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Fantasy Masters of Lore!

Masters of Fusion!

  • The world is a dangerous place with monsters around every corner. They have fangs, claws and even tendrils that will cause the meek to faint with just a glimpse. They have existed just as long as we have and they thrive in every environment. Some of them even have powers that can twist reality itself with ease. But, luckily we are not defenseless. Humans have also been gifted with unique powers that allow them to achieve a great deal of feats! While every human is born with some sort of gift, only the most trained can make the most out of their powers. The two opposing forces, human and monster have been equal for time unending, but that fragile balance would not exist forever.

    In an event that would later be known as the Surge, the monsters powers were drastically increased. Prior to the Surge a human could take on a monster alone and have a good chance to come out victorious After the Surge, a single human winning against a monster became an impossible feat. Humanity is being pushed to the very brink of extinction. Smaller cities vanished over night, their survivors having no choice but to immigrate to Alturas, the most fortified city in the world. The city rapidly began expanding to accommodate the migrants, but even they would soon fall if the monsters were allowed to run around uncontested.

    The mayor of Alturas prayed for an answer, anything that will help her and her people push back the evil forces at their gates. The women was granted one in the form of a feat called fusion. With fusion, two people or more can become one. Their powers would be combined and magnified to create a terrifying force that even monsters should fear. But, the idea of fusion is one that has only been recently conceptualized. Due to this the mayor opted to create a college where people can study and train in the art of fusion. That school would later be known as the College of Arcadia, where heros have gathered to unite against the creepy crawlies at their doorstep.

District 1

This is the richest district in all of Alturas and it is also home of the college of Arcadia. The scene is painted with intricately crafted buildings brimming with gold and silver. It is also here where you will find the finest cuisine in all of the world. Crime here is nonexistent, the police force would arrive within seconds should there be a significant disturbance. Nobles feel safe brandishing their cash and flaunting their wealth without feeling like they are in significant danger. It is also the location of the mayor's office and town hall. This is the cities heart and backbone.

District 2

District 2 is where most of the middle-class citizens lay their heads. There are various apartment complexes and other housing units for the citizens to make use of. The area is well-taken care of and the roads and sidewalks are refurbished. However, the age of the surrounding buildings is very obvious. This is where Altura was founded, most of the buildings you can find here are decades old. It is also home to various restaurants such as cluckin-bell. There are many public events held here, like the annual carnival and the circus where the youth of Alutras tend to spend a lot of their time.

District 3

The contrast between the other two districts is one that becomes apparent in a single glance. There is liter scattered across the roads and the buildings appear to be badly damaged. Monsters have been regularly making their way in to the cities wall and district three is the most vulnerable due to its proximity to the outside world. People only live here because they have to, due to housing options in other cities being filled. Most of the citizens here are migrants from destroyed cities and villages looking for shelter. Despite the constant risk of devastation, it is still safer than living on their lonesome.

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