Mavis Day


lights shine brighter

Full Name: Mavis Day
Nickname(s): N/A.

Alias(es): Samantha, Annie, Valerie, etc.



Age: nineteen.
Gender: female.
Orientation/Sexual preference:

doesn't think much about it now, but she's bisexual.


Height: 6'1"
Weight: 144lbs
Eye color: green
Hair color(s): bleached blonde, but she a natural brunette.
Body build/shape(slim, muscular, etc.): she's lanky, yet graceful and isn't curvy in the slightest.
Race/Ethnicity: Korean/Irish.

-fingernail-made scratches from her bottom chin to the right crook of right corner of her neck.

-arrow wound on her right shoulder.

-road rash wound on her left leg that's healing into a scar.

-port wine stain on her left shoulder that spans about 2 inches.

-septum ring piercing and

snake bites (both are removed),
Describe(or show) an outfit they would wear:






Faith/religion: agnostic.



Mavis is, in one word, tricky. Incredibly perceptive and observant of those around her, she always picks and chooses her words carefully. And it's never hard for her to lie or even fabricate entirely new identities for her own selfish purposes. But when she's not lying and manipulating others, she's surprisingly generous and optimistic. Other than that, she's a drifter at heart, adventurous and freedom-seeking, feeding off of groups before moving on without a goodbye. 



-tracking prowess

-intuition of others is exceptional



-too curious


-judgemental of others

-weighed down by her weapons/items


New York City, New York.

Current weapons/items:


-a 36-inch crowbar with the word 'vengeance' in red paint down the side.

-a switchblade


-a black backpack.

-five bottles of water, one of which is broken and is used for storage.

-five cans of tomato soup

and two cans of chicken soup.

-six cans of spam, one of

which is used for storage.

-three watches

-a lighter
Relationships(family, friends, s.o, etc.)

Hyun-mi Ko-Day: mother; deceased

Aiden Day: father; fate unknown.
Brief description of life before apocalypse:

Mavis was born to an entrepreneur father and mother who died during her birth. Her father couldn't stand seeing how closely she resembled her mother, so when they moved to America she was always put under care of her aunt. Her aunt was a kind lower-class woman who didn't try to support her niece, leaving Mavis to fend for herself. She grew up with a bitter outlook on life, lying to her classmates about a life of riches she could only ever talk about.


When the apocalypse came, she was quick to leave her school and her family behind to begin life again at the end of the world (with many new identities).


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