Mass Effect: Dissension


The Clown Prince

This is the faction sheet. It must be filled out and approved by me before you are able to play.

Faction Name:


Head of Faction:

Capital (if applicable):


Style of government:
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Faction Name: The Asari Republics

Based upon Thessia

Head of Faction:
Matriarch Ralessa Belil, current Council representative

Capital (if applicable):

For a long time before interstellar travel, the asari governed themselves primarily in large, but separate republics dotting Thessia. Each government traded and communicated freely, seeking to understand each other and only rarely engaging in conflict. Only with the advent of electronic communication, however, did the city-states finally grow close and eventually form into a single entity under one government.

Aside from their representative upon the Citadel council, asari government is highly fluid. No politicians or elections are used, rather citizens are able to use official chatrooms and forums moderated by specialized VIs to discuss and come to a consensus on all manners of policy. These discussions take place at all hours of the day and thus law is subject to frequent tweaking.

The asari military is fluid, varying from locale to locale. Communities organize their own militias according to their own needs. Those in military service are known as huntresses and have, on average, 20 to 30 years of training in martial arts and combat tactics. Asari commandos, the very most powerful and experienced huntresses, form the elite of the military, usually serving in the largest cities of the asari's many plaents. While asari ground teams are deadly against individuals or small groups, they are not as viable in typical firefights as a krogan or turian squad might be and thus are not capable of fighting a conventional war. Asari will instead focus their efforts on guerrilla strikes upon an enemy, demoralizing and eventually overcoming them through ambush, assassination, and infiltration.

The asari navy is one of the most formidable in the galaxy. Currently, they have 23 active dreadnoughts, the most impressive of which is the Destiny Ascension, three times the size of the largest human vessel and boasting as much firepower as the rest of the asari fleet combined. While they possess many powerful dreadnoughts, the asari fleet typically prefers to employ frigates and fighters, carrying over the mindset that of a smaller, more nimble group being more desirable than slower, but more powerful units.

Style of government:

Faction Name: The Terminus Empire

Location: Eastern fourth of the Terminus Systems

Head of Faction: His highness Emperor Teronus Nero

Capital (if applicable): Aite, with plans to move to Illium

History: The Terminus Systems were utterly decimated during the Reaper War. Entire populations were massacred or harvested by the Reapers, and economic structures were reduced to rubble and ash. The few who survived did so by waging guerrilla warfare or fleeing to Citadel space. Once the Reapers were defeated, there was a mad rush to re-colonize the Terminus, a new beginning. However, this era did not begin with hope, but with turmoil and bloodshed. Civil wars and slaver raids were more frequent than ever, turning most of the Terminus into an anarchic hell. But one man dared to change the status quo forever.

Teronus Nero, a turian military commander from the Altakiril colony, retired soon after the Reaper War despite his various honors and achievements. He was disgruntled with the Hierarchy and the Council's rebuilding efforts, and became an independent warlord coalescing power on a few planets in the Terminus. Teronus was ruthless and cunning, quickly assimilating or annihilating rival warlords or gangs and forming a centralized government of his own. Eventually, in 2202 AD, Teronus had conquered an unprecedented amount of territory - a fifth of the Terminus! - and declared himself Emperor of the Terminus Empire.

At first, many were skeptical of the empire. It was thought that Teronus was a madman, or a bloodthirsty dictator, and that his imperial ambitions would fall apart within decade's end. He proved his critics wrong, and with the help of his loyal troops, established his imperial capital on the planet of Aite. Currently, he governs sternly but fairly a fourth of the Terminus. Though an autocrat who has the final say in all matters, Teronus allows each planetary system a limited amount of independence. As long as local laws do not conflict with imperial law, they may govern themselves under the watch of cluster governors. In addition, unless given as a executive order by the emperor, laws are drafted by the Imperial Parliament, whose members are appointed - usually democratically - by each planet.

Style of government: Autocratic Empire
The Bloodwatch

Location: North of the Far Rim in Terminus

Head of Faction: Judgement

Capital: Mining Colony B22, Arterium

History: The Bloodwatch are a group of soldiers and specialists, usually up for hire when terror strikes the galaxy. They're also considered a faction, though, as they own multiple planets, and have towns and cities on them. They were formed a very long time ago, by their leader known only as "Judgement", and have been very active in recent decades. They're famous for supporting the defense of Terminus during the Reaper War, and for supporting numerous factions during the Terminus Rush. The Bloodwatch's planets were indeed also invaded by the Reapers, but many factions would lend their support after the Bloodwatch aided them as well. Not without loss, the Bloodwatch repelled the Reapers until their annihilation, losing about 50% of their working civilians. However, with the rehabilitation of Terminus, Bloodwatch received many people eager to look for work and a place to settle.

Since then, Bloodwatch has been growing. There are around one hundred thousand within Bloodwatch, spread out across their planets in different headquarters. Their leader, Judgement, sends word to them by communicating with his second-in-command, the Advisor, who informs them of Judgement's will. This creates an air of mystery about Judgement, as no one knows exactly what he looks like, or what he sounds like, but only that he is referred to be male by the Advisor.

To improve relations, many Bloodwatch Ambassadors were sent to numerous factions to perhaps strike deals, and keep an eye on the movements of each faction. Bloodwatch has no need for war, but doesn't need one starting near their land either. However, if there is a war between two factions, Bloodwatch is eager to put themselves up for hire.

Style of government: Constitutional Republic
Faction Name: S.M.N. (Sovereign Migratory Nation)

Location: Nomadic, primarily the Veil

Head of Faction: Public Face: Zaemma'Vaalin vas Zeraka; True leader: Breakaway Geth

Capital (if applicable): The Conclave (their flagship)

History: After the threat of the Reapers had passed, most Geth retreated back into the Veil out of precaution. They didn't want to be associated with the Old Machines and the negativity that came along with it, but due to their sentience, neither did they wish to be completely isolated from the rest of the galaxy. Subtly, cautiously, a faction of the Geth began probing for sympathetic organics in the galaxy to aid them in their desire to become a fully fledged part of the rest of civilization.

Utilizing their knowledge and capabilities to the fullest, the breakaway Geth became backstage economic moguls and political figures. They contribute money, technical knowledge, and, occasionally, hardware to projects they deem humanitarian and benefiting of life as a whole. These Geth use their organic followers as faces whenever a direct conversation or meeting is required.

Style of government: Commune. Decisions are reached by consensus among the programs, and then orders are handed down to any organics that serve under them.
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Accepted, both of them. But Moss, you should specify that only some geth are part of your nation. I'd assume many would choose to stay on Rannoch with the quarians.

Scion's of the Outer Rim

Outer Edges of the Terminus System

Head of Faction:

Arc-System REGALIS

Capital (if applicable):

Starship Revalius


Approximately 8,000 years ago, the virtual aliens faced an imminent crisis: their homeworld's star was about to go supernova. To survive, the virtual aliens built a starship equipped with a network of supercomputers. One billion virtual aliens transferred their consciousnesses into the supercomputers, which contained an entire virtual world for them to inhabit for the duration of the crisis. With a purpose-built AI piloting the ship and maintaining the virtual world, the virtual aliens departed their home system and began a millennia-long sojourn across the galaxy.

In 2185 CE, the virtual aliens' starship entered the salarian-inhabited Antilin system. The starship's AI sought help as the energy source keeping the ship and the virtual world running was dwindling. When the "ghost ship" was first detected by the salarians, it was initially thought to be the vanguard of a geth attack because it emitted strong AI heuristics. Contact between the galaxy and the AI was first established by the famed human exobiologist Dr. Jordan Detweiler, who boarded the ship to communicate with the AI, learning of both the virtual world and the energy problem. The Citadel Council, wary of the threat posed by the AI, was prepared to rule against aiding the ship, placing the virtual world and the lives of its inhabitants in jeopardy. Alarmed, Detweiler entered the virtual world to warn the virtual aliens. Detweiler returned with an offer to the Council: the virtual aliens would trade their advanced technology in exchange for help. A veil of secrecy was immediately erected by the Council and matters involving the ship were classified top-secret.

One month later, it was revealed that a representative of the virtual aliens, Ambassador Sygan, had been using Dr. Detweiler's body to visit the Citadel to speak with the Council. After explaining the situation in a press conference, Sygan asked for asylum from the Council, stating that she is one of many of her race who wish to leave the virtual world. When the question of what would happen to Dr. Detweiler, whose mind remained in the virtual world, arose, a volunteer offered to take on Sygan's mind in Detweiler's place. After this was announced, some 400 individuals from various races also stepped forward to swap places with other virtual aliens.

Currently those virtual aliens with human bodies inhabit the far edges of the Terminus systems along with small groups of breakaway geth. They are divided in to two main groups, researchers and warriors. The virtual aliens are skilled engineers and with their human bodies capable of powerful biotics making their warriors, the Sentinels, especially dangerous.

Style of government:

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Accepted! We're getting there folks. Might want to begin discussing the relationships of our factions.

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