"Marian" (feedback and suggestions plzzzzzzz) [Mystery Science Theater 3000]


New Member
Name: Marian Kindlewood

Age: 37

(Tom: A middle aged Solar? Is that even allowed?)

(Crow: What’s she going to do, fight off Deathlords with her walker?)

(Joel: Settle down you two.)

Appearance/Personality: She is just shy of six feet tall, with dusky skin, green eyes, and elbow-length curly black hair usually worn in a simple ponytail. She is a rather heavyset woman, though most of her weight is actually muscle, as she is quick to demonstrate to anyone who would tease her about her figure. She smiles easily and is cheerful and boisterous, always willing to lend a hand or an ear.

Theme Song:

(actually has nothing to do with her, I just like it.)
Motivation: Restore veneration of the Unconquered Sun throughout as much of Creation as possible, in hopes of restoring his faith in his chosen ones and humanity in general.

Intimacies: Her family (this should be obvious), the members of her Circle (likewise), Souvenirs (She has developed a habit of collecting small, tacky, useless trinkets from wherever she travels).

Story: Born in Nexus, the child of second-generation immigrants from Halta, Marian found herself working for the Guild from a relatively young age. She spent the most recent decades before her Exaltation working for a massive caravan moving between the Scavenger Lands and the South every season. While on their regularly scheduled visit to Lookshy Marian, now a young woman, had a chance meeting with a brilliant but jaded Terrestrial ambassador from the Realm. As the two were getting to know each other, however, one of the ambassador’s aides rushed in with inauspicious news; the negotiations between the other diplomats and the rulers of Lookshy had taken such a poor turn that the ambassadors had all been ordered rounded up and imprisoned. Thinking quickly, Marian hatched a plan to have one of her friends in the circus that followed the caravan around smuggle her new friend out of the city by disguising him as an old woman. The handsome young man, deciding he had had enough of the dangerous and frustrating work of serving as the Empire’s spokesman, decided to use the opportunity to disappear and live out the rest of his life among the commoners of the Scavenger Lands, subsequently accepting Marian’s advice to join the caravan. The two were married by the end of the week.

For several years things were as peaceful as the busy, disorganized life of a caravaneer allowed for the family, and they were happy. Marian gave birth to two sons and a daughter, now aged five, sixteen, and ten, respectively. Some time after her thirty-fifth birthday, however, the caravan’s leaders made the ignoble decision to travel closer to the Wyld than they usually did, attracted by stories of exotic clothing and other goods made from mutated animals. Almost inevitably, Fair Folk raiders descended upon the caravan in the middle of the night, overwhelming their defenses almost immediately. Marian and her family were able to flee, but they were pursued for miles by hobgoblins who decided to make a game of seeing how long they would run. When the game drew to a close, however, Marian and her already badly wounded husband made a futile last stand. At least, it would have been futile, but the family was saved at the last minute by a brilliant golden light that, Marian realized belatedly, was coming from her.

(Crow: Funny how often that tends to happen.)

(Tom: Yeah. You could probably make a living in Creation staging disasters for people in hopes of Exalting them…)

Soon all the creatures lay dead, and the family was left bewildered for some time before a certain four-armed gentleman appeared before them to explain…well, quite a few things. Marian took the turn of events surprisingly well, saying she had always felt she had hidden potential that needed to be released, but sadly realized that she may have put her family in even more danger than before. Her husband (who also took things quite well; he had grown as weary of the Realm’s dogma as he had of it’s practices, and having an actual Celestial Incarnae to vouch for her banished any remaining doubts) saw that it was time for her to disappear as he himself had done years ago. Tearfully, they separated, husband and children leaving to join the scattered remains of the caravan, where they told the others she had died stalling the Fair Folk so they could escape. As for Marian, she wandered the land for two years, trying to learn more of her new celestial patron and live in his grace.


PLAYER: Dire Sloth

CONCEPT: Benevolent wandering priest.

CASTE: Zenith












Archery - OO

Martial Arts -

*Melee - OOO

Thrown -

War -

*Integrity - OOO

*Performance - O

*Presence - OO

*Resistance - OOO

*Survival - OO

*Craft (Wood) – O

Investigation -

Lore - OO

*Medicine - OOO

Occult -

Athletics - OO

*Awareness - OOO

Dodge - OO

Larceny - OO

Stealth -

Bureaucracy -

Linguistics -

*Ride - OO

Sail -

Socialize –


Cult – OO (I’m not sure if the advantage can work like this; the idea is that she has been spreading the worship of the Unconquered Sun throughout numerous isolated Threshold hamlets for two years now via heroic words and deeds, and receives a “kickback†of a sort from this accounting for the extra Willpower and Essence)

Influence – OO (As mentioned above, in the course of her wanderings she has earned the gratitude of numerous peasants and commoners in various towns and small cities, mostly in the East and South. She didn’t manage to convert all of them, and not all of them know she is a Solar, but all of them recognize her as the woman who fought off the bandit raid/treated the elder’s mysterious disease/appeased the angry forest spirit/etc., and are appropriately hospitable to her should she end up returning.)

Resources – OO (She carries everything she owns on her back, but manages the bounties, rewards, and loot a carousing adventurer tends to accumulate well enough that she is relatively financially secure.)

Contacts – O (She still knows a few people in the Guild, though she is reluctant to draw on them out of fear of endangering her family)


-Ox Body (One -1 two -2) (Free, p.208)

-Second Melee Excellency (2m per success, p.184)

-Third Resistance Excellency (4m, p.185)

-Durability of Oak Meditation (3m, p.206)

-Friendship With Animals Approach (3m, p209)

-Integrity-Protecting Prana (5m, 1wp, p.199)

-Essence-Lending Method (3m, p.217)

-Flawless Diagnosis Technique (1m, p.220)

-Ailment-Rectifying Method (Free, p.220)

-Body-Purifying Admonitions (Free, p.220)


Compassion – OOO

Conviction – OOO

Temperance – OO

Valor – OO

Flaw – Compassionate Martyrdom


Essence – OOO

Personal – 15 (0 committed)

Peripheral – 37 (0 committed)

Health –

-0 O

-1 OOO


-4 O

Incap O

Bonus Points: 19

1-Medicine to 3

2-Lore to 2

2-Athletics to 2

4-Dodge to 2

7-Essence 3

3-Temperance to 3

EXP: 0
Okay! So, pretty much copy/pasted from the other thread:

I’d avoid having a one in dex. The Dawn was razzed earlier about his one in endurance leading to very easy poisoning. With a one in dex, you’re rather easy to hit, and that means the enemy hits you more and hits you more accurately. ‘Course, I might be biased since I’m giving Midnight a five in that stat.

You can take the extra point in backgrounds to increase one of the others, or you can do something like pick up an artifact. (Found in the Panoply chapter, pg380.) A one spot might be limiting your choices, but there are many useful things back there. Or, as I take a look, there’s a one dot manse hearthstone that’d add dice to medicine rolls. Armor’s nice too.

Charms is hard to guide without a better idea of what you want Marian to be good at. I’m a fan of the excellencies just because they pretty much always apply. Figure out what you want Marian to do well, and take one of the excellencies in that ability. (PS- you forgot the Ability header.) Another thing I put on all of my characters is an ox-body, since that gives you more health levels. Not something everyone does (for example, our other Zenith didn’t). After that, take a look at the charms for abilities you like and see if something jumps out. Just remember to check the requirements before taking it.

I’d recommend melee since it’s nearly a guarantee that as Anathema we’re going to have fights at SOME point. I also like dodge charms, but that’d require some finagling of your abilities to get some levels in dodge. Though with your integrity, you can pick up charms for the ‘it may hit me, but it won’t hurt me’ angle, which is also a legit route.

More experienced players might have better suggestions to make.

Oh, did you take a look at what flaws or merits you might want?
I have updated the page. Would reeeealy like it if someone could double-check my math for me, I'm all but certain I haven't done something right.

No flaws or merits for me, I'm afraid, as I only have the core book. Also, the book says that you can have a number of intimacies equal to your Compassion, then it says you can have them equal to your Willpower plus Compassion. I just got three, as I think you can buy the extra intimacies using BP, but it is rather vaguely worded...

Yay I got bonus bonus points! I feel all happy inside :D

EDIT: Dang, just remembered I wanted to give her a "Pep talks and motivational speeches" specialty for Performance. Guess I'll have to net some XP soon...
Basiclaly, you start with up to compassion intimacies but can hold up to, as the story goes, compassion plus willpower intimacies. If you wanna get a new one, one has to bump out at this point.

I'll check the sheet this weekend. Really tired today. Goddam cold.

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