Mecha RP: Legend of M

Amelia smiled as she heard the computer AI. with this there was a chance for her to make Delta add her file and voice recognition files she kept with her in the ships database.

" Delta i'll remove you from my comm device, i'll plug you in the mainframe of the ship, add my files and voice recognition to their database with the rank of captain, i don't want to take any chance, i'll get us to safety one way or another. " 

waiting for Delta's reply she looked around explaining why she needed the make-up, " please the make-up can be used to find the code to the computer, anyone has any kind of powder that stick i am trying to save our life here. fingerprint can help and i can find in which order they were done, by the amount of powder that will stick to the fingerprint... " she says trying to keep them from panicking even more. she knew they would be alright, but she still needed to have a fail safe in case delta was unable to copy any data to the database. 

"Sorry, sis, but I don't carry my makeup with me on vacations." He says sarcastically, jerking behind cover as a shot ricochets off the cover. He fires a couple more shots into the robot that fired it, disabling it. He then fires at the bots shooting at Fox. "Fox you damn fool. You want to be Swiss cheese?" He calls to Fox. He shoots at the conduit box but kept giving cover to Fox every so often so he wouldn't get killed.

@Foxora@Alaania Hellborg@Tierax@Crimrose@HEATS
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Once the Conduit Box was struck he ducked behind cover and reloaded "No! I'm just not a damn soldier!" Once he reloaded he immediately went on the offensive. "I don't do this cover to cover, dig my boots in the ground crap! I go in and kill my target, then get out!" and secretly he was getting a rush watching the bots get mowed down from the conduit box and their bullets. Sure he'll duck into cover when he needs to, but he wasn't built the same way Klein or Amelia. Despite having a soldier for a mother, he basically learned, piloting, weapons handling, and technology, some light soldier breech and entering training, and some survival tactics a soldier would be taught.... Everything else, he learned from his father the hunter. Say waht you will about a hunter fighting in a soldier's battle, he's still alive and doing more then just "holding his ground" in this conflict. However, this was gonna make him Hella hungry after all this. this was burning a lot of energy using his brain and body so much.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Tierax @Crimrose @HEATS
< [ Stadium ship - Bridge ] >

The corridor fell silent save for the crackling of electricty, the damaged conduit arched electricity, tendrils licking at the machines as they twitched on the floor.

Klein and fox had done it, they had held the line. Their moment amplified by the ships voice in the bridge.

"Successfully updated data, welcome Captain -brzzzt- please initiate reboot to avert collision."

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Crimrose
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" initiate reboot... " she looked at the different screens trying to find if it was a voice command or a series of button to press, just in case she said it out loud as a command. 

" computer Initiate reboot sequence. " her voice sounding serious and commanding. at the same time she was still searching for the button to manualy reboot the computer. 

"Do we have everything under control here or...? Hey, the less work for me, the better."

It seemed like the situation had pretty much defused itself, at least for the moment. Ivis felt better overall, and Amelia was attempting to regain control of the ship.
"Thank God that's over.... I never missed my own weapons so much" Fox said as he was leaning against his cover pulling out the clip of his "borrowed" gun and looking at how many bullets were left in the magazine, before snorting at it and putting it back in the gun. "So What now Cap'n?! I kinda was zoned out back there with the fight if you had a plan or sumthin!" He called out getting up.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Crimrose @Tierax
< [ Iron Sands Festival - Stadium ship ] >

All the lights flicked off for a moment, the whirring of vent fans died down till only a feint chorus of panic from somewhere  in the ship could be heard.

The ship dropped almost instantly, its bridge dipping fast enough to throw everyone off balance, the captives-still bound- slid across the room bumping into a control console.

A screaming engine from outside could be heard, its high pitched wail seemed to echo forever inside the ship.

A screaching that threatened to deafen, of the hull grinding against a building outside started and stopped just as quickly as it came, as the ship shuddered back to life, its engines roaring to life before settling down into a soft droning.

the lights flickered to life and the computers all lit up once more.

"REBOOT SUCCESSFUL. Initiating automated diagnostic: minor hull damage, minor interior damage in sections 5 through to 18, unknown gas leak in section 6- beggining ventilation purge.

Damage to conduits detected. requesting maintainance."

The  machine continued to list minor details, but the point remained. they had done it, though may have cost them their cover, they saved almost every civilian present.

@Crimrose @Raider867 @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg
Amelia sighed in relief, activating the intercom Amelia took a commanding and reassuring voice. " This is Captain Schterzen talking, we are sorry for the disturbance, the problem has now been solved and we will be landing in a few minutes, if you are wounded or panicked please stay where you are a team of medical support will be on it's way to help anyone who would need it, please keep calm and again i am sorry for the situation. " 

she then turn to the captive moving to help them sit correctly before untying them. " sorry but we needed to make sure we would not die first before releasing you all " she add softly. 

"That makes sense to me, uhh, Amelia is it?" the captive woman rubbed her wrists as she was loosened, standing up she extended her hand to the group before her.

"Thank you for saving us, we... I... I'm sorry this is just..  all so much.."

Her eyes were tearing up  but she looked in control of herself, standing tall and smiling. the two men beside her stood up as they were freed, setting themselves silently to work, they seemed distant, as if they were coping through focusing on their work.
Before Klein could order VS to come back, he was already near the bridge. "You read my mind, VS." was all he could say.

"I anticipated you were going to call me back to your location after the ship was restarted. Was I correct, Pilot?" VS asks.

"You were, VS. Yes." He says with a smirk under his helmet.

@Tierax@Alaania Hellborg@Foxora@Crimrose
Amelia shaked her head " it's alright, has i said a medical and support group will be here shortly, you will be handled and cared for until you all feel better. of course a psychological test will have to be done with all of you to see if you are all fit to go back to your jobs, event like these can leave Post traumatic syndrome. " she says softly putting a hand on her shoulder. " i'll handle the control, just relax and try to think of something else­. " she add softly, lowering the ship back to safety hoping that the rebels had sent help their way as she knew this would not end there. 

repercusion would arise, but at least people would know the rebels are not bloodthirsty warmonger. " Klein, Fox, Ivis, can you guy's go on and make sure everything is fine, we have civilian that are probably panicking at this moment. i will need you all to help them calm down and make sure none of those bastards are still onboard and lurking out, waiting for the right time to strike, the league will not end this here, they will have put some suicide squad to make sure it went according to plan and that they would not leave any survivor to tell the tales... " she says seriously. 

Amelia lowered herself to a sitting position her head spinning wildly, she lower her head, a long drip of blood sliding down her face. she knew her brother would be angry but she had tried to stay out of trouble.

" don't yell please my head is pounding right now, i already know you are angry or worried ... maybe both but please i will explain everything later... " she says as he walked toward her. she was tired and she was dizzy, knowing she would need to replace her bandages. 

lowering her head backward on the console she sigh closing her eyes her shoulder falling to the side " i need to speak with you klein... what happened here is serious... really serious for the both of us... " she says her voice shaking slightly. she was trying to keep face in front of all of those people, they were already alarmed they did not need to see those who saved them panicking too. " we will need to go back to the ship, this news is ... " her voice lowered to a whisper " really bad for both of us, i'll also need to warn the Captain about this...  " she add softly a serious look on her face, klein knew this expression, they were both in danger, and it was not something small if she was reacting this way. 

"We'll need to make sure the civilians are safe, though." He says softly, moving to tend to her head, wrapping new bandages around her head after wiping away the blood from her face and head. "By the way..." He flicks her lightly, making sure it would only tap rather than hit and open the wound again. "That's for trying to fight off an entire ship full of people trying to kill you with just yourself and Fox." He then says. He then hugs her. "I'm glad you're okay, though. Or should I say, as okay as possible given the situation." He adds with a chuckle.

@Alaania Hellborg@Tierax
" what was that for... i tried to communicate, i called for help, sent a message on loop... but they had hacked the whole place, my message was intercepted and deleted... i was trying to warn you... to warn the rebels... i didn't even try to fight, i actually ran away... she was just determined and i had to ... use chemistry even if rusty i was able to burn her face... it created smoke and i could run ... but i had already reopened my wound... i had to jump from the second viewing bay to the first one to prevent her from trying to kill me outright... " she says wincing as he changed her bandages. 

" ask delta you know she can't lie, she will tell you that i tried not to get into a confrontation... but i had no choice... " she add her voice lower, she was tired and the adrenaline was receding making her sigh tiredly. she knew she would either fall asleep or loose consciousness but after all this, it was normal, she had strained herself and moved more than she could have thought. 

" no rest for the wicked ... " she mused tiredly. " i guess vacations are off the table for another long while... " she chuckled trying to hide the fact that both physicaly and mentally the rebels were drained. 

"I'm surprised the civilians were left alive in the first place. You'd think that you can't leave a chance of survivors getting away, they'd be witnesses to what happened. Well, I'll go check further down." Ivis turned away and figured she'd check the corners of the ship, mainly rooms and the like. It wouldn't be surprising if people had hid away to avoid getting in further trouble. 'Where has Tim crawled off to...?' 

She stopped in her tracks, heading back towards the group. "Hey... Where'd Tim run off to? I couldn't keep track of him with all the commotion... I would really appreciate it if we could at least find him..." Ivis was more than a little worried, as evident in her tone. While he was initially an enemy, he didn't seem to enjoy the idea of gang violence... He had some potential to change. So why would he rush in first? Wait... Did he ever leave that room? 

@Alaania Hellborg



<Stadium ship - Iron Sands Festival>

Tim moaned weakly on the floor, he had been bleeding out, though the arc cannons on the machines caused no visible damage, from the blood pouring out they could tell that internally, he was a mess.

"Medi-vac is on route, stay frosty folks, cavilry is a commin'. And tell whoevers got that junker bot outside to stand down, its gonna blow its engines trying to lift that thing! Its already flying again damnit!"

The private rebel comms lit up in chatter, as it became more and more obvious that the rebel command was aware of what went down, Amelias beacon must have finally stopped being blocked.

Ivis could feel a tugging at the back of her conciseness, she knew her true body was calling for her. Or maybe it was what humans described as home sickness?

@Crimrose @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @HEATS

(Possible timeskip incoming, only a day or two.)
"With all due respect, sir. I do not read any overloading in my engines." VS's voice says through the comms. 

"Yeah, it may look like a junker, but VS just needs a new paint job and some buffing and it'll look as good as new." Klein supports VS's statement. "But I agree, VS, stand down and go to where I jumped in. You can pick me up there." 

"Understood, pilot." VS says, turning to fighter mode and flying fast towards the entry point. It then turns back to GERWALK mode and grabs onto the hull near the entry point. Klein looks at Amelia. "Want me to give you a ride?" He asks.

@Tierax@Alaania Hellborg

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