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Fandom Marvel & DC: This Is The End

She glance down at his hand and smile, happily shaking on it ''Well, this one time... sometime when I was a kid.. a man offer me 'candy' and this just happen to creep me out, causing him to be scared of me though because hehe well~ as you saw back there was spikes yeah? They had grew much more higher and nearly... very nearly stab him.. where the sun doesn't shine.'' She came close just to whisper this info near his ear, especially the last part before she let go of his hand. Such a lovely long hand shake!

''Hey! ..I was thinking about this hero business but it seem like too much hassle for me so I... lay low. This didn't mean I didn't help anyone... It just I-- prefer it that way...'' She spoke rather nervous but shrug it off with a sheepish grin, once he mention about his fellow spider she scoff. ''Kind of make me think now I should meet this Scarlet Spider guy. Oh and the suit is nice but don't get your hopes up.'' She did like a man in a mask but she was more focus surviving this apocalypses.

''wait did you just say side kick?!?''
Hearing those words she felt like she needed to clean her ears out. ''Uh look... Spidey I would LOVE to but I have other things to handle.. My sister is very sick and I'm afraid since this is the apocalypses, I rather focus on her health. I don't want her becoming one of them things.'' Talking about talking so much he had already pull his Avengers card out ''Wow sick! must be fun working with them.'' She only grip the straps on her shoulders up as he continue. ''Listen, I need to get these antibiotic back--- eh?!'' She was about to turn around but she was already lifted up into the air ''Wooo!'' She scream like this was a mini roller coaster, it made her chuckle and then once they were somewhere above the buildings she dusted herself off and had to say. ''You know, perhaps you should of gone for the 'swingy- webby-- shooting athlete!'.''

@Ethan Hart
Listening to the hero in a making say her origin story, Peter clenched his free fist. "That's sick! I swear, scum like him need to be locked up." He wasn't sounding like his typical Spidey self. He would never call them scum, and he had to hold back saying they should die. But, as Zoe came in closer, Peter began to snicker and had to hold in his laughter. "Would have served him right though. He deserved something like that to happen to him..."

"Was thinking? People need you, now! People are scared for there lives right now and the fact that you aren't protecting them whilst you have the chance is just...selfish!" Looking at Zoe, he kept on trying to think of a name for her. Black liquid. "Abyss? No...Void? Maybe..." Peter scratched the back of his head and laughed as he went to finish the hero topic. "Don't worry. Some people aren't cut out to be a superhero...it's just that people like you are." Shaking his head as she mentioned Scarlet Spider, he sighed. "Nah, a clone it never as good as the original. By the way, he is literally my clone. No point in keeping secrets now that we are at the end of the world."

She had a sister to look after. "Help me out then..." He told her. "I know who started this virus. He goes by the name Lex Luthor, and he's a villain funny enough. I just spoke to him and the only way for a cure from him is to get him some Nth metal, something I just recently found out about thanks to Parker Industries. While they have none, Stark, Wayne and Richards may have some. Heck, even Queen may have some." Swingy-webby-shooting athlete? He started the whole trend! "And don't get my hopes up with you? Aw man, I thought I had a shot with such a beautiful young woman. But heads up, antibiotics will not help. The virus is much stronger then you think. The best it'll do is a couple of hours..." Walking to the edge of the building, he looked upon the city and waited for Zoe. "Coming? Look, unless you can form a bridge to other buildings, I'm you're only way to get off of here. A ladder down would just bring you into zom territory."

Watching while the web crawler try his hardest to give the girl a peculiar nickname she only halted him with a hand raising to his face ''It...Imperatrix. But just call me Zoe.. please it so much easier.'' It something her little sister would have call her before the chaos had began ''Oh and you think it a black liquid? Nah my abilities seem to be more like a concrete metal substance if you look closely.. so unfortunately I'm not like your suit.'' She stated. Hearing those words from Spider man that antibiotic wouldn't work she blurted out ''Are you fucking kidding me!?''

And that fact they only had a few hours disturb her ''Shit.. it not only that she is with my grandmother?!'' The pressure was on here. She became more desperate for a cure now for the sake of her younger sister and elderly women to be safe or if not she'll be lost. She had became speechless while imagining the savage murder knowing she may not be there in time... He was right though she needed to help but her nerve always got the better of her. ''Urge...!'' she lash frustratingly.

''..You should get a bonus for finding that kind of stuff.'' She stated before he following like a lost puppy, she first panic as she thought he was going to abandon her but once he rotated back and ask, abruptly she hesitated for a moment but her sister and grandmother was on the line here. ''Yeah, count me in Spidey. I'll help you find this thing and make a ladder you say? pff! I can do better than that'' It was like the ground beneath her had rotten into black to make a globe shape. She knelt down using one hand to balance on top. Part of that building had broken off and it was like she had her own surfboard. ''Between I'm not your side kick... yet''

@Ethan Hart
Imperatrix? "Imperatrix? That is..." Peter stopped before continuing. "Awesome! But isn't that something in Latin?" After hearing what Zoe had said about how her name was easier, Peter sighed. "True...want to know who I am. You've probably seen me on the news...as my alter ego." Taking notes on her ability, it seemed she could control metal of some form. Magnetic? Melting point? Did it Oxidative? These could all be her weakness. Heat, Magnetism and Oxygen...pretty wide variety.

Peter laughed at Zoe's sudden outburst of anger. "I mean, it really depends on the antibiotics. Some are stronger then others, but they will all eventually be useless. What we need is Nth metal..." Parker came to realisation about how similar their causes were. "My Aunt needs the meds..." He said in a lower tone. If Aunt May got turned, he would kill Luthor. He would track him down, and end his life. It would be his fault. "Family first, right?"

"I hate the fact that I need to steal...they should call me the Man of Steal from now on." Stretching, he waited to see what Zoe was going to do. "Silver Surfer? Nah, we got Sable Surfer over here!" That would have been an awesome name too! Why did he think of that now? "Not Peter Parker's side kick yet? Would you like to be considered a partner? Or a...girlfriend?" He teased the girl as the mask peeled back to reveal his face. Somehow, his brown hair was still perfect, but Peter knew that was thanks to the symbiote. "I told you that you would know of me...if you were a geek. My name's Peter Parker...and I'm Spider-Man! Lead the way!"

''I have no clue web crawler, it something for like... empress I think? Hehe! I didn't really pick it though, that was my sister's job.'' She stated a little embarrass, she wasn't a big fan of these super names. Zoe only cross her legs as she sat down with her hands on her ankle, she knew she was secure and was eye to eye level with Peter on this piece of rock levitated. ''I don't understand.. how can Nth metal become a medicine? are you sure it will work? If this guys is the cause then what to say he only using you to get the special metal for something else...?'' she bickered as she scratch her head being more puzzle.

''If there a will there a way right? since that something you superheroes would always tell.'' She exclaim as he told her about the antibiotics, she had doubts but there were possibility for these things to work. ''My sister and Grandmother would come first yes. I wasn't born in America but Europe, we had to travel for--- family reasons.. and thankfully we found a family member here! she let us stay with her thank goodness...''

She suddenly fell silent as he was calling himself 'the man of steal' ''Really?!'' She tried not to smirk , he was funny and influential but she had been cause to snicker. She then examine his face as he surprisingly pull it down.. her reaction was biting her lip ''You certainly don't look like a geek.'' Shaking her head disagreeing, she extended her towards his face but forgot this was a weird mask and then she just look away instead. ''Not saying your hideous or anything! It just-- I mean you... never know when we might have a savior, the next day this hell could soon blow over.. I wouldn't give your identity away to anyone just yet.. If you know what I mean.''

But the rock launch like a rocket towards Stark's tower A.K.A known as the Avengers first through out all the other places, it landed in his place he would normally land his Iron suit. ''We're not stealing... we're umm... borrowing.. yeah!'' Once she mounted off the large piece of rubble she cup her face as her nose bled but she continue their mission.

@Ethan Hart (All fix!)
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"Yeah, something like that. I didn't study Latin though, so, who knows?" Hearing that her sister picked the name, Peter had an idea. "Is your sister a fan of superheroes? I could swing by with you after, give her a treat for toughing it out and surviving. After all, Spider-Man does do that!" Then she asked him about the Nth metal and how it can be used to make a cure. "It can't!" He replied. "But Luthor wants it for something. He said he would only give me the cure if I gave him a set amount which I can't be asked to look at right now. But if he does try to double cross us, we'll kick his ass! This Man of Steal will beat the guy the Man of Steel beats! Is that...yeah that's right."

"That's the spirit!" Peter smiled, and it showed as his mask was still off. "Ah, a European? Interesting...I'm just flat out American with some spider in me. More man then spider though...don't worry about me growing fangs and a bunch of hair all over me." Seeing Zoe go silent, Spidey looked at Zoe. "What?" He then noticed the biting of the lip. "See something you like? Or was my joke that bad? You see, I use humour for many reasons...mainly to annoy my foe's. It's soo fun! But it's also to hide my fer yada yada yada. Basically, I am trying to say that, I'm not the best when it comes to forced humour...or am I?" Peter asked her as he raised his eye brow.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad looking! Urgh, fine..."
The mask suddenly grew around his face to make him look like the normal black spidey suit. "Oh, no no. I understand. You want to use it to blackmail me into something. What, latest tech from Parker Industries?" As the board began to hover higher, Peter jumped onto the bottom of it "Away we go, Sable Surfer!"

As they neared to Avengers tower, Peter realised he could have walked in. "I'm such an idiot..." He mumbled to himself as he jumped off before it was too late. "Ohh, I wonder if my Iron-Spider suit is here! Maybe even an upgrade! No, Peter...focus!" Taking a quick glance back over to Zoe, he noticed a nose bleed. "Whoa whoa, hold up Zoe. You okay? Is that a...you've got to be kidding me. Well, from now on, we'll be travelling by web..."

''You would do that for her? well she would love that Pete! It would lighten the mood for defiant!'' She nodded enthusiastically, what the harm in visiting afterwards? she was only 10 years old and she had action figures of the Avengers! how cute, he would most likely want to see anyway hehe. Though Zoe wasn't so sure about wanting to kick anyone ass ''U-Uh.. yeah.'' She stuttered. While they travel to Avengers tower she could only try hiding her grin as still bite her bottom lip and shaking her head ''Ahh don't worry, your imagining things now.'' Denying that she was ever gazing in such a way.

''You tell me.'' then she replied to his bickering about using his humor. Once they arrive and Peter came to check if she was alright she took a small step back ''That why I walk most of the time. I'm fine though, honestly!'' She told him as she look over his shoulder staring into the building thinking was anybody home? well when Spider man mention about web travel she didn't complain ''Meh...last time it was pretty fun...!'' She shrug but her tone was keen.

''Wait! how many suits do you have?!'' Now he mention the Iron spider things just gotten bizarre, she follow Spider man behind ''I can't believe I'm going to be entering the holy building of heroes..'' Her jaw drop as she spoke dramatically. Zoe came back to the bizarre topic though of his suits ''Tell me, I'm curious. There more to the suit isn't there?'' Once they were in she would prance around the large living area that shown the horizon of the apocalypse.. she was the one kind of becoming unfocused than Spider man was.

@Ethan Hart

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Pete nodded. "Sure! Wouldn't hurt to make someone feel good about themselves during a time like this...To see a, little girl?, smile would make the day whole lot brighter for me." Peter was surprised at the way Zoe reacted with his kick ass comment. "So, you wouldn't want to get revenge on Lex Luthor for making you go on a goose chase? A chase that you thought would help your family but it ended up being a trick? A chase which was only for the soul purpose of using you?" Inhaling, Spidey had to calm down.

"Oh, you totally view me in that way. I can tell by the lip...unless...oh god! You're a zombie aren't you! A zombie that wants to eat herself!" Gasping, Peter went on to listen to why Zoe walked most places. Her powers had a major draw back. It didn't seem so bad in small takes, but if she strained her powers, she could loose a lot of blood. "Don't worry, next time, we'll be doing it through the city! But you'll have to hold onto me...I don't kill people..."

Spider-Man laughed as he tried to count his costumes. "Bah, too many. There was the Big Time Spidey, Future Foundation Spidey, Bagman...too many!" Turning around to walk backwards, Peter continued his conversation with her, avoiding all obstacles in his way thanks to his Spider Sense. "Well...I have a room here. Light bulb! I may have some bottles of water or some batteries or something in my room! Anyway, I know what you mean. Legends such as Thor, Iron-Man, Captain America and Spider-Man have stood in this very same room." Peter quickly added his last name to the list to see how much he could get away with.

"Wait, Iron-Spider suit or this suit?" Peter assumed she was talking about the Iron one. "Well, Tony Stark made me a suit very much like the Iron Man suit, except it let me use my webs, climb up walls and all that. I could fly with it and I got three robo-legs coming out from my back! I could change it to add webbing into it and it was just awesome!"

Zoe grey eyes reflected upon the green sky along with devoured trample New York City, she strongly hope this wasn't the end of humanity. She would really like to see what her future and other could of held on to value before this mess began. She scan Spidey up and down as how he could walk backwards, pretty impressive. Though something caught her attention as she sheepishly grin, hopping another route where Spidey went she carve into the wall with a knife lying around 'Zoe was here! (<3.<3)' She smirk, no regrets when she was in the Avengers tower and especially the Zombie evasion but then it strike her. ''Huh... I wonder If Iron man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor and all those others.. are infected.''

She listen to Spidey information about his other suit ''No no no, I mean the one your already wearing.'' Pointing as she question peculiarly, she can tell this thing has mess with his mind just tiny very tiny bit. ''Is it alive?? It wasn't just made by Black Cat was it? It like now...um, you been lured closer to the darkness...?'' pouting at the end she wanted a reason.

''So... where would this special metal be? In the Iron ass workshop?'' She query while exploring. ''How am I meant to know where everything is...Spidey?? need a little guidanc--'' She stumble over what seem to be a rotting arm l ''Ew ew ew!! yep! definitely need a guide let go! couldn't have broken in right?! that impossible?'' it was only a spare hand from Starks Iron suit though. She scurry over and pass him elbowing him gently but then turn again just pushing his back in a random direction ''Come on web swinger, lead the way!''

@Ethan Hart
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Continuing to walk backwards, Spider-Man realised...that was a good question. Where were the rest of the Avengers? Not here. And, judging by the mess, there was a struggle. Were they infected? "Good question! I should be able to hack into the security mainframe to find their footage of the events that happened just prior to these events and during them. That way, we can determine the most likely path for each hero...like, Hulk probably went to smash things."

And it was the one he was wearing! Great! The girl was asking about the symbiote. But so far, Peter seemed to be in control. "What this thing? You wanna wear it and try it out?" Peter laughed. "Too dangerous, it would probably reject you." Looking at Zoe, the spider began to realise how smart this girl was. Or, it was just common sense, but she was piecing it together. "Yup, it's an alien symbiote. Black Cat made a replica of it as she thought it was sexy...same as you probably. And this isn't Star Wars Zoe, I'm under control. I won't lose to it...again."

"Yup, in Tony's work shop. Or in one of his armours...maybe it's not even here! Heck, this may be a waste of time...but we have to try." Stopping as he heard the scream, he looked at Zoe with a puzzled look. "What, didn't see it? Wanna go by wall? Or should I hold you in my arms and do a bay watch?" Passing the room they needed to go in, Peter tried to stop but couldn't. "Hey hey hey! We passed it up." Looking back he saw that Zoe stepping on the arm and screaming had attracted unwanted attention. How'd they get upstairs? "Zoe...in my arms...now!"

@xkeyxx (be back in like an hour)
She gasp as she gain a brilliant idea ''We should Assemble all the avengers if we can find where they are! I always wanted to say Avengers Assemble!'' She nodded, liking the thought she just came up with ''If I had to say who would survive. It most likely be Cap. He the one with the surviving skills since he was in world war two.. but then again Stark suit could be impenetrable to a zombie bite so he could still be surviving right now... Thor probably hiding in Asgard with Loki meh.. and Hulk.. I don't know, he a gamma bomb and he loves to Smash but he gets too close for comfort..''

''Pff! You know I'll never do suits web crawler.''
Shaking her head as she roll her eyes, those symbiote and her abilities would be a very bad combination anyway. ''and better be Spidey, I wouldn't want to knock some sense into you..If you still have any'' She stated before teasing him at the end. Even though she had powers she wasn't so experience in fights, she wouldn't want to harm anyone at this time. She only fought once and it didn't go well.

Zoe stop and reverse pulling Peter back to where they needed to be, just outside the door.
''This room? Don't say that..we have to find it!'' She started taking a few steps forward, but she stumble backwards sighing to hearing Peter request, she was puzzle by this as she didn't hear. ''Oh you would love that wouldn't you.'' Folding her arms after he stated causing her to merely scoff but her heart skip a beat when she heard the signs ''Oh shit... never mind, no problem at all.'' she muttered and ran towards him jumping into his arms. ''They might of use the exit doors. You know so encase that main elevator ever broken down... Or it could be Stark which I hope not..''

@Ethan Hart
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Assemble the Avengers? Another good idea...but it wouldn't be the Avengers. It would be a new team of Avengers. Like the Defenders. But, Spidey couldn't think of a cool name other then something to do with spiders. Like the web warriors. "Sure, but it wouldn't the Avengers. And if we do create a group, I'll be calling the shots. You aren't experienced enough...Imperatrix." Shaking his head at what she said, Peter sighed. "You're forgetting the spy Black Widow...and the master archer Hawkeye. Hell, what about Vision? He's a robot." Peter had to keep on edge as he spoke, this was a dangerous place, even without all the dead bodies.

"You'll never do suits? But without one, you leave your family vulnerable to all your enemies. Why do you think I wear a mask? Other then it looking cool!" Spidey laughed as Zoe claimed she would be able to knock some sense into him. "I have plenty of sense...I call it Spidey Sense thank you very much. But what makes you think you could even hit me? Maybe after I train you up to be the best hero you can be...but right now? Nah."

Looking into the room, it was the armoury and forge...whatever Tony called it. All the suits seemed to be powered down, which was good...and it looked like it was empty anyway. Great. "We should be safe in there..." Peter narrowed his eyes as she refused his order. "Do you...not hear them?" The Spider Sense was good. Amazing in fact...it was a shame that it didn't think Zoe was a threat though. After she refused his request, he thought she wouldn't go through with it. But, as she suddenly did, he had to react quickly, meaning his arms were in uncomfortable places, for him and Zoe. Typical Parker luck. 'I swear I have the worst luck...'

"Fire exit? No, Tony made sure a regular fire wouldn't be able to start in the building. No fire exits. The stairs!" Looking around for the staircase that no one used, he could hear the fists banging on the door. "I have to save 'em..." He muttered to himself. "Zoe, get in the armoury, you'll be safe in there...I need to rescue those people..." Placing the girl down, he slowly walked over to the door leading to the stairs. Sure enough, there was someone out there. Opening the door quickly, his Spidey Sense activated too late. Lucky for him, he had fast reflexes. Jumping back as a zombie went to bite him on the shoulder, Peter kicked it's head off...clean off. Maybe they would die if they lost there heads...interesting. Hearing more zombies coming up, Peter webbed the doorway for a barrier. "That won't hold all of them...crap!" Quickly jumping to the armoury, he watched as a few zombies began to appear at the webbed entrance. Sealing the armoury shut, Peter shot some webs to make sure it was safe. With a sigh of relief, he looked up. "Maybe I should stop being a hero for now..."

Her shoulders lowered as she crosses her arms, tilting her chin up ever so slightly saying ''Please don't call me that...'' Imperatrix sounded like an evil magician or something to her. She would normally only let her sister call her names like that for now. ''Suits... but what if I just lay low instead?? I'm not known like you or the Avengers so no worries right?'' scratching her head awkwardly as she seem not too sure herself. But she still refuse the idea of the suit and then once he said she couldn't hit him she didn't really want to, just encase about keeping 'control'. ''Well I could if I wanted to.. I-It just only cause I don't fight like you do.. there are many other possibilities but..'' She stuttered and huff pulling up a white flag in defeat.

''Wait... I can hear them now'' She had the urge of wanting to help him but she was told to hide, she had a disturbing image in her mind of blood staining walls, human blood.. what could she do? She couldn't even kill one down the alleyway as she hidden away. She only listen to him explained, glancing up with her casual expression while he let her down. ''Uh, wait Pete what did you say??'' She abruptly watch him just wonder over to fix the scenario.

She already knew they were most likely dead so she didn't understand why Peter would say that ''There already infected?'' She presume. Never did she exactly enter the armory place but she just stood near the entrance watching him fight, him avoiding the bite and that clean sweep after his head flew through the air. ''Woah..'' This was intense! like watching a horror movie. Once Spider man enters the armory she quickly scurry in before as that what she was meant to do, her gaze follows him like an innocent child as he seem to say the most bizarre things.

''Don't say that Spider man. Look, what would do people who are surviving now think when your gone?'' She patted his shoulder to give a small amount of comfort as she smile brightly. ''Come on we need to find that metal, then we can get out of here and hopefully get that cure.''

@Ethan Hart
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The assassin who was also known as a spy trail down the road, she couldn't get any signal after the apocalypses began.. she was stranded but armed ''This is Black Widow calling into Shield can anyone read me?'' She given her coordinates out there, wasn't much stopping her now since half of the society was gone. She move her hand away from her ear piece as it was all static causing a heavy sigh ''Romanoff out.'' she then turn off her device and simply wondered to find survivors.

She wish for anyone that but right now she wanted particular people.. she found a man with a lot of speed and Loki himself ''Oh please tell me this is just one of your giant illusions...'' She waltz over as there wasn't much else she could do except pull her gun out and aim, since her, the avengers and him had bad history.

''What is this a friend?'' she then scan the flash up and down baffled.

@Creepypasta Hound @Shortyshot
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"Why not? It sounds awesome! It's also a beautiful name for a girl with looks such as yourself." Peter could only shake his head as Zoe went on to being not well known. "You think I started off well known? Nope. I built myself up." Spidey beamed. Looking at Zoe now in a different light from when they first met, Peter could see the fact that she was a mysterious girl indeed. At one point, she was claiming to be weak, and the next, she was saying she could take Spider-Man in a fight. "I'm sure you could in the future. But, maybe we'll start you off on an easy villain...like Batroc the Leaper."

"Great! You're not deaf!" With a sigh, he looked back to the head. "So...pretty cool, am I right?" With a smirk, he looked at the girl. "I said I was going to save people...turns out they were dead...probably J.J.J. And even if they were infected, they may not have been. If they were alive, and we left them, what good would we be? We're heroes...or, meant to be." But what good were Superheroes and Villains during times like this? Not much good actually. Look, even Peter himself was stealing and doubting himself.

"Why'd you stay outside? I told you to get inside..." Peter just realised that. When he told Zoe to get inside the armoury, the girl waited outside and watched him play soccer with a head. "Ha! I knew sports took brains to play!" Looking at Zoe, he apologised. "Sorry, was just thinking about how I played soccer with the head...and I made a zombie joke with...brains, it was funny!" Looking up at her gaze, Spidey leaned his head on his right shoulder.

"Uh, they would pull a walking dead and Carl up..." Man was that terrible! But walking dead was a hard franchise to joke about...it was soo good! Seeing a black spot, Peter quickly jumped up and checked his suit. Not his suit...so...Imperatrix! Parker watched as she went to work. With one quick flick of the wrist, they were gone. Mouth gaping, he looked at the girl with shock. "You can...but you...how the...?" Peter stayed silent for a while before continuing his praise shower. "Wicked! If you think your power is witch craft, wicked is the best word to describe you! But you would be the good witch from wizard of oz. You know, the cute one? Yeah, that's you. Look harmless, but when that one person tries it with you, boom, make the person go black and blue from your black metal thingy..."

Stretching up, Peter looked for a light switch, which was over to the back of the room. Walking over and flicking it, no power. Great. The symbiote helped him see...but would Zoe be alright? Hell yeah! She just done...that! "Hey, I think I can create a generator really quickly..."

She shrug grinning as he ask why she didn't go inside. Zoe was flattered by all his comment but she shook her head. His attempt of making jokes though were actually funny enough, surprisingly he score giggles and scoffs. ''Walking dead...??? don't get me started!'' She miss sitting down in front of the T.V and going through every episode but that show has basically come to life! well without all the drama... She took a deep breath and only gaze at the zombie on spikes, dusting her hands like she lifted something heavy but she was mostly shock she actually had the guts to do something like that. ''I just thought.. we're going to be trap here if they're still trying to eat us alive so.. they were once human and I guess it was best to put them out their misery.'' But then it suddenly click.

''Well, your still a hero. You put their body to rest along with their souls!'' She explains, she didn't know why but this made her really happy. Knowing that there were still good people in this world by all means, she even felt better about herself when she look one more time at the zombies on spikes ''That one going to be call Larry.. and the one next to it Bob and the tiny will be Timmy!'' She pointed to free heads that she could see vaguely in the dark.

Once he mention the lights wasn't working it ruin her joyful vibes.
''I'll just wait here, in this very exact spot.. in the pit of black... with flesh eating cannibals still strolling different floors.. and...uh..'' She call out while she sat on the floor fiddling with her thumbs like a child.. she couldn't really see anything and she just rely on Pete Spidey senses. ''Let just get the metal and get out of here... between how much do we need?'' She ask.

@Ethan Hart
Peter looked back to Zoe. How would they get out of this? The vents? If she was a spider, sure. But that was the only way... 'Think about that later Parker, we need to find the Nth metal...' Focusing on some of the spare Iron Man suits in the room, he dragged it out along the floor and dropped it. Ripping it apart to find parts, he found none of the metal in this one. "Great. One down...five more to go. Well, the five in here anyway..." Clenching his fist, he punched the metal suit. 'Damn it! This'll take too long. I need it today!' With a sigh, he walked over to another, lighter one.

Dragging it out, he began small talk. "So, if we do die, who would you want to die with...other then your family of course. We established that earlier. Me? The hunk of muscle called Cap? Me?" Punching into the arc reactor, he realised this was what he needed. "Wait...wait I can work with this!" Using the wires from the other suit he had ripped apart before hand, and grabbing some of the repulsers, Peter began making a makeshift torch. A few sparks later, a faint blue glow lit up the room. "Blue your mind again, didn't I?" Now that he had some light to work with, he continued to dismantle the suits until...he thought they may not be in the suits!

"Bingo!" Grabbing a ball of metal out of a draw, Peter began to throw it up and down before almost dropping it. "Shit." Fumbling to catch it, he finally grasped the metal sphere. "Nth metal...though it's not enough! And that's all there was here!" With a sigh, Peter looked around for a vent, trying to hold in his anger. "Ever gone vent crawling?" He asked as he jumped up to the top right corner of the room and tugged off the vent cover. Throwing it down next to the suits, he held his hand out for Zoe and waited. "We need more...Wayne tech this time..."

Leaning on the wall sitting on the cold ground listening out for his voice and the metal being toss everywhere, she first was frighten by hearing the earsplitting noise of the punches and metal being torn apart. She was going to search as well best she could but hearing his small talk made he squint her eyes. ''I don't plan on dying today Spidey! we're not.. I hope. But since you ask...'' She then pause as he was saying something about himself and cap, she just waited for that to end and continue. ''Uh, well if I had to pick someone....... I guess it most likely be you Spidey. Congrats!'' She given her answer clapping with a sarcastic smile.. but no, she really did mean it, he save her life and she appreciated that and especially when he ask her to be his partner.. but she did rub her neck feeling uncertain about the time of dying.

''How can you see in the dark? It must be really hard..'' For her it was torture, she kept imagining she was going to headbutt a zombie in the face while it was still pitch black, she crawl along the floor trying to find her away around until her eyes was lured to the illumination ''You did blow my mind along with my sense of direction.'' She could now see figures better, witnessing Tony desk a few inches away she crawl over with mega speed. They're was many pieces of object left scattered about but she pick something up that was reflecting into the glow.

''But wait I think I found something!''
She dash over to him with four small pieces of Nth metal cupped in her hand, extending to show him if this is what they were looking for. ''I never been vent crawling before... let do it!'' even though she wasn't a spider women with spider sense this sounded like lots of fun but she can see the stress on Pete... mask.. no his tone. She shove the material in her pocket and took his hand to get into the vent.

@Ethan Hart
Haha! Peter knew he would get the pick. Ladies digged the Spider-Man! "So I guess that means you trust me with your life already then? Hehe..." Thinking of other possible places where Nth metal could be found and how to go about it. Maybe taking Zoe with him would be too dangerous for the young girl. She was young, attractive and smart! She had a future of an amazing Superhero! Spidey was a washed out hero who, after all of this, probably wouldn't be needed. Maybe.

"Oh, my suit helps me...kind of." He said as he helped Zoe up to the vent. Letting out a chuckle, Spider-Man ignored the whole direction thing. "Well thank you. I won't...last...much," As if on cue, the blue light flickered and suddenly went out. "Longer..." With a sigh, he pushed the girl up to the vent. "Good bye Tony Stark..."

Climbing up after Zoe, he continued thinking to himself. 'But what if they do need me? Spider-Man isn't a person...but a legend! They need me...'

xkeyxx said:
The assassin who was also known as a spy trail down the road, she couldn't get any signal after the apocalypses began.. she was stranded but armed ''This is Black Widow calling into Shield can anyone read me?'' She given her coordinates out there, wasn't much stopping her now since half of the society was gone. She move her hand away from her ear piece as it was all static causing a heavy sigh ''Romanoff out.'' she then turn off her device and simply wondered to find survivors.
She wish for anyone that but right now she wanted particular people.. she found a man with a lot of speed and Loki himself ''Oh please tell me this is just one of your giant illusions...'' She waltz over as there wasn't much else she could do except pull her gun out and aim, since her, the avengers and him had bad history.

''What is this a friend?'' she then scan the flash up and down baffled.

@Creepypasta Hound @Shortyshot
Barry looked at her "Another one...? I'm The Flash" He said simply
They undertake crawling down the vents as she follow Spiderman lead while taking glimpes down at every rooms they past just to be safe. 'Where could the rest of them be..?' she thought while checking the empty messy rooms.. for the..things that would still be hunting them. ''Well I wouldn't say with my life... I mean in time Peter, in time.'' Don't forget they only met probably like afew hours ago. Even if he was the famous Spiderman that put effort into saving her.

It made sense as it was all his suits doing, it wasn't regular so must of been good really useful in assisting. ''Couldn't we have found enough now? I don't understand why he would need so much Nth Metal?!'' Once the blue azure glow in his hand started to dim she gape with shock, well that didn't last long. ''Ah, Shit..'' Cursing, she really did want to get out of the building and on to the next one fast.

''Woah wait Hang on! what do you mean you won't last long?'' She thought it was a bizzare thing as he just said to her, having doubts about being a hero then stating it like he going to die soon. Was this one of his bad jokes? or was he being serious? ''You are going to get of here, get the medicene, give to your aunt and bamb! Done.''

@Ethan Hart

Natasha raise a brow ''And why do they call you 'Flash'?'' he had an idea looking him up and down, she slowly lower her gun and just thought 'I guess I shouldn't... since I can't find anyone else...' she sigh and slip her gun away, but she still was on gaurd.

xkeyxx said:
They undertake crawling down the vents as she follow Spiderman lead while taking glimpes down at every rooms they past just to be safe. 'Where could the rest of them be..?' she thought while checking the empty messy rooms.. for the..things that would still be hunting them. ''Well I wouldn't say with my life... I mean in time Peter, in time.'' Don't forget they only met probably like afew hours ago. Even if he was the famous Spiderman that put effort into saving her.
It made sense as it was all his suits doing, it wasn't regular so must of been good really useful in assisting. ''Couldn't we have found enough now? I don't understand why he would need so much Nth Metal?!'' Once the blue azure glow in his hand started to dim she gape with shock, well that didn't last long. ''Ah, Shit..'' Cursing, she really did want to get out of the building and on to the next one fast.

''Woah wait Hang on! what do you mean you won't last long?'' She thought it was a bizzare thing as he just said to her, having doubts about being a hero then stating it like he going to die soon. Was this one of his bad jokes? or was he being serious? ''You are going to get of here, get the medicene, give to your aunt and bamb! Done.''

@Ethan Hart

Natasha raise a brow ''And why do they call you 'Flash'?'' he had an idea looking him up and down, she slowly lower her gun and just thought 'I guess I shouldn't... since I can't find anyone else...' she sigh and slip her gun away, but she still was on gaurd.

Barry sighed "Here we go again" He said before appearing infront of her in an instant "I'm the fastest man alive"
Shortyshot said:
Barry sighed "Here we go again" He said before appearing infront of her in an instant "I'm the fastest man alive"
The time she blink he was already there, stumbling back only a little but she took deep breaths and took back her balance. ''Fastest man alive huh?? you know... My friend knew someone like that...'' Then she cross her arms as she stroke her chin to think.
xkeyxx said:
The time she blink he was already there, stumbling back only a little but she took deep breaths and took back her balance. ''Fastest man alive huh?? you know... My friend knew someone like that...'' Then she cross her arms as she stroke her chin to think.
Barry narrowed his eyes "Thawne?"

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