Martial Arts conversions

The Mad hatter

Junior Member
Ok, odd qustion no. 2 for the day, sorry for the lengh of the post, spelling errors and general butchuring of the english lanuage

Basicly, i want to know what sort of MA certin types would be seen as, my friends and i have a habit of buying a ton of Magna (i probably just buitchered the word there) and well, in some of it, there is some kick ass supernatural martial arts, and we've been trying to figure out how to translate it into exalted, namly, what circle it would be, the 3 below are the most argued over by us and while im already outlining and putting the charms into format i dont know what level yet to make them (witch helps influnce nessary levels of MA and Essence)

King of Hell--

Basicly half the tree would require a sword to use, main uses of charms would be to move at incredable speeds, slice though pretty much anything, posion another targets essence (easy to avoid and reletavly harmless unless you try to use a great deal of essence till the posion wears off), creat 'mines' so to speak of energy in some spots on the ground that explod after a few seconds, regardless whos standing on them and so on, alot of it is simlar to soler type charms really, but some go well beyond it, or fall short of those charms, so theres been debate on if it hould be celestial or sidreal level

Chronicles of the Cursed sword---

Two seprate paths would come from the styls used in this book, both requiring the sword for ALL the charms, while at lower levels its powers are on par with dragon blooded normal charms, its later level powers can take down dozens (even hundreds) of targets (tho they would be extras, such attacks tend to fall shor or just wound big players), also it has defense ablitys that while not quite perfect, would be strong enough to most the time defend agenst celestial and (in like one or two cases) Solar level scorcery, the top tier ablitys from the twin styles are sidreal level in strengh, one is able to destroy a god even astoundly powerful ones with a single blow, while the other style has the ablity to dain a target of all their powers and devour it.. arguments have ranged from terrestial to sidreal level


While normally great for scorcery there is two ninja'sh people in the serise who displays a viraty of ablitys, like making copys of themselfs (at low end they are pure illusion, at high end while frigal they can hit just as hard as you can), move in stait lines at sonic speeds (not to far however), unleash small blasts of power, and so on, nearly every move is unarmed (though some use thrown weapons), and seems more realistic, while they do seem to get amazingly powerful (one gos toe to toe with the most powerful mage alive and only looses due to surrundering) we kinda figured it would either be terrestial or celestial in level

any suggestions, pweety please?
Kaede's ninjitsu abilities are a lot of the really classical Japanese "ninja powers".  It's pretty inevitable that someone has done a Naruto conversion for Exalted, so I would search for that - those powers should adapt very easily to Kaede's style.

NarutoMod seems to have a start on some of this, and has some relevant links.  Much as I hate to recommend Naruto to anyone, the powers are going to be very similar.
memesis said:
Kaede's ninjitsu abilities are a lot of the really classical Japanese "ninja powers".  It's pretty inevitable that someone has done a Naruto conversion for Exalted, so I would search for that - those powers should adapt very easily to Kaede's style.  Much as I hate to recommend Naruto to anyone, the powers are going to be very similar.
i had thought about that and long ago when i first started to read it did a MA based offa Naruto, i just hoped there was a way to do her stuff without tagging it ... 1170968299

This is a style I made with influence from many stream lined anime.  Originally it was based off of a higher understanding of the essence flowing through one's body, but in an effort to get it accepted into LoM I had to come up with a better theme. (am thinkin about switching it back though as my RL ST's have accepted it into their stories.)

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