Mecha RP: Legend of M

Fox managed to pick up the moaning and track it down to the source and knelt down to the guy. "Jeez, look at you." He couldn't very well treat the kid since his first aid based on external wounds and draining bad blood and/or pus from a swollen area. "Alright kid, come on. I know it hurts but I need to stay with us ok" he then looked him straight in the eyes. "You here me, you little twerp? You're are not allowed to die. Or I'm kicking your ass in the after life, Logic be damned. Medics are almost here, got it?." He very well couldn't move him, but he made sure he didn't drown in his own blood.

@Crimrose @Tierax
Amelia sigh in relief. " i hear you loud and clear, glad to still be here with all of you, prepare a meeting with the captain, i have important news to tell her. Serious news. " she says her eyes closed to prevent her head from spinning and also to concentrate she didn't want to stutter on the channel. 

" good job everyone, Delta i would never have done this without you ... remind me that i owe you one, just think about what you would like to receive and i will make it possible. " she says outloud. 

she then sigh again feeling relieved and absolutely drained, she look at her brother and slowly shaked her head. " no, it's alright they need someone here and beside you know me, when i do something i do it until it's all done, and right now what i need to do is make sure this ship arrives safely to the Rendez-vous point. go outside and stand guard. make sure that nothing could try to shoot us down... i am counting on you my brother " she add finally pushing herself to her feet. she was still dizzy but she knew she had to stand up and show everyone they were in good hands. 

" i'll see you when the medic arrives. " she add with a soft smile tilting her head softly. 

She then turn around looking at the console " alright crew let's get this baby back home to it's parents " she says with a hint of joke in her voice, she was trying to cheer up the crew already onboard the vessel. then goes to open the comm with fox and Ivis. " can i have an assessment of the ship. are there any... enemies left, is everyone alright ? i need to know before i bring this ship home, i will not put more people in danger by bringing home ... unwanted cargo. " she says softly. 

As she started addressing the crew, he was already jogging to his entry point, hopping into the fighter cockpit and taking over control. He first changes it into mech mode, using the feet thrusters to maneuver around the ship. He sighs. "I guess if a hostile approaches, I'll have to get up close and personal with it until I can refit this thing." He says to himself. 

"I concur, pilot. My armaments are lacking since I was taken offline." VS comments.

"Well, VS, you better be combat ready when I refit you. We'll be seeing a lot of explosions and weapon rounds." Klein says with a smirk.

"Understood, pilot." VS replies.

@Alaania Hellborg@Tierax
Hearing Amelia over the comms Fox replied. "Well, so far nothing's shooting at us, yet. But the kid is in rough shape. Think you can tell the medics to pick up the pace. He's bleeding internally here. and my medicinal knowledge isn't too big on that subject of diagnosis." He snapped his fingers infront of the kid's eyes to keep him focused.

@Alaania Hellborg @Tierax
Amelia frown " is it swollen and purple, also check if there is pressure under the skin, push slightly on it and if he start to yell, take your knife and make a slight insition near the swollen area, we need to drain the accumulating blood before he poison himself. medic are on their way already i'll send them your way first. " she says seriously. " unless there is a doctor aboard " 

opening the ships intercom Amelia cleared her throat " this is Amelia Schterzen, to all passenger aboard the ship, we are in need of a doctor, or at least a medic, if anyone has the qualification to perform medical task please come to the bridge with your official practicing paper. i repeat in need of a doctor or a medic ASAP report to the bridge. thank you for your cooperation, Amelia out. " as soon has she closed the intercom " i did all i could for now fox, now it's up to you. " through her own comm.

"Yeah, I can tell ya did" Fox said as he started poking at especially purple swollen areas to gauge the kid's response pulling out his knife twirling it around in his palm a few times before holding it properly with ease, ready to make any incisions the moment the kid said ouch. "How about you, Amelia? How are you holding up?"

@Alaania Hellborg @Tierax
"i'll be fine, i had worse situation, although i'll have to see the doc when we land and the deathly injured are taken cared off... but i'll live. " she says trying not to slur her words, her head was pounding and she was having trouble staying upright, lowering the ship safely on land than sigh in relief, this had been a rough day when it should have been a vacation day. 

" i need to sit... " she said putting a hand on her bandages feeling it was soaked she rolled her eyes. " i get the feeling there is more than just klein that will scream at me... "  knowing too well that both fox and the captain would when they would see her state. as she lower her hand to look at it she see's the skin on top of her hand it had been hit a bit by the chemical she had thrown at the woman. she chuckle " i guess i really was rusty with my chemical class " 

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