Marlene McKinnon

A Mysterious Figure

French Horns Are Better Than Trombones

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Name: Marlene McKinnon[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Birthdate: 16th June, 1960[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Age: 15 | Year: Fifth | House: Gryffindor[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Blood Status: Half-Blood[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Wand: 11 ¼”, Alder, Unicorn Tail Hair, Reasonably Springy[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Owl: A snowy white owl with brown flecks across its back, fondly named Splash. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.9919px]Pet: N/A, although she's been dying to get a kitten.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.9919px]Appearance: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.9919px]Marlene has long, slightly curly golden blonde hair, light green eyes, and fair skin with a light dusting of freckles over her nose. She is slightly below average height for her age, and is of average build. She almost never has a warm smile on her face, and her hair is usually hanging down her back, free to fly about as it wishes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Personality: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Marlene is an upbeat, cheerful girl, who loves to chat about anything from classes to boys, and is almost always bouncing around as though she has unlimited energy. She loves her friends to pieces, and enjoys making new friends just as much as she loves talking the ears off of her current ones. She is always there as a shoulder to cry on, a supplier of comfort food and comfort movies, and the girl to go to for hilarious yet awful jokes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Likes: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Food, food, more food, particularly sweet food; her friends, talking to her friends, having fun, hanging out with her best friends, celebrating events (especially birthdays).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Dislikes: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]People that are mean to her or her friends, being hungry, having to do boring things/being bored, when her friends are sad, being alone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Background: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Marlene was born when her mother was 27 years of age and her father was 30 years of age. Marlene grew up in the Wizarding World even though her father is muggle, and she was born and lived in Herne Bay, Kent, UK. Her family would often drive five minutes to Canterbury, the city nearby. As a young girl she always loved to be outside, play rough games and sports with her brothers, and prank her brothers the way they would prank her. Since her mother wasn't the most girly, Marlene grew up as a tomboy, gradually gaining girly tendencies during her time at Hogwarts. Her parents both had very tedious occupations, therefore the McKinnon children were often left running free at home with the occasional nanny.[/SIZE]

Marlene was sorted into Gryffindor House, and she shares her dormitory with Lily Evans and a few other girls. At a young age the two seemed to form a bond, sitting togther during class and at meal times, soon becoming close friends, along with Imogen and Iliana. In Marlene's first year at hogwarts she was never nervous like the other new students, and was very outgoing. During the day she was always fine because she was used to not seeing her parents much during the day, due to their jobs, however at first she was secretly quite scared of being by herself. However, now that she has made friends, she is no longer scared or worried at all.


[SIZE=17.9919px]Best Subjects: Transfiguration, Astronomy | Worst Subject: Potions[/SIZE]
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