Mason Lake College - Summer Break

Luna woke up and looked at the clock. It was already past the time for the bonfire, "crap!" She hopped up out of bed and went and took a quick 5 minute shower. She through on a black bra top and a see through top over that and a pair of shorts. She quickly through up her hair in a ponytail and did a quick job of make-up. Luna looked in the mirror decided she looked good enough. Luna hopped in her vehicle and heading down to the bonfire. Excitement she started to speed. Luna finally got there and went to grab a beer. Finally she's been craving one these sense she got to the damn school.



Luke simply nodded in response to Amelia. He had noticed other people coming and wanted to involve them, too. Luke stood up, grabbing beers and passing them to the newcomers. He smiled at Ali and Lydia. Since he knew Lydia, this party may be a bit easier to throw. Lydia was more social and she could keep the others talking while anyone else could just get drunk.

Lydia smiled and rushed over by Luke. She gave him a quick hug, grabbing a wine cooler from over his shoulder. Lydia took a seat on the other side of Ali. She smiled once more at Luke before turning to face Ali and look at the others. "I'm Lydia," she spoke confidently, turning to flash each person a smile in the process.
Ali looked at the boy and girl who sat next to her. "Hi Keagaaan and Mylieee." She droned their names out and giggled, opening her beer. "I'm Ali." She flashed them a big smile that soon turned into more giggles. She took a big gulp of the beer.
Mylie and Keagan took the beers from Luke and then popped them open drinking them at the same time. They sometimes did thing at the same time. It was creepy how in sync they were with eachother.
Luna smiled and showed the guy that was giving them out drinks that she already had one. She smiled when she saw her roommate, Mylie. "Hey Myle!" She went over and sat by her, "I'm Luna!" She was happy to finally be able to meet some people from her school. She looked over at the guy (Luke) who was handing out drinks. 'He's cute' she thought.
Mylie smiled brightly at her roommate, "Sup Luna?" She said taking another drink Keagan sat quietly Drinking his beer he never had talked much until he was spoke to. Mylie watched the fire listening to others conversations. Thinking her own opinion on the subject.
Ali watched the people around her talking and almost pulled out her phone, a habit she did when she was bored. But she decided not to turn anyone away while texting, so she kept it in her pocket and stood up. She decided to introduce herself to Luke, the party-thrower. Lydia also told her that he was the supplier, so maybe she should get to know him so he could hook her up with drugs and alcohol. She walked over to him and sat on the ground. "You're Luke right?" She smiled. "I'm Ali."
Luke looked over and down at Ali. He smiled softly, "Yup. That's my name." Luke took a few gulps of beer before tossing the bottle in a metal garbage can he brought. He wondered for a moment if anyone else was going to show but maybe people were just not up for it yet. Luke focused his attention back on Ali. "Ali? Is that short for something?"

Lydia watched the others talk, sipping the wine cooler slowly. She didn't know anyone else besides Luke and Ali but figured no was the time to make friends. Lydia walked over to the metal can, tossing her empty bottle away. She reached for another wine cooler, looking over at Keagan. Lydia took the bottle and walked over to him. "Hey... I'm Lydia," she said softly.

(Gonna try to tag everyone else again... xxxNiquexxx , Lovely Bones , ForgottenBlood , Coedy , tsukikokimiko , Nalakitty01 , Jon_14 , ArtisticKwittyKat234 , Lori Williams )
Ali smiled when Luke looked at her. "Yeah." She took a sip of her beer then smiled at him again. "Alison." Ali took another sip then looked at Luke and repeated his exact words back to him. "Luke? Is that short for something?"
Luke smiled, chuckling a bit when she repeated what he had asked. "Yeah," he took another sip, glancing at his hands before looking back to her. "Lucas." He thought Ali was pretty cute but he wasn't one to jump into things. The girl he talked to earlier was cute, too though and he wanted to keep an open mind for at least the first week of summer.
"Cute." Ali smiled at Luke. "Soo..." She ran out of things to talk about, and the conversation had just started. Ali looked down at her nails, which were painted black, and started chipping away the polish on her thumb. She looked back up at him. "So I heard you supplied Lydia with weed." She looked back down at her nails then back up at him. "It was gooood. Think you could supply me with some?" She took another sip of her beer.
Luke took another slow swallow, glancing over at Lydia. He looked back over at Ali. "Thanks, I actually grow it myself," he smiled lightly. "I suppose I could do that..." Luke wasn't one to ask for much when it came to weed. He never made friends pay for it because it was so easy to get, for him at least.
"Really?" Ali took a gulp of her beer, finishing it off, then looked into his eyes. "How much does it cost?" She smiled, grabbing another drink from a cooler behind her.
Luke shook his head, finishing off yet another beer. "I don't need money. I have plenty of people who buy. Friends get special benefits." He spoke simply but kindly. Luke smiled at her, tossing the empty bottle into the garbage. He rubbed his face lightly with his hands, trying to tell if he wanted another beer or needed to wait it out. If he drank too quickly, he got weird and usually rude.
"Oh so we're friends." Ali giggled. She wanted to be more than friends, but she didn't know how to approach it. She opened her second beer and took another sip. Ali looked at Lydia, she was talking to some guy. "So are you single?" She didn't make eye contact with him. She usually wasn't shy and always looked in people's eyes, but she couldn't help it. He was hot.
Jared looked back at her and spoke casually. "Yeah, but I'm not into relationships at the moment." He reached his arms over his head, looking up at the sky. Luke dropped his arms down at his sides and shrugged. "You and Lydia are friends, I take it?"
((I think you meant Luke for your first word hahaha))

"Yeah..." Ali looked at Luke. "I mean we've only known each other for a few hours and we're pretty close..." She took a sip of her beer, and Ali felt a buzz coming on. "I mean we smoked weed together." She laughed.
Luna smiled, "Nothing!" She looked around and went to roast a marshmallow, the beer left a bitter taste in her mouth. Luna roasted the marshmallow in the fire and then ate the marshmallow. "Thats better!" she exclaimed. "Yummy!" Marshmallows always reminded her of the days when she was younger and they would go camping a lot!
Ali looked around at the other students sitting around the fire. The conversation was getting a bit dim and Ali was getting bored. She looked towards the lake, which was only a few feet away. "How about we go skinny dipping? What better way to get to know each other than to get to know each others bodies?" Ali giggled, knowing that a few people would be comfortable, and others uncomfortable. Then she would know who she wanted to be friends with.
Mylie smiled at Ali's idea "Im down!!" Keagan shuddered "Seeing my sister naked nooo thanks!!!" He said sipping his beer. Mylie looked around at others to see if they wanted to join in. She finished her beer and stood up waiting for everyone else to get up to join her and Ali she had a big grin on her face she had certain people she couldnt wait to see underneath!
"Come on Keagannn," Ali said, standing up. "You don't have to look at her. I mean you might see her but you don't have to look." She smiled. "And I know all the girls here want to see you naked." Ali winked.

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