Master and Student (The Master x AnnelieseBeilschmidt)

Rika made her way through the bustling city of Rome in the country of Italy. She was traveling home from work one evening after a long exhausting day of college and work. With two projects to finish for her business class, she also had to balance work with it. Running her own business wasn't easy, especially with it being next to the university.

Not being far from her penthouse apartment, Rika slipped through the alley way to take a shortcut. She always did this coming home from work, it being the safest way without hitting a mob of muggers.
Lupas stepped in front of Rika. "Hey, it's dangerous to walk home alone you know." Lupas' intentions were good, despite him looking a little aggressive. His ears and tail were hidden well enough so no one would be able to figure out what he was. "Want me to escort you?" Lupas asked, holding out his hand.
Rika took a step back for one moment, looking the man over. Her grip tightened on her bag she carried over her arm and asked him concerned," That's nice but who are you? I hope you aren't trying to cause trouble for me. " Her blue eyes went serious upon hearing people behind her. It was that bunch from 50th Street who had been rumored to mugging innocent people at this time of night.

Having no choice, Rika took his hand and began to walk with him slowly," Never mind that we can talk on the way. I'd rather not stay in one spot for too long. "
Lupas smiled, showing his wolf fangs a bit. "Alright then, lead the way" He grinned as he walked with you. "I am Lupas by the way." He looked into the girl's eyes.
She smiled gently at Lupas answering with a more relaxed tone," I'm Rika. Thank you for walking me home. I really should learn to start taking a cab. Much safer that way. So why did you offer to walk me? I don't normally get strangers asking me if they will escort me to my apartment. " Rika's eyes stared into his for the longest time then turning her head away to focus on walking.

They walked through the more quiet part of town enjoying the silence as they traveled.

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