Mass Effect: Dissension


The Clown Prince
Thirty years ago, in what was the most destructive conflict the galaxy has ever witnessed, Commander Shepard liberated organic life forever from the threat of the synthetic monsters known as the Reapers. However, despite the improbable victory, trillions of lives were lost across every star system, economies were reduced to shambles and countless refugees had to start their lives over again.
After the dust had settled, the galaxy was teetering on the edge of complete collapse. Trillions of credits were spent on fixing the damaged mass relays, leaving many without jobs, shelter or infrastructure. While political arguments raged on Council worlds, the Terminus System and far-out colonies broke out into full-scale riots and civil wars. In the chaos, pirates, criminals and terrorists increased their power.

Thirty years after the war, the situation across the galaxy remains unstable. Council species and influential planets are beginning to return to pre-war condition, but territorial disputes and racial distrust have returned with a still decimated turian military unable to keep the peace. In these turbulent times, powerful figures will emerge to coalesce power and change their corner of the galaxy forever.
Greetings everyone, and welcome to Mass Effect: Dissension. This RP is a bit different, in that each player controls an entire faction and any applicable persons of interest within rather than controlling a single person. Since each player is in control of diplomats, generals and heads of state, they are essentially in control of every aspect of their faction. Said factions can be a species, a criminal organization or powerful independent planet - whatever you want. For further instruction, check out the rules tab.
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