Marlon Wendler





Marlon Wendler










While people may be quick to peg Marlon as another typical Career-in-the-making, there's definitely more to him than one may think. Of course he's confident in his own abilities, though certainly not as vocal about his superiority as others. He's a firm believer that actions speak louder than words, and would prefer displaying said superiority than talking himself up. Another one of his defining factors is his calculating and deliberate thought process, something he prides himself in. A quick and effective thinker, Marlon aims for perfection, leaving as little room for error as possible in his actions. Coupled with his expertise in combat, it makes him all the more dangerousand he knows it.   

That being said, he really isn't all that bad of a guy.

In fact, Marlon's a rather easygoing person. He can hold his own in a conversation and enjoys doing so. He's the most comfortable when around groups of people, though that's not to say that he doesn't appreciate some private time alone either. Yet, you'll more often than not find him conversing with friends or family. Strangers though, are a different question. Marlon takes his image and reputation quite seriously. It's likely that he'll treat fresh faces with a tad more formality than he normally would. Never one to lose his composure, Marlon typically doesn't resort to shouting, though a considerably sterner tone isn't out of the question. When it comes down to it, he generally has a good sense of how to act at a given time.


Marlon remains on good terms with his family, though they've been slowly drifting apart as of recently. His parents are often out working, and thus the majority of Marlon's time is spent accompanied by friends. He has two siblings—a sister and a brother both several years younger than himself, with whom he attempts to spend as much of his free time with as he possibly can. Nevertheless, it still feels as if he can never get enough time with his family, a thought that has admittedly upset him a little.

Adrian Wendler | Father | 42

Misty Wendler | Mother | 40

Brooke Wendler | Sister | 13

Dylan Wendler | Brother | 10


Born on a calm and beautiful day, Marlon's birth was joyfully celebrated by his parents, being their first child. The family was small at the time, though this would change when it gained two new additions over the years. Marlon grew to love his siblings, though they were much closer to each other than they were with him. It didn't bother him much at the time, seeing as they were much closer in age than he was. As a result, he would go and seek out friends his own age as well, which he was fortunately successful in.

Both of Marlon's parents worked along the piers, where he too would spent most of his days working himself. In no time, he learned how to swim, catch fish, and steer boats, among other things. He grew up alongside many of his closest friends doing just that for a living, not that they were in any dire need of money themselves. Instead, they lived as contently as they possibly could during the time.

It didn't take long for the Games to gain traction in District 4, where volunteering became common. In theory, it made sense. Their tributes were often well-equipped with knowledge of fishing, crafting nets, and all the relevant skills they learned merely by growing up in their District. Marlon himself wasn't too keen on the idea of voluntarily entering the Games, though that would eventually change when he realized what he was capable of.

He was always a skilled fisherman, most notably utilizing the spearfishing technique. The notion of volunteering soon became popular among his friends, who began starting mock fights and "training" in their free time. It wasn't long until official facilities to begin popping up, preparing those willing for their big year. Of course, Marlon was dragged into participating in these training sessions by his friends, albeit still unconvinced about the whole thing. When he did begin fighting though, he even managed to impress himself. For his age, he was without a doubt talented. Ever since, he's only gone upwards from there.

Only then did Marlon truly realize the repercussions of winning the Hunger Games. He wasn't aware why, but he wanted recognition—more than he already had. He didn't mind the money so much, as his family was rather wealthy, after all. But it was the glory that got to him—he wanted the glory. The previous victors were hailed as idols, celebrities. Gods, even. And so, he motivated himself, pushing himself further and further to one day taste victory. 


Swimming: An adept swimmer, swimming comes just as natural to Marlon as walking does. His speed in the water is unquestioned, and is capable of dealing with rough waters as well.

Fishing & Netting: Unsurprisingly, fishing comes second nature to him as well. He also has experience with making/utilizing nets, which may be used for either fishing or combat, if necessary.

Tactical: For the most part, Marlon's actions are calculated and well-thought-out beforehand. He has a strategic mind, both in and out of combat.

Fighting: Having wielded spears and tridents countless times in his life, Marlon has a great deal of experience with said weapons. Though Marlon's never killed another human being, he certainly has the ability to do so. Years of training and sparring with others has left him proficient in combat, to say the least.

- Strengths -

Physical Strength: Between working and training for years of his life, Marlon can easily overpower most opponents.

Stamina: Accustomed to working long days, Marlon has the fortitude to perform physical activities for extended periods of time.

Undaunted: He doesn't fear much to begin with, but he still rarely allows himself to be afraid, conscious of what other people may think.

Vigilant: Marlon's usually on his guard and attentive to details, not often being caught by surprise.

Pressure: Unlike most, he doesn't suffer or panic in high pressure situations, but thrives in them.


Privileged: Marlon has lived what others may call a privileged life, never having to worry about food, clothing, etc. That being said, he isn't used to dealing with starvation or colder temperatures.

Wildlife: Besides what lives in the ocean, he doesn't possess much knowledge about animals/plants and their possible uses.

Speed: While not necessarily slow, Marlon isn't as fast on his feet as others may be. He's much more suited for longer, prolonged chases.

Overthinking: It's not uncommon for Marlon to overthink a situation, something that annoys him to an extent.

Orders: He has a hard time with following the commands of others, believing that he is the most qualified to make decisions for himself.

-Weapon/Fighting Style-

Trident/Spear, Nets

Fond of using brute force.
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