Mara Isasa, Ambitious Outcaste [Strange Roads, Strange Souls]


Name: Mara Isasa

Exalt Type and Caste: Terrestrial, Water Aspected

Concept: Would-be monarch

Anima: At low levels, water appears beneath her, building up waves lapping at her ankles when she is sedentary, or more violent waves when active. At higher levels, she is surrounded by cresting waves, and every motion of her body is followed by one.

Motivation: Remake the West into a prosperous empire

Getting by in the West is rarely easy, but Isasa did not suffer too much difficulty surviving. Daughter of a reasonably successful sailing merchant, the young woman grew up on an island close to the border of the Coral and Wavecrest dominions, unfortunately falling in the territory of the former. Though supported by an eager military and the contractual safety from most of the local pirates, Isasa grew in a doubly tumultuous climate. In addition to the harsh Northern weather, the perceptive girl watched the condition of her island and those of her neighbors. Not only did the people struggle to get by on their small patches of land, but the world around them was constantly in flux. The nations of Coral and Wavecrest were in a state of near-constant struggle. Seeing her two older brothers taken by the conflict, Isasa quickly grew sickened of the state of things.

On top of the state of war, there were other difficulties to be had. Isasa's home island was close enough to the border of Wavecrest that not all pirates plying the waters were contractually bound to Coral. She was long since familiar with the practice of running for the hiding place in her house with her mother as soon as the warning bells began to toll. If not the pirates, sometimes the Fair Folk made an incursion, and she had heard enough of them to imagine that one would rather be captive of the most brutal pirate than that of the most compassionate of the Fae. By the time she was old enough to be called a woman rather than a girl, Isasa was convinced that the West was in dire need of aid.

It spoke to her talents that she was able to convince the Sea Lord of her island to employ her as a negotiator with Wavecrest. Isasa had a quick mind and a knack for solving puzzles, from simple riddles to unraveling generations-long conflicts. Under the employ of the Sea Lord, she was able to travel as far as Abalone, working to settle conflict between nations, negotiate contracts with islands and pirates, and make bargains with merchants from the more prosperous nations to offer their services to Coral.

However, the farther she traveled and saw of the West, the more trouble she found. For every contract she made, a dozen refused to speak with a woman, or a person from Coral. Isasa grew frustrated, with the feeling she was trying to break down a wall with naught but her own head. If two islands weren't at war, it was because they didn't have enough of value to fight over. If pirates weren't preying on the people, it was the Fair Folk, or rampant water spirits. If it wasn't another island trying to take what a neighbor had, it was the Realm stepping in to strong-arm any resources it could get. Both men and women suffered in the West without proper protection or enough resources to get by. Its sorry state was perpetual, or else would eventually lead it to complete destruction, perhaps the entire direction being taken in by the Silver Prince when he was not content with ruling Skullstone.

For all her effort, though, Isasa could not come to a solution. The people of the West seemed understandably resigned to their state. What hope did they have of making things better, when most of them had a daily struggle of farming kelp in the sea or growing bread on their meager patches of land?

As she struggled to come up with an answer on a trip returning to her island, Isasa's typical disguise was seen through by a Storm Mother, who manifested in a fury before the vessel. Declaring her anger at the sight of the attractive young woman, she began to conjure a storm. Panicked, the mercenary crew of the ship seized Isasa to offer her to the Storm Mother to placate her, dragging her to the hideous apparition and offering her up. In the moment before the goddess could strike her down, however, power flooded through Isasa and she burst from her captors' hands. Isasa's bloodline, as far as could be traced back, had never seen an Exalt. However, the girl knew what had happened as she stood on the deck of the ship, surrounded by an aquatic anima and surging with strength. So did the goddess, who had unwisely materialized to deal with the transgression. In a burst of anger that had been welling up in her for years, Isasa leapt at the Storm Mother and began to pummel her with bare-handed blows. She was no trained fighter, but the blood of dragons was the blood of a warrior, and her fury could not be denied.

When the event had settled down, Isasa climbed back into the boat, the Storm Mother incapacitated, or perhaps dead in the water. She never checked. Fearful of the powerful creature before them, the mercenary ship followed her barked commands unceasingly, and delivered her home for the final time before fleeing the area.

Isasa knew since the moment of her ascension that she was in a precarious situation. She lacked the ability and the will to hide her nature from the people around her, and the Realm would come seeking her out as they did with any unexpected exalt in the islands. Loathing the empire for how it let the West founder and strangle itself, Isasa utterly refused to allow this to happen. Bidding farewell to her parents, the new Chosen of the Dragons managed to book passage on a far-traveling ship, determined to go out into the world.

The West was her home, and she always knew she would return. But she needed to learn, and grow stronger, and find an answer to its plight. For now alone in the world, Isasa was but a young woman, even if she was a Terrestrial. However, she vowed that someday she would return to her homeland with the answer, and the power to guide it as its queen.

Appearance: Isasa was always an attractive young woman, but since her Exaltation her beauty has only grown. Her features are not unusual for a Westerner in general, but the powerful emergence of the holy blood in her has started to affect them already. Standing at 5'4'', the lithe Terrestrial sports bronze skin without a hint of blemish or scar. Her refined features make her look somewhat dainty, but she is of average strength and notably fit. Her dark hair has taken on a shine not unlike the glimmer of sun on the water, and its silky tresses are always neat and well-trimmed. Though short in front, Isasa sports an exceptionally long tail in the back which reaches almost down to her knees, always tied with a delicate ribbon in public. Her brown eyes have turned an enchanting blue, and her teeth are white as pearls. Isasa's petite figure has become fuller as well; anything more snug than a kimono seems to be exceptionally flattering on the young woman.

Beyond the material, the Terrestrial's actions seem to be more refined as well. Though anyone with her features would turn heads moving through a crowd, the hypnotic grace which augments every motion makes the crowd struggle to stop looking. When active, Isasa's every movement seems to flow and entrance, as steady as the tides. And should she be still, her poise and near perfect immobility are reminiscent of the sea on the calmest days, where nothing seems to move for miles in all directions. Anyone within several feet of her can smell the crisp tang of the ocean, and no perfume can mask the scent.

A visual aid.

Character sheet.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—



Martial Arts â—â—â—






Presence â—â—â— (Persuasion â—)

Resistance â—


Craft (Water) â— (Cooking â—)

Investigation â—â—â—

Lore â—




Awareness â—â—â—




Bureaucracy â—â—â—â— (Business administration â—â—)

Linguistics â— (Seatongue native, also Riverspeak)


Sail â—â—â—

Socialize â—â—â—â—â—


Area Of Influence (Finance) â—â—

Area Of Influence (High Society) â—â—

Breeding â—â—â—â—â—

Resources â—â—â— (Harbor shipping company, calligraphy shop, small fine clothing store, several udon and soba stands)

Artifacts and Equipment


First Martial Arts Excellency - 1m per 2 dice, max 2

Second Awareness Excellency - max 3 (+1m)

Second Bureaucracy Excellency - max 4

Second Investigation Excellency - max 3

Second Socialize Excellency - max 5 (+1m)

Ox-Body Technique (x2)


Compassion â—â—â— (Primary)

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—


Empire (Desire)

Her employees (Affection)

Realm (Distaste)

Misogyny (Hatred)
Derived stats here, yo.



-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—


Permanent: â—â—

Personal: 14

Peripheral: 30

Derived Stats: 3

Dodge DV: 3

Parry DV: 4 (Only bashing)

Punch: 4

Kick: 2

Clinch: -

Dodge MDV: 5

Join Battle: 5

Join Debate: 5

Punch: Speed 5, Acc 7, Damage 2B, PDV 4, Rate 3

Kick: Sped 5, Acc 6, Damage 5B, PDV 2, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Acc 6, Damage 2B, PDV -, Rate 1

Investigation: Speed 5, Acc 5 (Cha)/6 (Man), PMDV 3 (Cha)/3 (Man), Rate 2

Performance: Speed 6, Acc 2 (Cha)/3 (Man), PMDV 1 (Cha)/2 (Man), Rate 1 (Attacks whole area)

Presence: Speed 4, Acc 5 (Cha)/6 (Man), PMDV 3 (Cha)/3 (Man), Rate 2

Bashing Soak: 2

Lethal Soak: 1

Aggravated Soak: 0

Hardness: 0

Move/Dash: 3/9
Bonus and experience points. Any other points will be beaten mercilessly and thrown out in the snow. Their kind is not welcome here.


1- Bureaucracy

2- Socialize

1- Conviction

12- Breeding

2- Willpower

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