Mecha RP: Legend of M

"What... what the hell's happening...?" He asks as he tries looking around. Everything felt different. "Why can't I move?"

"You are gaining control of the Excalibur, Pilot Wolf. You will regain motor controls in your physical body momentarily." A calm and mechanical voice speaks.

"Who are you?" Klein asks, shifting his vision around.

"I am VS-1219. The Artificial Intelligence aboard this VLF-19 Excalibur. Please. Call me VS" The voice replies. Klein looks around, soon having control of his body again.

"VS... What do you do on this machine?" He asks.

"I control and assist the pilot of the Excalibur, controlling it while the pilot is off of the machine. I cannot be hacked nor can I be deactivated. We are neuro-linked as of this instant which is the reason I cannot be hacked."

"Good. And I'm not Wolf. I'm Klein Schterzen. Just call me Klein."

"Acknowledged, Pilot Klein."

"Just Klein. And if you need to give me a title, just call me Pilot Schterzen." Klein sighs.

"Acknowledged. I shall upload this to my memory core... Warning, detecting a call for assistance in the ship veering away from the group. An AI designated Delta." 

"Then let's go. That's my sister's AI." He says, moving to control the machine. He felt the controls were easier now than when he first piloted the Excalibur. As he approaches it, he opens up the cockpit. "VS. Take control and divert any enemy force away. What is your current armaments?" He asks, his voice a loud yell over the wind.

"Only one vulcan cannon mounted on the head as per VLF standards."

"Then use it. I'll take the helmet with so you can see what I see." Klein then jumps through a window with a pistol in hand, raising it and searching for any threats before moving on.
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Amelia's eyes widen " FOX WATCH OUT. " she says aiming her combat knife at an opening in the robot hanging from the pipe. throwing her knife in his direction, hoping it would destroy some of his circuit either randering him useless or even cutting down power. Amelia was a good shot with range, she just hoped that her vision would not make her miss. considering how she saw as blood poored onto her face, she adjusted herself then threw it. she was pretty sure of her shot, but if she missed it would at least get the droids attention. at least she hoped.

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Uno Mas Bar

Maracaibo, Venezuela

The young officer sighed as he checked his watch for what had to be the hundredth time today. 

"Guess I better tell hawker the VLF didn't show." Roland thought to himself as he leaned back in his uncomfortable wooden chair and polished of the last of his glass of water. He made a point not to drink while on a mission, even one as lame as this one.

After another moment passed he began to gather his things to leave, but no sooner had he managed to stand up than he heard what sounded like singing, or perhaps chanting from outside the bar occasionally punctuated by laughing and shouting before suddenly falling silent save for a few loud "Shh"s and some mumbling that Roland could clearly hear through the totally not sound proofed walls.

After another moment of silence, a somewhat disheveled looking teenager poked his head through the door and looked around, only to quickly pull himself back out as soon as he locked eyes with the clearly unimpressed Lieutenant. Some more mumbling came from the other side of the door before the same kid marched back in, now with a big dumb smile on his face and followed by a hand full of similarly motley troops each dressed in a mixture of outdated combat fatigues, civilian clothes and dotted with red headbands, armbands, and berets. They numbered bout a 20 or so in total and Roland quickly noticed the trend between them, most of them were either fairly young or notably old, and a few were hopelessly out of shape. They took up some semblance of a formation in front of him and tried to stand at attention before the Boy from before stepped forward and gave an off center salute.

"Marco Reyes, Representing the 1st Venezuelan Liberation Front Lend-lease Unit! SIR!" The boy shouted, his voice cracking a bit under his nerves.

Roland simply looked into the bottom of his empty glass, not bothering to get up. "So, is this all of you?"

Marco blinked a bit and tried to fight his instinct to look away. "Uh, n-no sir, there's still a few others gathering up their things from home." He stammered out. "But they should be here shortly!"

Roland checked his watch again. These idiots were already 4 hours late, he really wasn't ready to sit around any longer. He opened his mouth to reprimand them but before he could say anything, his communicator began to pick up a signal.

"Distress signal?" He fumbled with the device a bit. "But I don't recognize the signature. This can't be good." 
as amelia finally sent the short range communication she hoped that the rebels would understnad her situation and would not give away their position. she was hoping that someone would try to communicate with her. " come on... someone ... anyone respond. " she mutters to herself after hidding back down behind the console. 

" Captain Amelia Schterzen, calling for help, the ship has been hacked we are crashing, and the consoles are locked, requesting help to stabilise or stop the ship. civilians are here, and i suspect that the order to crash the ship came from the league, we have been set up i repeat we have been set up do not get the ship moving, i repeat do not get the warship moving. stay hidden. they are attempting to create another event like the one from the city " she says clearly even if the woman was still able to listen to their conversation she did not care, now the situation called for safety mesure and she was anyway out of reach of the ship and would not be able to prevent the rebels from helping. 

" delta, tell me we can hack the console. we need to get this ship under our control. and NOW " she says opening a panel from the front of the console to see if anything had been disconnected­. if power could be sent back to the console she could hack it away and take control of the ship. 

she had to. there was no way she was letting the league get away with this a second time. " we are not murderer... " she growl between gritted teeth.
as amelia finally sent the short range communication she hoped that the rebels would understnad her situation and would not give away their position. she was hoping that someone would try to communicate with her. " come on... someone ... anyone respond. " she mutters to herself after hidding back down behind the console. 

" Captain Amelia Schterzen, calling for help, the ship has been hacked we are crashing, and the consoles are locked, requesting help to stabilise or stop the ship. civilians are here, and i suspect that the order to crash the ship came from the league, we have been set up i repeat we have been set up do not get the ship moving, i repeat do not get the warship moving. stay hidden. they are attempting to create another event like the one from the city " she says clearly even if the woman was still able to listen to their conversation she did not care, now the situation called for safety mesure and she was anyway out of reach of the ship and would not be able to prevent the rebels from helping. 

" delta, tell me we can hack the console. we need to get this ship under our control. and NOW " she says opening a panel from the front of the console to see if anything had been disconnected­. if power could be sent back to the console she could hack it away and take control of the ship. 

she had to. there was no way she was letting the league get away with this a second time. " we are not murderer... " she growl between gritted teeth.

" Captain Amelia Schterzen, calling for help, the ship has been hacked we are crashing, and the consoles are locked, requesting help to stabilise or stop the ship. civilians are here, and i suspect that the order to crash the ship came from the league, we have been set up i repeat we have been set up do not get the ship moving, i repeat do not get the warship moving. stay hidden. they are attempting to create another event like the one from the city " Roland's eyes widened at the message. He had several questions, but most of them could wait for now. He grabbed his communicator and stepped outside, much to the confusion of the gathered crowd.

"Amelia!? This is lieutenant Croix! Roland! Where are you? What's going on?" He spoke urgently but didn't allow himself to sound frantic. Last thing he needed was to cause anyone to panic, especially not himself.
"This is Klein Schterzen. I'm coming to get you, Amelia." Klein says, running through the hallway of the ship. "What level are you? I can have VS slow the descent or distract any threats where you are." Klein then asks, shooting a couple robots he spotted as he ran.

@Alaania Hellborg @Tierax
" no klein do not come inside, stabilise the ship from outside please. " she says her voice strict.  " lieutenant Croix it'S good to hear a familiar voice. the league has found me, i cannot reunite with the rest of the ship, neither can klein, taking us both back to the ship would invite more trouble. the woman ... she was working for the leauge they are not pleased that me and klein left for the rebels. they are trying to crash this ship to make a second re-enactment of the civilian tower, they will put the blame on the rebels again, plus the woman wanted the ship to pay of someone... she didn't say and i couldn't get anymore detail... but we need either reinforcement to stop this ship from crashing, or anyway to hack into the console, i am trying physically to force a system reboot by unplugging the main computer but we are under fire. fox and an ally ... of sort, they are helping but we need to regain control of the ship and fast. " she says lifting her head just enough to be able to see where they were now and how close to crashing they were. shots could be heard during the conversation. " i ... am not in the best of shape i must admit lieutnant Croix, my head trauma as... unexpectedly re-opened... and i am starting to feel dizzy. i'll need a medic, or at least a transfusion when this is over... " she says calmly sighing as she put a hand to her face and check it again, her hand stained with blood. " yeah... definitely not good... i guess it was a bad idea to think i could take a few days of vacations... " she add with a chuckle.

" klein i can deduce you won the race, DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN DO YOU HEAR ME I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK... sorry... i ... am under lots of stress... i need you to go out and help the ship in anyway you can to prevent it from crashing. and if you can check at the same time if your prize as not been bugged with microphone camera or tracker that would be wonderful, they were in control of the whole thing, they set us up. klein either our parents have hired mercenaries to get us back or the league want to erase us from existance. either way it's not good... " she says now a bit more calm. 

they could hear her fiddle inside the computer, then with a grunt they could hear the power to the computer going silent. " alright got you little smart ass... the day someone will outsmart me as yet to come. " she mutter to herself. then going to plug it back in she hoped it had made a system reboot and that she could try to access it now. 

@Foxora@Crimrose@Tierax @Raider867@HEATS
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'Wait... Electronic wh-?!'  Well, by now it was obvious that being composed of particles made no difference to something designed to screw with computers... As evident by the abrupt collapse and inaction of the Rabbit-Eared A.I. 

Everything was toast. Ivis's systems didn't take too kindly to the interference, but something else surfaced in it's place instead... Some sort of backup program? Her body could move now, though with constant 'Stagger'  and '???' warnings appearing in her vision. It was annoying, but there was nothing she could do about it. Besides, she wasn't even directing herself at this point. 

'I nee- Eh? Come on... I can't speak either?! This is nonsense!' 

Well, whatever was in charge at the moment knew what it was doing to an extent, firing at the leftover machines, though not without offering some interesting commentary...

"C-Caught up with their own desires, none follow the PATH given to them. T-That idol they call 'FUTURE', that l-lust they call 'HOPE'... Fearing self-sacrifice, they bl-blame others for their wrongs. So have humans who've obtained REASON gained p-prosperity, I wonder? Er-"

'What's this thing talking about...?'

The backup program was having issues finishing her speech, likely due to the electronic warfare being used on her. Either way, Ivis soon regained control over her body, though the balance issue and overall instability of the particles were still noticeable. 



@Alaania Hellborg

@HEATS (?)

@Raider867 (?)
"No can do, sister. I'll have VS handle that." He says. They can hear him yell, "VS! Stabilize the ship while I get them out!" They then could hear a deep and robotic voice. "Understood, Pilot Klein." Before jet engines reverberate around the room he was in before silence. "I'm on my way." He says, running to their position. Gunshots can be heard as he moves through the rooms and taking out any robots in the rooms he was moving through.

@Alaania Hellborg


After Fox and Amelia took down the robot trying to ambush him he wasted no time sprinting toward  the previously suppressed robots that hid behind cover by vaulting over it kicking, he emptied his his second clip on the two closest to him, dropped the empty clip as he turned and threw his knife at the robot directly in the optics farther away from him, then slapped in his last clip and rapidly unloaded ever bullet at the robot he just kicked. He then dropped the pistol, grabbed the shot up robot's gun, kicked it away from him before using the new gun he just acquired to shoot a barrage of bullets at the robot that was holding his knife with it's head.

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Raider867 
< [ Stadium ship - Bridge ] > 

As Klein ran through the halls he finally found the bridge, he could hear gunfire and panicked screaming from the civilians cowering nearby.

The machines he shot at were pretty durable though, three of them had shrugged off the damage and followed him.

Ivis up ahead seemed to be doing something, she had what looked to be an aura of energy around her, while Fox stood in an almost primal stance, his eyes flicked around hungrily, until he spotted the machines behind Klein.

Amelia couldn't be seen from where Klein was, and for a moment the panic of a brother nearly overcame him.

For Fox, the hunt had just begun, his pulse begun to quicken again at spotting the new machines, they were some distance behind Klein, who himself was quite distant.

For Ivis, the program attacking her was well crafted, she saw in its code as she fought back that it was made with almost no exploitable code.

But she recognized the way it was written, something about it screamed familiar. After a moment she had recovered enough to entirely ignore it for the time being.

She spotted Fox's attentive eyes fixated, and following his sight she too, saw the last of the machines.

As the other were occupied, Amelia got the console wired up properly, it turned on and lit up, the entire bridge lighting up fully. but as she moved to the console she saw it was still password locked, looking back, she knew the two bridge survivors were too shook up by the death of their captain to be of help.

Delta chirrped to her.

"E-Warfare program rendered inert by third party source, attempting to localize source, ship descent slowed by 30%, a mecha outside appears to be assiting lift. Unknown mecha appears to be unable to halt descent alone."

< [ Maracibo - Uno Mas bar 'n' Grill ] >

Roland heard Deltas broadcast, the ragtag group that had joined him begun panicking amongst themselves, understandable though, they likely had family aboard one of the stadium ships, it might very well be the one the were trying to save. however, the commotion they were making had attracted the attention of the other bar patrons, who had until that point had ignored them entirely.

@HEATS @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Crimrose @Foxora
"Don't let up, VS. Keep going. We're working on it." Klein orders VS.

"Understood, Pilot Klein." VS replies in it's usual calm voice as it keeps trying to slow it down more.

Klein shoots the robots. "Damn bots just won't die." He mutters in a low growl voice as he shoots them, reloading twice as he does.

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Foxora
" ok amelia concentrate, you know how to do this " she mutter to herself looking around to spot a rich woman anyone who could possibly have makeup if she could not ask the other's the code she would find it herself, using a ground makeup powder to have at least a few ideas of the last few button pressed, the code must have been the last thing entered and the powder would stick more there than anywhere else. 

" please for the only time you are looking for girl thing find it " she growled at herself. her eyes darting form one person to the other. " anyone has powdered makeup and a brush ? and no it's not to make myself pretty if you have one just give it to me and you might live " she says her voice echoing in the place, her voice strict and devoid of fear, she had to keep her composure if she expected the same from the rest of her team. 

@Foxora@Crimrose@Tierax @Raider867@HEATS
Sebastian really wished he had a sniper rifle right now to cover that distance. However, he knew there'd be no point complaining about it now as he ran towards Klein and the other bots once he grabbed ammo form the now broken down bots form earlier. He sprinted as fast as he could. "Yo! Soldier boy!" Was all he said, no wise crack, no joke, he was completely focused right now, so that had to take a rain check for later.

@Raider867 @Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
"What?" He asks as he dives for cover, shooting the bots.

"Pilot Klein, I have not been able to decrease the descent." VS says over the comms. 

"Don't let up, VS. We need to slow it down as much as we can to give Amelia time." He says before firing at more bots.

"Understood, Pilot."

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @Crimrose
Fox sprints in and creates a distraction when he deemed himself close enough and fired a few rounds at the nearest bot just as he exited the corridor after taking that bot down he dropped to a slide shooting at the other bots before sliding into cover of his own, but in the opposite are of Klein, separating the bot's attention. "Didja Win?!" Ok so maybe he still had some kind of wise crack to say despite being so focused as he laid out suppressing fire.

@Raider867 @Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
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"Well, it's not enough to stop the descent... We'd need a few more mechs. Wait, you won...? Well nice going I guess." Ivis wasn't trained for saving a ship from crashing, nor was she a decent pilot of large spacecraft.

With a sigh, she listened in on what Amelia had to say. Well, she didn't have any make up, and she wouldn't need it either. Why make up though?

@Alaania Hellborg





(Short post, I'm kinda out of ideas right now.)
(I am very sorry everyone, life has gotten hectic as workwise. I'm finding it very hard to get everything i need to done.)

< [ Stadium ship - Bridge ] > 

Amelia could hear the firefight at the door intensify as it became apparent they had become locked in. poking her head out she saw Fox and Klein had halted the advance of the Robots.

A weight off her shoulders she returned to trying to figure out the controls.

"Warning, total shutdown of air lift drives in two minutes. Uncontrolled decent detected. Captain please report to the bridge."

Somehow, through her tinkering Amelia had reactivated the ship computer, unfortunately it didn't seem like an AI.

But that didn't matter, she had something to work with now. as for her hunt for make uo she was met with stunned silence, either no one could follow her logic or no one had anything and wouldn't speak. though frustrating she could understand, these were civilians that just watched the murder of their captain.

Ivis could feel the hackers e-warfare program lighten it's attack on her system, likely to shift prcessing power to abother target.

A huge mistake.

With the now lightened load she found she had more then enough power to launch a counter offensive of her own.

Fox and Klein held tight in the hallway, Fox nearly took a direct hit as an arch of electricty scorched the loose panel he was taking cover behind.

His eyes scanned the hall, finding plenty of options to rip out more panels and make the hall more cover, or he saw Klein had a clean shot at blowing a power conduit near the bots, which could destroy them in one fell swoop. but he didn't know what that conduit connected to, and would require that Klein get out of cover to take the shot.

Klein himself was providing excellent cover fire, the Soldier boy had a hunters eye for targeting vulnerable points, betweent he two of them they had halted the advance of the last machines. but they were far from stopped.

@Crimrose @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
Fox, had to scan his surroundings... as he suppressed with blind fire behind cover. His eyes and quick analysis hasn't failed him yet... "Hey! I'm gonna try to open a window for you to hit that conduit box. I'm getting tired of playing Defense. Try not to suck, alright?!" he joked mildly before getting serious as he reloaded his gun. inhaled, then exhaled. before popping out of cover playing a dangerous role of "Look At Me" with the robots. "Hey! What's up! Are we playing kick the can? Cuz there's so many Tin Cans here ready for my boot to go upside their heads! Or do you prefer rust buckets! Maybe I'll just recycle you and turn you into nuts and bolts!" He continued to fire and would quickly duck out when shots were fired at him, only to pop out to keep attention on him. He knew insulting  drones would be useless to get them angry, but making noise causing the most disruption, would lead them to decide to take out the most disruptive force before taking on the others.

@Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Raider867 @Tierax

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