Mecha RP: Legend of M

Klein boosts forward towards the first place racer. "Just you and me." He says as he flies towards the racer. He goes below the first placer, not moving ahead or behind the racer as he flies underneath them. He looked to be readying something.

" i have an idea, but my guess is the price on my head is higher if i am alive isn't it. " Amelia was threading on careful choosen words. she knew that she was in deep trouble but her hand to hand combat had not change, she was still the best at it. her chance of getting out of there alive was 50/50 if those other people were too slow to react. " i am not a spy, i am a pilot, and an engineer. i also know that the military wish to get me back alive and not dead. same for my brother. so now talk what do you want, you are getting on my nerve right now. " she says moving her shoulder to remove her hand from her shoulder " i am not your buddy, don't act like you are. " her tone was now serious and a bit pissed. 

As klein drops the other racer the pilot continues to berate him for not "doing it properly."

It ate at klein somewhat... as he neared the mech in first place and flew underneath it he felt the flight pack starting to give out, looking at the mech above he could see it's pack doing the same. He quickly turned away to see what the pack behind was doing and felt the distinct pain of his belts pulling hard against his momentum, it took a moment for the shock to wear off as he realised the mech above had sky dived him dragging him to the ground using the last of their flightpacks fuel.

Every movement he made in retaliation was blocked by the other pilot, in the scuffle he noticed the other mechs were starting to fly lower, they too would run out soon and there was still the canyons sheer cliff wall ahead, strange holes filled its face in a uniform pattern.

As his mech hit the ground everything went dark as the mech initiated an automatic reboot... outside his cabin he heard the loudspeaker of the mech that brought him down.

"You stay here and take the slow death you gave the others, merciless prick."

He heard another loud crash and the groan of metal on metal before silence. As the machine booted back up he saw the other pilot had barely begun running towards the cliff face, Kleins hud restored itself and showed he only had acess to a single homing rocket, the last of the standard missiles had malfunctioned and the firing system jammed.

The flight pack itself was also now crushed into the mech, it wasn't coming off again without a full engineering team. As he stood back up he saw Diamond Dyno fly over the top of the cliff using his two flight packs, before discarding them.

For a moment the mech stared at the other racers below, almost as if choosing the best target.

But it turned and ran off back on the track, a sigh of relief that at least that wasnt another problem he had to deal with.

- @Raider867

Amelia suddenly felt the others hand tighten on her shoulder, it was intense, about as strong as her own grip was.

"Actually you're what we call a trophy kill, you and your brother ain't wanted alive but you ARE both well known as being good pilots, you are gonna get singled out as people clamor for the prize. Me? I'm a after a bigger payday, something that's gonna settle a debt between me and someone I lost... so here's the easy way, where's the ship?"

- @Alaania Hellborg
Klein groans, clinching his fists and forcing his machine to run. "C'mon. I know it's hard but we're almost done. Just a little longer." He says. He raises his homing rocket to lock onto the first place racer. He knew if he couldn't take the shot now he wouldn't be able to finish. The knocking around from the hit of the mech gave him a partial concussion, his vision a bit blurry as he locks onto whatever he could, taking the shot at the first place mech. It flies towards the center of the machine. Klein's vision barely gets better for a second, allowing him to see what the missile was heading towards. "No..." He mutters, trying to make his machine run faster to try and catch the missile, which was a fruitless effort.

Well now... one of these things is not like the others... Fox motioned that Ivis should remain at her spot as he used his hunting skills to stealthily move in and lift the earpiece and snuck away back to Ivis and motioning her over to him.

@Tierax @Crimrose
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" oh i get it. " she laugh " you think my brother stole the ship.... no he was actually a prisoner when WE stole it, i only found out afterward that he was our prisoner, so you don't need him. " her expression turning serious. " so now this will be you and me going there, or do i have a whole team to escort me back " she grin to the woman. 

Amelia was counting on the fact that most of the guards were still there inside the ship. she raises up looking at the woman. the woman could see that Amelia had the look of someone who did not fear death, she had faced it many time and she came back alive. this was only another test and she had to come out alive if not for her own good, for her brother and her newly formed team. 

then it hit her, she still had her equipment on her, she had just changed clothes. this meant that Delta had recorded all of this conversation. this gave her comfort, if only she could send this conversation to the Captain she would know they were in trouble. Amelia look at the woman again " when we get there i will need to open up the door and i will need to confirm my identity for that i will need to use my tablet can i get it without getting shot. " she ask 

The woman stared at Amelia, a look of bemused disbelief and barely restrained laughter plastered her face.

"You think..? Oh man this is too good, no, I don't want to get on board the ship, I don't need to sneak on, I just want to see if you are going to be co-operative to save the life of your friends.

You see, the other girl and.. what was his name, Fox? They're not as sneaky as they think, I'll let them do as they please for now but if they catch wind of this they die. You're  brother is al-"

She cut herself off as the announcer excitedly screams, the screen in front showing a slow-motion replay of the race.

"OOH and here i thought White Wolf was just trying to humiliate everyone on the track, but look at that!"

The screen showed Kleins mech stumbling to its feet as if he was dazed or maybe hurt, but suddenly he takes a combat stance and fires a homing rocket, it leaves it tube and Amelia begins to feel her gut wrench when she see's that Klein tries to grab at it.

It's own thrust kicks into life ripping it away from Kleins attmept to stop it and begins to angle towards Diamond Dyno, but the mech who took him down was too close, the weapons strike on the other racer was slowed to a crawl, Amelia and no doubt Klein could see the pilot, who had thus far avoided killing anyone themselves, was engulfed in flame as the centre of the joust detonated. There was no way they could have survived, it was a perfect hit.

"Looks like he's one of us now ladies and gentlemen! If he can make it up that cliff because hoooo boy! That was NOT the place to be making a bunch of noise!"

The camera panned showing strange centipeed like kaiju crawling out of the holes, though they never left them, they  and slashed around, no doubt they'd tear a joust to peices if the managed to swarm them, but they looked the territorial type, as long as they didnt get too close to their holes it should be fine.

The crowd roared! Some of them for the carnage, others supporting Klein, some cursing his name.

Amelia stared at his mech for a while, he stayed grasping at the air, she could tell something was wrong, but it was so hard to think on this crowd, with this woman beside her.

"DAMN BOY!" The woman screamed, loud enough to hurt Amelias ear and bring her attention back.

"Didn't think your brother had it in him to kill a civilian haha, damn, another time I might have made freibds with you lot."

She looked over at Amelia, her face genuinely warm and friendly, though it quickly faded back to an unreadable and proffesional cold glare. She took her arm away from Amelia, and sat a bit more casually.

"Tell ya what, your brother places first and I won't  do anything until the end of the festival. Unless you try to tell anyone about ANYTHING we discussed. Our secret, what do you think?"

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867

Fox listened intently to the earpiece, there seemed to be some discussion about the race, apparently someone had just straight up killed another racer with their back turned. And how the boss was busy talking to the mark.

The man in the room was cursing, mzuttering about the work load or something, making it harder to listen in.

He'd beed to find a quieter spot to listen in as the earpiece was barely audible... unless Ivis could help with that? The idea passed him quickly, he'd still need a better spot to hide regardless.

@Foxora @Crimrose
" you still didn't tell me exactly what you want and unless you do i can't help you out. " she says her expression turning to a serious and angered expression. 

Amelia looked at Klein her heart heavy and her inside twisted and squeezed at the feeling something could happen to her brother. she then look at the woman again as she scream. 

" don't take my brother lightly, he is as i am really good and really stubborn. now tell me exactly what you want from me. " she says seriously. the woman could see Amelia was getting angry and was ready for a fight if the need arised. she did not even try to hide it, being threatened and taken for a fool made her a bit reckless. 

Klein tries to calm his breathing, noticing the rear racers catching up. He starts moving to climb up the cliff. "C'mon... c'mon..." he mutters as he avoids the holes for the centipede Kaiju.

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He made a swift decision and  and waved Ivis to follow him as he made his way, quietly outside of the building again and back toward the spare parts form earlier to hide behind.

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As Klein climbed he heard inevitable crunching noises, there were too many of the damned things to avoid fully, but her tried his best, oddly enough the wrecked flightpack actually provided good protection from them. A contestant in a damaged suit attempted the climb behind him, with Lazy Daisy hot on their heels, and very quickly, kleins heels as the kaiju tore the damaged mech to ribbons, the pilot didn't stand a chance... why were they so desperate to finish the race or die trying?

Finally getting on top of the cliff face he threw off a kaiju that was overly enthusiastic, on their own they were nothing, apparently their threat was their numbers... or where they simply the young? It was hard to tell with Kaiju, nothing about them was ever consistant with the acception of their aggression.

Up ahead he could see Daimond Dyno pinned by a small swarm, burst from the ground and holding him tethered in place.

he could feel a rumbling beneath himself as well, they tunnel quickly it seemed, and they wanted blood.


"You... Don't make wise decisions for a squad leader... you new?"

As the woman spoke Amelia saw the crowd rushing to the back of the stands, the ship listing a little at first from the rapid shift in weight.

"I want that ship Amelia, and you are going to give it to me. I just need to know where it is."

The security on board seemed to be deliberately looking away, or making their way over with near sadistic looks on their faces.

"Just so you know, these guys here? Yeah, they ain't with me, mutual goals and all that. So the less fuss you make the better off your friends are gonna be.

Last chance Amelia, do we have a deal?"

Something in this womans eyes glimmered, it seemed like she wanted Amelia to say no, to make a bigger scene.

She gave off a strange feeling, like a snake coiled and ready to strike at a moments notice, this woman seemed perfectly confident, not cocky or miscalculated in the least.

Amelias experience told her that despite acting the way she does, she has by no means laid her cards out. Amelia would have to tread carefully if she didn't want to risk escalating it furthur.

@Alaania Hellborg

As Fox and Ivis backtracked to their previous spot, they saw the group from before hurriedly running back where they came from. Seemingly in a rush to organize something, but what?

Listening in they heard the race was down to three competitors on the final jungle stretch. That the boss had made a scene, and that they should be ready to make move. Then, chillingly, they acknowledged amongst themselves Fox and Ivis's position.

His blood ran hot in panic as he looked around, he couldn't see anything, but his eyes met Ivis's... maybe she could?

 @Foxora @Crimrose

(Time for the climax, one way or another! -evil chuckle-)
As Ivis traced Fox's steps back to the previous location, it seemed like the group from earlier had forgotten something, whether it was important or not was another question. None of that mattered, getting caught around these parts would be a death sentence, regardless of who they were, or why they were there. Reaching to a zipper pocket under the massive white section of her dress, she unzipped it slowly and drew her White Raven handgun. Sliding in one of the six magazines she had been given and releasing the slide lock on it was a bit risky, but she never had the thing loaded in the first place.

"..." Ivis didn't seem to care about diplomacy at this point, considering her position right now. She was trespassing, and would likely be attacked anyway. 


Klein moves past Dyno but stops, cursing before moving back to Dyno's side to help, tearing apart the kaiju and grabbing the arm of the mech. "You're not going to die." He says, pulling Dyno but making sure to be able to let go and move away if Dyno tried to attack him. He also had his other mech hand formed into a knife hand to take off the arm if Dyno tried anything he couldn't escape from. "Despite what you may think, I'm making sure you live instead of die." He explains. "But if you try to eliminate me, you'll be left with the Kaiju." He finishes before starting to run, dragging Dyno behind him.

Fox heaved a sigh Come to the beach for sun and surf, leave with the knowledge of a secret conspiracy of murderers... perfect. He thought before he gestured to Ivis to give her the go ahead.


Amelia smiles widened, her expression turning malicious, " you have no idea who you are dealing with here miss. " she says before jumping out of sight and into the lower cheaper seats and out the her line of vision rolling to prevent anymore injury as she landed down, taking this opportunity to run out as soon as she regained her footing. using all she had learned at the academy, she knew how to survive, and her act of newbie and worried sister had worked in her favor, the woman would never have thought that Amelia would just jump down from up there with her injury. 

she ran through a few corridor, finding the janitor's room, opening it and entering before locking the door from inside. there she was relatively safe from the woman grabbing her tablet she called in a hushed voice using the noise of the race to keep herself from being spotted right away " delta, i want you to send the whole conversation recording to the captain and to my team, i want them to know what is going on." delta then respond with a silent message doing as told, luckily the noise from the race was hidding her voice and what she was about to do, she then use her tablet connecting to every rebel channels. " attention to all personnel we are being attacked, Amelia requesting aid immediately, Klein if you can still hear me through your comm as soon has the race is over keep on your toes we were set up, we were the target all along, it seems those at the league did not take too well about our defection to the rebels, to fox and Ivis, get out of there right away, you are both in danger, don't play heroes leave and go to safety, Captain we have a problem, i have no idea who is wanting our ship but i can bet that it has to do with the league, she mention paying of a dept can you get info on her and transfer them to me, i suspect i got her looking for me at this very moment and when she finds me ... well it will be ugly. keep on your guards and recall all troops to the ship, this is not a joke, i ... am in a .... bit of a bind here... " she chuckle " i'll rejoin with all of you when i have gotten rid of that woman... she is good, but she has no idea who she is dealing with." she says confidently. grabbing her Army combat knife in case she would need to use it. 

she hoped the woman would be furious and would concentrate on her for a bit longer at least until the other's were all ready for retaliation. she would have to keep her busy for a bit longer, it had been a while since Amelia had felt this adrenaline and this rush, she found herself smilling viciously, as much has she hated to admit it, she was born a league member and it was in her vein to seek conflict. 

Klein could recognise the tone of voice Amelia used, she was unsure if she could get rid of the woman unscatted but she would certainly try her best to come back alive. 

( klein will probably tell her to just leave )

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"Then get out of here and back to the ship. We'll be there after we're done." He yells into the private comm. "Don't strain your body further." He adds as he tries to pick up speed as he drags Dyno through the final stretch.

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg
As Klein responded to Amelia his transmitter stopped working completely, the garbled almost impossible to hear transmission and his own suddenly not working, it was clear someone had jammed the transmission and would probably be watching him now. He was weighing his options when a missile sailed past him, detonating in the jungle and throwing debris into the air wildly.


It was, shockingly, Lazy Daisy.

"Come in OUR HOME and act the saint, BULLSHIT! WHAT'S YOUR ANGLE?!"

Her loudspeakers crackled at her angry voice, to a poet, it would be described as a rage to make machines feel fear.

A full salvo was released at Klein, sailing past Diamond, who took the opportunity to add a full salvo of his own, likely his last rockets as it dry fired what should have been a second salvo.

[Stadium ship- Cargo Room]

Fox heard a disappointed viice over the earpeice. "Take the shot."

Before he even had time to react three darts embedded themselves in Ivis's back, shoulder, and head. A strange purple liquid fizzled amongst her particle body, but made a smell he couldn't possibly mistake. Neurotoxin, meant for hunting large game but exceedingly toxic to humans.

If Ivis hadn't readied for combat he would have taken one of those darts himself.

They looked for the shooter but couldn't spot them, the voice on the radio came back a bit panicked.

"The hell?! She ain't dropping! Why isn't she dropping?! THREE FULL DARTS SHE SHOULD BE DEAD!"

"Live fire then, boss said change of plans we focus on this lot."


A bullet ricochets off the parts behind them, but the muzzle flash gave away the shooters location, they dived the opposite side as the shooter put down supressive fire, they needed a plan.

 They heard a garbled transmission from Amelia once they got behind cover, something about being in a bind? It was hard to tell.

[Stadium ship- Janitors Closet]

Amelia made her broadcast and waited with baited breath for a response, anything. The tension was thick enough to cut!

In the dark closet lit only by her pad she could see nothing useful, typical cleaning stuff made of cheap flimsy materials.

She heard the other womans voice approaching and quickly turned off her pad to silence any possible giveaways, she waited, controlling her breathing and staying as silent as humanly possible.

"How much of an amateur do you take me for? I am a PROFEESIONAL thank you very much!"

Her footsteps neared the door, and stopped, an odd buzzing noise accompanied her.

" And not only do you run away, a fair choice I guess, but then you spit in the face of my genrous offer with this?!"

Amelia heard her broadcasts replayed back at her, the call for her squad and the rebellion.

"I chose to confront you at this event because with all the signals coming in and out its SO easy to block the ones you don't like, especially when your benifactor controls the airwaves!"

There was a sharp crack and the door was blown off its hinges, but thankfully, didn't fall, the noise almost made Amelia break her silence but somehow didn't.

"Last chance, surrender and your friends don't  die!"

@Alaania Hellborg@Crimrose@Foxora@Raider867
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"I have no angle! Can't you see I've seen enough death for one day?" He yells, letting go of Dyno and jumping and dodging the rockets. "I've seen enough death to last a lifetime. I don't want to kill people for fun." He adds, his loudspeakers barely translating the dark tone he had in his voice. "And I am not doing this for the money, fame, nor prizes. Though, I admit I need a new machine. But I don't want to kill anybody to get it. Please don't make me have to fight and kill you." He says darkly.

Amelia kept silent, she knew it was her only chance to get out alive. she was pissed at that woman and wanted her head more than anything at this precise moment, but knew too well she didn't stand a chance. still she knew that even if they had the airwaves they couldn't block Delta from sending message through private scrambled rebel comms, she popped the card on wich delta was and popped it back into her earcomm, for now she was hoping the woman had just vented her anger on the door and was still looking for her. wipping the memory of the tablet, except her transmission and the conversation they had, lowering the tablet to the wall, to make it seem like she had left the tablet and put it on repeat broadcast. if indeed the woman was to open the door. she knew the woman would have tracked the signal and if she thought the tablet had been discarded she would think that Amelia was not here anymore. 

in the janitor's office Amelia moved slowly making sure that she would not make any sound and hid behind a shelf. using all she learned at the academy and on the field to become invisible. after all she was a professional sniper, if amelia had knew that the airwave had been under their grip she would not have sent the message. she really hoped that everyone had gotten her message but now she doubted it even reached them, cursing herself for having done so. she was not ready to give the ship, she would not betray the rebel, if she did give them the ship, they would be stuck in this crazy place, with more people wanting the rebels head than people ready to help them. 

* come on, think ... you were the best ... what happened to you... * she thought to herself. then suddenly it hit her, she had been too taken by her meeting with her brother to think straight, she had to get her head back in the game. taking a long but slow breath not to make any noise then exhale in a silent manner her head cooling down a bit. she looked around the janitor room, that's when she spotted what she needed, enough chemical to make a reaction and explode * nice going girl, the academy did have some good after all * she thought as she took a empty bottle and started making the explosive. putting the reacting chemical in a smaller container, putting them in a way that when she throws it both chemical would come in contact and create the explosion she needed. she smirked her blood pumping in her vein. she was a soldier, she was a sniper and she was an assassin after all. and strangely this situation was getting interresting, she knew all this was dangerous and now that she had taken time to calm down she was back in the game. worse case scenario she had other chemical she could just throw at the woman's face and burn her eyes enough for her to be unable to run after her.

( if you think that's overshoting it feel free to change what i do in here. )
"Ah Perfect! Now I know where they are exactly." He turned to Ivis "Can you distract them for me" his body when low to the ground as he started moving from cover to cover. while they were busy shooting at Ivis, he took that as the initiative swing around the attackers and get in close. He prowled in a way toward them as they focused Ivis, but once he got close enough to the nearest one to him, he nicked the combat knife of him. There, he was able to bare his fangs. He lunged at the guy, jamming the blade directly int he throat "Apologies" he grabbed the man's gun from his hand before twirling around his back, slicing the sword out of his throat before he was now on the opposite end of the now deceased man. He jammed that bloody blade into the back of his comrade's head before pointing the gun at the third man and firing a few round expertly at the man's head. "There we go" he let go of the knife still in the second guy's brain allowing the corpse to fall to the ground. "Alright, Lets get the heck out of hear before more show up." he turned and ran over to Ivis


"Check yourself." Ivis replied, firing a round at a guard behind him, albeit a bit far. She had only hit them in the chest, but it seemed like enough. Perhaps they weren't wearing body armor? Ivis couldn't identify the gender, as the cry of pain sounded a bit androgynous. Judging from the other adversaries though... Likely a female. Oh well.  It seemed Ivis had done a decent job at being a distraction for Fox's attacks to work out perfectly, though she did get hit once. It was on the top of the left ear, which still unfortunately counted as a part of her.  She smiled nonetheless, and nodded in agreement. 

"I wonder if any will try getting a bit closer..." Perhaps she had jinxed herself, as yet another member had attempted to reduce her to spaghetti with what could only be labeled as a vibroblade. Unfortunately for her assailant, they must've been a newbie when it came to using one. Step one was to never have it on when not necessary, and the hum had given them away before he'd even sprung up. Twisting to the side and bending back to the left at what could only be described as a near ninety degree angle, Ivis then fired one shot at his right arm, before sweeping him off of his feet via a swipe of her leg. Hastily stealing his sword, she directed both gun and blade toward him. "Now... Be a good newbie, and tell us where the rest are... Before we trigger any more of your failures. Maybe I'll make it worth the sacrifice of your squadmates...Maybe~Whatever she was doing, Ivis tried to make the best out of her situation. If he really was a recruit of some kind, he'd likely fear for his life. That... And the man relatively young had it's cons as well. Maybe she'd be able to get something out of him? It didn't really matter, but it'd be a bonus of sorts. Of course, it'd be 100% logical to flip out.


[ Iron Sands Festival - Race Track ]

Another slavo comes forth from Lazy Daisy, klein barely manages to dodge them and smiles, knowing full well thats the last of the rockets he'd have to contend with.

Unfortunately Daisy was by no means an amature herself, having closed the gap between them chasing the missiles, a thunderous punch rocked Kleins cabin, she was aiming to kill him, not just disable the mech. As debris rained down over them he barely managed to enter a proper hand to hand mech stance, Daisy was unrelenting having already strafed to an opening.

He blocked the next few blows, but a king hit from Diamond Dyno took out his vision systems offline and he felt the mech take a few more hits before they came back, the sound echoing in his cabin much louder then he expected.

"And who are you to decide how we die if we chose?! Seen enough death? We live with death, so you get NO SAY!" The loudspeaker outside distorted and crackled making Daisies voice seem almost demonic.

Klein couldn't figure out what they were so upset about, but it seemed like a massive culture difference. Too big perhaps to be solving in this particular moment.

He managed to break their assault for a moment, the three stood defiantly by each other, It didn't seem like Dyno was actively helping Daisy, he seemed more like an opportunist, even Daisy had a few dents Klein knew he didn't put there.

A nice threeway free for all, he could stay and fight, at the risk of drawing more of those kaiju over, or try and make a break for it... his mind was racing with ideas but those two kept repeating, at least if he couldn't think of a better plan he had backups.


[ Stadium ship - Janitors Closet ] 

Amelias chemistry knowledge, she realised too late, was well and truly rusty... she'll have to study up on it later if there was a later.

The foul smelling brew she made seemed to fizz and bubble but not particularly violently, it did however make an acrid smoke that burnt the eyes, if she could get it in her face it might just do the job.

"Found you."

The door is lifted and thrown away by the other woman, though she said no insults, Amelia could feel every degrading insult the woman wanted to say but wouldn't, in her eyes.

"You know, when trying to hide, It's best to not make noise. I guess you're used to long engagement distance stealth and not cqb stealth... honest mistake I suppose." 

The woman stood in the doorway hands at hips, confident in her victory.

"So what was the plan? Call for help? Build a bomb? I think my favourite so far was one guy tried to make a crossbow from newspaper, glue, a pencil and one very unfortunate chicken."

The humming grew louder as a small camera drone floated behind her, the woman seemed distracted for a moment and they faced each other.

"I know how to do my job, and if you stopped distracting me trying to micromanage everything you'd have your damned results. Hell I probably could have talked her down instead of wasting my time which, by the way I am billing for."

She paused again, glaring at the drone, she raised a finger to Amelia signaling her to wait a moment.

Wait? What was this woman on? Trying to hunt her down then telling her to wait like a house guest?!

But at the same time this could be an opportunity.

(Are you kidding me @Alaania Hellborg? This is exactly what i hoped to see when you hid in that closet!)

[ Stadium ship - Cargo Bay ]

As Fox made his way over to Ivis he saw a young man pinned to the ground beneath Ivis, spotting the Vibroblade in her hands he didn't need an explaination as to what happened, he was fairly certain he knew full well.

The man couldnt have been much older then 19, maybe 20 if you really stretched. His eyes seemed filled with awe, instead of what should have been fear.

"Wow, you two work good together, can I join you?"

The question took the two by surprise.

"You cam trust me, look see? He reached his radio before they could stop him, turning it on. A mere moments hesitation all that was needed for him to start speaking.

"Group 1- Cargo is free of mice over."

A tense silence filled the air, the kid started looking nervous. Looking around the area checking the corners.

"Confirm, gunfire recorded, mouse trap damaged?"

"Confirming, our mousetraps broke, but we got the mice anyway. Cleaning the mess now."

There was another tense silence but this time the young man seemed visibly relieved.

"Boss'll be happy to know at least one thing went right, good work kid."

He smiled at Ivis and Fox, throwing his radio to their feet and laying his hands above his head.

"What gang are you guys with? I don't feel like dying for these guys."

He assumed it was a turf war? What was happening in this city?

@Foxora @Crimrose

( vibroblade crimrose? Havent heard of those in years!)
"You dumbass!" He yells, dodging the salvo again. "I don't want people to die. If I can choose of someone dies or lives be it I aim at the parts instead of the pilot, I will take it. I don't want to kill a fellow human being. We should be fighting the god damn kaiju! Not each other!" He yells, his voice angered and pleading, not in any way condescending. "I am not choosing for everyone. But if I can choose for myself whether I kill another pilot or not, it makes all the difference to me." He says, moving into a defensive stance. "I don't want to fight to kill. We should be saving killing blows for the kaiju."

Fox blinked, this was certainly an interesting turn of events. "Tell you what, man. You help us slip out undetected and I'll show you just the person that will be happy to add you to our ranks." It wasn't a bluff was MOSTLY Sure they would accept the kid, but either way their new priority was more important right now. He went over and helped the guy up.


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Ivis was silent for a moment, judging her former assailant's actions. She could only assume that the man had falsely confirmed some kills, to avoid suspicion. Wouldn't there be cameras around here? Oh well, not like it really mattered. "What gang are we with? I suppose you could say it's the right one to be in. Nice to see you have a brain up there though." She wasn't intent on going in-depth with the details, considering he could've said something entirely different on that radio.

"What's your name? Both of them. We'll also have to check you once we get back, but that won't be too long." Ivis wouldn't put too much trust in the man, and depending on who he went to, he'd have to be checked for beacons. She did switch off the vibroblade, but wasn't going to let her guard down too much. Too often had trust led to someone's downfall.



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