Manning's Village

Risky Vetis

New Member
Laying against a rocky out chopping against the mountains to the North, the abandoned town known as Manning’s Village has become the resting stop and meeting place for hunters and veterans who seek the fame and wealth of ridding this land of the dreaded mystery beast. Dozens of skilled fighters and experienced mages occupied this small run down town, waiting for the best opportunity to succeed at a task thousands of other have already failed at. The King’s claim has brought many here to risk their lives at the promise of a new start and a better life, however the dream was surely dying as the number of people still occupying the area have dwindled in recent years. Those who remain still hold the faith to save this land or better themselves, however it isn’t the only motive of those who gather at this desolate place.

Most of the building structures of this town lay in ruins, either burnt past usefulness or on the verge of calling over. Makeshift tents and small shelters have been set up by previous hunters, providing small meeting places as well as areas to spar. Because of the exact location and natural defenses created by the mountain side, Mannings is considered one of the best abandoned villages in the countryside to meet and prepare. Massive boulders and sheer cliffs protected the sides of the perimeter while the mountain itself shielded it from the wind and weather. Supplies left behind by previous hunters keep the town well stocked in basic equipment as well as food and water, a few black smiths even set up shop to make a quick coin.

There was a single dirt beaten path that lead up to this town, the entrance already heavily fortified by a stone wall with a single passage. Here the fires burn high at night as crowds of people prepare to set out into the forest either in small groups or solo. Here is where the hunting party will gather and talk about strategy, unite under the leadership of one to find this beast and kill it. Together much can be discovered, but alone one will lose their lives. Stay united and work together to unlock the mysteries of the beast and of the Grimm.
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