Matt Davidson


The world is a testing ground for human ingenuity
Name: Matthew Davidson, just goes by Matt

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Height: 6'1(1.85 meters)

Weight: 184 lbs(6 stone or 38.1 kilos)

Date of Birth: July 30th, 1992


(face claim:


Personality: Matt is generally a nice guy, and has often been described as quite self motivated. Having essentially grown up on the internet, he developed a dark sense of humor and an addiction to dank memes in his later teen years. Though he's the kind of guy you'd probably go out for coffee or play cards against humanity with, he doesn't necessarily do well when it comes to massive parties other college students are known to throw. He's quite loyal to people he has befriended, and prefers to be very direct with others if there's a problem or they need someone else's outlook on a particular situation. Despite his appearance being that of a typical metalhead, he very rarely gets angry, to the point he has an unusual amount of patience for people. Though whomever exceeds this limit, be on the lookout.

Occupation: College student at RPNU, majoring in Software Engineering and Music Performance(Instrumental) and attending every Monday & Wednesday. He also works at The Axe Palace every Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.


  • He's a huge star wars nerd, and is working on a sith cosplay
  • he's a bassist that plays metal and jazz alike, and is quite fond of the 'slap and pop' technique
  • slightly obsessed with Meshuggah & Amon Amarth
  • addicted to coffee and dank memes
  • owns a Fender 5 string(in EADGC) and a Warwick 6 string fretless(in standard BEADGC)
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