Marvel Universe


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Character Sign up sheet (please refer to rules)

Name (alias):


Actual Name:

Custom or not?:



Biography (1-5 paragraphs):

City(if any):
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Name: Iron Man

Faction: Hero

Actual name: Anthony "Tony" Stark

Faction: hero

Custom or not? not custom

Personality: Kinda as a superiority complex, and is very full of himself. But, he is loyal.


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Biography: Living under the shadow of his father, Tony felt like he was being ignored. When his father died, he became the CEO of Stark Industries. During a trip to Afghanistan, a missile exploded close to him, causing shrapnel to be stuck into him. To save him, they created a magnet that keeps some shrapnel from entering his heart. He later improved the power source and created a suit, the Mark One. He made it back safely to America and stopped weapon production for the company. A friend of his, Obadiah Stain, strongly disagreed.

Stain later stole the Mark 1 suit and created the Iron Monger. Tony defeated him in a close fight that almost left him dead.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9985116_Ironman(1).jpg.8e8570bcf2150d675aff6d175cf59480.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9985116_Ironman(1).jpg.8e8570bcf2150d675aff6d175cf59480.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name (alias):Ghost Spider


Actual Name:Benjamin Harold Parker


Custom or not?:Custom

Personality:Time for play, and there is a time for work

Appearance:Modified spider-man 2099 suit

Biography (1-5 paragraphs):

It wasn’t long after Ben turned twelve that he realized he was different and had been born a mutant, both phasing through the bathroom stalls at school and disappearing from shear embarrassment of going into the girl’s room by accident. After school that day he told his parents in in tears, that was when the truth of his mother was finally revealed and his father made an unusual joke saying “Well Ben at least you didn’t stick to the wall too.” The joke was much less funny and made more sense 6 months later when he indeed did find himself on the ceiling after a bit of excitement caused him to jump much higher than normal. Then it was his fathers turn to fess up about his past life, also forbidding his son from taking up the family business predicting his sons thoughts.

When ben was sixteen his father’s word still held true and he had never used his powers aside from the few instances that he easily covered up. On the news one night the story of a new group of villains calling themselves the new Sinister Six, They had taken a hospital hostage demanding Spider-man. His father quickly got dressed to face them, ben told his dad he couldn’t handle them alone and needed him. The argument ended with peter leaving alone, the fight broke out on the news with Spider-man drastically losing. Unable to stand watching his father kill himself while he sits back, Ben looked to no avail for a spare costume eventually stopping by his Godfathers house who was much easier to convince. Wearing Miguel O’hara’s costume from the future, Ben went to catch up to his father only to find his lack of experience hurt his father more than helped him. In the end the six escaped fearing being captured leaving Spider-man bloody and dying, by the time the police arrived, his father was dead in his arms. Just like his father before him Ben learned that “With great power, there must also come great responsibility.”

Now keeping with his guilt of letting his father die and the responsibility he was left with. Ben has become known as the Ghost Spider, using both his father and Miguel’s technology he has made gauntlets that he uses for web shooters, communicator, holographic decoy and spider microscopic spider tracers that go into the bloodstream through retractable “talons.” He spent two years training and hunting the six responsible for his father’s death wearing Miguel’s suit modified to a black and white color scheme.

City(if any):New York
Name (alias): Shadowpulse

Actual Name: Darren James Creed

Faction: Undecided. (More of an Anti - Hero, like Deadpool or Deathstroke.)

Custom or not?: Custom

Personality: Charming, clever, witty, and impulsive, Darren can control his animalistic urges better than most other ferals.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebf09fc1_BeFunky_darrenarmor.jpg.jpg.9c2db52d91e439e9ef318e9d2546e8f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebf09fc1_BeFunky_darrenarmor.jpg.jpg.9c2db52d91e439e9ef318e9d2546e8f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Biography (1-5 paragraphs):

Beginnings -

The son of Victor Creed and Rose Hawthorne, Darren was raised in the backwoods of North Carolina. Victor trained him starting from the age of three in grotesque fighting techniques and forced him to make his first kill at six. Darren's powers revealed themselves when he turned 13, as a mixture of both his parents powers. He has the retractable claws, heightened senses, and healing factor from his father's side, and the ability to project an electrical charge over his body from his mother's. Not long after discovering them, his mother was killed in a plane crash, and his father disappeared, but not before leaving him a letter with an unclear motive telling him to go to the Xavier institute for higher learning, and to never mention his biological background to anyone.

Allies and teams -

He spent the rest of his teenage years at the X-Mansion, and even having the X-Man Wolverine as his mentor, though he knew who Darren was related to. Logan taught him how to control his feral urges and sometimes blinding rage, resulting In Darren becoming one of the strongest of his class. He was offered a place on X Force, and refused, for at the time they were facing off with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and Darren had no wish to face off against his father. Instead he flew to DC and became a mercenary to have an outlet for the pain and dark memories that had haunted him since his childhood. He developed a preference for bladed weapons, and even partnered with Wade Wilson for a couple of jobs. he leans more toward the hero side than the villain side, via his close relationship with his uncle., who recommended him to Nick Fury more than once. The suit he wears is part of recompense from a Shield mission, and it allows him to blast that electrical energy out of his palms and create objects (such as a shield or dome around himself) with it, as well as charge his sword with the power.

Enemies and battles-

He was nearly burned alive by his half - brother, Graydon Creed, after executing a bloody attack on the F.O.H. in Centreville when he found out they had murdered his fiance. He had literally witnessed his own skin melt off in the process of escaping the death trap, and had to hold his own guts in as he fought through the flames. This particular even caught the attention of William Stryker, who again was looking to create another Team X, but was viciously deterred by Sabertooth after he had found out the madman had been torturing his son into agreeing.

City(if any): Usually Washington DC, currently in NYC on a job.

Powers: Retractable claws/fangs, heightened senses, healing factor. Can project a dangerous electrical charge over his body.

Suits: Has two suits, the first being a high tech armor plated with an adamantium like metal. The other is closer to those that the X-Force wear, with an extremely durable fabric and bulletproof chest and back plates. Both suits allow Darren to charge his weapons with his electricity, as well as creating a protective dome around him and shooting blasts out of the palms of his hands. They are also coded to his DNA, ensuring that only he will be able to use them.

Weapons: His sword and modified Beretta m93R can both be charged by his powers, the sword surrounded in dangerous pulsing energy, while his pistol converts it into a kind of laser blast. These too, are coded to his touch.



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Name (alias): Punisher

Faction: Anti-Hero (neutral)

Actual Name: Frank Castle

Custom or not?: Not custom.

Personality: Frank is dark and calm. He tends to be very violent, yet cold and calculating.


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Born in New York to parents of Italian ancestry, Francis Castiglione is a former U.S. Marine Captain. Before Frank joined the Marines, he was studying to become a Catholic priest but changed his mind because he was unable to forgive those who did evil. Also prior to his enlistment, he married his wife Maria who was already pregnant with their first child. During his time in the United States Marine Corps (USMC), Castle graduated from Basic Training, then went on to Infantry School. Immediately following that, he went through the USMC's Reconnaissance, Force Reconnaissance, and Sniper Schools. Attaining dockets, Castle was permitted to go through U.S. Army Airborne School, and U.S. Navy Underwater Demolition Team training, becoming qualified as a Navy Seal (Sea, Air and Land). He served in the Vietnam War in a special forces unit as a point man. For heroism in the line of duty, he was decorated with numerous medals, including the Purple Heart.

Shortly after a tour in Vietnam, Castle, his wife, Maria and their children were in New York's Central Park for an afternoon picnic when they witnessed a Mafia gangland execution; an informant had been hanged from a tree. Seeking to eliminate all witnesses, the Costa crime family murdered them on the spot. However, Castle survived. Even though Frank was able to identify all of the shooters the police were unable to help Castle in his quest for justice; they were tied in too deeply to the powerful Costa family. He decided that the only punishment criminals might receive is that of physical destruction. Shortly thereafter, he emblazoned his body armor with a symbol of a death's head, and exacted his revenge. Since then he has waged a one-man war upon crime, taking the name Punisher.

City (if any): New York, NY, mostly. Moves around a lot, though.



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Faction: Undecided

Actual Name: Helena Sky-Anne Tillany "Sky"

Custom or not?: Custom ^.^

Personality:Ruled by her emotions, Sky is pretty much an open book. When she's upset, she'll try to hide it for a while until it becomes to much for her and she flips out. When she's angry, hitting the deck would be a very good course of action considering her temper is legendary. She has a tendency of doing or saying stupid things when she's mad and her favorite phrase when someone starts arguing with her is "I don't care!" because if she doesn't care to begin with then there's nothing they can do or say that can hurt her. Although she has her bad moments, she is very kind and considerate unless you give her a reason not to be. However, once you've gotten on her bad side, you will never hear the end of it. If there's one thing she can do, it's hold a grudge. She's very touchy about her past and one of the easiest ways to put her in a bad mood is mention one of her two brothers or her parents. You can usually find her with her nose in some kind of book, whether it be fantasy, crime, non-fiction, or one of the old books she picked up at a rather questionable corner store that has a staple in shrunken heads. Whether she seems like it or not, she is secretly a hopeless romantic and has her own stash of romance novels that she fawns over when the mood strikes her.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography: Sky was born along with her older twin brother into a moderate household. Everything in her family seemed to be completely normal until right before her second birthday when she threw a tantrum and the couch flipped over on its own. Her parents had been wary of her since. She spent her time growing up being given shifty looks by her parents and two older brothers, almost as if they expected her to do things. At first she didn't understand why they treated her like this. Had she done something wrong? She figured it out when she was six. She had been alone in her spot in the woods when she first made the shadows quiver. After that incident, she started practicing. She realized that she could sense the shadows, whether they were cast by inanimate objects or people. This made it impossible for others to sneak up on her.

It was by age 10 that she started having real problems. The kids in school had started bullying her. This resulted in her getting upset and the shadows around her acting up. She tried her hardest to stop it from happening, but it didn't matter. The damage had already been done. They called her a freak and treated her differently then everyone else. Even the teachers kept an extra close eye on her. As she continued through school, the bullying got worse and so did the shadows. It got to the point where in ninth grade she landed a kid in the hospital after he tripped her. To avoid the looks from her parents, she started escaping to the library as a sanctuary. Everyday she would go there and read until closing.

She was so excited when she graduated. She had been practicing with her shadow control and was now able to move objects with them and form them into shapes. She also found that she could use them to summon black and silver scythe encrusted in violet gems. She didn't know what purpose it would ever serve, it's not like she'd ever use it. Because of her new found control, she opted to go to college. That didn't go to well either. Turns out all it took was being pushed into a fountain by a fellow student for the shadows to lash out again. No mater how hard she tried, she couldn't stop them from acting up when she was angry, upset, or afraid. Realizing this, she dropped out of college only after two months.

She got a small apartment in Manhattan, not far from her parents, and tried doing odd jobs to get by only to end up fired after accidents with the other employees. So now she puts most of her time into trying to track the origin of her powers in hopes that she might be able to get a better grasp on them. The only time she's not devoting to that is spent at forced family dinners at her parents house with her two brothers. She gets to sit there and listen to them talk about their success. Ethan was a law student in his fourth year of college and about ready to head off to law school while her twin, Tyler, was in his second year of college and on a scholarship for basketball. While she had pretty much nothing to show for her life, which her parents never ceased reminding her of this.

Things for her suddenly changed when an accident happened in New York. A boy from her old high school was messing with her and she lost complete and utter control over the shadows. This caused a fair amount of damage to the city and a fair amount of attention to be drawn to her. It wasn't even a day later that S.H.I.E.L.D agents had shown up at her door and taken her away. She is currently in custody and awaiting further instructions. For some reason she doubts those instructions will include the words "You can go home."



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Name (alias): Fantomex

Faction: (borderline) Hero

Actual Name: "Jean-Philippe," Charlie Cluster 7.

Custom or not?: Canon.

Personality: Initially, he seems highly intelligent, prying and arrogant in equal measure, but he is in fact quite cunning and analytical. He expresses the desire to speak in a feigned French accent as he delights in the way it annoys people.


Anatomically, Fantomex is of an average height. He is lean, but sinewy, and is similar in build to a peek Olympics challenger. He has scarcely been seen without his infamous mask, but he does appear to have chestnut brown hair, and icy, light blue eyes.

Appearance wise, Fantomex is garbed from head to toe in a white (possibly kelvar armoured?) combat suit, with thick black lines criss-crossing the entire attire both back and front. A utility belt buckled with a round black 'X' on a red background buckle is tied around his waist. From the belt dangles two holsters each containing his dual handguns. Shin high black boots & thick, black leather gloves that cover half of his forearms as well as a long, broad collared white trench coat worn over the combat suit that boasts the same bold black zig-zagging lines on its back help to complete his attire.

But perhaps the most mystifying aspect of Fantomex's appearance lies in the suspicious mask that always covers his head, disguising all but his ice-cold light blue hues. The mask contains dampening plates, which again prevent Fantomex from being the subject of telepathic manipulation, while the crown of the mask and the area around his eyes feature black strips. The criss-crossing lines that ran parallel from his shins up through his legs, torso and neck terminate in distinct points either side of his hidden nose.

Biography (1-5 paragraphs): Fantomex was a result of the Weapon Plus Program's experimentation with technological-human hybrids, an organisation whose only mandate was to "deal with the mutant problem." The umbrella group also gave the world the likes of Captain Amercia and Weapox X, with Fantomex being totted as the next generation of sentinels. He was born and was artificially evolved a place called The World, a man-made environment catered for the creation of super soldiers using Sentinel technology. He was designated the handle of Weapon XIII and was originally charged with the task of killing mutants, but he rebelled and broke free of his programming.

Though his true identity remains largely unknown, he has on at least one occasion gone by the name "Jean-Phillipe". As for his heritage, he is british, but prefers to speak with a French accent. Nowadays he is a thief by heart, living for the trill of perpetuating a crime. But he is no stranger to violence. He has become associated with various wetwork missions, committing questionable acts, and wouldn't shy at the sight of coin in exchange for his services as a gun-for-hire.

Frequently he works with his own personal agenda in mind. This is taken one step with his powers of 'misdirection', a particular form of telepathy that allows him to create realistic and immersive illusions on a variety of scales. Even the likes of mutants like Jean Grey or Emma Frost were able to be affected by it.

As a result of Weapon Plus, Fantomex has peak human strength, speed, agility and stamina. He produces no scent. Also, dampening plates in his mask render him immune to other forms of telepathy. He is a skilled marksman and hand-to-hand combatant, and is extremely proficient in reading body language and being purposely deceptive, manipulating friends and foes alike to suit his needs. He is capable of discerning an opponent's moves and make preparations to parry or avoid any potential attacks.

City(if any): London.
Name (alias):none

Faction: anti-hero

Actual Name:Rick

Custom or not?:custom

Personality:nice to mutants rude to normal humans. Sometimes he's nice to humans to.

Appearance:tall and muscular

Biography (1-5 paragraphs):he's a mutant with the powers of flight and heat blast. Along with those abilities he is also fire resistant. He watched his parents get taken away to get killed while he was young because his parents were both mutants like him. He has since then been looking for either the X-Men or brotherhood. He has never been sure what to use his powers for.

City(if any):none
Name (alias): Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff

Faction: hero

Actual Name: Natalia Romanova

Custom or not?: not custom

Personality: silent, aggressive, cunning, mischievous, mysterious, and not prone to emotion.

Appearance: BOOBS.




Biography (1-5 paragraphs): Born in Russia, Natalia lost her parents at the age of 7 due to a fire at a hospital. She was taken in by Ivan Petrovich, who gave her the Red Room, a Super Soldier program with the mission to recreate the serum that created Captain America.

Natalia became one of the most successful spies in the program, adopting the name Black Widow.

She came up on SHIELD's radar, and Agent Clint Barton, Hawkeye, was sent to kill her but spared Natalia and brought her back to SHIELD, where she grew to become a member of the Avengers.

City(if any): Manhattan area/Helicarrier
Name (alias): Shadaw Knight

Faction: Antiheroes

Actual Name: Kenji Tatsuya Shen-Ryu

Custom or not?: Custom

Personality: Despite being hot tempered, emotionally detached and sadistic, underneath all of it, Kenji actually has a good heart. As a Martial Artist, he has learned to control his use of violence and often tries to solve conflicts though more peaceful means, but is often motivated by revenge. Having strong morals, he doesn't fight because he wants to, but because he knows he has to. As a Warrior, he maintains Discipline and a Strict Code of Honor. In addition, he also has a strong sense of loyalty, which is the result of what happened to his Mother and Sister.

Appearance: Underneath his Garments, Shadow Knight hides several tattoos that depict his past: On his left arm, he has a Cross with Angel Wings dedicated to the Memory of his Older Sister, Masako Reiko Shen-Ryu, who died in a Driveby Shooting; on his left forearm he bears a sword with a banner dedicated to his Mother, Ryu Yeon Chan, who committed suicide as a result of his Sister's Death; On his right arm is a Grim Reaper, with "Death Before Dishonor" written underneath it; On his right forearm is a Memorial Cross dedicated to his Father, Liu Shen, who died of Pancreatic Cancer; On his Back is a Japanese Dragon, which takes up the whole back; lastly, on his chest, he has a Tribal Yin Yang Symbol. The Memorial Tattoos represent Tragedy, while the Japanese Dragon and the quote "Death Before Dishonor" represent Violence and lastly the Grim Reaper represents Haunting. Out of respect to his cultural heritage, he wrote his Sister's name in Kanji (Japanese), his mother's name in Hangul (Korean) and his Father's name and Hanzi (Chinese) for the Memorial Tattoos dedicated to them.

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-Early Life: Kenji was born in Tokyo, Japan to Liu Shen and Yeon-chan Ryu. Kenji also had an Older Sister, Masako Reiko Shen-Ryu. When he was in seventh grade, his Father died of Pancreatic Cancer, five years after the initial diagnosis. Following his Father's Death, Shen-Ryu Family would move to the United States, settling in Los Angeles, California. Kenji would have it rough in the United States, clashing with a lot of his classmates when he had High School. Because he was often bullied, Kenji often used excessive violence against his would-be victimizers. At some point, he stabbed one of his classmates with a pen because he lost his temper. Despite his volatile and violent behavior, Kenji graduated from Los Angeles High School with Honors in 2003. As a Student Athlete, he participated in Football, Wrestling & Track & Field, all of which he served as Head Team Captain his Senior Year. By the summer of 2003, he would be accepted into the University of California Los Angeles. By 2007, Kenji graduated from UCLA with an Associate's Degree Criminal Justice. Tragedy would strike Kenji once more in 2008; Masako would be killed along with her fiancée, Makoto Minori on their wedding day. Even though Kenji and his mother managed to survive the onslaught, she would commit suicide as a result of her daughter's death.

-Military Career/Mercenary Career: Despite being eligible to join the Police Force, Kenji would enlist into the US Army. After serving two tours in Afghanistan, he would honorably discharge after four years of Military Service. Following his discharge, he would later move on to become a self-employed Private Military Contractor under the trade name "Shadow Knight". As time passed, Shadow Knight would gain the Reputation of being one of the best hired guns. Shadow Knight was also notorious for his emotionally detached and sadistic personality in addition to "Shoot First, Ask Questions later".

-Life as a Vigilante: After four years of working as a Mercenary, he ceased his work as a Private Military Contractor. While he was not suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, he started suffering flashbacks from his past, from the night of his Father's Death to the day his Mother committed suicide. His worst memory was his Sister's Wedding Day, where it went from a great day to a massacre. The death of his Family would eventually lead Kenji to become a Vigilante and Antihero. Like the Punisher, he too waged war on crime and began acting as a Judge, Jury and Executioner all in one.

City(if any): Mainly in New York City, took up Residence at an Abandoned Gym, which he later purchased and eventually renovated. He eventually used 1/3 of the money he earned as a Mercenary to remodel the place into his own personal Headquarters, which includes an Armory, Kitchen, Training/Fitness Center and Living Room among others.

Powers: With his suit, Shadow Knight's Strength and Speed are enhanced. He has no superpowers, but makes up for it with his Martial Skill, being in Peak Physical Condition and having exceptional pain tolerance, at about the same level of that of the Punisher. Being very strong willed, most mental-based abilities have little or no effect on him. His mind is further protected by his helmet.

Skills: Shadow Knight is a skilled and talented Martial Artist, Fighter, Marksman and Driver. In addition to his Military Training, Shadow Knight is also very well-versed in Martial Arts, particularly Taekwondo, Karate, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jujtisu, and Wing Chun. Respectively, he is a 5th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo, a 3th Degree Black Belt in Karate and a 1st Degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jujitsu. As an Expert Marksman, Shadow Knight is virtually skilled in the use of all firearms.

Weapons: While he uses any and every weapon at his disposal, Shadow Knight has a very large Weapons Cache, which he gets just about anywhere, ranging from Private Arms Dealers to even the Black Market. He uses Hollow Point Bullets, because in his mind, he feels that Criminals and other evil doers deserve the worst they can get. His Trademark Weapons include the following:

-Melee Weapons: Machete, Father's Combat Knife, Butterfly Knife, Baton, Kukri Knife

-Handguns: Beretta 92FS, M1911A1, SIG Sauer P226, Glock 18, Makarov Pistol

-Shotguns: Saiga-12, Mossberg 500, Benelli M1, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Remington 870

-Sub-Machine Guns: H&K UMP, MP5A4, Uzi, Stryr TMP, MP5K

-Assault Rifles: M4A1, AK-47, HK G36C, FN SCAR, Colt Commando

-Sniper Rifles: Remington 700, SVD Dragunov, PSG1, M14, SR-25

-Special Weapons: RPG-7, Barrett M107, M72 LAW, M79 Grenade Launcher, M249 SAW

-Explosives: M67 Hand Grenade, Pipe Bomb, Molotov Cocktail, C-4, Stingball Grenade

-Other: Grappling Gun, Throwing Knife, Kunai, Compound Bow, Compound Crossbow


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Name (alias): Crimson

Faction: Anti-Hero

Actual Name: Classified by UNSC

Custom or not?: Custom

Personality: Arrogant, Confident

Appearance: Caucasian Teen, Medium Built

Biography (1-5 paragraphs):

Garret is a quiet but skilled Spartan-IV. He joined the UNSC at the age of 14 and quickly proved himself to the other soldiers. He was very mature compared to other teen recruits. After serving a year as a Marine, he became an ODST and fought in the battle of Earth. Garret impressed his peers with his quick thinking and deadly actions. It is rumored that he had the most kills of any ODST but half of his kills remain unconfirmed. Once the Human-Covenant War ended, Garret returned to Earth where he became a vigilante. Within 4 months of beings home, Garret was arrested by the NYPD after taking it upon himself to stop a drug cartel and killing 56 men in the process. He was sentenced to 8 months in prison without bail but got out in 3 for "good behavior." After being released from prison, Garret continued to work as a vigilante until he was asked to participate in the Spartan-IV Program. Without hesitation, Garret returned to the UNSC and underwent vigorous training then was allowed to become a Titan Spartan. Using a design from Tony Stark's "Black & Gold Armor", the UNSC created the Titan class of Spartan. The armor is far superior to any other Spartan-IV Model. Scientists dubbed the armor the "Spartan-X Armor." Garret is now stationed aboard the UNSC: Infinity as the team leader of Fireteam Crimson.

City(if any): Jersey City

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