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Mansions and Shacks


One raining night, a girl was walking down a street, soaking wet. She had an umbrella in her hand but it broke. She looks up to the sky and sighs As she looks at a nice car stops at her

One raining day, A boy who was riding his car looking at the raindrops as he sighed. He had everything at hand no matter what. He looks outside and sees a girl.

Will their fates intertwine?
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Veil was a boy from the rick side of town. He had everything he every wanted and nothing that would change his heart, much like it did for his father and mother but to him, he rather help people. His Butler was driving him around on a rainy day when he saw a girl. Soaked to the bone, and clearly having a bad day.

" Mark, pull over here. " Veil said, looking at the girl.

Then opening the car door. " Hay, need a ride somewhere? " He asked, kindly. Looking up at her. She seemed harmless enough to him.
Jade looked up as she saw handsome young guy talk to her as she pulled a strand of dark hair away from her face. "Y-yeah, I would" she said as she walked up to the car and went to go in. Jade was soaking wet and needed a lift. She had a bad day from eviction and walked soaking with cat calls coming from some places. She went in as she looked down at her fisted hands that were damp yet, suprisingly warm.

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" Alright, Mark. We can go now." Veil said to the driver. " Where to? " He asked the girl with a kind smile. " An I believe I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Veil. Veil Kingslee, you might have heard of me or my family rather??" He said happily, well half happiness half shame.
Jade replied with a light and calm voice, "My Name is Jade, Jade Kristoph" She replied as she blinked and looked him in the face, She blinked twice at him then added, "Y-Yes I think I have" she stumbled. Since he was noble and a wealthy boy, she had complete respect and tolerance against him. She bowed slightly as she glanced at him and then looked away, with a slight blush covering her face.
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Veil smiled then turning to the window, looking at the street lights passing by. " Is it always this cold?.. This lonely being poor? " He turned back looking at her. " Sorry, sometimes I don't realize I'm speaking my mind without thinking. You have somewhere you are staying?" Veil said, trying to change the topic a bit.

" Veil! No." Mark said, looking at him from the car mirror.

" My father is out of town, what he doesn't know wont kill him and she needs a place better then here, Mark!" Veil said, with stubbornness in his voice.

Mark signed. " Just don't let him know I was the open driving you home when this happened" Giving in to Veil's protest.

Veil smiled happily. " So how about it? Wanna come with me? " He asked kindly, looking at her.

Veil knew if she meet his father, it wouldnt be a good story but lucky, he knew when his father would be home and no one would know if she wasn't there when he got back. His father believed him over any one so he had everything he need to make sure no one got hurt.
Jade heard his comment about being poor and he was right. There was no one to care for you...ever. "I-It is" she said as she almost broke to tears, then holding them back. "I don't have anywhere to stay, either" she added

When she heard about his offer, on staying, she replied with a simple "Yes". "Thank you Veil, I'll repay you someway, somehow" Jade replied.
Veil noticed how he almost made her cry but wasnt sure what he could say to comfort her so he just nodded and said " It settled then." He smiled at her hoping to see her smile as well.

As they pulled into the drive, the house was showed. It was a huge Black old Gothic French style home. " Welcome to Kingslee's Estate. " He said, getting out, and having Mark open her door for her. Meeting her on the other side, he smiled. " Hope you like it here. " He said, walking them up to the house door.
Jade stepped out of the car in complete awe. She was surprised at the mansions huge size and its architecture. She was led to the into the house by the Butler and looked around as her blue eyes shifted everywhere. She looked like a kitten exploring the outside of snow or something. Not trying to be rude, she took small, careful steps that were soft and with no noise. Jade was scared to break anything and not to make anyone angry. The words "It's beautiful" escaped out of her mouth as she looked around.
Veil walked in behind her, handing his jacket to Mark. Watching her move around like a lost kitten, made him smile a bit. " Jude. Would you like something to eat or a tour first? " He asked kindly slipping off his shoes.
Jade was speechless but then blushed as he glanced at her. She was hungry, but didn't know what to choose. Jade chose to eat first, not wanting to waste to much energy on exploring the mansion. "I actually would like to eat first." She said as took steps around the main room. She just noticed that she was still damp from being drenched in the rain. She looked at her outfit, then ignoring it.
" Mark, Fix Ms. Jade here, anything she wants. As for me, I'm not hungry so dont worry about it. " Veil said, walking up to Jude. " This way, we'll wait by the fire so you can get warm. " He said, walking right from the main door, into a huge living room. There were Animal heads hanging on the wall, clearly someone was a hunter and a fire going, with a dark red couch in fount of it, the rest of the room had a coffee table and many books and book shelf for reading. " Are you a reader?" Veil asked fixing the fire a bit.
Jade was hungry for some soup so she told him to make chicken soup. When Veil said something about the books, she nodded at his comment. "I know how to read, and I've always loved to read" she said staring at the animal heads on the walls. She looked at the fire crackling as she saw its ashes and sparks flying. She put her hands close enough to the fire but far enough so she wouldn't burn herself. She felt her cold hands warm by the fire, feeling at ease with them.
" Then feel free to read any of these." He said, with a soft but kind voice. After about 40 mins, dearing that time, Veil didnt know what really else to say, he was to busy thinking how he would keep his father from finding out then Veil saw Mark walk in, bowing. " Master Veil, you guest dinner is ready and awaiting her. " He lend up and walking back to the kitchen.

Veil smiled. " C'mon, your dinner awaits you. " He said, lending a hand out to show her the door in respect
She read some of the books for the period of 40 minutes. After that time, when Veil held the door for her, she walked in the kitchen that was beautifully decorated and organized. Jade looked at the table where she was going to the dine. She sat down as she patiently waited to eat.
Mark set her food before her and Veil sat across from her. " Hope you'll like it." Veil said, then Mark whispered something in his ear. Veil face kind of went to a understanding/worried look for a moment before he said. " Take care of it, will you?"

Mark nodded and walked away calmly. Veil then looked at Jude. " I know this must be a bit of a change for you, I am sorry if I scared you or made you feel focused to come here. I just.." He paused. " Wanted a friend." He said, trying to hind the sadness in his voice.
Eating her dinner, that was delicious and warm, she saw Veil leave to talk to Mark, the butler. She was wondering what they were talking about so, upon her finishing her meal, she wanted to eavesdrop, but felt guilty if she did it. Veil came back to her and told her he just wanted a friend. At the upon of telling her that, she stood up and hugged him, "You did earn a friend today and that was me" Jade whispered in his ear.

(I'm about to go sleep (- 3 -) )
" Ja-Jade.. " He said surprised by her actions. " Is everything okay?.." Veil was confused. Never has he felt someone hug him, but her being this close to him explain why. Blood. Only word he could think of as he heard her Heart beat. Veil closed his eye, awaiting the hug to be over.

Once it wa, he step back some with his hand over his mouth. It took him a moment to regain his normally self. Clearly his voice he spoke. " I assume, you like for me to show your room? An would you like for me to get you some clothing as well? It not to much. " He said, acting as nothing had happened.
"U-Um, Yeah both of those that would be nice" Jade said as she stepped a bit back. He was embarrassed and it might have been his first. She was led to her room where she saw the hall. He said he was lonely and she understood his pain.

(Goodnight, I'm out)
Veil opened the door for her. " Here where you'll sleep. IF you need me, ill be down the hall some. Third door on the right. " He said with a small smile. " You can find all your clothing, feel free to try anything and everything on, in the bathroom closet. " Veil added, before nodded goodnight and closing the door behind him.
Jade looked at all of the clothes in the closet. She saw a lot of dresses and chose a pink nightgown to sleep in. She looked at the bed, it being huge. She got on to it and felt how huge it was. Jade liked how it was also very soft and looked at the ceiling. She thought about Veil and his words of being lone. Jade sighed as she thought about the hug. Was it very special or was it not? She got out of bed and walked quietly to his room. She walked to his bed side as she kissed him on the forehead. "Please don't be lonely in my company" she thought as she walked back to her bed. She went fast asleep.
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Veil walked to his room, sitting by the window, looking up at the sky. He thought about how he almost lost control with her, but at the same time, was really happy she felt the need to hug him. He smiled then focused on his writing as the moon light touched his face.


Mark knocked on the door of Veil room. "Master it time to come out. " Veil open the door, wearing his button up sleep sheet and silly sleeping pants. " Mark, you do realize I cant leave the house? " Veil said, a bit angry by Marks stupid moment. " I'll burn." Veil added.

Mark just sighed. " So what would you have me tell Ms. Jade when she wakes?" He said, calmly.

Veil sighed, shutting the door behind him. " Just tell her, to come see me when dressed and dont forget to feed her." He spoke through the door of his room.
Jade woke up, drowsily yet well rested. She looked at the large aray of clothes and picked a dress and put pigtails in her long hair, she walked to Veil's room wanting to say good morning. She walked to his room and chirped, "Good Morning".
" Good morning" He replied through the door, then opening it. His eye, without him knowing it, where red. " How was your sleep?" He asked kindly, then his eyes turned back to normal. Looking at her, she seem a bit zone out. " Everything okay? " He asked calmly.
Jade flushed red when she figured out that she was super perky and not too quiet as her usual self. Has she already had a crush? No, that couldn't happen..yet. "N-No, I'm okay and yes I had a very good sleep" She said in a quieter tone as she played with a strand of her long light blue hair

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