Maya Nadal


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/maya_nadal_(normal).jpg.640749aa5f7835e75260aaa108cbfc2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/maya_nadal_(normal).jpg.640749aa5f7835e75260aaa108cbfc2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Maya Nadal

Species: looks human

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: of petite frame and a less than outstanding fashion sense, Maya is a girl your average youngster would prefer to keep as a sister rather than a girlfriend. It's not that she is ugly, of course not - in fact, she is fairly cute -, but she is the kind of girl your parents would love and your punk friends would laugh at.

Faction: Nerds, although people often mistake her as a punk for some reason.

Personality blurb:

Maya is a shy introvert girl, prone to violent mood swings. Despite being able to remain fairly calm and happy if unprovoked, it is advisable to avoid angering her. A romantic at heart, she takes love VERY seriously.

Biography blurb:

Since she was but a child, Maya already showed an unhealthy interest in sci-fi. Books, comics,

movies, tabletop roleplaying... nothing escaped her quick eyes, always craving for more space exploration, almost fantastic technology and cybernetics.

But then her sister and only friend had to leave for another country. No more conversations about the marvels of fictional planets until late in the morning, no more sharing fanfictions with her, no more writing campaigns to play with her sister. Maya lost contact with her heroine, and the girl's inner light quickly fainted.

Months passed, and Maya's mood didn't improve. Her grades nosedived, and she became even more introverted and socially awkward. The only person capable of soothing her soul was a boy two years older than her who went to the same school. Despite the boy was very obviously not interested in her for anything else than a casual friendship, Maya quickly obsessed over this boy, to the point he became her whole world.

Sadly, a series of unfortunate incidents decided that she was to be separated from her only friend. As decided by her parents, Maya had to change her comfortable home at France for the Granite Hills Boarding Institution, a desperate measure that was supposed to aid Maya with her attachment issues.

Maya has recently started to escape the school from time to time to do some odd jobs and acquire extra money. What does she exactly do is unclear, but truth is her wallet is fairly fat for a girl of her age. She seems to become fairly distressed whenever her friends ask her about her secret.


  • EIM (Enforce Interlock Mode):

    Maya possesses a really specific and strange form of reality bending. She can, at will, transform the mechanics of the world surrounding her from an unclear stream of arbitrary events to an universe determined by a straightforward capability ranking scale and the glorious wisdom of RNGesus.

    In game terms, this means Maya can force any other character to play by the Interlock System's rules (Cyberpunk 2020, amongst others), with 55 Stat Points and 40 Skill Points at chargen, and 1d6/2 instead of 1d6/3 for starting money. Reskinning implants is allowed, and so are other homebrews as long as they are reasonable. To simplify the process, Lifepath and surgery damage will not be applied, and characters will have up to 16 free skill points to distribute amongst languages (remember a level 8 language skill is native level) if it can be justified, although leveling up a language over 8 will require Pickup Skill points. 10 days of therapy cost 800 Z and will recover 1 EMP. Use of Magic will be related to INT and HU.
  • Absolute Territory:

    Maya can, somehow, store and conceal any weapons she wants under her skirt. Knives, clubs, chainsaws... nothing escapes her arsenal.


    despite being named Absolute Territory, she actually wears pantyhose and a fairly long skirt.

    Abilities: Maya is fairly knowledgeable in maths, physics, computer science and science-fiction. Well, or at least for her age. It is also said she moves as silently as a ghost.
    Zenny: 2644.75 Z
    Other: she never changes or showers with the other girls. Instead, she waits until they have all finished. She also loves chocolate and coffee.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/maya_nadal_(psycho).jpg.d2fbaea254fa3aeaab0058e7d8e18483.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/maya_nadal_(psycho).jpg.d2fbaea254fa3aeaab0058e7d8e18483.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    EMP [HU]
    11 (10)​
    11 (5)​
    2/5 [18]​
    16 (2)​
    48 m/round​
    13 (H) / 15 (W)​
    110 kg​
    HEAD (1)
    TORSO (2-4)
    R. ARM (5)
    L. ARM (6)
    R. LEG (7-8)
    L. LEG (9-10)
    12 SP​
    16 + 12 SP​
    16 + 12 SP​
    16 + 12 SP​
    12 + 12 (16 + 12 if foot) SP​
    12 + 12 (16 + 12 if foot) SP​
    13 (12 if heart overdrive)​
    Combat Sense: 10Education: 3French: 8
    Awareness/Notice: 4Mathematics: 4English: 6
    Handgun: 0Physics: 2Catalan: 2
    Brawling: 0Chemistry: 2/
    Melee: 10Computer Science: 2/
    Archery: 0Programming: 2/
    Rifle: 0Expert (Sci-fi): 4/
    Athletics: 8//
    Submachinegun: 0//
    Stealth: 8 + 1//


    Speeding Bullet Cyberlegs + SuperCarbon cover2499 Z + 400 (SuperCarbon) + 5000 Z (CRx2) = 7899 Z16 (2d6+6)MA 16; 10 m leap
    Leg Boosters500 Z1 (1d6)+3 m leap
    Standard feet500 Z0/
    Catspaw Stealth Foot300 Z1+1 to Stealth
    Base Neuralware Processor1000 Z + 500 Z (M) = 1500 Z3 (1d6)/
    Kerenzikov Boosterware + BOOSTMASTER500 Z + 650 Z = 1150 Z4 + 1.5 (2d6+(1d6/2))+2 INIT; +1 REF
    Pain Editor200 Z7 (2d6)Endurance rolls at -2 difficulty
    Chipware Socket200 Z1.5 (1d6/2)Adds chipware socket capabilities
    Adrenal Booster400 Z7 (2d6)+1 REF for 1d6+2 turns; 3x per day
    Skinweave2000 Z6 (2d6)12 bare skin SP
    Advanced Muscle and Bone Lace3000 Z3 (1d6+1)+3 BODY
    Enhanced Grafted Myomar2750 Z + 1500 Z (MA) = 4250 Z9 (2d6)+3 BODY
    Bodyweight Vein Clips700 Z + 1500 Z (MA) = 2200 Z6 (1d6)+2 to Death Saves
    PACESETTER 2000 Overdrive Heart985 Z + 2500 Z (CR) = 3845 Z2 (1d6)+2 BODY (except BTM/DS) & MA; DS -1


    Speedreading Chip250 Z1/3 reading time


    Therapy2400 Z+30 HU

    TOTAL: 30594 Z; 38 (68 - 30) HC


    Long skirt (GC, GQ x1.5, Armor x1.75, Fireproof x2)290 ZSP 12; SP 20 against fire
    Spandex pantyhose (GC, GQ x1.5, Fireproof x4)90 ZSP 20 against fire
    Small scarf (GC, GQ x1.5, Fireproof x1.5)33.75 ZSP 20 against fire
    Synthwool Jacket (GC, GQ x1.5, Armored x2, Fireproof x2)120 ZSP 16; SP 20 against fire
    Shirt (GC, GQ x1.5, Fireproof x4)120 ZSP 20 against fire
    Shoes (GC, GQ x1.5, Armored x2, Fireproof x1.5)67.5 ZSP 16; SP 20 against fire


    Kendachi MonoknifeMelee+1P2d6VR1m200 Z
    ClubMelee0L1d6N/A1m0 Z
    ScissorsMelee0P1d6N/A1m20 Z
    AxeMelee-1N2d6+3N/A1m20 Z
    Retractable NaginataMelee0P3d6N/A2m500 Z
    SledgehammerMelee-1N4d6N/A1m20 Z
    Turbo ChainsawMelee-2N4d6+3N/A2m1000 Z


    Smartphone400 ZFree as in freedom operating system.
    Glasses150 Z-5 to Awareness if she doesn't have them on or if they are shattered.

    TOTAL: 2761.25 Z


    STARTING ZENNY: 2644.75 Z

    STARTING MONEY ([1d6/2]*[Job Level Salary]): 36000 Zenny (3*12000)[dice]6619[/dice][dice]6620[/dice][dice]6621[/dice][dice]6622[/dice][dice]6623[/dice][dice]6624[/dice][dice]6625[/dice][dice]6626[/dice][dice]6628[/dice][dice]6629[/dice][dice]6630[/dice]



  • maya_nadal_(normal).jpg
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  • maya_nadal_(psycho).jpg
    858.1 KB · Views: 102
Your character is not bad, not bad at all although the skirt inventory thing gets me but I'm not complaining its fiction so what the hell.
Classified said:
Your character is not bad, not bad at all although the skirt inventory thing gets me but I'm not complaining its fiction so what the hell.
Yeah. The RP Maya comes from is pretty crazy, and something like her arsenal-skirt is actually very tame compared to other characters or the setting itself.

Mechanically, it allows her to conceal any weapon under her skirt without any problem, which was useful since having a chainsaw would have been pretty useless otherwise. Narrative-wise, I just thought storing a sledgehammer, a club and a chainsaw under her skirt was funny.
Blumenkranz said:
Yeah. The RP Maya comes from is pretty crazy, and something like her arsenal-skirt is actually very tame compared to other characters or the setting itself.
Mechanically, it allows her to conceal any weapon under her skirt without any problem, which was useful since having a chainsaw would have been pretty useless otherwise. Narrative-wise, I just thought storing a sledgehammer, a club and a chainsaw under her skirt was funny.
Huh yea it is quite funny to see her pull all that stuff out I can agree with that statement and along with the comical effect I mean clearly being able to carry so many weapen and such can be quite beneficial and, I'm going on a whim here and I think I know what you mean where you say it's well... quite tamed in comparison to some characters. like for example O.C characters such as Deadpool I mean am I right about that statement I mean they can basically do anything if that's what your getting at and if that's what you mean. Other then that I'm curious to know about why such a shy girl needs to be a walking Arsenal.
Last edited by a moderator:
Yeah, I meant tame in both the sense of being very "normal" compared to other powers and the sense of not being as powerful as other skills. We had our fair deal of people with psionic powers, shapeshifters and even one demigod, so go figure how high the bar was.

Classified said:
Other then that I'm curious to know about why such a shy girl needs to be a walking Arsenal.
The biography has some clues about it, but it's the personality blurb that really gives it away. You should read it again, as simply giving it away would spoil the fun.
My oc are kinda down to Earth really well in this case down to what ever planet there from anyway. I'm working on them and there tough hard to kill but by no means invincible but they can take a good hit and give one right... back but that's not the point for, me at least but there a work in progress currently but what am I saying this is about your O.C so forgive me for running my mouth about mine like shit I'm supposed to be analyzing your O.c not mine lol.

Getting back on track its a really good thought out bio you have. I read through it like you recommend and I think I get what your going for and might I add it's pretty dam good story wise her keeping secrets and all.
Fun fact: Maya's sister is called Amelie Nadal, who is actually a character I played in a Metal Gear Rising RP long ago.

She's a full body cyborg.
With long ago, I probably mean around half a year. Honestly, I am kind of new to forum roleplaying, but I had been roleplaying in MMO for a while.

I have only started to browse the cyberanglosphere as of recently, since just a few years ago I sucked at English.
I started role play 3 years ago on a social media website. It started out small fry but it turned out to be some thing I really liked. I never familiarized my self with the terms of rp and I'm new to this website.

I wanted to start my own novel I thought I was ready but it seems I have so, so much to learn. I started 6 month ago with the story before Christmas and now i'm here and I look around and I see all these people writing paragraph after paragraph, huh it scares the hell out of me almost I used to be top dog where I was from in R.P but now that I look around that's not the case any more now is it lol. I thought I was detailed I'm nothing compared to theses guys and your pretty good to but any way but good work. .
The only way to get to the top is with practice. While it's true that I have started roleplaying just a few years ago (I think 4, I haven't counted them), I've been around forums for more than a decade surrounded by Grammar Nazis that have taught me to write like I do now, and writing used to be my hobby too.

Writing a novel is feasible. You just have to keep practicing.

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