the population for his kind and humorous nature. He was there for the king's marriage and the birth of his son. One day, he came back with the king after a meeting with the king of Arcadia and was found to be acting quite odd. He disappeared without warning and is presumed deceased."

A single tear rolled down Lucem's face. He kept a straight face and didn't appear to be sad, but the tear remained. He had yet to notice it, as he continued to stare at the record. He had never known much about either of his parents and it was nice to know that he was a respectable man. 'I'm proud to have been your son, father.' A small smile appeared on his face. 'What's this?' He had pulled another record from the shelf. Lucem felt his eye begin to twitch as he read its contents. Written on the paper was a record of his father's bar tabs. "Over five-thousand coins paid to the owner of a local bar after a altercation with another man, resulted in the destruction of his property." The twitching increases as he read that the destruction of the bar's property wasn't even the main contributor to the large bill. After the fight, the man and his father had apparently racked up a high bill after making up through several rounds of drinks. Lucem released a sigh. 'Now that's the father I knew.'
Jason decided to do something fun for the dragon. He simply wanted it to not eat his horse, not sulk. Before the younger dragon hand a chance to react, he climbed up, and carefully ran up the spine of the dragon, between the wings and plopped down at the base of the neck.

"I'm not trying to be your rider i simply have a request. Go to the sky! Fly us as high as you can and You'll see just because you have rules doesn't mean you cant have fun."

He braced carefully around the dragon's neck hoping the creature would indulge him.
"Oh, now you demand more things, eh?" She muttered. "Why is it you want that?" She inquired once more, still walking and finally showed up from where the tree the human had grown. Tynar thought this as odd. First he threatened her, now he won't let go of her neck and demands her to fly. How usual...
Kyro turned back to her "I already killed her for letting you out of her sight" He sighed and the cave entrance, "Now, let's go home."

Kyro headed out and thought about the demon, she knew her place, but that wouldn't stop her coming back for her beloved father, thinking on this more he decided that an eye should be kept on Katrina.

Just to make sure she doesn't fall out of line...
"Yes, Father," Leticia nodded and followed her father. Finally something good. She noticed that her father seemed awfully deep in thought, but decided it be best not to question anything. She wondered if he was thinking about how neither one of them had won the fight, and wondered if he was still mad at her.
"Well you don't have to listen. Then you can just sit here on the ground and be bored. Your choice. After that I'll leave you alone, but you have to fly extremely high, extremely fast."

He tightened his grip hoping the dragon would take his challenge.
"Okay, you might have trouble breathing, you may fall off and I won't come for you, understand?" She stretched her talons, and swayed her tail before spreading her massive wings.
Jason kind of looked at her. "We are going high but not leaving this world. You'll know when to stop."
"Indeed..." She took off without a warning, flying above the trees and flapped hard. Tynar didn't know if he was still on or not, she didn't mind anyways! The dragoness kept flapping, until she stopped, and began to decnd with her wings slightly folded only because she wanted to gain speed.
Jason hung on for dear life but this is what he wanted. As senile as it sounded sometimes creatures forgot to be just that.

"Just feel the wind over your body. Close your eyes and just go with the flow. I think for a dragon, you're thinking too much."

At the peak of her climb, The man released his grip and his body left the dragons. He continued to rise. Glancing straight down he was over the lake. He finally hit the balance point where he stopped going up right before going down and just floated for what seemed like minutes. Closing his eyes he listened to the wind talk to him as his body hurdled towards the water.
Tynar heard his words, and had felt the wind over her several times. It honestly felt good though. She no longer felt the man's grip, and looked behind her slightly, enough for her to see him falling down. "He'll be fine." She chuckled, then spread her wings before she slammed into the water, and instead took a boulder to the face and landed roughly on land. She laid at her crash site, and huffed loudly with agony and tiredness.

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