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Realistic or Modern Matched (Closed)

Evangeline looked at him and nodded slightly. "What is your favorite novel?"she asked, curiously. She wasn't really in to reading unless it completely grabbed her attention.
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
"Ooh. Ive actually heard of that book. Ive been wanting to read it for a long time, but I just forgot about it until now."she said and looked around at the other socializing.
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
"Yeah I'll let you do that. But have it be a fun one. Because that wouldn't be compromising if it didn't involve anything risky."she said and returned his smile.
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
"I am NOT making out with you in a bathroom," he said firmly. "Or whatever it is people do in clubs. I've only read about it."
Evangeline's eyes widened a little bit and she shook her head. "I never said anything about making out in the bathroom..."she said. "And this is exactly why you gotta get out more. Some clubs hardly have that."she said
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
Evangeline chuckled and shook her head. "No..im saying that some clubs don't have make out sessions in bathrooms."she said. "Im pretty sure all clubs have bathrooms."she added.
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
"More than likely. Im not one to pay attention to inappropriate things in public. I usually try to brush it off as much as possible."she explained and smiled. Evangeline barely noticed that the next song was about to play. The people cleared the dance floor for the others. She looked back at him and spoke again. "Wanna take a break and watch the others dance? Or would you like to continue? Its up to you though, I don't mind either option."she stated.
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
"Doesn't get much more inappropriate then about to do the nasty in a public bathroom," he agreed. He tilted his head at her question, and shrugged. "Might as well keep on dancing. What else are we going to do?"
He smiled and waited until the next song before he started dancing with her again. "So, did you enjoy school?"
Evangeline shrugged. "I guess it was okay. I only hung out with 1 friend, since thats all I had then. All we did was go to classes and whenever we could, get out of school and hang out by the river next to it."she said and smiled. "What about you, did you like school?"she asked
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
"No, not really," he said. "Does anyone? At least I didn't try to skip classes or anything. My mom would have killed me."
Evangeline nodded. "I never skipped as well since we only got out when we were allowed to. But my mom would have been the same way if I ever tried to ditch."she said
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
Roran felt his feet starting to ache, but he should probably finish dancing to this song. "What was your favorite subject?"
"Art if that counts. Believe me, I did excel at the necessities. Reading, Mathematics...but I was more into the arts. I like working with pastels, paints, canvases, portraits, symbolism and such. What was yours?"she asked
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
"Science," he told her. "Chemistry, more specifically. Being able to mix different chemicals and get a reaction was... Thrilling. Plus, I memorized the entire periodic table, in order. Wanna hear?" he teased
"You memorized the whole thing? I couldn't even get through the first 3 rows without screwing up."she said, surprised by how he could actually memorize them all. "Sure. I wanna hear this."she said and waited
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
He cleared his throat. "Gonna give you the atomic number and the Atomic symbol as well. 1 Hydrogen H 2 Helium He 3 Lithium Li 4 Beryllium Be 5 Boron B 6 Carbon C 7 Nitrogen N 8 Oxygen O 9 Fluorine F 10 Neon Ne 11 Sodium (Natrium) Na 12 Magnesium Mg 13 Aluminium 14 Silicon Si 15 Phosphorus P 16 Sulfur 17 Chlorine Cl 19 Potassium K 18 Argon Ar 20 Calcium Ca 21 Scandium Sc 22 Titanium Ti 23 Vanadium V... Do I need to go on?"
Evangeline smiled and shook her head. "No you don't have to. I can tell you got them all down."she said and chuckled a little bit.
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay
Roran gave her a lopsided grin. "I got teased a lot when I was younger because of how well I could remember things. It's a stupid thing to pick on someone about, but they did it."
Raising her eyebrow slightly, she shook her head. "Thats the most dumbest reason to tease someone. And I've heard a lot of dumb reasons before."she said
MorganaLeFay MorganaLeFay

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