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Fandom Mass Effect: Salvation

Ahara said:
i recently read up on volus biology and culture and all that jazz and wow. They are quite interesting. I would like to ask if the rooms for each squad member are made to accommodate their biological needs cuz damn do volus have those. Apparently their core temperature is -296 degrees farenheit. Also how will Dak get food because "All volus food is consumed raw, or at least, 'cooked' in a marinade, at best. Heating food with fire would instantly burn most of their foods to a crisp" lol. Just my OCD for lore kicking in
Hmm, let me know if this works:

Volus are handy businessmen and very acutely oriented to the needs of other volus, one company created an installable atmosphere chamber for comfortable sleeping. Like an envirobed. With a walk-in transition chamber that can match either the outside temp and air composition (I know they breathe something like Amonia?) or the Volus-friendly settings. It will make the room a bit smaller. The counter tops are all lower, as are the shelves and the equipment closet is equipped with a ladder built into the side of the wall.

Basically, some smart, entrepreneurial volus somewhere solved these problems and made a profit from it. As a result the items for all a volus' needs are purchasable.
Peaceswore said:
I just like to say this is probably one the only RPs that I have given three post in a row that each consist of more than four paragraphs and each paragraph having more than five lines. I don't even struggle to post them, not to mention each of the post are done one a daily basis rather than weeks apart, gods it feels nice to write something I enjoy this much without hassle. *begs I can keep this up, because it's felt like ages since I last did this*
I get 'em right occasionally ;)
SilverFlight said:
Hmm, let me know if this works:
Volus are handy businessmen and very acutely oriented to the needs of other volus, one company created an installable atmosphere chamber for comfortable sleeping. Like an envirobed. With a walk-in transition chamber that can match either the outside temp and air composition (I know they breathe something like Amonia?) or the Volus-friendly settings. It will make the room a bit smaller. The counter tops are all lower, as are the shelves and the equipment closet is equipped with a ladder built into the side of the wall.

Basically, some smart, entrepreneurial volus somewhere solved these problems and made a profit from it. As a result the items for all a volus' needs are purchasable.
sounds perfect haha
[QUOTE="Anthony Davis]CONTROL

How did that work out for you? I never went control
I didn't download the Director's Cut so I had to use my imagination. I had gone Paragon so I imagine Shepard used his control to use the Reapers in a positive way.
Ok, ending rant time xD

Dude, any ending you chose...ugh it was just so lazy, and didn't align with anything in the story...They'd basically introduced synthetic life in 2 separate ways and lead up to say that coexistence was possible (Geth and EDI) and then in the end they don't even bother to explain why coexistence would never be possible. Nope, just, this weird, hypocritical glow-y kid pops outta nowhere and tells you to just accept it, and you have to (what kind of choice is that exactly?). It was 1. blow up all synthetics, 2. control reapers and maybe they won't turn on us again 3. combine everything into really unsettling hybrids...They all sucked. What I really don't get was, the catalyst admitted it was wrong, that Shepard deviated from its original predictions, but you STILL don't get to have an ideal solution.

In my mind accepting any one of those 3 went against everything they tried to build Shepard up to be. And call me a purist, but the no boss thing was 7 shades of lame...k I'm done :3
I know everyone's played the game, call it habit.
Defending the missile battery might as well have been the final boss fight. That shit was so frustrating especially on the higher difficulties.
[QUOTE="Anthony Davis]Defending the missile battery might as well have been the final boss fight. That shit was so frustrating especially on the higher difficulties.

Granted, but...it never really had that true feeling of triumph...there was no death sequence, no truly gratifying explosions. Their Icarus-ian ideas on what was best for the game fell utterly short at the end in every respect...in my opinion anyway..
SilverFlight said:
Granted, but...it never really had that true feeling of triumph...there was no death sequence, no truly gratifying explosions. Their Icarus-ian ideas on what was best for the game fell utterly short at the end in every respect...in my opinion anyway..
Gotta agree with ya, I love mass effect to no end but even I was pretty mad at that ending. What really made me mad is without the directors cut it looks like the two team mates you had with you just up and die when you charge at the beam thing. I was hoping for like an epic battle against Harbinger, pinning him into a body and then killing him sending the reapers in chaos or something! *sigh* But the game itself was great so I somewhat (not really) forgive for the ending. Though honestly the thing that made me sad/mad was how they killed Thane off! Suuuure it was heroic but epic assassin dying in bed in a hospital just....arggggh
Peaceswore said:
Gotta agree with ya, I love mass effect to no end but even I was pretty mad at that ending. What really made me mad is without the directors cut it looks like the two team mates you had with you just up and die when you charge at the beam thing. I was hoping for like an epic battle against Harbinger, pinning him into a body and then killing him sending the reapers in chaos or something! *sigh* But the game itself was great so I somewhat (not really) forgive for the ending. Though honestly the thing that made me sad/mad was how they killed Thane off! Suuuure it was heroic but epic assassin dying in bed in a hospital just....arggggh
The only death I will accept as contributing to the plot in a meaningful way is Mordin. The others just seemed like they wanted fans to be miserable, they were unjustified and unwanted. Bloody sadists. Why tf would you kill off one (only one) romance option? That just makes one portion if the fandom feel like shit.
SilverFlight said:
The only death I will accept as contributing to the plot in a meaningful way is Mordin. The others just seemed like they wanted fans to be miserable, they were unjustified and unwanted. Bloody sadists. Why tf would you kill off one (only one) romance option? That just makes one portion if the fandom feel like shit.
Thane Krios was my favorite by a mile Garrus close second. It was shitty enough he was dying from that dieses but gods was I really sadden when they just offed him like that. I know he was suppose to die anyway because of his sickness, but damn. I was really hoping we could have gone one more round you know? Like he would have been a teammate for a time then shepard and the others got in a bad situation and then he died because he attempted and did save shepard. Not because some assassin killed him off for protecting a stuck up council member. I think even if it was just one mission it would have been slightly better closure in a way.
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Hanjizoe said:
Hey can I join?
Also has anyone heard about the new mass effect?
Yerp still open~ Be sure to read the rules to this RP

and yessssssssh The hype for me and likely the others is real xD
I wont be able to post until later today. Sorry, i just started a new weekend job so I've been pretty busy
okay so I was reading through all this and I was about to cry because I was so sure you were closed then I saw Hanjizone's question and I'm so pumped.....you're uh.... not closed right??? Because I have a physical need to join this RP

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