Matthew Hansen (Baron Samedi)


Under a lot of pressure rn
Name: Matthew Hansen

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Nationality: Chinese-American


Character Image (Thats not actually me)


God Name: Baron Samedi

God Details: 


Baron Samedi is a god (Loa) from the Haitian voodoo religion. He is usually depicted with a top hat, black tail coat, dark glasses, and appears as a skeletal corpse, usually dressed for burial. He is representative of disruption, obscenity, and debauchery, and is also fond of alcohol and tobacco. He is also the Loa of resurrection, and is the one in charge of accepting individuals into the realm of the dead.

Occupation: Low ranking Drug runner

Groups: The gang that Matthew runs drugs for is known as The Curbstompers (known for their habit of curb stomping anyone they didn't like).

Personality: Matthew's personality can be perfectly described as a "Just trying to get through the day" kind of personality. He is obedient, and will usually do what is asked of him by his superiors without saying much. He doesn't say much, and is very good at maintaining a dry, nonchalant demeanor. However, his personality transforms at night, which is when he frequents his favorite bars. Under the influence of alcohol, he becomes very social and outgoing. However, Matthew is also quite aggressive against those that he feels have insulted him, especially when he is drunk. When both drunk and not drunk, Matthew has a dour, sarcastic sense of humor.

Matthew does suffer from feelings of emptiness. He is dissatisfied with his current state of life, and desires to make something more out of himself, but does not know how.

Backstory: Growing up, Matthew had a standard life. He graduated high school with above-average marks. He later attended a relatively prestigious college in New York City, but became frustrated by its curriculum, and dropped out. Desperate for money, he took on a series of minimum-wage jobs, all of which he got fired from for "poor temperament", and eventually secured a job as a drug runner for a gang that was based near his low-end apartment in Brooklyn. The gang, at the time, was looking for some desperately poor people to serve as expendable drug runners, and accepted Matthew as one. However, Matthew proved to be quite successful at what he did, and eventually became a familiar face within the gang. The money he received was nice, enough to pay for his rent and groceries, plus a little extra.

Matthew frequents a bar/nightclub located near his apartment, known as the Celtica. He began drinking as both a way to fill his nights, and as a way to forget about the feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction that he feels regularly. He became a regular presence there, and became friends with the bar staff and other regulars. Usually, he would stop when he felt to intoxicated, and would stumble back home, since he had no car. However, sometimes, he would black out from drinking to much, and would usually be carried and laid out back near the bar's dumpsters until he woke up in the morning. Also, Matthew regularly gets into fights, and as a result, has become quite adept at it.

Since the discovery of his black card, Matthew has been experimenting with his abilities, but has yet to figure out what to do with them. However, he feels that now he has something that can allow him to advance his situation in life.


Resurrection: Any time Matthew dies, he instantaneously wakes up in the dumpsters behind the Celtica. This includes instantaneous deaths, such as being shot, as well as slower, drawn out deaths, such as from bleeding out. Every time he "resurrects", he is completely cured of any physical injuries. 

Mental Suggestion: Matthew can influence the minds and thought processes of multiple people. By doing so, he can invoke emotions from them, such as fear and anger. He can also cloud their judgement and perception, and influence their decision making. In certain cases, Matthew can knock people unconscious with this ability. The mind effects that Matthew produces are similar to intoxication. 



Street Smart

Gun skills (owns a small handgun given to him by the Curbstompers)

Good brawler

High alcohol tolerance



Video Games

Getting into fights

Cooking (usually to cure his hangover)

Pet Peeves:

People who flaunt their wealth

Having to use public transportation

Cigarette smoke

Quotes: "Let's just get on with it. The worst thing that can happen is that I'll die."

Theme Music:
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