Matched Till Death Do Us Part

Name: Lunetta "Lune" Daenadra.

Age: 20

Gender: female


Personality: Lune is a very quiet, subdued girl. She prefers staying home and reading to loud music and parties. Very reclusive, she has few people she actually enjoys talking to and hates someone invading her personal space. But she is polite to a fault and rarely tries starting fights if it would get her involved. If it's egging two other people on, she gladly partake. Her life is one lived by an old set of guidelines and she is very proper when she isn't alone. She's a hard worker and likes to get things done but done right no matter how long it takes. She's also very patient but not down to earth, her head is usually up in the clouds.

History: Lune was raised by a single father and thus has high standards in men. Her mother left them when she was three but she had a nice childhood and wanted for little until her father died a year ago. She decided to become a Beta tester out of boredom in hopes of bettering society.

Perfect Match: Someone who respects her and knows she needs her space sometimes. But romance is a must, because British tv and books have ruined her standards. Kind and compassionate along with someone who doesn't mind quiet nights cuddled up together with movies or books and cocoa.

Likes: tea, hot chocolate, books, cuddling, dancing, being alone, the dark, Halloween, scary movies, dressing up, and haunted houses.

Dislikes: rude people, dogs, loud noises, pansies, bad food, and anything pink.

Other: she has a black cat named Dante and a massive book collection. 
@SaphireTsuki @Ananfal @Z Greatest001 @twilight sparkle @Akio @Lexie<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.026e4cf29057b366bbc296199001758f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.026e4cf29057b366bbc296199001758f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cedric Robillard

Gender: Male

Age: (18-25): 21

Appearance: (pictures please!)

Personality: Smart and quick minded Cedric rarely lets himself being caught off guard. Usually polite and nice to people who deserve it but doesent care for those who try to push thier way at the expense of others. Enjoys the quiet, taking solace in the peace of it where he could think. For things he doesent like he tends to cut cornors but things he considers important he'll always bend all this attention to. Rarely is doing ony one thing at any specific moment, even if the other thing he is doing is only mental.

History: Was raised by two strict parents who believed their way was the only way. If they had gotten their way he would have been the perfect son in their eyes but outside influences showed him the world and gave him the courage to defy expectations and be himself. Bullied when he was younger Cedric is closed off, polite but rarely letting few people in. Joined the beta program because he wanted to show the government that love was something they couldnt control.

Likes: Reading, playing music, free running, gaming, debating, nature

Dislikes: Judgmental people, bullies, bad jokes, and annoying people, lies

Perfect Match: Someone who doesent always need him and can fend for herself. Kind to others and to him but willing to listen to his problems and to his opinions when he speaks. Someone who is willing to show and give affection. Someone who doesent feel the need to be loud and hyper all te time and can enjoy his love of quiet. Someone who can match him intellectually. Someone who can take a joke and joke with him.

Other: Likes animals and often gets along well with them
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Name: Ryhidian Moores

Gender: M

Age: 18

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/large.jpg.54a09ae5ef48d8726bfeb831da549276.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/large.jpg.54a09ae5ef48d8726bfeb831da549276.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Hes a sweetheart with an edge. Rhydian is a hopeless romantic but at the same time he doesn't believe in true love or love at first sight. He thinks love comes over time and that if as long as he does his part as a the man to the best of his abilities then if things don't work out it won't be his fault and as far as he is concerned it just wan't meant to be. He's friendly and conversational to most bit also very honest when asked his opinion.

History: Raised by a foster family since he was 8, he is very independant, not wanting to be a burden he learned to seal his needs off from the outside world. He has six foster sisters and brothers that he is responsible for because his foster parents are barely home due to work. He is technically legal to leave the system but chooses to stay for personal reasons

Likes: Turtles, pandas, sour skittlez, people who take risks and aren't fraid to try new things, travelling, singing, and meeting new people

Dislikes: Meaningless violence, rude people, boring people, unsupported arrogance, spending money pointlessly, being told what to do

Perfect Match: Someone hes completely comfortable around and entirely attracted to, not just physically but pesonality wise as well. Soeone he can make references with and joke around with effortlessly. A girl who can be spontaneous and never fail to surprise him.

Other: N/A



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Name: Kalista Herondale, or Kali for short

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.3a3c84b043b90239e6e7f60bb3db89a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.3a3c84b043b90239e6e7f60bb3db89a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kali is, as most people describe her, "as vibrant as her eyes." She is outgoing and a definite daredevil. She enjoys reading though she prefers to sing and dance to music. She comes off as quiet at first, but enjoys talking to you once you get to know her. She is as clumsy as can be because she trips over almost everything. She doesn't care what people think so she acts the same in public as she does when she's by herself, no matter who she embarrasses or who stares at her.

History: Kali was raised in a preacher's home. Her father was a preacher and eventually, she turned from being the loving preacher's daughter to the complete those preacher's daughters you see on tv with their uniqueness. Behind closed doors, her father constantly beat her mother, causing Kali to have some serious trust issues when it came to men. Her father was sent to prison and she has lived with her mother, and her mother alone, ever since. That is until she decided to become a Beta tester.

Likes: Cuddling, hot chocolate, Halloween, anything scary, singing, dancing, reading, creating music, animals especially exotic ones

Dislikes: Fakes, proper people, lies, anything frilly

Perfect Match: Someone who isn't afraid to be themselves around her or anyone else. She likes someone that will respect her and trust her and that won't be controlling. She doesn't want to fear her companion as her mother feared her father. Someone who will wipe away her tears and hold her, telling her everything will be alright. Someone that enjoys cuddling as much as she does and will treat her like a princess, and she'll be able to treat him like her prince.

Other: She had a fennec fox named Reanna or Re-Re for short.



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Name: Dyr Baskytte

Gender: Female

Age: 19


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09039693_unnamed(4).jpg.3774e6c1f4f6b0ca35cd364d2f9a18d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09039693_unnamed(4).jpg.3774e6c1f4f6b0ca35cd364d2f9a18d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Dyr is quiet and shy, a 'book-worm', so to speak. She much prefers a good book out under a tree rather then sports or other such things. She likes to talk to people, but she gets seized by anxiety and sometimes had panic attacks. She doesn't care much about her appearance, but doesn't think much about herself in general.

History: Orphaned at a young age, Dyr grew up in the streets - in the hands of the rebels. However their lives were not meant for her and she was adopted by a nice middle aged family, and keeps in contact with them even though she had since moved out into her own little apartment.

Likes: She loves animals, especially cats since they like to curl up in her lap when she reads. She also enjoys books (obviously) and the outdoors, preferably together.

Dislikes: She doesn't like getting too dirty or having to run a lot. She hates badly written books and people who don't like reading.

PerfectMatch: Someone who can keep up with her love for books, but can also get her nose out of the pages and drag her outside. A sense of fun and humor is necessary, but they also have to be able to sense when she needs some quiet time with a book.

Other: The cat in the picture is called Kamiko.



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Name: Harley Sanders

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Appearance: (pictures please!) her eyes are a bright blue and she's tall and curvy but she wears it well and it isn't overbearing, rather attractive.

Personality: Harley is a firework waiting to explode. She's bubbly and impulsive and rarely thinks about the consequences of her actions. She enjoys pressing peoples buttons but never means to intentionally hurt them, especially her friends, and she always does her best to avoid having to apologize. She's a broadway nerd and loves to sing and can barely sit still for more than five minutes.

History: her parents fought constantly, making her hate yelling, and she grew up with three other brothers, making her quite the fighter. She was the middle child and often had to deal with second hand items, making anything new and solely hers rather special. But she was out of the house as soon as possible and worked as a decorator as she has an eye for that sort of thing.

Likes: sweets, Broadway, music, dancing, partying, having fun, and passion

Dislikes: boring people, quiet people, sitting still, studying, cooking, and worms.

Perfect Match: someone who loves to have fun with her and can handle her teasing and tease right back. But she also loves a challenge and doesn't mind having to pull someone from their shell as long as that person is loyal and worth the work. She wants someone who will treat her as good as she'll treat him.

Other: has a pet skunk named Pierre.

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Name: Jake Thornton

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.84de431d31122a49e59a45b4bdc13b26.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.84de431d31122a49e59a45b4bdc13b26.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His eyes are a silvery gray color which stand out. He's tall and muscular but not like one of those beef heads.

Personality: Jake is regarded as one of the sweetest guys you'll meet. He is a complete bookworm but he knows how to stay away from them as well. Everything he does is for the benefit of others, no matter how much it may hurt him. If everyone around him is happy, he's happy.

History: Jake was born into a rather rich family but he never let's it show. While other rich families were out there with designer clothes, he always kept it simple and cheap. He always got teased throughout school because of this, but it never got to him. He always enjoyed helping others and it hasn't changed now, even as a Beta tester.

Likes: Animals, books, helping, cooking, making a fool of himself, singing, dancing

Dislikes: Rude people, hatred, complete silence

Perfect Match: Someone that is as sweet as him, but also presents a challenge. Someone that actually cares about others and can share his love for books. Someone that he can crack a joke with and not offend, and someone that will realize when he needs some alone time.

Other: He loves animals to the point that if he could own a zoo, he would.



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Name: Kurogane Yozora

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Appearance: Picture, electric blue eyes

Personality: Serious, kind, and calm. She rarely smiles, but often is actually more optimistic than she looks. Once you become trusted by her then she will do anything for you, even die if it'll be of use. However, she holds a certain grudge against the government, and spent some time in her youth thinking of ways to overthrow it. Every time she is insulted or otherwise told something negative about her she gets seriously hurt, but doesn't show it.

History: Kurogane was never very brave, often jumping easily, but after an accident that cost her her family about ten years ago that changed. Their deaths made her feel responsible, since it had been her cowardice that had prevented them from knowing about the gas leak.... she'd noticed it earlier but not said anything. Once they had died she found herself unhappy with the world, and so she began speaking her mind, regardless of it's effect on anyone else, and spent all her time either reading or practicing her archery. One day she came across an old book, one that told of a time before the government became as it was now, and she became captivated by the idea of a world where one chose for themselves... which led to her volunteering for this program, hoping to sabotage it from the inside. Her brother is an accomplished computer programmer and hacker, so she often asks him to help her try and contact members of the resistance and organize a group of those she feels would make a better government than the one they had... though it hasn't worked out once yet.

Likes: The idea of freedom, Archery, books, nature, gloomy weather (especially snow or rain)

Dislikes: Idiotically acting people, the government's over-control of people's lives, people she feels are untrustworthy, spicy food, sour food.

Perfect Match: To her the perfect match would be someone she chose for herself, but as she can't do that... she'd settle for someone who she could trust, and whom made her smile. Someone who looked past the strong front she puts up, and sees the painful, guilt-ridden, idealistic girl within. The chances of that, she figures, are close to zero.

Other: She wants to have, if not complete freedom, more than she does now, and this dream is actually born from the wonder of a book which told of a world where people made their own choices for the important things. Unfortunately she has a realistic view of things, knowing that as much as she wished something like that could happen... she'd be alone. A librarian with a position at a local archery club, her time is mostly spent alone. She and her brother have two pet cats, one white and the other black. The white cat is named Yue, and belongs to Kurogane, and the black is named Hoshi, belonging to Shirogane. She has a phobia of fire.

Name: Shirogane Yozora

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: Picture, Dark-blue eyes

Personality: He is quiet, and unlike his younger sister he never smiles. Quiet, calm, and sensitive he is the only one who knows that his sister takes every insult to her seriously, and the only one she has ever cried around. Though he is intelligent and good at computer work, his true talent lies in hacking. As his sister he chose to wish for a better world, but only works towards it when Kurogane asks him to do something for her... it would be too easy to trace him otherwise.

History: The loss of their family resulted in the then always-smiling, brave Shirogane choosing to bury his emotions, only showing them when in relation to his sister. Discovering a talent for hacking he started spending all of his time, that not spent on swimming or running, on the computer... learning both how to hack and how to program, planning on using the second for a cover. And then he realized that he loved both, so he did both, often hacking into his sister's computer just for the fun of it... until he almost got caught. Since then he's been much more calm and rational about it.

Likes: Programming, hacking, traditional meals, and taking care of his younger sister.

Dislikes: Meaningless talk, being emotional, smiling, loud people or things.

Perfect Match: He highly doubts there is a perfect match for him, if only because he doesn't show affection very often.In his deepest pits he had a dream of a woman who would put up with him, and maybe get him out of this reactionary shell, or whom would at least persist long enough to get under his skin. Not that he thought of how annoyed he would get from that...

Other: He has a black cat named Hoshi. He also is a Hikkomori, someone who doesn't want to leave his house ever. The only person who can get him to do so is his sister at the moment.


The twins

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0906e4db_TwinsMatched.jpg.327dca4a8c372fe9b3bf786011a1a00f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0906e4db_TwinsMatched.jpg.327dca4a8c372fe9b3bf786011a1a00f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Dante Wolfe

Gender: M

Age: 25

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/19a844d3f13b7402229ca5dd7139b2f8.jpg.d9d2876fe4b94aec611fb031bb6ce618.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/19a844d3f13b7402229ca5dd7139b2f8.jpg.d9d2876fe4b94aec611fb031bb6ce618.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Dante is a rather thoughtful person, never the one to judge too harshly on the material thing however he won't hesistate to point out specific things such as a persons fear, pet peeve or objective for something. He is also very observant and a bit of an oddball when compared to others due to his belief that peoples reactions are twice as good as their actions because when people react on the spot there is little to no time to put on a facade or spew a lie, its pure and honest. His untrusting attitude and passsion for honesty drive him to amuse himself by playing tricks on people and making up riddles or puns.

History: He's been independant since the age of 16 when he was emancipated. His passion for honesty and distrust for people developed from his home life prior to his emancipation. His father was a cheater and paraded many women through the house when his mother was away on business trips. His mother was a compulsive liar and an attention whore, always exaggerating things and causing drama. The years after his emancipation were spent dwelling on his career as an author and honing in his skill and love of plays on words.

Likes: Calling people out on their lies, watching people, honesty, words, books, coffee, squirrels, big dogs, cake, potatoes, rainy days, poetry

Dislikes: Lies, oblivious people, naivity, laws, bland things and people, spiders, people who complain but do not work to fix what they complain about.

Perfect Match: Someone who shares his views and won't lie to him. Someone who is strong willed and direct and knows themselves well and clearly states their dislikes and likes. A person who is intelligent, literate, has a great personality and is loyal.

Other: Has a Great Dane named Poncho and a Saint Bernard named Ludwig. Hes also fluent in 5 languages



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Name: Neshimo N. Achimu

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Birthday: May 19 (Threw it in there just cause I'm late =q= & wanna do extra to make up for it)


A dyed red hair, wishing to be away from the norm, his natural hair color a dark brown shade. His eyes reflect colors in different lighting, as they can appear more gray than anything at most times, it a bright like his eyes will appear more blue, while in the dark, if you can see them would be seen a bit greener. His skin can become easily tanned from too much time in the sun, though for staying inside most of the time, his skin can quickly become paler from cold weather. Physically, he's not buff, at all. In fact, the strongest part of him would be his legs from just constant running in the morning. A lover of hoodies, the colors range from all mixes too all types. Also, his clothing tends too be on the more casual kind, wishing to be comfortable where ever he is.

Personality:Bred from one place too another from a series of Unfortunate events, his personality tends to be more social than reclusive, for the want of knowledge. Of how too make a loving relationship last, instead of being passed from home too home & through the governments services over & over again. He's a romantic, who uses lines, the littlest details in clothing, jewelry, etc, too make sparks fly in the eyes of all. Dazzling would be a correct word for when he's looking for the one, & when found whether short or long term, is sure too keep the excitement there through all the various activities he's grown to cultivate over the years. He's been known too also have an adaptive personality, meaning depending on who he's talking too, he can either become a calmer type, or if needed, fun, sarcastic, anything too lighten a mood. If it can't, he'd give space or press too the point of being trusted enough with the problem.

History:A child born into a broken home, the mother being caught cheating on the father, & just after a divorce settlement being born, it wasn't easy being raised by one couple in one home, & another in the other home from Dual custody. Having an entire set of friends one year, & another set the next, he would watch fights, make ups, jokes, being tossed between both of his mothers & fathers. So, curious he'd ask them "Why did you fall in love?" The vague answers given would drive his want too know what makes love happen. He'd learn too play the Guitar & Piano, dye his hair constantly too see what fit best with him, find out what 'White Knighting' & 'Pick Up Artist' were. He'd start running more after seeing that everyone liked fast runners in elementary school, learn too try & avoid conflict in middle school, & holding your won with words. He'd learn that being a good student, having good grades, was the key too being popular in high-school, or at least get people to acknowledge your work, & slipping a compliment or sarcastic joke would make you well known. With practicing, he'd found that, usually, this worked.

Just what kind of things too say too a girl, & while growing up, got plenty of good & bad experiences. All on the short term side though, he'd seen that the girls would always find a reason too not like him, for that reason he'd become a Adaptable Romantic.Not one wanting too Play a girl into his arms for one night, he'd wish too find someone that triggered his love as well, as he'd done too so many others, & settle with them, yet of course it wasn't that easy. All of a sudden, he'd been recognized by his government, in order for them too set up someone compatible for him, & after filling out said work, he'd be known apparently, too be a great subject for the experiment.

Likes: Romance, Guitar, Piano, Baking, Running, Loyalty, Reading, Honesty, Respect.

Dislikes: Dishonesty & Spiders<----(All my characters have an extreme dislike for spiders if you couldn't tell. I've hated them all my life...)

Perfect Match: A Quote-( You were the one I found didn't you? You didn't care if I was some big shot, some pick up artist, some smart guy who thought he was better than everyone. You wanted nothing to do with me, yet here you are with me, & I love that about you. That you took the time too get too know me first, too not just keep me too show off to friends, or for the gifts I'd give, not even just because you were bored, which you really were. You are with me because you, & I love you as well, Lovely).

Other: Others well...I guess one could say, he can get a bit...annoying when you make him upset. He rarely does, but when he is, it's a rampage that doesn't stop until every china shop is destroyed. Lie too him, there will be a consequence which might make you feel, well, amazingly depressed.

Harley and Shirogane Yozora

Kurogane Yozora and Jake Thornton

Dante Wolfe and Lunetta

Neshimo N. Achimu and Dyr Baskytte

Kalista Herondale and Cedric Robillard

Ryhidian Moores and Ciara (@twilight sparkle your girl)
Name: Ciara kudo (not married)



Appearance: caramel tan skin, hazel eyes, long silky black hair that curls at the ends, usually wears her comfy clothes which is her random tees and some jeans and converses. Ciara volunteers at the library and animal shelter. Wears glasses only for reading other than that 20/20 vision.

Personality:very upbeat, loves to sketch or bake and just be around animals. She has spunk and is known to make even the crankiest person smile. Kind to all, doesn't like stereotyping at all. Will defend friends and loved ones. Never.ever.EVER! If you have a death

Likes:chocolate, dancing, sweet, cute cuddly things, READING, and baking.

Dislikes:horror movies, unless it's horror anime then she can handle it. Don't ask. Guys who are bossy and no fun. Bullies and she loathes animal abusers.

Perfect match:someone who will make her laugh, put up with her nerd talk and loves cooking and animals!

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